That My Life ;DDD *

Friday, July 30, 2004

aBit fEd uP..irRated bY dAniel..dUno lorz..haXi..nEed tO eXplaIn thIs aNd thAt tO hIm whEn hE iS nOt mY "hIm" .. i dUn wAn sAe tHis to Him..bEcOz iS VERY hUrting..i uNderStand..bUt if away liKe thAt..haZi..tHen duNo wHy..hE away haB hIs saD mOde wHen i mSg hIm..dUno reAi iS gOod oR baD lIke thAt..mAybe beCoz iS laTe iN thE nght..wAn tO seep lE...tHat whY temPer liKe sO "sHort" siA..bUt hOpewOnt yuaN wAng dE eXplodE tO daNiel lOrz... kNow he iS juZ cOncerN 4 me...
mEet hIm juZ nOw gO cAuSewAy poInt sEe I Robot..tOdAe hE go+ dRive...:] g0od la..sInce i aLSo aBit tiRed..bUt sEe hIm sO tiRed liKe that..haXi..kNow dRIving V tiRed..haB to kEep fOcus oN rOad..nVm...wE nT tIme tAke pubic traNsport mOre oF+en..tHen u asO wOnt sO tirEd :] ..wAt till i gO tAke cAr lic. tHen i cAN hElp tO taKe oVer hIS rOle le..thEn hE cAN reSt whEn hE tiRed of drIving thEn i takE oVer :X tHen todae iS our 2 mOnthS together! haha...i gIf hIm a kEychaIn..hE gIf mE fLowers..*swEet*
hOpe...will laSt...

Memories that fades
9:11 AM

Thursday, July 29, 2004

昨天是他的生日,跟他去吃东四在芽龙..tHeN hE af+er eAting..hE bRing mE tO thE "red diStrIct" haha...dUn nEEd saE sO cleAr..think u asO will uNderStaNd ba..:X becOz i saE wAn  sEe ma..thEn gO..thEn haVent gO in areaDy gOt a uNeAsy fEeling..bEcOz gOt oNe maN cUm oUt fRom tHe aey..tHen aLso nOt iN tiDy cLothes --> uNbluckeD bUttons..tHen aLso gIve mE thE kInd oF "loOk"..dUn lIke thAt fEelinG..aT iF i aM also oNe oF "thOse" liKe thAt... "\ bUt aNyway..aLso i wAn dE ma... bUt gOt hIm wIth mE..s+ill oK la.. dUn lOok a+ thoSe lOok thEy gIF me cAn le..thEn mOreoVer i wEaring a skIrt..mAybe lOok "MORE" like thOse mA...juZ thAt iS a "youNger" oNe dE ..lOl :P
aNyway...thEn wE eAt fInish le..eAt tuRtle sOup + miXed vEgtablEs... thEn he alSo lIke tO eat tUrtle sOup mA...thEn i alSo wAn tRy nEw tYpe Of fOod..thEn gOt eAt abIt lor..althOught is i dUn reAlly eAt..thEn eAt le..nOt baD wOr... bUt i s+ill preFer tHe miXed Veg laH...wAn to Be a vEgetaraN :P .. thINk mY mUm alSo wi bE mOre hAppy laH

Memories that fades
12:08 AM

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

我也不知道你在想whAt..hAxi..yeSterdAe好好得。。然后变成like +hIs..

dAnIel..你真的要我孤独然后你才满意吗。。你的眼里,自子有你能给我幸福..我知道你能做到。。可是我觉的很累。。很累。。变成我要takecare of 你like that..我也是要人来takecAre wOr.. 可以说我的个性是比你坚强。。所以我们很像chnage 角色了。。
我也趁想过试试看。。。。可是因为你的ac+i0n让我在重想。。我喜欢的是比较成熟的思想。。。。可是你的思想有是真的。。 你经历过的东西地却是比我多。。可是你使终还是不了解一些事情。。

Memories that fades
12:42 AM

Monday, July 26, 2004

af+er g0ng sHoppIng wi+h hUa.. wAiting for sChool to eNd aNd laTer mEeting huA~!~ thInking oF thAt sTart to losE fOcuS in cLass lEh :X jiA la+~ duN wAn la+er quz fai agAin laH.. aNyway..laTer gOing jpOint to fiNd preSent fOr "hIm" :X dUno whAt tO bUy..mAybe gEt a wAet oR wA+cH..atEr gO gIft laNd @@ :]

hoPe cAn fiNd sOmething sUitaBle fOr hIm loRz..soMethiNg swEet i hPe sO :x in+eNd to eAt at gelang toOromow :X suddEnly feEl liKe eAting thEre lorz..thiNk of sOmethiNg leH..bE++er thaN hE away thiNk siA..tiRing laH..liaO jiE the heaDaChe oF saEing anYthing :X tOo cOmpleX fOr thE aNswers lEh :X hPe wi enjoy lOts siA


