That My Life ;DDD *

Thursday, June 29, 2006

diS fews daes not been sleeping well. maybe till thurs, e hours i sleep add up is probably not more than 20hrs. based on average, person shld sleep at least 7 hrs per daes. so total of 4 daes shld be 7 x 4 = 28 hrs... so can basically understand why dis daes i hab running nose n feeling so dead..tink i broke e record on wed night.. slept onli 3 hrs e most. juz tat dis daes so stress up wif my fyp project which is due in 2 weeks time n my project is still so many tings haven done.. even sleeping aso tinking about e problem. so is like sleep n wake continously.


after yesterdae miting my bOi.. my sleeping problem miracle suddenly disappear. told him he is my sleeping pill le :) lovely dae.. time spend is preciously nice :) tink maybe aso yesterdae i manage to contact a programming who can help to solve of my fyp problem. so dis sun miting him to discuss how much he can do.. which hopefully all la :x then i can work normally le..

& cathay tink cheat my money sia.. dis month pay so less.. worst still nt month is my boi birthdae.. and i intend to probably buy a pSp for him :) and also c0ok up a meal.. n buy a well-known dish feature in e tv as i tink he is drooling when he see it.. but then is aso quite ex.. tink e totally meal i prepare n gg to buy will cost about $70. ordering tat one shld be about $40. then aso hab to buy watever ingredient gg to c0ok 4 e meal..

so hope he keep his hand tight.. dun itcy buy e pSp first.. but my bank now is pathatic.. not even enough to buy.. probably ask my mummy gif my allowance earlier.. then nid to work abit mre.. else e following month after i buy e present le is eat bread le sia..

*are u e one? i tink u are :)*


Memories that fades
8:06 PM

Sunday, June 25, 2006

duN feel like paying attention to my lesson.. so here i am.. blogging ar..:x

yesterdae mit up wif my boI.. went to his dad hse alone.. thought i may lost my way but surprising turn out well :) n surprising aso reach v early ar.. thought i will be late but who know i reach thr.. i am e first out of my boi n his 2 brothers to reach.. chatted wif his aunt n bOi came shortly :)

haB a delicious dinner yesterdae cOok by his dad n co-help by me.. abit ar :x

went back to bOi hse being fetch by bOi mUmmy.. pEi him play game while i read men's health.. then to his friend hse pass him cd n brough hot milo n tea along.. dis time go home alway both will buy 1 hot milo n tea while he drive me home.. new habit :x

juz waiting for him to pass dis week.. then will all 8am to 5pm.. :) although no much different.. like now is one dae stay in, another day only come out but at least can see him mre often. guess reali distance make hearts fonder :x althought not reali how far.. is hard to mit..

sweet daes.. again ")

malaysia trip wif doggy is cancel on wed. becoz she nid to help take care of her niece n nephew till 3pm+ and i dun see e point going when we will reach thr about evening.. becoz i intend to see movie or kTv ma.. then time so short.. so no point ar.. but will find another dae to g0..

but then... i postpone my work from tues to wed...

then i can do my project.. time running reali short.. nid to buck uP.. then maybe got enough time.. can mit huBby for dinnEr :)

i loOkin forward to tMl..

Memories that fades
11:40 PM

Friday, June 23, 2006

yEsterdae mIt uP mY bOi.. tiNk tIngs aRe mUch oKay nOw.. sTarting guEss aBit awkward n ruShing for time.. so ddnt spEak mUch.. after tat in bUs.. like got tok about e problem n stuffs like tat.. n iS better now ar.. at least he iS sad about e matter whr i thought he will live until quite happy sia :x

but then.. like alway a quarral.. itS jUz mAke uS mOre zhen xI more. esPecially he hUg me so tat tight on e busstop, is jUz make me feel like i reali a iMportant one in hiS life.. ")

went to clementi to change his disk n makan over thr.. then went back to his hse shortly after tat.. guess time is more precious now.. so rather spend private time together :)

intend to play game.. but after changing e disk.. its aso cannot work sia.. so nid to make anther trip down again ~! t0o bad i cant reali rememeber e location of e place.. else i can help him to make e change..

