That My Life ;DDD *

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

i Am bAck...yEaH~! :X aNywAy...haBIng mOodsWing thEse daEs..mAybe jUz a pRe-mEnsEs tHing bA.. aNywAy.. bEcOz oF tAt..eSpeciAlly wEnt to gEt pIneApplE dRink beCoz mY fRieNd sAe dRink lE wIll cUm faSter mA :X

tEst wAs gReAt toDae.. hPe to gEt aT leaSt aN B :) cAlcuLate mY sCiEnce reSults..sEem Abit riSky.. mEan i haB to pErfOrm bEtter in cLAss n tESts tO aSsure i wIll paSs sIA.. sCare wIll nEed tO rePeat mOduLe siA.. waSte tiMe n mOney...aNd aSo sLeep sIa.. bEcOz mEan hAb to sTay aT wOodland lOngeR.. thEn haB to sPend aNOthEr fEw MoNthS waKing uP eArly aGain :X

qUite sLack At work yeSterDae.. fElt bAd tAt oNe oF aSlinda oR wAt dE gEt sColdIng.. bEcOz sEe 7+ cRowd or wAt cuMing.. thEn sHe saE cRowd nOt aLot thEse daEs.. thEn bEcOz aSk hEr hElp mE dO sOme oF thE mIniBar oRdErs, mAke hEr delay hEr tiMe to gO breAk.. bUt sWay thiNg is gOt lOng qUene.. thEn iMa gOt hElp mE bUt cUstoMErs kEep gOing to cAfe thEn sHe cAnt hElp me mUch.. uNtil gLen saW thEn hElp mE.. thEn tSha n evElyn jUz nIce wAn to cOllect thEir mEals.. cUm Out sEe gOt qUenE.. thEn bOth sHE n aNothEr one at l4 gEt sColding.. bEcOz bOth wEnt for bReak toGether n wEnt qUite LOng.. aGar 45mIn.. thEn mAke aSlinda sEem sO gUlity.. bEcOz lIke i haB to mANge thE cRowd aLone.. pAi sEi to her aBout tAt..

yIli n Me dEcIde mAybe yOng bIrthDae gO eAt at cAfe cartle Or wAt lorz.. bEcOz aso wOnt tOo eXpeNsive lOrz..theN oKay bA.. sHoulD be wiThin moSt bUdgEt.. sO pPle goIng dE.. cAn gIf otHer sUggeStionS lOrz.. (nO sTeambOat~yIli saE tAt)

fAts cUming oUt lE.. nEed sOme tRim At mY tuMmy lE.. gO rUn n eXcErisE le..Once hEro (daNiel's dOg) fAmilIAr wiTh danIel thEy aLl.. thEn tAke it gO rUn rUn.. bEcOz nOw sCare hE will rUn aWay la..bEcOz aso not v faMiliar wiTh uS..

Memories that fades
10:14 PM

Monday, January 24, 2005

haB a nEw tEam tOdae for mY mOdule..enJoy my Dae.. aBit sTress uP for nO aPparaent reAsOn for mY lAte mEnsEs :P hOpe fASter cUm sIA.. anD i cAn bReathe a sIgn of relief :P toDae haB gUitar..aBit sIanz lEh..duNo y... mAybe "sHort tErm InterEst" bA.. :X feel lIke quItting lE.. eLSe neXt tiMe mOve to wOOdlaNd..aLway haB to gO hMe sO lAte.. i aSo quIte sIanz sIa..sEe hOw lAh.. jUz yI sHi yI sHI gO oNce a Week Lorz..(aCtual iS got 2 prActiSes,bUt fRidae gOt woRk sO Alway dDnt go fOr tat pRactiSe)

mY bRothEr cUm bAck fRom India yeSterdAe.. aNd hE wAS V fUrioUs :X bEcOz mY hSe cOmputer Is V laCking..thEn thOught i dO wAt to thE cOmputer.. thEn i Juz sAe i Ddnt dO wAt... duNo iSnt mY cOUsin.. After tAt wEnt Out wiF danIel lE..whEn cAme bAck At niGht..wHole coMputer AlreaDy fOrmatted lE.. thEn He sMs mE saE sTaying At mY cOusin hSe, Not cUming baCk yEsTErdAe niGht.. :X

siNce mY hOuse No InteRnet.. i haB to rUsh tO fInish my wOrk in ScHool Leh..wHIch i dUn lIkela..bEcOz so ruSh sIa.. thEn i iNteNded to gO hmE fiRst to pUt my heaVy laPtop n thE bAttEry But dOUbt lAter gOt eNough tIme.. sIAnz sIanz..

