That My Life ;DDD *

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

aBit bOrEd nOw..sO dEcIde to wRite eNtry fOr my bog.. sIncE i aLSo bE gOing cAmp fOr thE nExt 2 dAes aNd wOrking aFter tAt..sO will bE quIte sOme tiMe b4 i wRite agAin bA..fEelIng aBit oF eMpty witHin mE aNd i kNOw thE reaSon..nEvertheLess...thInk bEtter Not sAe mUch laH..

laTer gOIng to sEe dhrama wIth daNiel n kaImeIz.. mM..duNo meIz will gO aNot maH..sAe sHE mAybe cant maKe it..nVm..i juZ gO wiF dAniel tO sEe lOrz :P fiNd yiLi gO..sAe duN wAN be liGhtbuLb..iDoit dE..bUt thInk sHE alSo sIanZ laH..aFter sChool nEed gO oUt aGaIn..thiNk sHe sTudy fOr hEr O leVel bEtter laH..

aFternOon pEi mY mUm gO n coLlect hEr "gOods" sHe bRought sOme faCial Stuff..thEn wAlk tO aGar lengkOk bahRu thEre lOrz...aT fIrst inTend to gEt my caMp conSent foRm fRom daBbieS de..bUt laZy gO jURong la..thEN bLuff mE preSident sAe i wORking..thEn cAnt coLlect frOm hEr..thEn hE ok..sAe paSs to hIm neXt practiSe leSson :P sO gOod~! wAn to gO oUt..bUt duNo fiNd whO gO oUt..aLl sEem bUsy wiTh sTudieS...sO i jUz rOt aT hMe LOrz..haHa..and itS nOt a pRobLem for mE..jUz bY sLeEping cAn taKe uP mOSt oF thE dAe leH..fEeling laZy laH..tHen hElp to iRon clTheS n paCk sTuff..lAter sTill nEed sWeep fLoor laH..laTer mUm coMplaIn mE aGaIn..saE i at Hme rOt sIa..diD notHing..

aFter mOviE gOIng to chInesE gaRden wiTh dAnieL sEe tHe duNo wAt thIngy laH..hOpe tuRn oUt fIne~ aT fIRst mEtta aSk mE gO mOvie wif thEm..fEel lIKe goIng..bEcoz nEver gO oUt wiTh tHem b4..bUt thE shOw aLReady haB plaN to wAtch wiTh otHer pEOple lEH..sOrry la~ gOt chaNce dE..gOt to gO lEh..laTer lAte 4 shOw nOt gOod laH :P

*eMptiNEss inSide mE..wi neVer bE aNswEr...juZ a mYstery..tAt will nEver bE unfOlded..*

Memories that fades
1:52 AM

Monday, September 27, 2004

mm..jUz cAme baCk not lOng aGo fRom wOrk..wOrk l4 toDae fRom 3pM to 10pM lOrz..aT fiRst is 10pM de..bUt asRi mC..thEn i cAnt wOrk till 12aM..sO aSked mE wOrk eArLier..tHen sEe cAn fInd whO eXtend to 12aM lOrz..thEn haPpy lOrz..cOz wOrking nIghtz + wEndy taN wOrking clSing + at l4 ~! beCoz gOt tHIng to toK to wEndy ma...then at l5...also not much pple nOw lOrz..sO sIaNZ...thEn l4 beCoem mOre fUn leH..

b4 goIng to wOrk..hElp kJ bUy fOod..sAw sUlina + One more cInesHop gEr..fOrget thE name lE...chAT witH thEm aBIt..thEn mAke my wAy uP..pAtch iN thEn tOok naCho chIps down...fEeling aBit tiRed..aLthought slEep eNough :P bEcoMing a pIg lE..

sOmEtiMe i fElt reAli bLeSs..tO haB 2 gUy whO LIke tReat mE wEll..bUt thEn .. fAte oR wAt.. tHe gUy tat i Once clOse to iS nOt thE oNe i aM wITh wHile tHe oNe i Not sO clOse to..iS oNe tat i wiF..mAybe tAt why i bEfore thEn haB sO mUch pRoblem witH hIm..bEcoz i dUN undErsTand hIm..bEcoz wE did not reALi gOne thRought thE noRmal wAy oF fiRst bEing reAl gOod fRienDs fiRst.. is Ok NOw..thaNkz to lyDia aDvice..a gUy whIch i thOught sUit mE bEtter...iS nOt wHo i wIth NoW..bUt thE gUy wHo aLway bRing laUgher to mE..iS wIth mE nOw..cOnfUsed...all gOne wRong..Not i wAn it to Be tat..i reAli duNo hOw to iS jUz thE stArt...aNd thE first..

