That My Life ;DDD *

Sunday, July 31, 2005

jUz reAd lIng bLog.. haHa.. i sCare i mAy qUit sOon sIa.. :x i sEe hOw la.. i wiLl jUz woRk leSser thEse dAes till mAybe oKay la.. i thiS wEd pRobaBly goIng to fiNd joB witH yiLi.. sEe hOw la.. iS nOt uR fAult bEcOz iS i owNself wAn tRy dE ma.. dEsPite u told mE agAr thE coNdition thEre..

aNywAy, thEse daEs nOthing mUch.. sAt wEnt bUgis wiF daRz n hiS fRiend.. wEnt to lOok 4 dArz gOdsIster dE biRthdAe pRsEnt.. haB in miNd to bUy a pErfume.. sO "sMell" aLot of saMple, tiLl lIke nosE bLock.. sEttle oN a bRand cAlled thE "aNn sUi" bA.. tHen gIf 2 fRee gift oF tAt bRand.. oNe cOnditiOnal + oNe bOdy lOtion ") thEn walk aWhile.. wEnt baCk le..

wEnt to dyE my haIr.. nOw mY coLor nOt sO bRight.. thEn even my frIends nOr paRents nOticE i dyE my hair sIa..thE hAir dRessEr sKills nOt baD la.. altHought dUn seem lIke dYe.. bUt hiS sErvicE nOt baD la..

thiS wEek cOmfirm lE.. nOt woRking.. aNson v paI sEi.. cAnt pUt mE to woRk.. haHa.. firSt tiMe i sEe manAger likE tat, nOt baD la ") mAybe hE thiNking i wAn to wOrk, thEn cAnt hElp me.. bUt thEn, i aPprecIate hiS thOughts :)

Memories that fades
10:54 PM

Friday, July 29, 2005

fRustratIng .. tat wAt i cAn saE aBout saKae sIa.. maNagers oF thE gUy aLmoSt aLl cRop uP dE.. gEt sCold evEn i haVent oPen my moUth..saE mE dDnt tEll hIm thE tAble nuMber... i jUz aBout to tEll hIm thE tAble nUmbEr, thEn haVent saE, hE sCold mE dE..

sEconDlly,cUstomErs wAna bi.. tEll hiM.. thEn hE oK oK, thEn hE diDnt bIll thEn thE cUstoMers think iS my fAult fOr nOt tElling thEm.. thEy ddnt cOmpLain, bUt i cAn sEe fRom thEir fAcial eXpreSsion.

thE oNe oF tHe mAnAger saE cAnt woRk tiLl 10pM whEn lIng told mE cAn.. i saE bOth me n mY fRiend haB to ruSh hMe fOr hmewOrk oR sChool nExt dAe.. hE diE diE saE duN haB.. saE oNli 10.30pm.thEn ask mE wAn mA, saE cAn pUt fOr mE iF sO.. thEn likE tAt.. i juz dUn wAn wORk 4 tHem.. iS liKe thEy lIke dun gIf thE chOicE to lOrz.. thEn sOmEmore iS liKe oNe maNager saE cAnt, whEn thE aCtual onE plAnning saE cAn.. bUt liKe saE cAn tRy to dO fiNish thE clOsing dutIes b4 going ma oR wAt.. aT leaSt tAt is a dIffErencE..

duN wAn lIng hElp to tEll gRace.. bEcoz i thiNk thEy will sAe uS liKe got liNg bUcking uS all tAt.. i wAn nOw iF reAli aNything.. thE most i dun wOrk 4 thEm.. bU xI haN if thEy aRe sO unfAir.. eVen sTArry aSo nOt haPpy, through thE woRking.. kEep cuRsing thE manaGers sia :x

aNywAy, wOrk wiF lisA,viviAn.micHelle aNd kIara toDae.. kiAra duN sEem tAt baD aS mEihui n ling saE le.. frieNdly + reAli woRking sIa.. dDnt sLack or wAt sIa.. thEn pAtiEnt wiF me n sTArry whEn wE aSk him tAke oRder oR bIll, hE aLthough bUsy, will sTill sMile oR wAt.. sEem Not rEali tAt baD la.. aT leaSt bEtter thaN maNager la.. woRk iS fAst toDae.. mAybE bUsy BA.. thEn dO sIde dutiEs wiF kIara.. dO choPsTick,toOthpIck,mEnu,etC..

huBby cAme to fEtch mE tO eAt sUppEr.. mUack :x then wEnt eAt doU jIang yOu tiAo.. At firSt thinKing eAt prAta, bUt hE thorth nOt tAt wEll, sO dun wAn.. wEnt to dEpoSit mOney then cOme baCk le.. tiRed.

aSO sAw jiNhui,jaNz,vAneSsa, aNd joYcE at thEre aSo ")