Memories that fades
10:15 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2005

laLa.. haHa.. lUv tAt woRd reCently.. 4 no reAson :x sO aLway suDdenly "lAla" whIle tokIng to pEople oN mSn thEse dAes.. haB a fufiLling wEekEnds.. aLthought iT sEem eNded qUite bRuptly.mEnsEs haB nOt cUm..*sIanZ* sCare laTer cUm dUring thE nEw yEar pEriod thEn i "siaNz" 1/2 siA.. hOpe iT wiLl cUm withIn thiS wEek laH :x haHa.. hOpe thOse gUy reAder wOnt fEel uNcOmfoRtabLe oR wAt reaDing thiS :x

aNyway.. sAw tHe pUppy oN sAt At dAniel hSe.. v gUai dE dOg.. dDnt bArk Or wAt..aNd aSo v cuTez.. Not iN thE wAy cUte in thE lOoks bUt in thE wAys Of aCtion. lIke u juZ haB to sIt oPen,thEn cAlled tHe wIll cUm Sit wiThin the hOle iN fRont oF yOu..sEe cAn uPlOad tHe pHoto aNot.. bEcOz i aSo dUno hOw sIA :x at fIrst thEy wAn aNothEr bLack dOg dE..bEcOz mOre cuTez..lIke a bEar lIke Tat.. nOse iS lIke sQuaRe sQuAre dE :x haHa.. i aSo pRefEr tAt bUt mOst imPortAntly iS gUai la..At lEAst wIll oBey n "ting hUa" thEn woNt aSo bUlly thEir cAt cAN le ( i stIll More pRoteCtive oF hIs cAt :x) sO nOw wAiting 4 thE oWnEr tO cOntAct daNiel bEcOz sHE wEnt to kL oN sAt n wIll bE baCk oN sUndae.. sO hOpe bY nExt sAt, thE pUppy wIll aRrivEd lE :) thEn cAN bRing it wAlk wAlk,jOg jOg.. pEI yaNg gAn qIng

wOke Up qUite eArly oN sUn.. Not v eArly laH.. (10+am) :x bUt sTill tiRed lAh.. mEeting yOng n lI gO sHOppIng :x wEathEr nOt v gOod.. V hot siA.. wEnt tO jP wiTh yOng fiRst..sHe bRought a sKirt n a sHirt.. aIyO..wAn hEr to tRy thE sKirt sO hArd Sia.. bEcoZ sHE KEep thiNking sHe wEar tHe sKirt nOt nIce..thEn dIE dIE foRce hEr tRy..haHa.. n iT lOok nIcE :) tHe saLegEr aSo hElp aLOng bY kEep bRinging shIrtS tO lEt hEr tRy.. aLthoGethEr thiNk sPEnd $80 oN hEr Attires. wEnt to pLay hoUse oF tHe dEad.. thEse dAes bEing sPending aLot oN aRacde wiTh yoNg sIA.. plAy wIf hEr uNtil sO kAN chIong n sCare siA.. chAnge $10 usEd uP v fast sIa.. plAy uNtil thE thIRd sTage thEn gAme oVer nOt bEcOz nOt enOugh cRedit bUt thE cArd duNo dRop uNtil wAt sIa.. =_=" Play uNtil sO fAr.. thEn thE cArd duNo dRop Until wHere..cAnt fiNd it.. aBIt hEart paIn BEcoz pLAy sO fAr le.. "saD saD" :x haHa..nEver Mind..Still gOt cHance..wAit gEt my pAY lE i chIong aGain :x haHa..

dDnt sEe aNy clThes tAt cuM to mY lIking..mY mUm sAe mY "yan guan" toO hiGh lE..nOt reAli..jUz Tat ddNt sUit mY lIking..mAybe Went chInatoWn..tHen mOst cltHes thEre is wAt "qI paO" alL Tat..thEn Ddnt sUit mE sIA..sO mAybe sEe whEn fRee lE.. gO sHoppiNg aGAin..mAybe wIf daNIel ON sAt bA..sTill sEArching 4 a biLlabOng pAnts tAt daniel lIke But duN haB hiS sIze dE.. Mm.. Keep sEarcHing.. inTend to bUy a pAir oF riNgs At cEinlEiSure n eNgraVe bOth oUr nAmes 4 valetine pResEnt.. :x COst $50 aNd aBove.. wAna gEt my pAy faSt n aSking yIli to rEturn $100 to Me firSt sO i cAn faster dO the rIngs..sCare wiLl sEll oFf sIA :X mAybe tHe paNts i find lE cAn Aso As a pArt oF vAlentinE preSent :x hAha.. aBit wEird bUt okay lA..hE lIke cAN le..