Memories that fades
11:47 PM

Memories that fades
1:18 AM

Sunday, July 25, 2004

oRh..juZ baCk frOm wRk...qUite +irEd la...bu+ la+er g0ing to sEe sHow wi+h sUlinda :X ..becOz sHE sAe sHe wAn sEe meaN gEr..bu+ aoNe sEe sHe dUn wAn..sO i pEi heR loEz :X af+er aalSo wAn tO @@..
tHen aFter wOrk hE cUm fe+ch mE ...haxI..dUno lE...sOmetiMe hOpe He alSo gIf me sOme sPace lOrz..sOmetiMe i hOpe to bE aLone loRz...knOw hE treAt me wE ..tHen...mAYbe wHen sOmeone waN to sTick to yOu..u push Away..wHen hE sTart drif+ing wi hoPe hE sPend mOre timE wi+h yOu...

Memories that fades
3:30 AM

Saturday, July 24, 2004

tIrEd...mAybe thInk un+il tOroMow mUst wOrk thEn tIred lE ba..a+ frSt wAn to leaVe a dAe 4 mYself..bUt thEn wHo aSk jEff gOt sOmethIng oN ma..+heN cAn0+ maKe i+ 4 woRk..tHen i aftEr tHat aso lYdia hUrt..tHen s+ill thiNking oF tAking Her Slot..bOth alSO workinG oPening..tHen i wAn tO dO aBit late..cAn sLeep lOnger :X *tirEd laH* thEn i oNli cAN hElp oNe pEople..jEff reAli cAnot..lYdia saE tHe moSt sQuat whEn paIn..wa..@@ her sAe uN+il liKe thAt aBIt gUilty sIa..hElp jeFf ins+eaD of hEr..haXi..dUnO la..
tHe mOviE "SiSter" NOT NICE.. mUst eMphaSis.bOring n i kEep doZing oFf..tHen "he" kNOw i V +iRed..aSk mE seep alSo..bU+ tHen tHe sOund eFfeC+ s0O lOud maH..kaNa scAre awAke bY thE sOUnd sIa..How tO sLeep liKE thAt :X
aNyway,tOroMow lOng dAE..gOtteN gO sLeep lE...

Memories that fades
9:48 AM

Memories that fades
3:41 AM

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

nOw aGain bOred le...juZ wRite a eNtry..tHen nOw t0o sIanZ le..deCide tO wrIte aNother oNe lorZ.. :X toDae thE teAm sEem abt tEnsE sUddenly lE..aDdisOn suDdenly beCome quIe+ wHile dOing thE wOrk... thInk iS nOt haPpy uS liKe nOt dOIng aNythiNg..But aSk hiM le..hE dDnt sAe neEd to fInd wHat le ...
aNyway..."hE" mSg mE..saE laTer hE mAybe gOIng to *eSplanate 4 iNtervIew (* pai Sei..speLling nOt V gOod la..hOpe u aGar kNow wHat i mEant la ) :X a+ fIrst hE g0ne 4 a iNtervIew a+ U2 - habOurfRont.. tHen thE joB sEem sImple..bUt sAe wan sPend tiMe with mE bUt the jOb neeD to wOrk wEekeNd..sO he duN waN..i dUn mInd de..sInce i aLSo cAn gO out with wEekdae,, hE eASy lifE oN hiS joB aLso gOod ma..wOnt sO s+reSs uP..sInce hE aLSo bUsy jUggliNg hIS prOjeCts & NDP thIngy.. hE oK cAn le lorz.. i as0 aNy+hIng dE ma..
aLs0..thInk oNli u kNow mY thIs b0g ba.. u laH..aH seNg rIght? :X dDnt gIf aNyoNe yEt..beCoz gOt pErsOnal thing liKe wHat "s0r+ 0f pRobLem" wiF "him" ...tHen aBit bU faNg piaN le+ thEm kNow..beCausE scAre mAy sPread to cErtaIn pEople wHich bU faNg piaN kNow all theSe dEtails..maYbe will gIf lyDia laH..sinCe i aLs0 g0t prOblemS..alSo toK to her De.. sEe hOw dAnieL sEe all thEse eNtriEs i pUt uP..duNo he wiLl thiNk wHat leH..sO keEp i+ beTwEen we 2 pEople to kNow aBout tHe exiStencE of mY bl0g cAn le :]
n0w wAiting 4 preSen+a+i0n..thE teAcher dun0 whAt tiMe cuMing..thInk sHould bE 2.30pm bA... thEn prEsent le..dO my hOmewOrk..thEn mEet sHen faNg,aManda + jiA yIng tO gO mAybe maKan thEn 4 thE gUiter :) g0 leH gUi+er sh0uld bE will paSs V faSt le bA..sOon wiLl be at hMe thEn nIght fAlls...gO slEep..thEn iS fRidAe leH~ ya~ aNother wEekeNd cUming leH :X aLso goIng sh0ppiNg witH rU,linG + mAybe jIng tOromOw .. bU+ cAnot sPend aLot la..nOw bRoke lE..thEn nEed to sTart sAving mOney..aLso dUno saVe fOr wHat pUrpoSe..s+ill thiNk go+ saVing bEtter.. neXt tme alSo wiLl neEd dE ma.. tHink thiS blOg V faSt aLso will bE full lE ba..aLmOst eVerydaE alSo gOt uPda+e..tHen sOme+imE peR dAe aLso p0s+ m0re +haN a eNtry..:X t0o sIanz a+ sCh s0 kEep wRitinG n wRiting :X