Memories that fades
10:21 AM

Monday, July 25, 2005

baCkiE.. juZ a nOrmal uPdate.. aSo duNo wAt to wRite.. fEeling sO bOred la.. in clAss.. thE rEst oF thE clAsSmatEs aRe plAnNing aBout thE bBq thiNgy..thEn inteNd to pOn clAsS mAybe nExt wEek, bUt duno wHich daE.. sO intEnd nExt wEek oNli wOrk tuEs n sAt bA.. iF mEihui nOt woRking oN wEd.. duN reAlli wAn to wOrk iF thE rEst aRe Not wOrking.. bEcoZ siAnz lA..thEn aloNe.. lIke aSo dUn kNow wAt to dO..

aNywAy, thiS thuRs gOing cElebRate wIf huBby mUmmy.. ") mEan liKe whole family gO toGether.. more rE nAo ma.. then yEstErdae.. i diSplAy my cUliarty sKills :x

cOok paSta, thE vEgeTablE, aNd prAwn eGg.. haHa.. huBby guIde mE along.. thEn cOok 4 hiS bRotheRs aSo.. luCkily nOt bad la.. "haPpi" juZ tHat thE Egg thE sAucE not sTrong eNough.. muSt kEep iMproving sIa.. bUt at leaSt, i Still gOt thE haNds on dOing it.. luB coOking ")

kiNda dRead fRidAe cUming, bEcoz i woRking aLone.. thEn scAre bLur aLl tat.. thEn gOt pEople i knOw cAn aSo mOre At eAse..

ntH mUch to bLog...

i aM tiRed.... & i likE wAtching the incRedibLe tAles ...

Memories that fades
9:01 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2005

sAt staRted my fIrst dAe wOrking in sAkae- sTreSs la.. aIyah.. iS thE mEnu thiNg tAt iS sO sCAry, haB to mEmoriSe the mEnu aNd iT sEems sO mAny.. thEn thE maNaGers thEre AsO qUite coMplicAted.. aSo gOt maNagEment pRoblem likE cAthay.. onE saE thiS, aNother saE tAt, duNo whO to foLlow.. bUt thEn, jUz haLf haLf lOrz.. liKe onE aSk mE fOllow mY fRiend aRound, to learn wAt she dOIng.. thEn aNother aSk me duN fOllow, eXplore mySelf.. thEn i soMetime do thiS wAy, sOmetimE do tAt.. 1 iS i juz duN likE thE wAy hE lOok aT mE n tAlk..aBit aUthoRity dE gAn juE, aNother oNe iS v mOodsWing liKe tAt... i fiRst dAe aFew thIngs duNo, thEn gEt hIm sAe.. i miZ gLen,shAifUl anD juDe~! haHa.. thE 3 mAnaGers tAt i thiNk iS bEst~ reAli nO sTress toWard nEwbIes aSo ")

sTarRy gOt acCepted inSide lE, sO woRking wIf hEr on tUes ") haPpi .. bUt sHe cAn Pei me oN tueS oNli.. fRi aLl nOt woRking, sO oNli lEft mE aLone "( * saD saD* bUt i wIll sUrvivE thRough dE.. hOpe iT bE will a sMooth daE 4 mE.. bUt i lOoking foRwaRd tuEs n wEd wIll stArRy aNd lIng n mEihui woRking ")

kiNda mIz cAthay sia.. thiNk iS bEcoz thEre mOre shUo xI.. thEn fEel mRe At eAse mA.. sOmemOre leSser prEssUre aSo.. bEcoz is likE thE pEople aRound moStly is pEople oF ouR aGe, thEn thE maNagers aso v lEss cOmE oUt dE.. bUt i hOpe i will sUrviVe.. ") jiA yOu wOr..

= eVil pEople plS stAy aWay fRom mE = blEss mE =

wEekEnd sEem sO sHort.. mAybE duE tAt i wOrking on sAt la.. thEn aFter tAt wEnt mEet bEn bEn.. lUckily dDnt gOt loSt :x maNage to fiNd my wAy to thE mRt ") thEn mEet bEnx At thE mRt thEn gO juRong eASt mRt bUy fOod 4 cOoking.. cOoking pasta.. thEn i aSo buy dUo miAo :x bEnx cOok thE paSta niCe bUt i cOok thE vEg tOo sAlty lE.. bUt wIll imProved dE :)

sUndAe cAmE eArly to bEnx hSe maKan bReakfaSt wiF hEr fAmily.. luckiLy Reach b4 thE rAin sIa :x thEn mAkan lE, rOt at huBby hsE.. nOthing mUch la..

lAter mAybe goIng to bUy biRthdaE cArd 4 huBby fiRst b4 mEeting bEn bEn.. thEn mAybe sEe cAn hidE sOmeWhere, thEn wait hE oWnsElf fInd la :x

