That My Life ;DDD *

Sunday, October 31, 2004

mM..toDae sEe my face..sEem sO jIalat laH..mY fAce wiF the mOles sO sWollEn..bEi aI laH..mUst xI sHeng aBit lORz..jUz 1 Week..hOpe wiLl paSs faSter sIa..aNyway...aGAr aLready mEet uP wiF ru oN sUndae After work to gO eAt sEoul gaRden.. aSo gOing to aSk lIng..iF liNg sEe thiS..tRy maKe yRself fRee tAt dAe if u cAn laH..

aNyway..juZ read jaNz bLog..mM..haZi..sEem sO mIz juDe thEy all..aLl the pAst mOre thAn mE sIa..bUt reaD leh..mOre waRmth sIa..bEcoz thInk of thE fUn siA..last tiMe cUm to wOrk mOre iS liKe enjoying n fUn..nOw is reAli wOrking lOrz..pUsh baCk the paSt..reCieve the preSent ba.. no chOice n No pOint kEep thInking baCk..jUz a greAt memOries iN oUr lIfe.. keEp bRooding oNli mAKe oUrselVes more uPset..jUz thInk How to mAke now mOre hAppy..mOre enjoyAble..aNyway...wE aLl kNow hOw mUch wE lUv n EnjOy thE paSts..wHen eVerythIng sTart chAnging...

thiS moNths..pEople chANges..thIng hAppen.. hOwEver.. iF yA bEing iNto mY lIfe..bE iT haB gOne thRough sOme baD mOments toGether..i reAli lUv u gUys~! mM..hOpe reAli cAn chAnge abit of My chAraCter aFter i reMove thE mOle..bEcoz bAsed oN the peRSon whO hElp me dO..sEem wiLl sOme changes..bEcoz eaCh oNe indIcate sOme of mY charaCter..hOpe will tuRn bEtter..aND not 4 thE woRst..

Memories that fades
6:19 PM

Memories that fades
6:42 AM

Thursday, October 28, 2004

HaHa.. 4get to wRite jUz nOw..toMorow mAybe goIng tO wAtch Movie wiTh jaNz,jeremy x 2 ..peifei..danIel chOo..ect..duNO sTill got whO at 3.20am..mM..duNo wAn to wAtch aNot lEh..thInk mAybe cAN de..bUt duNo mY mUm aLlow mA..aSo..i duN reAli wAn See DANIEL CHOO now.. alWay giF me attitUde.. reAli i mAke hIm tat tOng kU aSo duN nEed ALWAY giF me tat aTtitude wheN i cHAt to hIm PROPERLY! ..

nVm...woNt sPolit My mOod..suddenLy fEel sO hAppy n hIgh sIa..dUno MAybe jUz nOw breAk whEn to far eASt wiTh pEishAn n xiAn li..thEn tAke neopRint..thEn sHop sHop..jOke lAugh..hElp mE liGhten mY mOod aLot sIa..aFter HE giF me Tat aTtitudE iN mSn..oK..fIne.. mAybe jUz a afTer meNses thIngy..mOodsWing sO fASt la..

Memories that fades
11:46 PM

Memories that fades
6:26 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

FeelIng sO coLd n fReezing iN mY cLass...eVen wiTh mY jaCket oN.. mM..agAr reLated aBit wHat haPpen yEsTerdae laH.. Not mUch laH..jUz mEet uP wiF dAniel loRz..wEnt iN hIs hOuse wAiting 4 hIm to gEt bAThe thEn juZ wEnt about tO gO hiS aUnt hsE thEre..hIs mUm cAll..thEn ask hIm uSe car bA..thEn dRive oVer to hIs aUnt hSe thEre..jUz nIce..hIs dAd cUm bacK..thEn eAt toGether..bUt aBit sLEepy sIa...bEcoz abit heaDacHe thEn haB a fuLl lUnch..sO dDnt eAt ..juZ haB sOme sOup lOrz..thEn hIS dAd wAs lIke teLling gOt maNgo in the friGe..thEn ask uS to eAt.aNd wAS lOoking aT mE..bUt i waS toO eNgrOssed iN lOoking aT mY sOup..then dUno hE iN faCt wAS like tALking tO mE sIa.. thEn dDnt rePly...thEn daNiel lIke mM..tEll mE aGain...thEn i wAS lIke bLur bLur dE rePly hIm "oK".. thEn daNiel juz aSk me haveNt wAke uP yEt..stIll IN mY dReam laNd Sia.. bUt aBit baD la..fEel V iNpoliTe to hiS daD sIA..when hE wAS lIke tALking tO mE..But i Ddnt rePly hIm :x

