That My Life ;DDD *

Monday, February 27, 2006

jUz caMe baCk not loNg aGo fr0m chAtting wf y0ng outsiDe.. th0ugh shE is nOt rEali fully w0rry free n0w.. but can sense e hapPiness in hEr la..sUre wiSh hEr all e luCk..

tMl w0rking, and i haven find anyone who can work for wed mrning sia.. sian ar.. if cant.. then wed cant pei pun mUch le.. seem so many tings.. so little time..

getting dizzy spell after waking up.. tink my body cant tahan s0on le la..

going sleep early le.. else tml go work will be a dead cat ar.. buT will be seeing pUn tml.. chEers!

Memories that fades
7:49 AM

Sunday, February 26, 2006

went to watch final destination and fearless on sat.. went makan breakfast wif ah pun, his mum and his little bro at long john.. they habing dis breakfast 1 for buy one get one free and both ah pun and his little bro seem to be habing a good appetite sia.. both eat 2 sets sia "x recommand breakfast of long john because i tink they make the best breakfast meal in the fast food sector ")

after tat went to bukit batok to see fearless...abit outdated ar.. but at least it is not late le :x touching n e actions was nicE :) juz tat it is a wasted a hero die under e act of evil pple sia.. pUi..

went dinner wif pun dad at changi.. at first wan go to a place called big fish de.. but there e restaurant is need booking de.. tink it is very nice ar.. becoz there is alot of newspaper recommadation outside aso.. tink nt time die die must try sia~! after tat went to bark restaurant ba.. beside a musuem.. food not bad is okay.. but e dessert is nice :) like e sakae sushi e dessert.. e pear ice cream tingy.. but there got afew different like there got italian de ice cream.. and i tink the chix wings is nice.. becoz seem every table got order... bbut we ddnt ar~!! :x

went home rot and make our way to cathay to see final destination.. thank to saha who help mi make booking ar.. else i hab to go down earlier to buy e tix le.. e show is a full house sia..atmosphere is thr sia.. and is v gross.. like the head kinda smash.. or the head injected wif nails.. etc.. groSs ar.. but not w0rth e 9.50.. but since i got one voucher.. so like taking 9,50 for 2.. so okay ar..

hoildae cumIng le.. so excited.. mon going school le.. then poning school go work.. pun cuming out on tues night bec0z e A level result out.. then wed evening book in.. about 2 more weeks before he POP :)

miting ling n ru probably on thurs.. comfirm wif mi ya? finally i can go oout n enjoy myself after all e bad karma..laptop gone..hp got problem.. iPod battery aso got problem.. i nid to plAy~

Memories that fades
4:26 AM

Friday, February 24, 2006

haB a w0nderful dAe.. dDnt go sCh0ol t0dae bec0z iS intenD go pOlycliNic tAke mC for my raShes.. But tHen liKe @@ bEtter lE, dun wAn wAste e mOney la..bUt mY sItuAtion Not v g0od.. NEcks n haNds sTill quite obviouSly.. aH puN'S muM saE sHould be bIte by bEd bugS.. likE wAt i tinking ar.. h0pe e wAshing of e maTtress tiNgy will be bEtter..

pOn w0rk aso.. blUFf tErrEnce sae i g0t fever.. :x rAShes iS tRue ar.. so i ddnt liE~ :x inTend pOn bEc0z wAna pEi pUn n alvIn go @@ fEarleSs ma.. bUt aFter tat then kNow cAncel le.. bUt nVm, cAn pEi pUn more lOrz.. buT like haI unTil tErrence sHOrt of pEople ar.. buT hEck care le la..

r0t at aH pun at n0on.. then wEnt makan...jUz wEnt to @@ piNk pAnther.. iS v nicE.. laUghting all e way thr oUt e sh0w.. duNo how cUm e newspaper rating gif so bad sia.. i gif about 9/10.. bec0z the main action inside toking french ar.. nid to listen carefully to catch wat he saying.. else hab to read from e chinese subtitle :x but overrall is nice.. u all shld go n @@ ")

tmL intend movie marth aso ar.. aftern0on go watch fearless.. then night go @@ final destination ar.. already planned schedule nice nice le.. nan de g0t so much time wif pUn.. must pack full ar.. next mon going school.. then hoildae le :) g0ing to chiong my projects + hab to work aso le.. :x been working v less dis month.. hab to buck up else cant feed my own expenses le sia :x

hoildae le.. got m0re time can mit out wif my friends le.. haPpi.. g0ing to enjoy myself dis 1 month + before my final year start and i hab to chiong my final year project le "(