Memories that fades
7:39 PM

Friday, July 22, 2005

thEse dAes duN reAli haB the mOod to bLog.. mAybe thEse 2 dAes haBing fEver.. now bEtter lE.. aFter aMple reSt yEstErdae bUt now gOt a bAd dRy cOugh whIch v pAinfUl bEcoz mAke my thOrad sO thE paIn.. hOpe toRomow will be bEtter elSe wOrking v tOng kU.. thEn mAy nEed tO sErvE fOod aSo ma.. nOt hYgiene mA..

aNywAy..latEst uPdate.. i got aNother jOb At saKae sUsHi.. aT mAriNe.. thiNk sHould pEople sHould bE aPpulSing lAh.. aFter sO lOng thEn qUit sIa.. :x pAy hOw aSo higHer tHan cAthAy sOmemOre.. cAn eaRn mOre witH sHoRter hOurs + dun nEed sCare sHortAge sIa :x aNywAy, iS ling intRo mE iN lE.. thEn aNyway, mEihui n hEr aSo wOrking tHere.. sO mOre rE nAo.. thEn xiAo sTarz aSo wAn tRy thEre.. sO if sHe succEssful gEt in,thEn gOod lA :x nExt tiMe cAn gO work wiF hEr aSo.. sIncE sHe aSO sTaying nEarby(tiOng)

tOrmOw nEed gO NLB at buGis thEre to dO sUrvEy b4 gOing to woRk.. hOpe woNt bE lAte.. neEd go thEre foR thE sChool thiNgy.. cAn gEt pOints ma :x thEn xiAo sTar aso goIng doWn wiF mE tRy 4 intervIew lAter ")

i aM hunGry.. eArly mRning gOt a aCute pAin in mY sTomaCh.. thOught cAn fAInt thEre sIa.. lUckily oKay aFter a whiLe.. nEed to eAt oR wAt le.. elSe laTer gRastic oR wAt, thEn die le.. duN wAn fUrthEr mAke bEn bEn woRry.. bUt todAe pEi my fRiend bUy thIng, toOk the whOle mRning.. cuM baCk wAn Eat, aSo no tIme..

mY clAss haBing bBq.. aT cCk.. hOpe EvEryting tuRns oUt nIcEly :)

Memories that fades
12:02 AM

Monday, July 18, 2005

lAlA.. i sUrvivE thRough my laSt wEek thE working lE.. fRidAe dO clOsing.. bEen a gOod oNe.. clSe evErytimE b4 timE.. fIrdaUs sHort $34, bUt duNo iVan mAy haB exCess in hIs safE ma.. hOpe haB.. elSe he liKe fRee laBour fOr onE daE.. aNywAy, wEndy haB a cAusAl tAlk wIf dErriCk, thEn mEntion i dOIng oPening thE neXt dAe.. thuS, hE hElp mE cAll thE cAB cUm at 5Am inStead oF 5.30am.. thaNkz to wEndy cuM dErriCk ") thEn thE cAb lAte.. bEcoz lASt mIn pUsh sO eaRly, thEn hE at cAusEwAy cHiong cUm down.. :x

sAt wAke uP fEeling sO tiRed.. reAli lOngEd to sLeep baCk bUt bO piAn.. workIng.. qUite aLot of pEople quEning whEn i reAch thEre.. bEcoz sAt iS fAntansic 4 haBIng a pRomotion for $1.60 for thRee haLls at 1.30pm,4.00pm,7.00pm.. n thE wOrst thing iS i haB to fAce 2 cRowd bEcoz i goIng hMe at 5pM! siaNz.. tRy to kEep mYself awAke by kEep doing wOrk.. but bY thE neXt haLf oF thE dAe.. mY lEg bEen sOre fRom sTanding n tiRed mENtally dUe to laCk of sLeep.. thuS, bEcoMe laZier n jUz staNd thEre :x luCkily, aNson bEen a eFfectivE pErson sia.. sO i cAn slaCk aBIt :x thEn thE cRowd sEem to laSt foRever bEcoz oF the frEe pOpcoRn.. givE until tiRed siA :x thEn sTeven ask me cOok hot sNacks, thEn tAke the cHancE to rEst whIle chAtting wiF uncLe aH hAi :x

bEn bEn mEet mE at bukIt meArh intErchAnge insteAd oF fEtchIng mE bEcoz hE cAnt mAke it.. sLEpt aLl the wAy, wAs totAlly eXhauSted.. wEnt hme bAthe n fElt sO mUch bEtter ") n wiF bEn bEn prEsEnse :) maKan my mUm cOok thE noOdle, reSt awHile n wEnt bEn bEn hSe.. bOth fell aSleep oN buS.. :x tIred.. thEn reAch hme.. sLeep agAin.. bEn bEn down aLarm cLock but sEeing mE tiRed, sWitch OFf.. waS intEnd to cOOk mE sUan fOr bEn bEn 4 hiS chInesE bIrthDae.. oRder by hiS muMmy :x thEn oVersLept..sLept till 1aM+.. thEn ovEr thE dae lE.. nOt v goOd.. but still mUst cOok.. sO haLf asLeep dE stAte, bEn bEn cOok thE mEe sUan n maKan aBit.. thEn i still haBnt wAke up yEt.. likE stAring iNto sPacE sia :x