Memories that fades
11:16 PM

Memories that fades
10:11 PM

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

+0daE sCience leSson sEem lIke thE fIrst +imE i cOnsidered +o+ally unDerStaNd :X thEn aLso thE wOrksHeet n0t V chiaM n loNg sIa..gOt eNough tIme loRz..iF duN haB thE tak loRz... thEn thE taLk asO siaNz sIanz..iF nOt fOr tHe cE pOintS..i alsO duN wAn tO gO sIAz.. *bOred*
thEn later mEeting mY mEntoR cHit cHat..tHen sHe sAe wIll heLp mE cHAnge cOUrSe..beCoz i tOld her mY cOmputer tHing Not gOod..wAna tAkE a cOursE wiTh leSs IT lOrz...thEn lAter gOing hOme eArly tO sTudy mY coMputer teSt toRomow ... :X..If i haB thE cOncentrAtiOn to sTudy loRz...(whIch i aLwAy duN haB :X ) bu+ thEn hOpe cAn dO wEll laH :X *wiShful thInking...IF i ddnt study ,unleSs i tiaN cAi laH * :X
mM...yeSterdAe weNt to wOrk..thEn uYub keEping lAughing aNd laUghing For duNo wHat jOke aSh wAS saEing..thEn "mother" *kanagah* tolD mE hE wAs lAughing frOm 6pm (cUm dOwn fRom uSher tO help uS) till nOw..(8pm) haha...if hE trAnsfer dOwn wOrk witH aSh...cOmfirm eVerydAe alSo sO haPpy dE :X..aLSo V s0On will gO *siaOz* sia :X
duNo toDae thInk oF the sCience pRoblem toO haRd le oR wAt...gEtting heaDaChe agAin thEn alsO s+omaCh paIn..wHere aLso paIn...jIa la+ sIa... boDy goIng to bReak dOwn lE :X

Memories that fades
11:07 PM

Monday, July 19, 2004

ThiNk mY reSults 4 mY scIence tEst gOIng tO.... lEh...bUt neVerthEleSs...hOpe thEre iS a mIraCle...t0 paSs..juZ a juZ paSs cAn le...i rOng yi maN zHu 4 thiS sUBjeCt :X alSo..tHis tiMe Vb leSson i wAs abLe to uNderstaNd bet+eR..*sEnse oF aChievement*
tHen mSg daNiel hEre aNd thEre...thEn hE iN+0 sAd m0de aGaiN..i aLso dUno hOw to eXplaIn to maKe hIm unDerStaNd... it iS nOt sO eAsy tO wAt breAk oR wHat... mOreoVer... it is n0t aS if i nO gaN jUe 4 *him* sO in +hIs cAse..wHy i wAN to eNd it..? i aLsO wAn to mAke eVeryoNe hAppy bu+ i reAliSe i CANT... beSt iS ntH haPpen b4...duN gO cAthay wOrk...sHould s+icK +0 my wAitreSs jOb thEn wOnt kNoE hIm..wOnt kNOe U..a+ leAst nOonE wi bE hUrt...mM...mAybE tHe pRoblEm be+wEen mE n hIm iS juZ sImply i +hiNk hE sUit 0tHer gEr bEst..beC0z thEy Are mOre alikE..iN the wAy thEy lIke...aNd i ? .. sEem sO laId baCk while hE iS sO wiLd dE tYpe..sO uNlike..Maybe cAn saE oPposite a++raCt..bUt i dUn wAn bec0z oF mE..hE haB tO s+0p dOing sOme stUff tHat hE enJoy..haZi...mAybe i feel inferiOr..bUt thEn dUno..maybe iS the pRoblem..mAybe n0t..juZ whAt i feEl..bec0z the mOre i sEe the ger..the mOre i thiNk sUit hIm more...aLso the ger alSo lIke hIm b4 loRz...
luV iS sUppoSe tO be GreAt...eNjoy...hAppiNess...mAybe i aM thiNking t00 mUCh..whIch giVes tHe prOblems thAt sHould nOt eXist,,bUt i also duN wAn de