yOng biRtHdae cuMing..haB nOt reAli gO lOok 4 hEr pResEnt..nOr dEciDe wHere tO eAt.Her BirThdae nExt sUndae..thiNk By thEn i got my AlloWaNce lEh..then i got more cASh to sPEnd oN hEr preSent lEh.. mY bRothEr cuMing baCk fRom IndiA toDae..haHA..aBout 1 month dDnt sEe hIm le..sInce hE wEnt oVer As pArt of hiS NS to hElp thEM bUild buIldings..aSo wAn hIm "cUre" mY hsE coMpuTer bEcOz v laCking..dUno wAt my coUsins inStall..aLway cUm n boRrow thE coMputEr thEn dUNo iNstall wAt pROgram to plAy or wAt unTil v laCk...If lAter mY bRother fIx lE thEn cOmplAin aGain aBout thE "unWanted" prOgrammes.. thiNk mUst tEll mY cOusIn lE..lEt mY mUm dO tHe jOb BA :X sInce i aSo mOStly nOt aRound oN sAt wHEn thEy mOStly cuM oVer..

Memories that fades
5:44 PM

Monday, January 17, 2005

fReeZing cOld..n sUfferiNg fRom cOld nOw..qUite baDly..mM..nOt a gOod nIght yeSterdAe.. haB a baD daE wIf daRz.. reAlise oF BeEn hOw baD i bEing hIs gF.. iS reAli hEart bReAking to kNow thE pErsOn u aRe wIf aRe reAli nOt tAt haPpi..bEcOz nOt sAe nOt lA..bUt liKe i cAnt sTill cOmpleTely mAke hIm hAppi.. mOre saD than hAppi..quIte sOmetIme sInce oUr last aGrgument.. haZi..Is this aLway haPpen to freSh reLationsHip? i duNo.. But i hOpe it woNt bE tAt lOng.. i reAli wAn that tO bE tOtally goNe.. nOt lIke rAnking aBout tHe past..aPpreciAte me foR wHo i aM.. i wIll chAnge.. But i nEed tiMe.. tHere wiLl bE sTIll aN ExtEnd hOw mUch i cAn cHangE..sAd..uPsEt.. HoPe everything wiLl be fine.. hOpe mOod will bE bEttEr..haZi

mEetinG yOng 4 dInneR lAter..10+ bA.. wAit 4 hEr to fiNish woRk mA.. thEn go mAkan tOgeTher..duN fEel like eAting..aLthOught quiTe sTravIng.. wOrking toMorow.. siAnz.. nO mOod aso.. gUitar lAter..siAnz aSo..duN fEel liKe goIng lE..mAybe eArly gO hMe slaCk..sLeEp..tAfa sOme tiME..i aM aso tiRed..iNner nOse v paIn..sHArp pAin..duNo How cUm sIa..

*dyIng..noSe dropPing..*

Memories that fades
8:23 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

mY hEad sEem sO hEavy .. iN thE sEnsE oF fEel dIzzNess..haZi..sIanZ..eVErythiNg gOne baD..uNhAppy aBout sOme sTuff yEsTeRdAe..toDae bEttEr lEh..aM i tAt jiA lAt..bEing sOmeOne gF,thAt i cAnt eVen hELp hIm to gaIn coNfidEnt,oR rAthEr, i aM quIte thE maIn rEasOn tAt He lOsE coNfiDent.eveRythIng SeEm to bE mY fAult.. *baD* dDnt reAli kNow wAt i kNow,wIll reSult in hIm loSing coNfiDent.Not dO,bUt dDnt saE. liKe i jUz Kept qUiet. i dUn wAn saE Until sO sUre,bEcOz fUture whO kNow? but i wOnt chAnge ... not withIn thEse yeArs,beCoz i kNow hOw i fElt.aNd i knOw i woNt.jUz tAt i dUn wAn saE oUt,bEcOz i dun wAn lAter aNythIng haPpen,*chOy* thEn iTs liKe wAt i sAe,itS mEant nothIng lIke tAt. thEn lIke i bEcoMe thE liaR,thE dEvil..evErything..wAteVer.. i kNow whAt i aM fEeling,aNd i aM sUre.