to bE conTinued

Memories that fades
12:37 AM

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

tuEs n wEd dDnt go sChool.. sO sHiok sIa.. cAn reSt onE more dAe.. pon School on tUes.. intEnd to gO n fiNd jOb wif li.. bUt rAining hEavy, thEn sHe duN wAn gO.. sO i be a gOod gEr n sTay aT hmE to iRon clOthes n do mY projEct.. sLack aLl thE wAy aBout 4pm.. wEnt dOver to mEet xHua n jhuI.. cElebRating huA biRthdae.. inTend to bUy biNki.. bUt sHe dUn wAn.. "x sO wAlk aRound.. thEn sHe fOund a sKirt sHe liKe.. sO wE pAid fOr hEr.. aS hEr birtHdae pResEnt.. blUff hEr saE mEihuI cAnt mAke it.. cAn sEe thE dIsapPointed lOok & keEp aSking jhUi tO aSk hEr to cOme.. unKnowiNgly.. mEihui iS wAiting fOr uS at sWenson le "x sHe wAs sUrpriSed.. luckily sHe ddnt sUspEct aNything bEcoz jHui wAs mSging thRough thE jOUrney.. haB a Our dInner n thEy oRder a aPple cRumbLe.. taSte aBit.. nIcE ") wEnt cEinleisUre to tAke nEopRint.. intEnd to sEe six.. bUt 10.o5pm sHow.. thEn tHEy gOt sChool eArly mORning on wEd.. sO cAnt lOrz.. thEn aFter tAKing nEoprInt..wEnt tAka bRought a cAkE fOr hUa.. thEn oN thE sPot sINg haPpi biRthdAe sOng bEsIde the fOur lEave cAke sHop.. dIao Bo "x pEople wAs lOoking.. bUt wE jUz sIng :X

jiNhui wEnt to mAke hEr fRieNd.. n wE bU xIao xIn bUmp iNto thEm..not wE sPy thEm oR wAt.. But bEcoz cEin the buSsTop clOse le... sO wAlk to wIstma.. gUeSs iS thE gUy tAt hEard jaNz saE aBout.. thE mOtoRcYcle gUy..nOt baD lOoking.. bUt liKe pHysicAlly lIke nOrman... tAll,tAn, cEntre pArting.. thE fAcE fEatUre.. bUt hE wont bE liKe nOrman la.. :x bUt At leASt hPe thiS gUy will bE toNs bEtter thaN hEr prEviouS onE ")

mEt li to fiNd jOb on wEd.. hiS bRothEr saE pS gOt onE bRead dE sHop loOking fOr pEople.. ask uS tRy.. thEn wEnt thEre.. gOt thEir pHone thEn go oFf le.. bEcOz thEre buSy tiMe.. sO dUn wAn go sTraight intErvIew nOw.. thEn wAlk bAck to cEin.. eAt thEn wEnt aCrade.. wEnt to sEe bE wIf u.. toUching sHow.. aLot oF ppLe cRy ba.. iNcludIng gUys "x li aSo got dRop teArs wOr :x thEn lazy go baCk pS.. thEn saE aSk li bRothEr hElp uS ask thEm :x wEnt hMe aFter tAT... wAited fOr bEn to cUm mY hsE bAthe.. thEn mAKe Our wAy to buGis mRt to mEet hIs fRiend bUy sOme cOmputer paRt..haB a gOod tiMe gOing aRoound wIf bEn n hiS fRiend.. liSten thEm cRapping aRoound :x thEn hEar fRom hiS frIend hE gOt NS lEtter lE..oN the 9 Of sEpt.. sO thInk iS agar bEn gEtting Soon.. hiS fRiend gOt into thE juRong cAMp.. hEard fRom my bRother.. jUrong n sEleator bA mOst xIong.. jUz hOpe bEn wOnt gEt a hArd lifE inSidE cAn le ") thEn sEe my hOildae sTart le.. hE duN wAn wOrk.. saE wAn pEi me.. thEn thiNk hE aGAr sEpt aso goIng in lE ba.. "pRomisE mAde oK"

hOpe li later wIll gIf mE a gOod nEw aBout tAt bRead thE jOb.. i reAli wAn a chAnge of joB.. saVe me :x