fEeliNg a bIt bORed..eSpecially tAt i fRidAe nOt wOrking..thEn nOw doIng aBit oF jOb sEarcHing lOrz..agAr daniel reCOmmand sOme jObs to dO..thEn sAe hElp mE aSk loRz..Got oNe sEem Not baD..thEN qUite fRee... At eSplandate...sEll cHocolAte lORz :X thInk tat oNe cAn aLso wOrk MOre lah..sInce aLSo nOt V tiRing..wEekdaes cAn cHiong mOre.. mAybe iF so..juZ woRk onLy fRi At cAthay..iF thEy wAn pUt mE laH~ There pAy hIgher aLSo.. But still If gOt tat wOrk..wont qUIt cAthay dE la..bEcOz i sTill mIz mY fRieNd thEre~! tHen aSo mIz thE fUnny n fUn thEre...(eXcluDing thE maNagemEnt...sInce tat iNcideNt...reAli dUn lIek the mANagement sTaff mUch...exCept 4 wEndy taN n dErrick sIa)

whO fRee on frI? wAn jIo pEople gO oUt sIa..thInk sTart mSging tO sOme whEther thEy fRee oN fRi aNot..aLSo cAN cAtch uP abIt sIa..cAnt fInd yIli,yoNg siA..sInce thEy haVing thEir O leVEl nExt wEek lE..duN wAn inTerruPt thEm sTudy bA... sO sEe whO frEe sIa..thInk jaNz aLSo woRking oN fRi...mEtta thEy aLl aLso...lEft...aH rU..Ling..mM..xHua..yUhua thEy all lOrz..thE mOSt sTAy At hMe loRz..mAybe mEet uP wiF Jeff thEy all.. kaImEiz aLso..iF aLl aRe frEe laH..tOo wU liAO lEh..sTay at hMe lIke waSted aBit maH :X .. sO

Memories that fades
7:34 PM

Memories that fades
1:42 AM

Monday, October 25, 2004

iDoit mE..mSn pUt thAt niCk..then hE cUrioUs to kNow wHat i wAS "eNliGhtened".. i alSo nOw duN wAn tO thInk mUch abOut it..uNtil i sUre oF my fEelIng n thOughts..bEcoz i mAybE jUz aFfected bY wHat wEndy H saE..bUt reAli iS nOt wHat i fEel..tHen laTer mEeting hIm..duNo hOw to eXplain tAt..juz dUn wAn tO get tO tAt toPic nOw sIA..*sIanZ*

yeSterdAe hElp aH sEng dO uP abit oF hIs bLog..bUt thE sKin jUz wOnt cuM oUt lE..i reMemBer yeSterdae dO iS oK leH..But todAe i gO sEe..sTill thE saMe bLog sKin..haVent chAnge..mM..thInk lAter gO hMe tRy aGain..aT fiRst wAn tRy iN sChool..bUt i dun haB thE bLog sKIn He wAnt n hIS paSswoRd eCt... mAybe jUz rUsh abit..sInce i mEeting hIm tO go mAkan diNner at hiS aUnt houSe lORz..