Memories that fades
10:18 AM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

working mM..coNsidered a full dae toDae..tiRed..beCoz weNt oUt wiF hIm oN sAt..wEnt hIs hOuse..hiS muM wAs sUrprIse tO sEe mE..thInk thOUght i duNo hOW to gO hiS hOuse,sInce hE aLway iS thE oNe cuMing dOWn to fEtch mE.. iN fAct..i nOt reAli kNOw hOw to gO la..jUz aGar reMembEr sOme sIgnificAnt pLaces aNd buIdling LoRz..thEn wEnt to hIs dAd ofFice to tRy to fix the kEyboaRd bUt cAnt..sO hE hab to bRing baCk to sIm lIn agAin lOrz..thEn eAt wIF hiM n hiS dad .. thEy wEnt to eAt tuRtle sOap..thEn i eAt chIcken sOap..NicE laH..tHe hErb V thIck lOrz .. :P

aFter tAt wEnt eASt cOAst riDe bIke..aBit boNze laH..nOt reAli aBit la..sEe pEople aBit shakY lE..luCkily ddnt riDe inTo thE pEOple laH :P thEn wEnt to taMpineS to sEe movie..wAtch reSident eVil at tHere..thE moviE duNo wAt de.. dDnt heArd b4 de..wAtch 11.15pm..thEn mUm cAlled..kaNa sColded..bEcoz theSe feW dAes bEing goIng hMe lAte..aiyaH..i nOw hoiLdae..At fiNd tiME pEi hIm n mY fRieNds..thEn mUst uSe wiSely ma..reOpen sChool wHere cAn eVErytIme chIong ma..tHen i jUZ saE bUy tiXz le..tHEn wAIt her sCold fiNish tHen pUt doWn pHone..wEnt to eAt at paStmanI..hE nOt reAli hUngry..bUt i aBIt lOrz..thEn he orDer 10-inch pIzza..i cAnt fiNish..sO hE hElp mE eAt.. aFter thE sHow..hE dRive my hMe..mAYbe dDnt giF the fOOd digEst..thEn hE V unComfortabLe..vOmit upOn reAching my hSe..thEn pEi hIm wOrk aRound..thEN hE feel bEtter , aNd i cAn aN xIn gO hMe la..By thEn aLready aLmost 3am+ lE lOz..lUckily wEnt hme..mUm fall asLeep..duNo wAt tiMe i cUm hMe "p

work witH saMantha aNd weNdy..aT fiRst iS rAy dE..bUt He mC..sO wEndy l5 lorz..aBit slaCk la..bEcoz whOle tiME coUnting dOwn to oFf woRk..nOw woRk aBit sLAck lORz..sIanz.. thEn aBit laZy laH..lUckily mRning kmeIz aLSo woRking..thEn Pei mE chAt chAt uNtil samanTha cuM..thEn nt thAt baD le..we 2 promIse gO dYe haIr whEn got our pAy..lOoking foRward..mAybe coPper brOwn + hiGhligh gOlden :P

Memories that fades
8:53 AM

Thursday, September 23, 2004

tOdae oFfically mY meNses oVer siA..GoOd la..sInce i gOt a cAmp nExt wEek lorZ..sO aBit bU faNg pIan witH meNsEs sIa..anywAy...woRkIng qUite aLot theSe fEws dAes..Not reAli aLot laH..bUt wOrk uNtil siAnz n sIck lOrz...jeFf wIll bE gOing fOr K bOx interView...aSk me wAn aNot lOrz..sEem Not baD sIa...thiNk mOre reLaxiNg n fuN~! thEn iF heNg heNg aLso At cEin...cAn wOrk bOth loRz...aFter oNe cAn wOrk aNotheR oNe lOrz..bUt duNo sIa...i alSo nEed tiMe to gO oUt oR tAt..tHEn lIke tAt lIke sEem nOt eNough tiMe fOr evErything...jEri also cAlled to aSk mE aBout a joB aT a reStaurant beIng a cAshieR lOrz..jeRemy aSk me duN loRz..saE laTer coMplicated tYpe oF plAce foR me ... tOdae sO maNy prOblEm...wiTh eVelyn n eVe aRouNd..wAs aSkeD tO d0 68 drInks fOr redemPtiOn..34 icE teA...34 coKes.. by terrEnce...thEn thInk dDnt liSten prOperly..thOught is sPrite..dO haLf wAy..eVe cuM aND coLlect..tHen aSk why sPrite..wA...thEn sTart tO paNic lEh..beCoz nO tiMe leH...15 min to redemption thEn thE icE teA gOt pRobLem...whEre nazIm hElp mE chAnge bUt sTill cAnt wOrk...thEn woRst cuStomErs haB to sErve thEn nazIm inSide dOing hOtsNacKs..tHen nOt eNOugh tiMe..thEn eVe cuM n heLp..aLl sO cRop uP..thEn eVe gO n chEck thE icE teA...reAlise thE sPrite tuBe pUt oNtO thE icE teA..tAt whY thE liquId cuM oUt all wHite de..aSk whO chAnge dE..thEn sCold naZim..but hE juZ saE hE juZ pUt thE olD tuBe to thE new bOx oF icE teA..tHen eVe sCold teRRence..bEcoz yeSterdae nIght iCe teA aLso sAme prObleM..thEn aSK whY ddnt sEe tat it iS in thE wRong tube..bUt V duI bU qI tErreNce..bEcoz ddnt maNage to dO the thIng up tHen haI hIm kaNa saE bY eVe..thEN eVelyn saMe lOrz...naG hEre n thEre..sCold here n there...Until sIanZ..