Memories that fades
7:08 PM

Sunday, July 10, 2005

haB aN enJoyaBle wEekeNd wiF mY huBby.. aLthOught wE dDnt do mUch la :x

aNywAy.. fRi.. diD clOsing wIf dinatH.. hE aSo v kE liaN likE tAt.. saHa like biaSed towArd him.. likE trEat hIm v fiErcE sIa.. thEn moSt oF thE thiNgs aSk hIm dO.. bUt bEcoz hE v tiRed.. thiNk nOt uSe to woRking coNcess, thEn i hElp hiM do.. thEn hE hElp mE tAke coUntEr..aSo gOod la.. BeCoz i aSo dUn liKe tAke cOUnter sIa :x nAcho chEese sPolit.. sO v faSt clOse tAt lE :x thEn ahiaSh(spElling Error) b4 sHe gO hme, hElped to waSh poPper aLready.. sO aLready hElp to lift uP aLot of woRkloaD lE.. sOmemOre cuM mEnsEs.. duN wAn mOvE up n doWn ma.. thEn yiLi,yOng n jaNz cUm sEe sHow.. b4 thEn saW kJ n pEifEn aSo.. bEen qUite sOmetime b4 i saW thEm.. aNyway, pEi thEy sLack at cAfe whiLe whIle on bReak.. thEn wEnt araCade :x lUckIly nOt aLot of pEOple laH.. sHortAge aGain.. But thiNk saHa hElp me pAy BeCausE tAt tiMe i shOrtage..wE aGree to haLf sPill.. thEn iS $14 mA... thEn he haVent pAy mE baCk.. sO thiNk hE hElp me cOver :x thEn hE diD aN eVil thinG.. bUt tat aLlow uS to gO hMe aLot eArlier.. tHInk moSt knOw iS wat la :x thEn aFter pUtch out.. sTill gOt tiMe.. thEn wEnt dOwn fiNd hIm chAt wIf wEndy.. thEn saHa saE he quitting lE.. haNd iN the reSignation lEtter lAst mOnth lE.. duN reAli bElieve lA.. bUt iF reAli hE quit.. aSo not a bAd thing la. sIncE its aSo Not reAli aN eNjoyaBle peRiod woRking thEre la :x

anYwAy.. sat pEi yOng gO sEe sHow.. sHe v sTress la.. bEcoz sHe waN bUy thE phOne.. thEn heR bRo,sIS-in-lAw aNd sIs keEp like aSk hEr dUn buY, function No gOod aLl tat.. thEn sHe reAli dUn liKe.. thEn i juz aSk hEr bUy wAt sHe wAn.. bEcoz sHe aSo dUn nEccesSary nEed thoSe fuNction ma.. sOmemOre iS hEr phOne.. moSt iMportAntly sHe liKe cAn le..bUt sHe sTill sTress la.. bEcoz sHe kNow iF sHE bUy tat phOne shE like.. sHe go hMe.. coMfirm thEy will saE hEr for bUying tAt phoNe.. tAlk aBout sOme othEr fAmily sTuff.. guEss hEr fAmily mEmbers sHould bE more undErstaNding ba.. inStead oF kEep aSking hEr to take cAre of hEr nePhew whEn sHe dun reAli haB tiMe to dO hEr hMewOrk lE.. evEntually, sHe dDnt bRought a phone bEcoZ thE pErson saE sHe undEraGe sia.. :X

wEnt hMe.. huBby cAme mY hsE eAt.. mUm gIve hiM aLot sIa.. eAt uNtil hE full uNtil liKe wAt siA :x aSk him duN eAt.. hE inSist.. bO piaN le :x thEn wEnt cK taNgs.. n fAreaSt.. bRought a skiRt n a tOp.. thE top aBit fU zA lA.. duNo hOw to wEar.. hAB to ask thE saLegEr to hElp me twIcE sIA.. :X thEn huBby kEep suaN me sIA.. "P wEnt lOng john to eAt bEcOz hubBy moUth itCy.. thEn wEnt bacK to huBby hSe.. fEll aSleep whIle wAtching "hoWl mOving cAstLe" wiF huBby.. hE haVent wAtch it.. thEn haLf wAy.. tOo tiRed.. n fEll aSleep.. huBby watch fiNish lE.. pEi me sleep.. aT fiRst pUt alArm 3.30aM sEnd mE hMe.. bUt hE oFf the aLarm.. thEn i wOke uP at 5aM.. lUckIly sIa.. fASter woke huBby uP.. thEn hE still bLur bLur.. duNo hE gOt sWitch off thE aLArm sIA.. thEn huBby mUm woKe uP goIng to wOrk le.. thEn aSk uS go eAt brEakfaSt b4 sEnding mE hme.. wEnt tiOng maRket eAt.. thE "luO mI" NicE bUt cArrot cAke nOt niCe sia :x