his time now is very pack.. one dae w0rk, one dae off.. but is like off at 4pm.. so like half of e dae gone.. even e weekend is not spare.. hab to work like tat aso.. :( but then.. will squeeze out e time for him..

next week will onli be seeing him 2 daes becoz i am working on tues whr he will be booking out.. but no choice.. i hab to earn enough money to buy e present for his birthdae + aso ensure tat after buying e present.. i will have enough to survive.. e present will cost about $410.. i intend to buy dS light for him.. wif everyting included, e cards, cover all tat.. ask his friend help mi psycho him dun buy first :x n i tink is working la.. becoz he aso ddnt sae he wana buy now sia.. tink will be a best birthdae present for him becoz i know he aso will like heart pain to buy e ting wif his salary so i buy ah :x

later will be miting my friend for project.. then will be alittle of shoppin to find a birthdae present for my friend.. next month alot of friends birthdae.. am going broke especially wif my boi birthdae present cuming uP. juz hope tat he be a little good boi dun buy tat first till i buy for him sia..

nt wed will be going malaysia wif xiAo gUo.. am looking forward.. :) both target go thr eat secret receipt e cake le.. + maybe shld be going to watch movie or go e ktv.. am going to keep myself occupied until i see him on thurs :)

juz saw him a while juz now to take ting n already missing him :(

Memories that fades
8:26 PM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

i sUrvivE thR mY dIvIng :) th0se 2 daes of dIving iS tiRing bUt qUite enJoying..eXcePt e fAct tat i cAnt kEep duN stAy aFloat sIa.. duNo h0w to usE my boDy to sInk.. sO moSt of e tiMe is floAting aRound.. aNd bI haB to keEp hElping to pUll mE down..thaNkz ya.. bUt haI hIm cAnt totAl eNjoy hImsElf.. naTurally haB sLight conFlict oVer diS aS hE likE kEep tElling mE h0w to siNk.. bUt i jUz cAnt.. : evEntually.. i maNage to learn mYself at e laSt divE :) thOugh i got floAt away aT timEs.. bUt impRovement.. bUt my instructor saE nt time if go again.. he will bring me back to poOl to practise mre first :x bEc0z it is dangeroUs tat i float up so fast as it will cause lung overexpansion.. :x serious injUry sia ..

diS few daes is not go0d daes.. dUn wAn to saE muCh..but then it will paSs quIckly i guEss..

i guEss tat "inciDent" mAke mE chAnge aBit.. iS v huRt.. mAybe for qUite sOmetime.. i tiNk i haB a wAll inSide mAy pRobably nId qUite a pEriod of time to mElt tat down..thOugh it mAybe tRue.. bUt e woRds aRe tOo ovEr.. at e point.. mY heArt haS pRobably "stoP"..

tiMe.. e recOvery pEriod.. t0 eaSe e inciDent.. e wOrds.. e hUrt inflict..both will jia u and imProve on dis..but i still continue work hard..carry e h0pe on us..h0pe diS will be e laSt time my heart "stop"..

*a hEart tat stops too frequency,may eventually end uP dead*

but at least, glad ya realise tat n make e "zu dong" , at least tat brOught a smile to me :)

Memories that fades
7:32 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

diS 2 week busy wif work.. and diving lesson...

kinda stress with the diving lesson.. maybe becoz i am e slowest + nid more time t0 learn de.. e rest are guys.. and i am e onli gal.. somemore seem tat guys absorb faster sia.. or maybe is juz me..being e slowest n more troublesome one in e class reali is a stress.. guess e rest wont understand n neither will bi understand.. but at least he will help me along.. so is ok ar..