wEnt oUt to hIs dAd ofFice tO fIx thE kEyboaRd..tHEn wAlk tO sMith rOad to maKan..see see n eat eat...eAt aLot of ruBbisH...tHink pUtting oN weIght V fastz le sIa :P thEn oK oK dE..tHen recIeve a msG fRom my fRieNd, dabbIes...hE thOught iS daNiel..thEn sUddenly atmoSpheRe chAngE lOrz..thEn sEnse somEthing wRong..tHen duNo whY aBit fEd uP lORz..lIke whY ddnt chEck pRoperly witH mE thEn aSsuMe iS daNiel..sIAnz...tHen rePly thE toNe nOt sO nIce..thEn makEs hIm upSet aLso..haXi...sO lOng ddnt quArral leH..toDae aGain..thEn ddNt toK till buSstOp...aDmit mY miStakEs..hE aDmit hIS..oKay..thiNk hE tiRed oR wAt..still tAt quIet..ddnt toK mUch ..sIanz.. tAt sEnd hIm to thE bUs sTop...fEel liKe wAlking n bE aLone...sO sEnd hIm tO buSstop..kEpt quIet..hE aLSo V cOld towArd mE..duNo iS havent oK bA..thEn aFter hE boaRd thE buS..wAlk hMe..sIanZ.. juZ meSsage mE a gD nIght meSsage..thInk oK le bA..

anYway...hoPe Will bE oK toRomoW wHen i eAt hIm n hIs fRieNdz fOr luNch.. :]

Memories that fades
8:26 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004

lOng tiMe ddnt wRite aNy enTrieS leH..sInce hOildae haB bEen bUsy wOrking mOstly.. oNce in aWhile gO oUt lOrz..aNyway..lIfe bEing gReat sO faR...eSp wHEn nOw nO sChool...gOt oNe tHing leSs to wORry lOrz..thEn nO prOject oR wAt..cAn reAli toTally enjoY lOtz..

woRk V lOng hRs yeSterdAe ..wOrk oPenIng uNtil 8pm.. then hElp wenDy eXtend to clSing for l4..since she got schooling oN mondae...where i dun haB..thEn she also wan accompany metta n promIse bOy to go oFf toGether mA..jUz hOpe to leSsen Her faN naO aBit lorz..see sHe lIke saE Until lIke cAnt tAke it le..sO stresS de facE..thEn toK to wEndy aBit..sHE V sTreSs lOrz.. bEcOz tOo liTtle tiMe foR loTz oF tHingz..woRk..prOject..reSt.. sO i toLd hEr to tAKe a wEek breAk..sHe thOught lOng...wRote dOwn a wEek coNstrAit..duNo sHe will sUmbit maH..bEcoz sEe hEr sO sTress..of thIngs tAt cAn be solvEd... wOrry thE thIngS tAt sHe cAn dUn wOrry dE.. tAt wHy sHe haB sO lEss time foR hErsElf.. aLth0ught maKe a dIfferenCe shE cAn wOrk..bUt nO pOint mAking yR lIfe iN a meSs wHen juZ dUn wAn maKe tRouBle to sHAfial for nOt enOugh sTuff..sInce i aNd sAmatha in hOildae Now..we cAn wOrk mAh..tHen u cAn tAKe thEse 3 wEeks to cOmplete YR prOjects... aDjust aNd maNage yr tiMe ...