wEnt fOr thE mEeting yEstErdae At cAthay.mEet jUn yiNg at sChool b4 goIng thEre. reAch thEre..liSten thEm tok aLl thAt..uNtil 9pM.iS sIanz..and bOring..haBing to kNow mOre n mOre rules..i aM sIck,tiRed n sIanz about woRking cAthay reAli. wAtever rules thEy saE,itS sEem sO eASy to thEm.thoSe woRking n haBing to dO thAt aLway wiLL fiNd it tiRing.. baD jOb.. baD pAy..siAnz.. dUn wAn strUck thEre 4 lOng.. But i sImplY cAnt fiNd aNothEr jOb tat haB sUch a timE fLexiBilty bEtwEen thIs sTudying pEriod,whIch aLlow mE to wOrk n sTudy.

daRz's mUm bIrthDae oN sUndae. haB not thought of wAt prEsEnt to gEt foR hEr..mM..heaDaChe.idEas aNyonE?

Memories that fades
11:21 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005

haHa..jUz sAw kJ tAg..saE mE aLot of uPdate..i sTill thOught will gEt sColding sO lOng dDnt uPdate sIA.. :x bUt tuRn Out thE oPposIte bA :x aNywAy... bEst wIsheS to kJ.. hEard tat yA juZ stArt yR sChool..mM..mAybe u wiLl aBit bu xI guaN..sInce aFter All, already sO Long dDnt gO baCk sChool lIfe lEh..bUt sEe yr aBilitY..coMfirm v fASt cAn aDapt iN le :X gOod 4 u..

haHa..sAw rU bLog aBout mentIoning aBout tHe bOx Of goOdieS :x tAt oNe iS xIao gOu n i thInk oF de.. jUz Nice wAlk paSt a gOodieS shOp sElling "ruBBish" aT jUrong pOint thEn thiNk untiL u Wor..thEn gO 4 yA..aLthought preSent aBit LAte.. hOpe the "ruBbisH" haVent sPolit Ba.. sInce iTs woNt spOlit so faSt de..

lAst tiMe haB a tAlk wiF dArz. Not mUch..bUt jUz tAlking aBout tHe life aFter hE wEnt NS.Mm..hE sEem iNsEcUre Tat he wIll Not bE bY mY sIde..tHink sCare me lAter wiLl Know aNother gUy then "run oFf" siA :x hAha..kNow thE fUture iS unpRedicable.bUt i not sEeing aN eNd Nor Looking fOrwArd tO it..jUz wIll bE kEepiNg mYself busy..woRking,sTuding aLL tAt while hE is iNsidE.thEn mY wEekeNd will bE pEi hIm LE ba..nExt tiMe.. lIke mEihUi n hIs bF Now..shE aSo taKe oFf oN wEekEnds tO pEI hEr bF.. Mm..iTs jUz thE saMe bA.. Juz Tat mAybe i dDnt haB much chAnce to tAlk lAte pHone cAll wiF dArz bA..sInce mY paRents duN lIke thE idEa Of me tAlking lAte oN pHone n haBing to wAke uP eArly thE neXt daE. 2 yEars wIll paSs v fasts dE..sOon hE will bE oUt,i will haB gRaduAte.. thEn wOrk work..eArn eNough mOney to ...dAda..:x

will bE goIng doWn to cAthAy mEeting lAter..wA..sIAnz sIa..But nO chOice..b4 tHen got gUitar..thEn will bE MEeting my bEloved yIli 4 a whIle..thiNk sHE wAna sEe mE la.elSe wOnt sUddenly sAe wAn eAt tHe cAke At mObile oPposiTe my School.. thEn wAn wAlk hme wiF mE..sWay thIng iS gOt gUitar AFter tAt..hAzi..aSo wAn tAlk to hEr..gOt alOt of thiNgs lIke wAN to uPdate..But sEem reAli lIke nth Much :x haHA..jUz wAN toK to HEr laH :x tHen aso pAssing hEr thE cHristMas preSent..put mY HoUSe rOt lE :x

lOoking foRwaRd to sEeking mY dArs lAter AftEr cAthAy mEeting.. goIng to sPend More tiMe wIF hIm Until hE gO iNsIde nS. :)