then s0memre 0nce i kan chi0ng.. will forget dis n tat.. then more crop uP sia..and tml will be going for my diving course at dayang (malaysia) le.. h0pe everyting will g0 on fine and i be back alive :x

& of course h0pe esther (another instructor) will be going as if got anyting.. it will be easily toking to a female.. n i h0pe i w0nt get my "auntie" thr dis 4 daes and NO FLU! else cannot dive le..

t0ld bi tat he like change abit.. sae treat me m0re c0ld le.. then he sae: "2 years le ma.." -_-"" but at least after telling him tat.. he g0t treat me lots better..especially dis an enjoyable week so far :x

i am not sure of dis relationship will go how far n how long.. it may not last.. it may.. but i juz leave it naturally.. if e time is uP.. then i will juz let it g0 ba.. but at least 4 more.. it is improving juz tat he still nid to adjust abit of his temper aH~

Anyway.. brought GNC vitamins for dad.. like father dae present.. who kn0w i check.. it happen tat my dad birthdae is 2 dae later.. so is like combine father dae present n his present :x frankly, i lost track of time when is e last present i gif me.. "x guess my m0mmy is more important t0 me sia.. :x tat i tink since duno how many years back.. every year aso will gif :x

pRay for no cork uP and my safely oKay :x

see ya ~!

Memories that fades
8:00 PM

Friday, June 02, 2006

Finally my hoildae is hEre~! next week gtten be a very busy week because i am working 4 daes.. going swimming + maybe k on wed.. fri after working going out celebrate my friend birthdae.. weekend ah pun cum out then tink starting on the subau diving course training lesson le.. guess my hoildae will be gone before i knew it based on the fact tat i dun tink i will hab much time to enjoy.. after dis hoildae. i hab to tahan about 2 months b4 my next hoildae cum al0ng.. arg.. i nid mre daes in a week.. if i hab 8 daes in a week.. at least i got a dae to spend the dae on tings i wana do~!

but nevertheless, the fact of not going to school already lighten up my m0od.. especially after finishing my accounting test yesterdae where i dun hab time to finish every qns.. so comfirm go0d bye to my 10 marks... :x but i think i can still pass ar.. since i aso duno how to do e 10 marks qns.. so i pay alot of emphasis to the other rest of the qns..

after tat.. rush down to jurong east to mit my boi pei him go his amry bbQ at east coast.. relief tat he drove becoz its reali heavy habing to carry my bag, laptop and another paper bag with my clothing n barang since i staying over for e dae at boi's house.. waited for another of his friend n his parther b4 we set out. his Sir reali hab weird weird law.. sae all must bring a parther, and MUST be a gal.. nevertheless ur mother, sisters,cousin,aunt.. :x

but then.. alot of them ddnt bring.. boi n some others are just e minority.. :x tink most are unattached.. n some wana leave their gfs at h0me :x

get to know better with some of his army friends.. but already mit them b4 when we go n see davin code wif them last sat.. but then.. they are great company ") and i totally does not left oout of space

am now alone in boi hse in his room doing my project wif his little bro is outside playing maple :x trying to figure out how to use the calender control in VB as i am not taught about it in e past.. ddnt bring my b0oks borrowed from library so trying to search in e net.. but then.. i ddnt see e information i wana sia~ any1 knw.. can hao xin teach mi ma? :x trying to buck up on my project le.. last few parts is my friend do de.. and i been slacking.. so i going be doubly quicken my step to do some parts aso while e work can be seperate out.. tink my project got about 1 mth b4 deadline~! and i hab "make appointment", using flash to do animation,"shopping cart", search function and "make payment" haven done.. arg~! 2 weeks of a hoildae is not enough ar.. nid to work.. enjoy.. n project~

boi went off to help his dad work.. duno wat time will be back.. at first wan go wif him de.. but guess i t0o tired.. onlli clearly remember he sae.. "bye,sweetheart" and e do0r close le.. :x..

be bAck fast.. :x

Memories that fades
7:32 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
currently working as HR,
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