gOing out loTs with hIm theSe fEw dAes...aNd aFter reAli tAt nIght..tAt when bOth fEel lIke gIving uP..eVerythIng bEiNg gOod nOw.. wHere i n hIm bEen liKe laSt tiMe..bEfOre wE are toGether...jOking...sHooting oNe anOther.. tAt iS sOmethiNg wHich haB nOt happeN sInce we beEn toGether..mAybe fRom thE stArt we bEen toGether... prOblems juZ kEep cuMing.. we bOth leaRn.. i learn tO dO my paRt..aT leaSt the reaSonable aMount i sHould dO..aNd hE leaRn to haB leSs eXpeCtatioNs tO me..beCOz sOmethIng.. i reAli aM nOt tAt tO dO.. i nOt lIke jaNz..aNgelIne..eVeRythIng alSo wiLl saE..sOmetiMe..sOmetHIng..i wiLl kEpt sOme to mYself..i dun bEliEve oNce toGther...EVERYTHING must bE sHare..sEcerts told bY other people..i kEpt to mY woRds to nOt sAe.. iTs juZ a tRust given bY sOmeOne to U...aNd i aPpreciate tAt aNd will hOnour tO Try nOt to sAe oUt.. hIs fRieNds saE...hE bE hAppy with aNgeliNe..yAh..i aGree..bUt thEn..hE juZ sImply sAe nO gaN jUe..mM...aNyway..iS pASt..aNd i dUn wAn to gO baCk tO thEre nOw...whEre prOblemS keEp reSurfAcing eVery few dAes...thOse mIseraBle dAes.. i dUn wAn stEp into leH..

anYway...wEnt to mY cOusin wEdding dInner first woRking iN thE mOrning thEn nOt fEeling wEll..maYbe nOt eNough sLeep..thEn aLso meNses..tHen laCk of sLeep..maKe mE fEel diZzy..lUckily EvE oFf..eVelyn ddnt cHeck l4.. sit at the duStbin lying doWn on the coUnter...pEople cUm..juz walk oVer n sErve..lUckily make the rIght choice tO chNage wIth mOther tO l4..iF not l5 coMfirm mOre bUsy..More haRd to reSt.. thEn thaNkfully aSri cuM at 3pm..or rAther eArlier..aNd jUdy make the eFfort to rush dowN at 4pm..thAnkz GEr...tat aLlow Me to reSt n gO oFf eaRlier ... jaNz cUm dOwn tO mEet aNgie..thEn toGthEr 3 of uS wEnt to fOodcOurt..jUdy treAt me bUbbLe tEa :P thEn tAke a cAb hMe..bEcoz nEed to ruSh fOr dinner mAh..

recieVe thE cAll fRom mY friEnd..chanGe of timE foR my guItar to eArlier..haXi..duNo cAn chAnge schEdulE ma..laTer eVe will sCold again leH..siaNz..hOpe eXplain my sItuation..she will undErstand ..HOpE.. aNyway..hOpe mEtta yR leG will fEel bETter loRz...dUn go oUt sO often lEh..stAy at hMe n reSt...If cAnt woRk...DUN...duN nEed maKe yr leG mOre woRst juZ tO wOrk..taKe cAre eVeryoNe..

Memories that fades
9:44 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

:) haHa..meNsEs fInally cUm.. maYbe iS piaN tAi laH..bUt gOod lORz..iF nOt i aLwAy sUffer fRom stomaCh cRamp thEse dAes..tHen tODae i fUll sOrt dRink aLot oF cOld sTuff..tHen haHa..cUm leH "p

tHese fEw dAes wOrk lEvel 4 oPening V sIaNz..bUt nVm..i lIKe :P nO peOple thEn aWay fRom maNager eYes..gOod sia..toRoMow woRking fuLl dAe...oPening to clOsing at l5..c0mfirm V tired..sInce i aLso V lOng ddNt wOrk sO lOng leH..then level 5 mOre bUsy de lor..mOre siAnz clOsing duNo iS eVe ma..mOre SiaNz..cAnt eArly chOp cHop clOse sIa "p

duNo whO i wOrking witH toMorow..thInk iS naZim..haZi..sIAnz..jeFf not wOrking thiS wEek tAt why..dUnO iS aFter tAt iNcidEnt tAt y eVe pUt hIm OFf Or wAt..hOpe hE bE oK lOrz..

dODgebAll dO leH..yeaH..gOing to wAtch wiF hIm aFter wOrk toMoroW..hOpe duN sLeep inSide wOr :P thEN sAt gOing to watch 13 going to 30..haVent wAtch sIa..goIng to Broke haRder thIs mOnth..i wAn to save mOre mOney nOw laH..thEn nt time gOt emErgencey cAn uSe..duNo why nOw stArt to thInk tat..last time spEnd lIke wAter :P

aNyway..chAt wIf meTta..mM..yeSterdae? sEem V sTress..But sHe duNo wAt thIngy..thInk mAYbe wOrk minIbar stress bA..will dE laH..nAturally..esP got evelyn n evE aLway at there mA..jIa yOu laH..aNytHing..juZ call ME to toK lOr ")