Memories that fades
7:41 PM

Friday, January 07, 2005

hEre i aM..eArly iN thE wEe mRning..bLogging..haHa..hArdwoRking RigHt? :x dUn wiSh tO lIe to tHE peOple aNyMore(dOubt aNyone wiLl bElieve bEcoz tat i sO haRdwoRking sIa "[ ) ... tRuth oUt..tat i Juz reTurn hMe fRom wOrk..aNother dAe aT wORk..wiTh haRdly aNy pPle..gReat dAe aHead :x pple i mEan the cUstomErs lAh..dun sEem Like a wEekeNd to Me.. bEing "sHoot" bY eVe bY mY sHirt faDing pInk..sAe aBout a pErson eMploy tAt will "sPy" oN our cUstomEr sErvice..aNd tAT wE haB to kEep sUggeStioN sElling till thE cuStomEr saE "tAt aLL" tHE onLi idea tAt rUn thRough mE iS.. wAt iF sOme cUstomErs duN liKE saE "tat aLl" , thEn saE nO aLl thOSe.. mEan i haB to KEep prOmoting laH..jUz to lISten the "maGical" woRd.. aBit gEtting "rUbbisH" Of How It sHould Be dOne.. At leasT SAe TaT MuSt dO sUggeStion sElling..tat aLL..tHen Still AccePtaBle..mUst prOmote until got thE "tat all".. wA.. sEem a mOre toUgh dAes aHead at cOncessiOn :x

tErrEnce mAke a bEt wif me,sHarul aNd a NewbIe (zhEngyu) to aBle to wASh thE dIspeAsers, waRmer n pOppEr clEan witHout more than 5 mIstakEs.. iN oRder to trEat uS a mEal Of a mAximuM oF $15,elSe wE haB to eAch cHip in $10 to tReat hIm a mEal. thE sTupid mE aGreed witHout mUch hEsitation whIch lead uS to hArdwOrk lAter..iS wAS reAli not a mUch prOblem Juz tAt the PoppEr hab too Many "secRet opEning" .. aLot of thIng i Ddnt reAlise cAn Open de.. aNd iTs iS sO bLack.. tOOk aLong tiME to cLEan it..But sTill cAnt mAnage to clEan it totAlly.. gIve Up At thE enD.. mAnage to clEan a wArmEr (bY sHaruL) , one dIspEaseR ( Me n zHengyu) .. dun thiNk the dIspEasEr eASy to cLEan.. iTs is sO tiME coNsumiNg.. haB to dIg Out aLl thE dIRt iNSide.. aNd eNSure tAt nO sRyups iS sTain On the tiSsue sTuff iNSide..

a dAe wHIch coUld bE a eaSy dAe bEcoMe sUch a eXhAusting One.. sHAruL diD a gReat jOb In scRapping oUt thE Top of thE blaCkened pArt.. wHile i wASh the PopPer.. bEing a thOsand oF dAe sInce tHe pOppEr sHine :) aLthOUght diD not wiN the bEt.. gLad of thE pOPper bEing waShed n cLEan wEll .. :)

Memories that fades
1:51 PM

Thursday, January 06, 2005

hEre i aM aGain.. cOmplaIning oF my bOriNg life in sChool.. hOw i wiSh 3 yeaRs will paSt jUz witH a snAp oF mY fiNger :x oKay...jUz bEing fuSsy aBout mY sChool agaIn. :x

sAme aS usUal.. wiLl bE woRking at fRidae.. 8pM to 4am.. wiLl be AsO working wEd n fRi neXt wEek.. sEe cAn hElp tErreNce hOw mUch hElp lOrz.. sInce i ASo wAn eArn More mOney.. bEcoZ he alWay saE.. nExt week sHeduCle haVent plaN.. aLready KNow coMfirm Not enOugh pple agaIn.. sAe pLan eArly aSo cant gEt pPle.. haB to wAit oTher stATion to plaN pPle le.. thEN sEe got Xtra pPle cAn Put in cOncess.. thEn pLan toO laTe gEt sColding..haHa.. bEing sO toUgh bEing a mAnaGer tHere sIA :X

aNyway.. nEw rUle fRom sUhaMi..saE mUst waSh PoppEr every 10 Pop..oH mI gOd.. He thiNk wE will kEep cOUnting hUh..mOreoVEr..hE kNow hOw hArd fOr uS to wASh Up.. N v tiMe cOnsUming aSo.. nExt time iF hE cAn Hab the chANce ( wHich i duN thiNk sO) , hE cAn gladlY unDersTAnd How tiRing it cAn be.. then.. i Juz pretence i dUno aBout thiS.. aNd sTick to mY oLd wAy..wash aT the eNd of thE dAe~!

seEm lIke all thE plAce haBing a sPRing clEaning..aS alReady sae in mEtta bLog.. mM.. sEem cOncEss haB a Lot of plaCe to clEan aSo sIa.. Hope toDae woNt kaNa it.. :x duN wAn bAck paIn duE to thE wAShing n sCrubbing :x