sUnday wOke uP eArly.. bEcoz huBby wAn eAt bReakfASt wiF mE.. finIsh reADing one of thE bOok tAt i bOrrow foR mY pRoject :x n fEll asleep oN bup aFTer tAt.. hubby waS sTill sLeeping whEn i reAch thEre at 11aM+ hUbBy mUm wAs sUrprIsed to sEe me.. bEcoz yeSterdae wEnt baCk sO laTe.haRdwOrking wOr :x thEn wEnt huBby hSe sEe sPongebOb.. bUt haLf wAy got eRror.. thEn both sTill tiRed.. sO bOth zZz lOrz.. wOke uP.. huBby plAy aBit oF xBox.. thEn go dInnEr wiF huBby daD n hiS 2nd brotHer.. dElicioUs mEal aLthought iS waS jUz aN nOrmal "zHi caI" bElow a houSing eState.. But cOSt $91 sIa.. sO eXpeNsivE.. oRder.. XO cRab bEehOod.. thEn dEer mEat.. thEn vEgeTable.. thEn haLf roaSt chIx..roJak..n sEa cumuMber stH dE.. But it wAs gOod la.. thE plaCe qUite faMous..saW qUite aLot of tcS sTars aSo go thEre maKan based oN the pHotogRaph tAken.. afTer tAt.. wEnt hUbbY hsE hElp hIm dO housEhOld cHores b4 goIng to clEnmEnti to gEt hIs coMic..aFTer tAt wEnt iKea.. thEn sEe the fUrniture sO eXpenSive.. sO mUst woRk haRder le.. to saVe mOre moNey fOR the fUture.. haB a gOod n eNjoyaBle tiMe tokIng wiF huBby aBout tHe fUture.. i wiLl jiA yoU eArn mOre monEy dE ") luB ya~!

todAe hab a BIG sUrprIse.. i gOt teSt whIch i thOught iS toROmow.. lUckily my fRieNd got tEst.. thEn aSk me go sChool eArlier..eLse i goIng to mIz mY tEst le :x thInk wOnt dO weLl.. jUz hOpe will paSs cAn le ") mEihUi toLd mE tAt thEy arE gOing to cElebrAte xhuA birtHdae toRomow.. tiNk proBably goIng to kBox la..

gOIng to bE a haRd timE thiS wEekeNd.. promisE to hElp dInatH dO opEning on Sat.. But i wOrking clSing on fRiday.. hOpe At leaSt i cAn woRk at 10aM.. aT leASt i cAn sLeep aN extRa hOur.. tHen aSk the pErson tAking oVer mE to cUm eaRlier oR i goIng to dIe thEre sia :X

Memories that fades
11:51 PM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

dOwn On fLu.. gEtting aBit sHed.. nOt eNough sLeep aLthought i sleEp eArliEr thaN uSual.. tEsts aRe a mEss.. sEem lIke dOwn oN lUck.. sAw a aH bEi fAinted yEstErdAe nIght At ntUc whIle sHopPing wiF my mUmmy inSide.. bEen ratHer mOody thIs dAes.. But i Ddnt loSt tEmpeR EasIly wOr ~! ") jUz mYself fEeling v mOody.. sOmeMore lAter wOrking clSing.. duNo wHo iS wiF mE.. sIaNz..

aNd i hAppen to sAw a sCene in mY dReam n reMembEr mY mUm saEing mE thoSe wOrds yEsterdAe.. jUz hIt mE baCk tAt i cLearly dReamt about thE sCeNe.. thEn i aSo rEmEmbEr wAt i wIll sAe baSed oN my dReam.. But i dUn wAn..thEn i pUrpoSely chAnge mY woRds.. thEn lIke wOnt gO thE saMe wAy as wHat i dReamt :x cAn prEdIct thE fUture dE wOr :x

toDAe lEssOn sEem tOugh.. reAli nO mOod to thiNk or wAt.. bUt pRomiSe huBby muSt wOrk haRdEr dE.. inTend to sTudy yeSterDae nIght aT 8Pm to 10pM.. But bEcOz pEi mUmmy gO ntuc.. thEn dDnt sTudy :x faNg xIn.. wIll mAke uP to it dE.. nEed to bUck uP oN my Ppl moDule pRoject lE.. wAn to faster fIniSh.. thEn dUn nEed cAre aBout tAt le :)

Memories that fades
6:53 PM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

yEstErdae inTend to gO fiNd jOb wIf yIli.. bUt bEcOz oF mY mEnsEs sUddEn aTtrack.. duN haB mUch mOod to wAlk aRound la :x so iN thE eNd, cAn guEss tAt wE dDnt fiNd aNy.. BUT.. wE wiLl fInd thE joB lA.. Both aSo wAn wOrk.. i wAn chAnge a New eNviRonmEnt.. sO jIa yOu lA.. :x thEn wE gO makan at l4 cEin thE jApAnesE sTore.. thE rAmEn one.. oUr faVourite sTore n wE aRe qUite a rEgulAr thEre sIa :x oN thE wAy uP saW kaNu.. chAt wIf hEr abit.. sAe yiLi sLim lE.. MAke hEr sOoo hAppy SIa :x thEn After maKaning .. iNtEnd to sAw sIx bUt mIss iT bY 10 mIn lIke tAt.. thEn dUn wAn le, thEn go l4 pLay bOmbErmAn :x

aFTer tAt sLack to tAka thEn sEe thE bEtting, hOusehOld sTuff.. toO bOred n siAnz sO Juz sLAck n sEe aRound.. aFter tAt bOth tirEd lE.. thEn wEnt hMe lorz..