Memories that fades
5:53 AM

Monday, September 13, 2004

fOr a long time..i ddnt cry..i alway feel touched,sad..but swollow back the water streaming toward my eyes.. but i suddenly feel so upset..the questions i reali juz tat type he thinks.. i felt one is in the best first is happy meet..result is totally opposite.. it is the worst so far..till i feel i cant take it.. i brokedown...i hate to cry..becoz i find it hard to stop..and i dun like the feeling..pple sae cry finish will feel better..true..but if cry...mean tat thing reali upset me..tat y i alway dun cry..think of the happy tat i will be feeling better..not tat i dun care...i dun think either of us able to sleep well i reali tat bad being more than juz a friend...i duno..maybe simply...i am..

Memories that fades
9:57 AM

Sunday, September 12, 2004

yEstErdae haB thE lOng-aWaited bBQ aT jUde hSe...aT a hIll toP sOmeMore.. "p nIce View bUt b4 thEn gOt afEw raIndrOps..tHought jIa lAt leH..lUckily...dDnt raIn aNd daMpenEd oUr mOod~

wEn tO gEt otaK with dAniel iN thE aFternOon aS juDe laSt mIn mSg aSk us gO..tHEn bUy leH..tAke tHe bUs sO lOng..1 hR +.. aT fIRst mEeting 3pm aT hiS juDe hSe..reACh thEre aBout 4+ leH..thEn aGar nEed to go mRt stAtiOn bRing thEm iN leH...sO ddNt sTay lOng..reACh thEre Still ddnt see aNyoNe..sO wEnt to bUy breAd..bEehOod..aT leaSt jude saE dUn wAn bUy bEehOod dE..bUt thEn..nOt mAny pPle eAt cUrry..sO bUy bEtter lORz..

tHen mEet thE rEst gO jUdE hsE..cLimb uP thE tiRing hIll aND sEt uP thE bBq pIt..stArt uP thE pIt qUite lOng laH...thEn dDnt bbQ mUch thIng thEn nIght fall lE..thEn cAnt sEe thE fOod oK mA..tHen mOve the pITs to aNother sPot whEn thEre iS a laMp lIght aRound..thEn ppLe sTart cuMing iN..yiYong...kJ,pEIfEn daNiel aNd saHa..sUrprIsing iS saHa..thOught hE nOt cuMing bEcoz hE saE hE wOrking until 9pM..tHen duNo cAn gO oFf eaRlier maH..tHen liSten thEy toK toK..sO waRm.. lIke last tIme aGain..juZ thAt shOrt oF sOme pPle..lIke yIli,zHong lUe..aSh..ect..

aFter thAt..qUite late leH..sO paCk uP aNd hELp jUDe cArry thE thing uP lOrz..thEn hE iS dRunk..wHich hE kEep saEing nO..haXi..aSk tO tAke cAb..dUn wAn..alreAdy moVe V unsTable lIke gOing to fAll leH..thEn arGue wiF me n jaNz tO duN tAke cAb n sEnd hIm hMe..tAke mRt..tHen arGue uNtil He FINALLY agree..dUno tOk How lOng about tAking a cAb..iN thE mrt until reaCh jUrong eAst..thEn hE duN wAn mE to sEnd hIm uP..oK..i aNything..aT leASt got sEnd hIm uNtil hIS hsE dOwnsTair..

haXi..maYbe oF thAt..aBit siAnz sIanz..thEn dUn fEel liKe sLeeping..sInce thiNk nOt woRking mRning aS aLready oNe plUs leH..thEn still nO mSg..eaRlier oN mSg sHaf..bUt dDnt rePly..mSg mEtta..about 1am+..tHen sHe saE eVe dun lEt hEr sEe..sHe sTill leaSt juZ haB to inForm thOSe working mRning mAh..thEn thOught nO wORk..Until mEtta cAll mE juz nOw saE haB..iDoit dE..thEn eVe liKe sTart tO blaMe pPle..eXcUse mE..sHe plaN sChedUle until sO "eaRly" ..tHen aLSo ddNt iNForm pPle tO wOrk..i duNo sHe gOt infOrm whO laH..bUt not mE lORz..jeFf gOt infOrm lorz..thEn still gIf aTTitudE to mEtta juZ nOw..aT iF hEr fAult..mAybe i gOt fAult..aBit HEre n tHere..bUt sHe alSo gOt fAUlt lOrz

liSted fAult

-aT leAst iNform ALL pple woRking mRning aBout thEir tIme
-whEn is YOUR fault.. STOP blaming pPle - doeS nOt lOok gOod oN u
-wHen u are nOt feeling yr BEST mood..DUN put it on OTHERS.
-dun put blame on others when u hab not look into yr own fault.
-want to manage yr staff better...manage YRSELF better...