yeSterdAe eAt alOt sIa..mAybe mOod nOt tAt gOod..thEn eAt n eAt... agar liSt Out abit oF mY whAt i eAt lOrz.. Mm..agAr 8 sMall MAn tuO, aBit oF nOodLEs,cHeeZels, abit oF cUrry.. sEem aLot sIa.. :p mAybe tO sOme..sTill Ok laH..bUt thE aMount i eAt iS nOt nOrmal mY sTomaCh will uSUally tAke laH..sO yeSterdAe iS lIke a bUffet tO mY stOmach :x .. eAt aLready...dUn fEel Like mOving...lAid oN the sOfa N wAtch shOw n fEel asLeep..wAke uP alreAdy 7+ lE..sLeep aBout 2 hR+ lOrz... thEn mY mUm touCh mE..ASk me whY i sO hOt..i aLSo dUNo..bUt i dUN fEel feVeriSh lORz..fEver fEver lORz..sIck bEtter..sLeep wHole dAe..duN thiNk aNythiNg..

tHen sLack aWhIle lORz..thEn aFter thE "doUble hAppiNess".. gO bAthE....tHen gO pLay coMputer..fInisH my rJ..thEn gO miRc fInd sOng to dL..bEcoz seArchiNg 4 a enGlisH lUv sOng..bUt duNo whO sIng dE..aLso duNo tHe tiTle..sO sEe cAn hEng hEng ppLe dL..thEn i Also coPy Dl..thEn gEt thE rIght sOng mA :P bUt dDnt lAH.. yeSterdae mOSt is dLing chInesE sOngs LOrz.. thEn kJ aSk mE to fiNd hEr dl thE sUN yaN zi new song- wo dE ai.. b4 sHe ask Me.. i alreAdy intEnd lE..bEcoz "kaN haO" lisTen uNtil thE Song fRom tV.. bUt dL lE..aLl sO sHOrt oNe..thInk mUst wAit uNtil thE aCtual dAe thEn gOt a Longer vErsIon bA..

aNywAy..sHaF dId nOt pUt mE oN wOrk thiS wEek..dUno hOw cUm sIa..mAybe thEy eNOugh sTaff bA..thEn MoreoVer hE kNOw i sAt mOrning gOt gUitar..thEn iF beSt iS duN wOrk tOo lAtez bA.. bUt i NEed mOney to sUrvive Ma~ xI sHeng abit oF sLeep iS oK dE...bUt nVm la..cAn tAke thIS week tO reSt mOre lORz..Nt wEek thEn sEe hOw loRz..mAybE woRking On aDditioNally wEekdae lORz..mAybe jUz oNe dae la..toO mAny dAe..i tOo tirEd..thEn go sChool..wAn sLeep aGain..mOreover.. i nt wEek got 2 teSts liAo..tueS n thUrs.. aT firSt intEnd to wOrk wEds..bEcoz thurs leSson V reLax..bUt duN thiNk poSsible 4 nt wEek la..laTer dO teSt haLf wAy fAll aSleep sIa..:x

Memories that fades
8:41 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2004

baCk oN bLog aFter sO long oF nOt bLogging lEh..aGar sAe abit eVent hEre n thEre laH :P .. fiRstly..muSt tHANkz rU laH..muSt prAise her Abit laH.. "xi sHeng" aBit oF yr "precIous" tiMe to hElp mE dO uP mY bLog...gaN dONg laH :p ... aNd hOr.. sInce u nOw hOildae..g0t mY freE tiMe..uPdatE mOre laH.. i aT sChool sIanz.. iS reaDing all yA bLog to pAss tiMe wOr.. :P kNow mY bLog sOmetIme alSo abit oUtdatEd lOr..bUt wiLl tRy to uPdatE aS mUch aS pOssiBle lOrz..