hab a great dae todae.. muaCk~

Memories that fades
8:42 AM

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

haPpi ar.. fiNally mY lAptop is baCk n alivE~! thaNk to cArinA + mY sChool e IT peOple who heLp mI sOlve it ar.. e IT people sAe mY face so fiErce siA.. tiNk bEc0z tiRed ba.. thEn siAn of my laPtop tinGy ba.. bUt glAd e sCrew pRoblem iS okAy le.. bEc0z i oPen e wRong pArt :x tAt y mAybe cAnt oPen ba.. thEn the IT pEople hElp mI chAnge e hArddiSk whiCh they n0t suPpoSely to.. sO thAnks a mIllion... aLthought my face mAy not sHow Ar :x

aH pUn tiNk diS sAt 8pm thEn cAn boOk out..thEn rEach hMe aBout 9+pm.. mean Our dAe bEc0me v v sHort ar.. siNce hE going to boOk in oN sUn evEning aGain.. iF he pAss hiS nAfa.. thEn he fRi then cAn cUm out.. iS aR 1st got coNfident oN hIm de.. bUt hE injUry hiS lEg.. sO dOubt hE cAn paSs hiS ruNning.. "( nEver miNd.. pray tat he will pass tml :)

tmL nOt woRking.. goIng to sTAy n Rot at hme.. & aSo to try to fiNish my pRoject.. deAdline neAring.. More kAn chIong le siA.. "( hOpe i cAn finIsh In time ar..

bEen qUite lOng sInce i dDnt gO oUt wiF my fRiends.. sOmemRe sibAo bIrthdAe cElebratiOn kEep puShing bEhinD.. tinK muSt sEe whEn thEn aRrangE g0 out le.. miZ my othEr gRps of frienDs 2 ")

gOing libRary lAter to fInd my rEsearch.. wiSh mI luCk i cAn fiNd it sUccEssfully aR..

goD luB mI aFterrall :)

Memories that fades
3:42 AM

Monday, February 20, 2006

theSe daes reali d0wn on luck.. firstly is laptop spoilt... & i ddnt buck up my project.. no ch0ice hab to redo.. then hab to go thr tr0uble send my lapt0p to acEr at jur0ng east.. n resuLt bec0z too expensive.. bout $200 juz to buy a internal harddisk.. ddnt change.. since the techecial pple aso ask mi go sim lim buy.. cheaper ar.. waste my triP down ar..

then after buying at sim lim.. went home wana take out the screw.. find out tat one of it is too tight.. tink the techecial pple screw it too hard.. abit blunt le.. mi, my mum n my bro try opening but cant.. is totally blunt.. h0pe tml i go back acer.. i can argue back some right ar.. bec0z is not entirely our fault..since mainly is they screw too tight too opeN.. else tink g0ing to spend dun0 h0w much le..

thEn t0dae at work.. cashier drawer struck..luckily kidd around.. help mi settle.. then spill the juz bad karma sia.. wed not working.. tink find company go pei mi bugis go pray pray ar "x

at first wana save money to buy hP.. tink i comfirm shld be N6280.. since daniel kor as0 tinking to buy tat.. shld be not bad ba.. since guys knw better in hP ba :x bec0z tat time went bugis wif puN, saw ferren at the m1 sh0p.. then she aso sae N6111 e memory v small ar.. so i tink dun wan la. but tink shld be quite expensive.. so now can save, muSt save ar..

tink g0tten miz saha, ima and kidd when they go over to the cathay h0use sia.. all the g0od managers all go over.. n we are still struck wif .... :X

these fews daes keep habing rashes.. & aso v obvious place - my face n neck.. v ugly ar.. somemre pple keep asking mi isnt love bite sia.. -_-"" is big red swollen.. love bite g0t like tat de meh..

h0pe tml go repair wif y0ng.. can reali fight to dun pay ar.. else going to po cai le~!

i am v exhausted.. i realli nid a good sleep...

Memories that fades
6:13 AM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

guEss bLogging m0od bEing uP thEse fEw dAes.. eSpeciAlly yeSterDae.. tiNk i bLog thriCe sIA.. "p

todae ddnt go w0rk.. slEpt enoUgh..i think.. :x dDnt actually slEpt wEll laSt night.. haB a nIghtmAre..aNd i w0ke uP.. aftEr tat wokE uP bEc0z the r0om iS fEeling kInda h0t.. whEn it iS aCtually 19oC.. duNo iSnt my aIr-c0n niD sOme mAintanence lE or wAt aR..luCkily t0dae no work n sCh0ol.. elSe i tink i will bE v dEad..

finiSh my pRoposal wiF miKo thR mSn.. luCkily g0t a similar onE fR0m the yEar 3, so we like go the samE foRmat aS them :x h0pe we will be approve and able to complete all th0se requirement tat we stated :x

mIt hEr aFter tAt at bugiS.. ddNt hAb the m0od bec0z sAw some sMs mSg which kInda sPoilt mY m0od.. but dDnt reAli sHow out.. furthErm0re.. aM kiNda tiRed.. s0 juz quIckly sh0p.. brought a puRe milk t0p for sibAo pResEnt and luCkily rEmember to bRing my diScount cArd out.. sAve quIte abit ar :x miKo sUggeSt gEtting aNother pResent but diS time shAring it wiF ping n cArina.. so tml will be g0ing to dIscuSs it ba..