maybe aBit fed up nOw..sO saE tHe thIng aBit Bu haO tIng..juZ lIke mE fa xian laH~ later still got meeting..still must see her face..siaNz "p

Memories that fades
8:09 PM

Thursday, September 09, 2004


nOw at hMe...wAIting tO gO OFf tO wOrk..haB a fUll sLeEp "p..fEeliNg V reaax..sInce i fiNish mY teSts leH~ now oNly wAiting my reSult fOr mY ScIence..hOpe wOnt bE tOo BAd..

aNywAy..yeSterDae..wEnt tO wOrk..wOrk wIF Kj~ sO lOng Ddnt wOrk wIf hEr
leH..mM...aLot oF moNths leH..bEcOz i mOstly At l4 tHen sHe mOstly aT l5 bOx oFfIce mA..."xiAng gE liaNg dI" "p tHen gO tHere..aLready sTop pOpping pOpcOrn n cOOking Hot sNacKs leH..haHa..thAt y i thInk yeSterdAe iS oNe oF thE dAe i sMell thE beSt~ withoUt aNy pOpcORn n hOt sNacKs sMell .. tHEn gO thEre kJ tOok cOUnter wHilE i wAsh tHe pOpcoRn n hUiting waSh thE wArmEr..thEn tIme paSses V faSt Lorz..thEn gOing cLosIng leH..wA..yeSterdAe cOnsIDered oNe oF thE faSTeSt clOsing i dOne sIa..aFter kJ wEnt iN,i juZ sWeep thE fLoor, sTuff thE diSpeNser Wif tiSsue, put thE neCceSsary thIngS aWay...thEn oFf thE liGht.."dONe fOr thE dAE" ...wEnt iN..kJ wAS cOuntiNg flOat + aNother boX oFfice gUY.. foRget thE naMe..tHEn sHAfiul cUm in ..thEn he n kJ wAs toKing about
sOme oF thE jOke iN the paSt at l4 ..thEn wEnt doWn to tAke cAb hMe...

juZ a sHort thIngy aBout wAt haPpen yeSterdae..gTten woRk leH..till thEn..

Memories that fades
7:29 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

gReat daE~ tOdae iS mY laSt dAe fOr sChool..nOt reAli .. iS jUz tHat i dEcIde to pOn foR thE rEst Of thE 3 daEs tiLl hOildae..sO i Got eXtra 3 dAes "P thEn toDae gOt teSt..tHEn yeSterdaE dDnt sTudy..aT fIRst wAn dE..bUt gO mcDonald wiF hIm..reStleSs leH..thEn lUckily sAw my bEloVed fRiend xIaO gOu thEre! sTudying witH cHRistiNe,jaSmIne, mElvin aNd wEi aNn.. thEn cHAt aBit wiF hEr..thEn sHE alSo sIAnz..cUm pEi me cHAt..wHile hE dO hiS hOmewOrk..bEcoz chRistiaN n jAsmiNe quArral maH..thEn atmOsphEre thEre aBit aWkwaRd aSo..sO thiNk thAt y sHe cuM oVer ba..theN chAt aBit..thEn sHe leFt wiF thE uS oF hEr frIends.. thEn i "plAy" mY cOmputer while hE finIsh uP aBit oF hiS hOmewOrk..duN fEel lIke sTudyiNg thEn dEcIde gO tiOng eAt

eAt V fUll.. i oRer dUmplIng n pOpiaN..thEn hE orDer temperu raMen.. kEep foRciNg mE to Eat..goIng bE a pIg lEh sIa..thEn wAn bUy wIne fOR jUde bbQ thAt thIngy..sO dEcidE to gO grEat wOrld coLd sTorage sEe sInce tiOng dE coLd stOrage cLose leH..thEn gO thEre..9+.. sTill eArly sO dEcide sEe sHow..sAe aNconda.. nOt baD.. other thAn thE Fact hE kEep sCaring ME..thEn watch fiNish 11+.. wAit bUs 16 sO lOng..goIng 12aM le..sO thiNk wAlk baCk..hOw i kNOw wAlk a diStance le..sAw 2 16 buSes..wA..alSo cAnt cHase le.. thEn dEcide tAke taXi siNce sO late leH..dRop oFf at my hsE there..sEnd mE hMe thEn hE wAlk to tAke hiS buS hMe..reAch hMe.. wASh uP..sLeep!

thEn toDAe haB sOme dIffIculties wAking uP sIa..tIRed..But i kEep mOtivate mYself thAt todAe laSt dAe...thEn gOt the enErgy gO sChool sIa..nOt reALi thE faCT la..bEcoz gOt teSt then bO piaN haB to gO sChool...iF Not i aLso dUn wAN go lE laH~!