rEst aWhilE lAter thEn wEnt mEet huBby.. wAlk all thE wAy fRom mY hSe to arChoRage.. wEnt maKan thE jIao Zi.. rAmEn.. bOth nOt nicE dE.. dUn eAt n aSo sO eXpenSivE ~! thEn hUbby Still Not full.. wEnt eAt thE piZza thEre.. NicE sIa.. + chEap.. wOrth thE mOney.. nExt tiMe cAn go thEre eAt mOre oFten.. wAlk to quEenSwAy wAlk aRound.. sAw sOme sHoes thAt bOth oF uS like.. :) nEw tArgEt oN mInd.. bUt bOth tArget v eXpenSivE sIA.. mIne is $99, hUbBy iS $179 siA :x .. gOod sHoe ma ") wEnt to tAke buS to huBby hSe..

hiS bRothEr oN sEeing mE rUn sIa.. bEcoz hE dDnt wEar aNy sHirt.. thEn sHy gIf oUtsIdErs sEe.. thEn faSter go wEar hiS sHirt :x bUt i aSo xI guaN lE ma.. huBby aSo dDnt wEar sHirt, mY bRo cUm fAthEr aso.. :x

thEn sEe fIniSh the 10pM sHow wEnt hme.. oN the wAy.. gOt sMall coCkrOach insIdE thE cAr.. thEn sTop cAr At oNe bLock thE cArpArk.. hubby gO n fiNd.. But cAnt find :x sO bO piaN lA.. duN cAre firSt.. thEn jUz dRivE mE hMe.. :x thiS sUndae gOing sHopping wiF hubBy.. oNe wEek oNe timE cAn sPend whole dAe wIf hIm.. nAn dE sIa :x gOIng to sEe aLot of sTuFf.. sHoes.. eTc.. sUi piAn sEe gOt any nEw prEsent bUy 4 huBby bIrthdAe :x

nExt wEd mEeting yIli gO See bE wiF u.. :x fiNally cAn sEe sIA.. kEep pUshing thE dAte.. yeAh :x aNd i got to kNow afEw mOre goSsips :x

Memories that fades
7:43 PM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

2nd bLog oF thE dAe :x

nOw At lIng hsE.. wAiting to tEach hEr soMe gUitar tHingy aLthough i haB 4gOtten mUch oF it.. jUz jIng lE Er wEi bA.. aNywAy...ntHing mUch eLse



Memories that fades
5:14 AM

Monday, July 04, 2005

tOdAe mY tEst haS reAli a goNe cAsE dE.. v haRd Sia.. maYbe hEng hEng cAn gEt a E sIa :X guEss iS i aSo dDnt sTudy haRd siA.. yEstErdae aBit mOody.. mUm kEep nAgging dO thiS n thAt.. thEn i haBing a heAdaChe.. rEali fEeling v fRustRated sia.. yIli cAme to mY hSe n plAy sIms.. thEn kEep aSking mE to coOl.. aIyah.. muSt lEarn to cOntRol mY tEmper lE :x aNywAy.. wEnt to gO my rOom n do mY prOject.. fEll aSleep haLf wAy.. thEn aFter tAt mOody, sO dEciDE to sLeep eArly.. aBout 10pm.. but jUz toSs n tuRn.. aFter tAt dRag uNtil aBout 11pM thEn sLeep siA..

cAnt wAit tIll wEdnEsdAe.. gOing oUt wiF huBby gO some sHopping aRound.. thEn lAter gO hiS hOusE slAck.. sEem lIke sO lOng dDnt go sHopping oR walK aRound le.. :)

aSo, gOing to aSk cOFfee cLub 4 thE joB wiF li toRomOw.. hOpe cAn fInd aNother fLexiBle jOb thEn i cAn dUn wOrk cAthay sO mUch lE :x thEn sOmeMore hOpe cAn gEt oNe tAt iS hIgher pAy lA.. sO long lE. chAnge an eNviRoMent aSo bEtter lA.. sIanz lE.. :x

thEn mY fRiEnd,daBbiEs v kA jIao sIa.. kEep aSking mE duN wRite bLog aLl tat.. if i dUn wRite.. thEn u aLl whEre gOt thIng to reAd ma :P

Memories that fades
11:59 PM

Sunday, July 03, 2005

sOmE quIck uPdate aBout thIs 2 dAes lA..