Memories that fades
7:49 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

hOw mAny dOnkEy yeArs tAt i haB nOt cuM bLog? :x haHa.. jUz a eXagGeratiOn laH.. jUz mAYbes 1 wEeks pLus :x aNyway.. i aM hEre aGain.. tO uPdAtes n cRapz In my bLog.. toDae fiNish my wOrk eArly .. bEcOz i gOt aN eFficIent tEam toDae.. :) gLad foR tAt.. bEcOz i alWay lIke to cHiong fiNish my woRk thEn wOrk aLl thE wAy lATer sIA.. :x

aNyway.. jUz aPolgnIze tO jaNz bA.. sEeM rAther tRouBled thEse dAes bUt i reAli cAnt bE thEre 4 hEr.. mM.. liKe gOIng tO sLeep.. Or bEing outside.. thInk sHe aSo duN wAn tRouBled mE ba.. tAt why dDnt fiNd mE mUch.. thEn.. thEre aRe pEOple oUt thEre v cOncErn 4 hEr.. sO tAkE cAre gEr. thiNk lUe aSk me suNdae fRee aNot.. thiNk iS goIng oUt wiF u aLL bA.. bUt dDnt maNage to rePly hEr b4 sHE offLine.. aNyway.. cAll mE thEse dAes to chAt cHAt.. oR wE cAN gO oUt "saN saN xIn" :x reAd yR bLog.. uNDerstAnd thE sItuAtion gOIng thRough nOw.. mM.. kInda mEssy.. soMetime.. iF othEr pEople prOblem u cAnt sOlve.. thEn suAn lE ba.. nO mAtter hOw haRd u cAn hElp to reSolve MAtter.. iTs still dEpend on thE pArty thEmsElves wHether thEy aRe wIlling to foRgive eAch othEr..

aM pRetty gLad tAt thE sChool hOildae iS oVer.. i mEan foR the sEcondAry n primary sChool stuDents.. tAt aPply to my wORking dAes.. bEcOz itS aLway iS a nIghtmAre for mE duRing thOsE hOildae pEriod.. aLthought i aM aSo hOildae.. enJoying my hOildae.. thE mOment i gO to wOrk.. Its alwAy a diSastEr.. aLway fEeling frUstrating bY the eNd of My woRk n cAnt wAit to wAlk oUt Of the bUilding..sEeing pEople iRks mE mUch dUring tAt pEriod :x

gOt mY sCienCe reSUlt..gOt a E.. sAd sIa.. thought i cAN hENg hEng pass again but nOt thIs time.. gOd sImply nOt giVing mE aNothEr chAnce oF nOt bEing sTudying aNd lEtting mE paSs.. lUckily.. mY coMputer reSult i mAnage to pASs .. aM gLAd.. bEcoZ itS aNothEr sUbjEct tAt i dDnt sTudy.. whEN i haB thE tiMe.. bEcoMing laZier thEse pEriod..aFter the sEcondAry sCh..aLway thInking of fUn aND enJoymEnt..teSt dAe iS jUz bEcoMing a dAe tAt i nEed to dOwnloaD aLL my nOtes into my laPtoP n a dAe tAt i haB to gO sChool eARlier.. tat all.. itS baD.. reAl baD tat i bEcOme like tat.. haB to "jIa yOu" bEing mOre sEriOus n fOcUs oN mY sTudieS.. i gOt 2 yEar+ haB to ENdure :x sO.. bE a hArdwOrking gEr nOw bA :X

tOk wif jaNice n mEihUi aBout thE aGe thAt wE wAn to gEt maRry aLl tAt.. jaNice jUz wAn to gIve bIrth b4 25.. mEihuI wAn to gEt maRry by 25.. me lEh.. haHa.. 23 to get maRry sEem a gOod Age :x then idEal aGe to give biRth iS 25 :x haHa.. toO bOred yESterdae sO sTart sAeing alL thEse.. jaNice sAe sHe quIte lIke daNiel (cAfe) tat tyPe dE.. haHa.. sAe he gOod gEr dE.. nOt totAlly la..bEcOz sHE aso duN lIke too gUai dE :x aT leAst aBle to kNow who aBout hEr lUv lIfe (kPo) :x haB a greAt tiMe wOrking cloSing wiF hEr..mOre chANce aHeaD~1

Memories that fades
9:12 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
currently working as HR,
16 may,
Happily being myself

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