Memories that fades
9:34 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

hiyOo~! yeSteRdae wOrkIng at 6pM to 12aM..thOught i alOne cLosing..gO thEre sEe uNtil jeFf! sO haPpy sIa~! thOught i aLoNe coMfirm More sIanz oR wiF thOse i NOt V faMiliaR wIth.. aLso gOt oNe nEwbIes..thiNk hEr name iS sHeryl bA..tHen reACh thEre sO maNy pPle..sO reN naO~! fUn...mOre ppLe bEtter thaN nOt enOugh ppLe la..gOt naNa..sHalrU..jefF aNd sHeryl..tHEn i dO baCkcoUnter..thEn jeFf teaCh sHeryl hOw to pOp poPcOrn aLl thAt Lorz..aLthoUght qUite aLot oF cUstomeRs..bUt fInd it eNjoyaBle tO wOrk..thEn l5 got..jEremy.mEtta.kaNu aNd hUitIng lOrz..

saW thE kAchAng GEr..bEe yaN..sO lOng Ddnt sEe hEr..sO hAppy sIa..thEn toK toK lOrz..tHen sAE tRy tO pSycho sHafiul pUt mE oN l5 oN tueS n wEd sO cAn woRk witH hEr lORz ") thEn i iS cUm uP witH jEff maH..tHen wEndy wALk-e 4 mE to gO dOwn loz..gO dOwn saE nt time wAN gO uP..bRing sHeryl aLong lorz..nOt duN wAN bRIng ma...bEcOz jeFf nEed gO offIce..tHen cANot sO mAny ppLe cuM uP maH..thEn aFter sHeryl gO hMe..tHEn cRap wIth jeFf lOrz.."faN" hIm thRough oUt sia..V sIAnz maH..thEn aLmoSt cLosing lEh..jeFf duNo gO wHEre..thiNK gO Buy thIng..thEn cRowd sUddenly cUm..leFt mE n weNdy..sWay sWay iS sUhaMi sUddenly cUm dOwn thEn neEd hEr to dO sOmetHIng foR hIm..then sHe cAnot thRow mE thEre aLone..sInce qUite aLot oF peOPle..thEN sHe V feD uP lOrz..thEn jeFf cuM bACk..sHE sColded hIm aFter thAT Ok le ") thEn faSter clOse,wEnt dOwn to take cAb with jEff, bOy and another oNe i dUNo wHo lORz..sAw jEremy jUnior aT uSher..SurpRise..bEcoz thOught hE laSt wEek laSt dAe leH..tHen sAe thEy nOt enoUgh pplE,sO hE hELp lOrz..thEn doWnsTair duNo a guY gET in a fiGht oR wat..blEeding aLot lOrz..tHEn aLot oF poLicemEn aLl that...

At first wAna gO breNda cHAlet..bUt reAch hMe..baThe leH..stArt to fEel V tiRed..sO mSg WenDy saE i NOt goIng lEh..sOrry to "fly aeropLane"..tiRed ..

laTer gOing to sTudy witH hIm aT mCdonaLd..mM..Ddnt sEe hIm foR qUite afEw dAe leH..duNo hE will wiLling to lEt mE sEe sHow aNot..sInce i mEeting hIm oN sAt..thiNk hE comfirm hE Not wiLling dE..haXi..nVm..i alSo dUn hOpe gET iNto a qUrraL agaIn..sOrry mEtta n jEremy~

Memories that fades
9:38 PM

Monday, September 06, 2004

tHinK mY blOg nOwaDae V bEi laH..aIyaH..thInk pMs laH..tHat y sO mOody ..aNyway..haB a grEat toK wiF mEtta yeSterdae.sTuff..aNd knOw quIte a fEw sUrpRisIng sTuff.. mAybE itS jUz thAt i V lOng Ddnt toK uNtil haPpy wif a fRieNx le Ba.. bEcOz m0St oF thEM aRe bUsy witH thEir stuFf..sO nOt mUch chANce to mEet uP..

eNjoy mY sUndae wIth hIm aNd hiS fAmiLy..wEnt to eAt wiF hIS relAtivE .. sO lOng Ddnt laUgh n jOke sO mUch..uNtil i aLmoSt foRget.. hOpe thiS gOes oN :)

aNyway..mIsunDersTaNding sOlve..bEtwEen mE n sOmeoNe lOrz..nOt quArral oR wHat..juZ thOught the persOn dO the thIng iS for other iNtentioN lOrz.. aT leASt.. mY judGemeNt sTill dId nOt fAil mE mUch...eVErythIng sEem tO wOrk oUt fIne Now..