wOrkIng lOrz..sAme aS uSual aLway wOrk oN fri nIght dE mAh...gO thEre..sAw wEndy H,kaNu aNd KJ lOrz..reaCH tHere eArly bEcoz nOthing to Do at hMe,thEn kNOw jaNz At cIneShop..mAybe bOred..sO go thEre Pei hEr toK toK..haHa..kJ sEe uNtil ME sO hAppy..tHink hOping to lOg oFf eArlier bA..But i gO cInesHop fInd jAnz...pEi hEr cHat fiRst..tHen sHe gO hElp rAMan or wHat dE..( fOrget the naMe!) bE usHer chEck hAll,thEn i hElped "modEl" in ciNeshOp fOr AWhile :p aFter tHat..wEnt to puTch In foR wOrk..whOle daE sO sIanz..

lUckily gOt wEndy H pEi mE chAt..bOth aSo sO sIanz..thEn aLL sO haRdwoRking.. :x sNatcH wOrk tO dO.. gOt quIte a enLightenEd tAlk witH hEr...(tAT exPlaiN my mSn mSg nOw lAh) mM..mAke mE thiNk thINgs tAt reAli i dDnt reAli thOught b4.. mM..oR rAther..duN dAre to thIngz..sAme loRz..asO tAlking boUt mE n bOth dANiel dE thIngZ.. sHe saE tAt i likE dE is bOx daNiel..( sHe saE uNtil sO sUre oF it!) i duNo...reAli..eVen So..i dOubt i gOt thE coUrage..mAybe aS MORE tiMe paSses.. i bE aBle to mAke sUre of my fEelingZ...aNd dAre to dO thE aCtion.. bEing thiNking aBout thiS mAtter aFter tat tAlk..cAn i wAke uP? cAn i bE mOre brAve? haZi..sUch a wEaklInG..cAuse so mUch hUrt tO dAniel bOx.. and hIm (laSt tiMe) mAybe cAn tRy to fOcus mOre oF thIs reLatiOnsHip.. tRy tO pUt in more eFfort..mAybe..i cAn rEali sOlve thE matTer.. whAt my heArt iS thInking..i dUno..bUt sEe dAnIel bOx sEem gOing greAt wiF hIs lifE nOw..mAybe leArn to duN thiNk mUch le bA.. i aSo cAn dO wAt Now..goIng nOwhEre..whEn i aLso cAnt coMfirm mY thOught n feeliNgz..bUt scAre Abit whAt wenDy H saE miGht bE true..kInda reGret wHy i sO rASh lASt tiMe..cAuse sO mUch proBlems..proBlems whIch cAn dUn eXsIt nOw dE..haXi..

yeSterdae mEet yiLi foR dInner...At fIrSt wAn toK tO heR abOut it dE..dUn wAn to tOk sUch sO prOblemaTic ..whEn i nAn dE sEe hEr laH..thEn jUz gOssIp :p kNow AboUt AGar sOme aDditIonal sTuff...nOt mUch laH..mIz mY gRp So mUch sIa..nOw aLl bUsy wIF sChoOl..sO lOng Ddnt sEe uNtil yOng lEh..nT tiME mUSt 7 sISterS all gO oUt toGether sIa..nOw wAit thEy fIniSh thEir o lEvel fiRst.:P

alSo got pLan to mEet uP wiTh mEtta thEy all sOon..But haB to wAit uNtil thEy finIsh thEir eXaMs...whIch iS aGar 1 mOnth lAter siA .. cAnt wAit fOr it to cuM..mAybe iN beTween aSo will jIo thEm Out..cOz gOt afEw sHow wAna wAtch wiF them..nEed sOme cAtching up lE la..sO long dDnt chAt n gossIp wIth thEm lE sIa.. :x