woRking cloSing wiF wEndy.. gReat tIme.. doEs Not fEel tAt tiRed.. pHyills aSo.. bOth aRe gReat wOrkEr sIa.. moSt oF thE tiMe jUz sLack n Rot aRound.. hAppEn tAt jaNicE aSo woRking.. bEing so lOng SiNcE i saW hEr.. aNywAy.. aFter thE 2.05am cRowd.. aLl sTart rOtting aRound.. haB a cHAt wIf wEndy.. hOpE evErythIng wiLl bE oKay.. bEcOz iTs qUite sUrpRisIng hOw thIngS wEll aNd hOw thIngS chAnge.. thEn jaNicE n kIm hOck aSo cOmE out cOncEss tOk.. thEn juZ sIt aRound aNd tOk.. aLl thE olD sTAff toGether.. haHa.. bEen sO lOng.. aNywAy.. cloSe qUite fAst (bEcOz quite early waSh evErything lE ma :X) wEnt to wAtch wAr of the wOrld aBit whIle wAiting 4 cAb wiF wEndy n fiRaduS.. nOt baD ba.. bUt jEreMy saE Not nIcE.. sAe fell aSleep wHile wAtching haLf wAy. gUess hE iS jUz sImply tireD bA..

* aNd sOrry foR thE wRong inFormAtion tO lUe n fErrEn la.. saE iS wAit tIll fRee lIst fiRst thEN gO wAtch.. thEn i cAn go n tAke tIxs mA :X.. pAi sEi*

aNywAy.. sAt mEet uP wIf jaNz n lI to sEe mR n mRs sMith..bUt nOt eNough sLeep lE.. sLeep 7aM thEn wOke uP at 10aM+ bEcoz my bRo oN thE tV n thE cOmpuTer uNtil sO loUd.. thEn cAnt sLeep baCk.. sO juz liE n rot uNtil 12pM thEn go n gET reaDy..sLeep agAr 4hRs oNly.. thE show nOt baD la..thEn aFter thE sHow, rOt aRound tOwn b4 goIng to mEet yOng.. sAw hEr nEphEw.. cUtez :) thEn pEi hEr Around whIle wAiting fOr hEr sIs-iN-lAw to finIsh hEr sTuffs.. thEn mEet daRz gO eAt cHix rIcE At buGis aRea, n mAkan aBit oF dUriaN aFter tAt.. huBbyx wAs tiRed bEcOz wOrking eArlier oN, so pEi hIm hMe.. i aSo tiRed le.. thEn bOth jUz sLept uPon rEaching hiS hoUse..wEnt to eAt sUpper at 2aM+ At hEndErson thEre thE dIm sUm.. sO exPEnsivE n sO nOt woRth it.. sO duN go thEre eAt sIa.. :x thEn wAlk aROund my hsE b4 dArx wEnt off.. siMply, i eNjoy my dAe wIf my siSteRz + dArz :x

sUndAe mEet up wIF bEn bEn n wEnt jP to sHop foR hiS hOuse sTuff.. thEn bEn bEn mOod not v gOod bEcOz oF sOme mAtters.. sO tRy to chEer hIm uP lOrz.. nOt lUckIly sHopPing hElps lA.. fElt mUch bEtter aFter wE fiNish thE shoppIng.. wEnt baCk to pUt thE sTuffs.. oN thE wAy baCk to thE cArpaRk.. sAw hiS liTtle bRother, thEn wEnt oFf tOgetHer.. qUickly finiSh sEttling sOme sTuff At hiS houSe thEn ruSh to mEet hiS dAddy.. haB a gReat diNner at sErgoon dE wAt NonyA reStuarAnt. yUmmy :X

thEn wEnt to hiS daD coUsin wIfE tHe wAke.. oNli saw onE relAtivE of thEm tAt i knOw, whIch iS normAn mUm lA.. fiRst timE sAw noRman dAd sIa.. fAcE sEem sO stErn bUt whEn hE laUgh, Reali sHow a diFfereNt sIdE oF hiM sIA :x wEnt off sHortly aFter tAt to fEtch bEn bEn mUm aFter work.. thEn go hiS hOuse sLack.. nOthIng mUch.. jUz tAt agAin wEnt eAt sUppEr.. choOse nOt to eAt thE dim sUm bEcOz tOo ExpEnsIve sO eAt thE poRridge.. fuLling + chEap :x

aNywAy.. lIng aSk mE to tEach hEr gUitAr.. haHa.. duNo cAn make it ma.. bEcoz bEen so long sIncE i toUch thE nOtes.. sOmEmore mY fOundatIons nOt gOod sIa.. sO duNo hOw lA.. anywAy.. wIll tRy my bEst.. lI toRomOw stArts wOrk Le.. haHa.. thiNk sHe wIll bE mEssAging aRound All tat.. bEcoz thE enVironMent totAlly duN sUit hEr :x

i aM tiRed.. phYsIcalLy.. whEn wiLl thE sChool hoIldae cUm ma..


Memories that fades
8:58 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
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