pRobably w0rking on mon n fri at cAthay.. is should be "is woRking" ba.. bEc0z n0rmally put schedule thr, they will gif de..weD put cartel.. h0pe if they put mi to w0rk.. xiao g0u will be w0rking 2.. & of coursE kiar 2.. more "shuo" de pple better ar.. else duN w0rk thr aso can ar.. n0w like n0t working thr de gan jue le.. :x

miting y0ng later to go library to b0rr0w cooking b0ok. juz now went to ah ma hse to learn from my mummy some dishes.. onli remember some dishes bec0z she was c0oking so fast.. mm.. n0t c0oking fast.. is putting in the ingredients fast.. salt..pepper.. etc.. but at least i remember h0w to c0ok kang kong wif sambal chili :x and i know h0w to enhance a taste of a egg..(u all may know already ar.. mi still a idoit in co0king sia~!) and agar know h0w to cook stingray wif salty vegs.. but kinda remember wat ingredients nid to be put in le :o)

will keep reading uP on b0oks.. h0pe will make a g0od dinner for ah pUn

further sms hAs liven up my m0od.. althought my previous sms maybe a little harsh.. but it reali getting on the nerve in mi..

read on the horoscope about taurus woman send by ferren.. quite true ar..

She thinks>>of money as an instrument for assuring of a good living. She has>>more>>satisfaction in achieving her goals more than satisfaction in fine>>cloths>>and luxuries

If she up sets, she will not>>show it and>>will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them so>>well.

If you keep a distant>>from>>her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more.

You will have a good relationship with her, if you allow her freedom.>>Do not>>force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let>>she goes>>out swinging with her friends if she wants to.

If you want to make it! with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous>>or>>possessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about>>nonsense or>>small and insignificant matters.

She hates>>to owe people money and take promise seriously.

those upper i read, i think is quite true ar..

interesting facts i read...

Taurus woman holds the best>>record for>>divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, but>>every>>things should be done for "Happiness".

You could>>see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant,>>or dress>>like a nun in an a cocktail dress party.

Memories that fades
3:36 AM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

- i wana thr0w xiao jie pi qi once in awhile 2, letting u coax mi..
- i wana u to understand my joke and being able to joke around wif mi..
- i wana to reali tok what i feel.. without being worry tat u will be upset/angry over it becoz u know it is a joke and not taken to heart..
- i wana not being pressurize to make any decisions.. habing u to understand mi and my feelings..
- i wana u to be more understanding n considerate to my feeling sometime 2..
- i wana let u knw i be here wif u thr this period and i am not changing heart bec0z u are not spending much time wif mi
- i wana let u know tat i not those girls who cant tahan their bois not being wif them most of the time while in army and will end up asking a break up..
- i wana all dis tingy will get thru u...

Memories that fades
6:25 AM

Memories that fades
5:26 AM

Memories that fades
12:35 AM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

haS n0t bEing uPdating al0t.. m0od been quite bad yesterdae.. kinda bruSt 0ut oN y0ng n li.. bec0z br0ught y0ng quite big de winnie de po0h bear.. then she like quite saying her friend as0 br0ught her teddy bear.. then ask mi h0w cum dun buy her other stuffs all tat.. then sae her muMmy g0ing sae her le.. then dis n tAt.. thEn b0th like keep dee siao.. kn0w they kidding la. but juz like keep quiet m0st of the time.. ddnt reply much 0r juz sae if dun wan i take back lor.. at first is g0t m0od de.. but gif them keep saying until sian.. tink b0th n0tice ba.. bec0z i juz ddnt reply them then juz play on my phone.. then the fo0d aso cum le.. then they just change subject lor..maybe starting meeting place abit cr0p up.. then abit sian half.. miscommunication... then somemore shortage.. which i find it weird lo.. bec0z i am careful the whole dae.. other pple g0t use my counter but i think n0t their first is short $5.80.. but then g0t voucher slash somewhere. not key in de la.. then cover 5.50 so onli 0.30 ar..

makan at cafe cartel.. then at first wana go wallet shop buy daniel present.. but close le.. but janz tml probably helping mi buy.. so i dun hab to rush ar..since yong aso wan cum my hse do project..

aH bi cuming out later than expected.. from 7.30pm to 9pm.. but then nvm la.. since he sae wana tok.. then i go his h0use find him lor ")

l0oking f0rward to weekend.. hab a fill uP schedule le..happEning ... nid to sumbit my final year proposal by tml aso.. hope can ar..

m0odswing these daes.. h0pe mit ah bi le will feel better ar ")

Memories that fades
9:05 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
currently working as HR,
16 may,
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