lIfe bEen aBit bOred n sIanz lAter..otHer thAn gOing oUt wiF dAniel..iF not iS go work..sO siAnz dE lifE..cAn taHan lOng Sia.bUt frIends All bUsy wiF eXams..woRk..sTudieS..prOjects..nVm lA.. i So lIhaI kEep mYself bUsy...lIke...sLeepIng~ beSt wAy to tA fa tiMe sIa..tHen bEen lAcking bEhInd wiF mY fRienDs lEh..i dUn wAn bEcoz oF insIde a relAtionShip thEn dRift aPart fRom fRiends lA..aLthought it iS haRd to maNage..fRieNds aLso iMportAnt to me wOr..sO duN aCcuse me oF neGlectiNg n bO xIN wOr~! :P Mum sEem to bE moRe "inTereSted" iN my liFe sIa..tAt tiMe i wAs tAlking to sHAfiul about mY schEduLe..but She mAybe thiNk i tAlking to "hIm" .. thEn pIck n anotheR pHone n liSten sIa.. ( i got 2 pHone coNnected on a sIngle lIne) thEn liSten awHile thEn put down le..nOthing mUch..siNce i wAs oNli tAlking about thE wORk sTuff sIa..hEng hEng sIa..bEcoZ b4 thEn, i wAS tALking to hIm foR aWhile..thEN beCoz hE wAna bAthe fiRst,thEn aSK me cAll mE baCk after i fiNish wiTh shAf. :p aLso duNo whY i duN wAn my mUm to Know siA...mAybe reAli sTAble lE..thEn saE..maybe alSO duNo How my mUm will reaCt Or dO bA..sInce aLSo ddnt tRy b4..thEn mY bRother aSo ddnt haB gF b4.. thEn duNo hOw my Mum pAttern dE..bUt shE keeP eMphAsis oN.." bE friEnds cAn liaO le, studIes more iMportAnt" :P

sO loNg dDnt wRite sO mUch lE..whO aSk mE sO lOng dDnt uPdate..thEn gaN chu alOt thEse dAes..sO sLightly aBit lOng lA..bUt nVm la...uPdate aBit on sOme iNner thIngy..whIch othEr pEople dun kNow dE..mAYbe Still..i More gOod wiF wRiting dOwn bA..eAsIer to cONvey mOre fEelings n thOughts.. bUt reAli..i hOpe to sOlve thE thiNgs tAt bEing borTheriNg sO much..aNyway..tAke cAre frieNds..aNd uPdatE mOre oFten oN ya bLog lah~!

Memories that fades
9:53 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

aiyO..siAnz..meNses toDae cuM sO mUch siA..thEn sWay swAy stAin abIt of mY paNts..luCkily jUz a doT..cAnt sEe... iF not mAfAn sia..aFter sChool wAn ruSh hMe lEh..reAli nO mOod siA..tOdae bEen slAcking mAybe bEcoz oF my menses lAh..bUtt stiCk to the chair thE whOle mOrning to afterNoon at sChool :P

tRying to pUt a tAgboArd bUt to nO avAil..cAnt sEem to mAke it apPear..sIAnz..nEed "aDvanced" hElp leH..chIam..sEem liKe a coMputer iDoit reAli cAnt chAnge the faTe sIa :P

todae wOrking at 5Am..duNo cAn tahan foR toRomow mOrning gUitar lesSon ma..scAre will feEl dIzzy bEcoz oF heAvy fLow + nOt enOugh sLeep..hOpe cAn tAhan..since i will bE goIng oUt lAter aFter gUitar..hAzi..coNstrait sAe put uNtil 1aM alSo nO use..still put me 5am..hazi..sIanZ..

Memories that fades
11:41 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

sAme aS usUal...SleePy~ aLmOst bEing cAught bY mY teacHer fOr sLeeping iN cLAss sIa.. :x But nOt beCoz i PURPOSELY slEpt latE laSt nIght.. jUz tAt i cAnt .. wOrkiNg lOrZ.. aGAr 11 thEn fiNish thEn tOok bUs hMe wiTh hIm ( hE cAme dOwn to fEtch mE) thEn reaCh hMe bAThe all tAt abOut 12 lEh.. lUckily gOt dO my hOmewOrk dUring thE sChool tiMe iF not cAnt maNAge to fiNish it bY 12aM sIa..(deAdlIne)