thInking oF goIng to breNda cHalet after wOrk todAe.. sInce sHe alSo leaVing sOOn leH..mAYbe gO theRE..cHAt cHat wIf hEr..enjOy lOrz... sInce i aLso nOt mUch chAnce tO toK tO hEr... sEe iSnt wEndy taN woRking cLoSing toDae thEn sEe wAn to go oVer aFter thAt maH loRz..siNce toRomOw i wAn poN sChool..beCoz teSt oVer le ma..thEn alSo toDae workIng uNtil 12am..gO sCHool aLSo tiRed lIke wAt sIa..

sUndae aPprochIng..~! eXciteD fOr thE bBq... some pPle haVnet cOntaCt unTil..sO toRomOw nEed to cAll thE reSt uP...inTenD tO reAli pSycho zHiqIang gO..sInce hE n jUde sO "gOod" thEn hE aLSo haBing hIs bIrthdAe oN sUndae maH..cAn cElebrAte tOgetheR sInce he aLSo nOt cElebrAting wiF hiS fRienDs lOrz..

Memories that fades
8:43 PM

Sunday, September 05, 2004

hoPe hoIldae cuM faSter.. i fEeling V sOre theSe dAes.. anYone cAn unDersTand hOw i fEel.. i dUno whAt i wAn.. i duNo why i bEing liKe thAt.. iS it beCoz oF thAt? i duN hOpe sO.. ConceNtrate.. thAt y i hOpe i will bE..tHere iS a reAson to evErthing..wAt iS the unfoUnded reAson? sOmeonE wAke mE uP..i wAn breAkdOwn..bUt soMetime..sImply cAnt..fRienDz cRy oVer a toUChing mOvie .. i..juz feel touched..dun hab the tears cuming oN..even though is oN the verGe..i alWay swollow baCk mY teArs.. lIke i duN wAn tO leT aNyoNe sEe..likE prEvent pEople tO kNow thE iNner Me..i dUno.. jUz tHat i aLway maNage to swollow baCk mY teaRs..anD the cOncept oF dUn lEt aNyone sEe it..soMetime i hopE to let it out..let out all my unhappiness..i duno why i wan care so much thing...when i can simply dun care..and i dun need to hab exTra trOubles..*zi xun fan nao*

wHen can i find back myself..the one who is happy..with no trouble..oNe with friends surrouned..aNd feel so at eaSe..alway loOk foRward to everydae..hOpe everyone is fRieNdz..fAmilieS...

whAt iS haPpeniNg bEtwEen .. , iSnt a BordEr u cReating to pRevent lEtting yRsElf gEt mOre hUrt.. bUt itS maKing uNeaSineSs iN .. , lIke cAnt bE fRieNds lIke thAt.. wHy cAnt .. bE lIke iN thE paSts.. jOking n cHattIng haPpily.. haXi.. duN thInk will eVer gO back tHere...aGain..

Memories that fades
10:42 PM

Memories that fades
9:25 PM

Memories that fades
9:08 PM

Friday, September 03, 2004

feeling upset now..i dunO what he want...suddenly he like unhappy about something..but i rali duno upset wat..know is upset me..but this this.. i cant think of anything i done wrong.. thik hab to wait till toromow then know..since now is already 4.45am..juz finish work..haxi..toromow or wat then update lorz...wo zhen de kai shi lei come we cant really be problem-free for 2 weeks so or more.. and i dun know why u are alway upset... i hate it... i hate to be so unsecure.. hate to be kept unknown of stuffs... is it yr expectation for me is high? or isnt to me is high but to him is not.. i duno.. and i dun wana to think..

or am i really tat bad gf... i dun know..maybe to him.. i quite bad ba..haxi.. getting moody..hab to finish the jude thing on bbq on msn before i can go to sleep..then later meeting xhua at 2pm..hope my mood will become better

Memories that fades
1:53 PM

Thursday, September 02, 2004

cOmfIrm liSt fOr jUde Bbq
daNiel choo
jEff ( cuMing after wOrk)
zHong lUe

ProbAbility gOing lIst
kEng tIong

No NewS lIst

Not Coming lIst cOmfirm / prObability

total numbers of people ask : 29

jUz hope at leASt haLf nUmber oF thE peOple cAn maKe it

Memories that fades
10:24 PM

Memories that fades
9:29 PM

Memories that fades
7:18 PM

Memories that fades
5:18 PM
Y The Girl

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