Memories that fades
11:23 PM

Memories that fades
6:32 AM

Sunday, July 18, 2004

mM...a+ fIrsT mEet hIm thOught g0ing to +ok whAt sErioUs sUbjeCt..meaN real sEriouS...bU+ duN haB..iS fiNe leH.. bU+ then..s+ill dUn fEel rIght...h0pe i dUn +hiNk sO muCh..bE++er Off..
thEn danIel meSsage...i alSo bU faNg piaN rePly whEn wIf hIm..i dUn wAn lEt hIm wU sHi raN xiaNg..hE alSO V gOod in thaT wOr..thEn rePly mOre slOwer..thEn daNiel uPset..wAt u waN mE to dO ma.. i dUn waN to dO wHat to hUrt until hIm..aNd i aLSo dun thiNk i diD quiTe wRong..iF u aRe in my sHoe..maYbe u wiLl dO the sAme...i aLso duNo..
mM...duN reAli liKe..whEn hE gEts tOo toUchy..aNd raTher thAt thaN to tOk... duN wAn gO hiS hsE..bU+ sOmehOw i aLso giF in tO wHat hE wAn..uneSs i V dEtermIned..and thaT hAppeN wOr !~! nOt sO pUshoVer aFter a ..aNd thAt iS gO0d...

Memories that fades
5:16 AM

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Mm..tOdae tIreD dAe..a+ fIrSt thiNking oF pEi SheN faNg tO gUiter lESson bUt thiNk bUay tahaN sIa..sInce yeSterdAe wOrk unTil late thEn aLSo neEd to chAnge sChedule aLl that..*ma fan* bU+ aLSo teMp to gO sIa..n0w plAy un+il aBit aDdicted le :]
thEn g0 wOrk..sEe sO maNy peOple..@@ un+il siAnz sIa..
tHen finAlly taHan uNtil oFf wOrk..tHEn go maXwell wIf yIngsIng,cHristiaN & xiaO gOU..tHey eAt..i @@ maG..duN fEel liKe eAting sia..mAybe abIt tIred le lorZ..tHen in bUs cHatted with Sing..wA...imPreSs bY hoW ma+ure sHe bEcOme..thiNk wHen tHrough alot ba..tHat y..
hE sAy wAna tOk..sAE aLot of thIngs to t0k..duNo wHat..bUt duN lIke i+...duN sEem gOod altHough all thEse taLks alway tuRn out fIne but i alwAy sTart tO thiNk aot aF+er thAt..whIch i duN wan..+irEd to +hiNk..dUn h0pe to sEe prOblem bEtwEen uS aNym0re..

Memories that fades
9:59 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Mm...FirS+ eN+try iN mY owN jOuRnal wOr...:X mM...did not expect me to have a journal wor..bec0z i alSo cAnot maIntaIn l0ng ma...sO after awHile..mY joUrnal will lef+ tO ro+ leH :P bU+ +hEn h0pe +his +ime mIracle haPpen la..cAn tahaN wOr ^_^

Anyway..mM...aNother reaSon whY i dUn wRite jOurnaL iS beCoz i thInK iS whEn u aRe fEeling uPset oR wHat, thEn will wRite..DiffErent peOple have dIfferent viEw ba..sOme peOple will alSo write whEn theY are haPpy..bUt mE le..tRy to kEep a baLanCe la..duN wAn mE bl0g sO "bei" *sad*

haHa...aNyway..i g0+ al0t of tiMe to kEep uP my bl0g laH..sInce evErydae iN sChool alSO uSing iNternEt..sO shOUld be haVing aLot oF enTrieS wOr..aLmost evErydae exCept wEekeNd :P (oFf dAes fOr my bl0g)

So kEep y0ur @@ 0peN foR mY eNtriEs..cAn uSe it to eaSe y0uR bOredoM LIke mE loRz..aLway reAd my fRiendS' bl0g t0 eN+er+aIn mE :X


sIgneD oFf *xiaO maO*

Memories that fades
9:36 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
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