wOrking wiTh wEndy "hAo" yeSterdAe tIll cLosIng.. V bORed sIa.. nOt mUch pPle bUt Good laH :P thEn clOse aLot oF thIngs b4 9pm.. clOse thE hOtdogs,naCho chEese. thE poPper alReady stArt wAShing b4 7pm :P haHa.. beCoz evE n eVElyn nOt thEre.. sO aGAr eStimAte hOw mUch we nEed thEn all CLOSE! at fiRst wAn wash wArmer at 9.30pm aroUnd there... but whO kNow.. SUDDENLY evenlyn n sUhaMi caMe baCk siA.. thEn bO piaN..cAnt wAsh sO eaRlier.. wAit uNtil abOut teN thEn wASh.. bUt b4 thEn..aLready clOse oNe coUnter leH..leFt mY coUnter..bEhind thIng aLready chOp chOp cloSe agAr fiNish leH.. bEcOz duN wAn tOo laTe gO hMe..

mUm coMplaIning oF me bEing worKing duRing sChooldaes bEcoz i alWay bE sO tiRed thE neXt dae..mAybe nOw also heAlth abIt proBlem loRz..coUgh..sORe throat... fLu.. duNo sTill gOt wAt cuMing uP..mOreoVer..meNses haVent cUm..hope wiLl cUm sOon la.. thEn aLl toGether cuM..toGether oK mAh :P

forget my brOther bIrthdae thiS sUndae sIa.. sAt goIng to bUy LOTS of preSent lEh.. aNd also LOTS of money will gone lE :P goT tiRatch,fanglay + mY brother preSent.. tirAtch n faNglay sEe cAn sPill wiTh xHua thEy all ma.. mY brother leG.. nEed to search leH..aLso duNo wAt thIng to bUy foR hiM..heaDaChe sia.. but goIng to bUy sOme gOod stuff foR him bA.. sInce hIs preSent foR my biRthdae aSo V gENeroUs [mY hP :)]

lAter mUst reMaIn aBout cAnt wOrking oN sat to sHaf.. lAter i cAnt cUm..tHe bEhind pPle dIE sIa..aT leASt gIf hIm tiMe to sLowly fiNd lORz.. mEssge meIhui bUt sHe nO repLy fRom yeSterdAe.. bEcoz sHe not wOrking tat dAe lOrz.. jUz duNo sHe goT "date" tat dAe mAh :P

Memories that fades
9:06 PM

Monday, October 18, 2004

fEeling sLeepy.. iN sChool nOw...jUz raIn aNd thE aTmoSphere aRound iS freEzing mE..wOrking lAter..haB to inForm sHAf tAt i CANT work oN sat.. duNo wHy hE sTill Put mE to wOrk whEn i Put coNstraitS siA.. but i dIe dIE alSo cant wOrk la..eVen iF eVe saE me.i sTill got eXplanAtion fOr tAt loRz.. i pUt coNStrait lEh..

tIratCh n faNg lAy bIrthdae on sAt.. goIng to sImon hSe at aRchorAge tO cElebrAte .. But alreAdy iNteNd to Go oUt wiTh daNiel LE mA..(rAther iS quite a standArd thiNg la ) sO iF xHua n mEihUi goIng, sO mAyBe bRing hIm aLong Lorz :P sTill thEy alSo inTereSted to See hOw hE loOk liKe.. aFter aLl jaNz aLSo will bE goIng..sO hE aLSo woNt fEel bOred iF i aM tALking to mY fRieNds..

will Be wOrking toDae (tUes) 6-10pm.. toRomOw.. thiNk aLSo 6 tO 10pm bA.. fRidae sHould be uNtil 1aM.. woRking quIte aLot thEse dAes.. haB to wOrk mA la.. tHen cAn saVe mOre mOney... fOr... Mm.. haHa.. retIremeNt peNsion :P

sAt nIght wAtch shOw... 2 shOw to bE eXact at oNe sHot... wAtch until 4+..mUm aBit angry lAh.. But aiyaH.. mAybe usEd to it leH..since i sat aLway lAte cuM baCk dE.. wAtch wiMbeltoN wiTh daNiel aLone... b4 goIng to a sHow got dO sOmethIng tat mAKe hiM uPset.. thEn in thE mOvie kEep aSKing hIm wAna eAt or wAt anot..lUckily mAnaGe to mAke uP sia.. thEn jaNz mSg saE wAN to sEe shOw wiTh shE n kJ ma..oUji bOard..tHen duN wan go hMe eArly.sO aGree lOrz.. thEn wAtch 3.15 de.. oUr wImbletoN shOw eNd at 1+.. sInce eaRly.. thEn dEcide to gO marine.. tHere wAlk wAlk.. aTmoSphere sO gOod.. memOry sO clEar.. haB a gOod tAlk wiTh hIm.. lEt hIm agAr knOw mi n the bOx daNiel dE siTuation.. at leASt agar gOt tEll hIm.. duN wan He later heard fRom soMeone elSe.. thEn Feel abIt bEing "coVer"

mY mOther aGar kNow hIm lE.. thiNk sAw hIm sEnd mE hMe b4.. thEn haB a "taLk" wiF mE.. saE gIrls alway chI gui" dE.. thEn saE bE fRiends caN le.. thEn aSK me about hiS thiNgy..His fAmily..wHere kNOw hIm aLl tAt siA... thEn aSk mE Bring hIm hMe iN cAse. duNo wAt hEr meAning laH :>

Memories that fades
11:36 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2004

nOw at claSs .. dOIng notHing aFter dOing mY part oF wORk leH.. thEn nOw doIng sOme bLoGging LORz.. abIt hUngry nOw..bUt duN fEel lIke eAting..mAybe eAting tOo mUch thEse feW dAEs leH...

whAt thE problem wiF hIm nOwaDae? cOnstantly gEtting iNto mOodsWing.. whIch reAli i duNo whY... mAybe iTs reAlli hE reAli tiRed .. bUt i reAli duN liKe bEing sO sliEnt whEn wE aRe toGether..mOst oF thE tiMe i bE the oNe tAlkIng..aSKing..aNswEring ... haXi.. i reAli abIt sIAnZ bEcoZ of theSe..bUt thEn.. i nOt gOing iNto a coNfoRtatiOn wiF hIm bEcoz oF sUch thIngz lORz..sO sTupid tO gEt into a aRguemEnt bEcoZ oF theSe.. hE saE gOt probLem hE wAna saE..But duNo hOw to saE.. oR sOmetiMe foRget wAt iS it... reALi hOpe to faster gEt a sOlutiOn ... maKe mE thiNkz aLot iF i duN gEt oNe ..

tOroMow gOt guItar In thE mOrning... 9aM... bUt duN thiNk cAn maKe it bY 9aM laH.. i todAe doIng clOSing for l4 uNtil 5aM siA.. haRd to gEt uP bY 8aM sIA.. thiNk mAybe tEll thEm lAte foR 1 hR oR sO sIa.. dun wAn gO gUitar thEre aLSo tirEd, nO enErgY, sIaNz..sO bEtter aT leaSt sLeep aBit mOre..thEn gO to gUitaR.. aT leAst sTill Got sOme enErGy lEft...mOreover..gOIng out lAter aFter gUitar..sO bEtter...nEed MORE eneRgy~! duN wAn lAter siAnz siaNz deaD deaD gO oUt wiF hIm.. thEn reSult iN wAt thINg...

Memories that fades
8:59 PM

Memories that fades
8:08 AM

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

baCk tO bLog.. aFter haVing nOt enOugh sLeeP last nIght..wOke uP at 6aM + ..aWaKen bY mY bRo stEppIng oN mY mAttreSs... bEi sIa..wAn a fUll nIght alSo cAnt sIA..cAnt haB a whOle sLeep :P sEem tO gEt baCk to mY tiRing lIfe aGain :X

woRking lAter...siaNz...bUt nVm la.. 6pM to 10Pm V fastz dE.. hOpe i woNt bE cloSing alonE laG..sInce thEy saE thEy nOt eNough pEople..maKe mE aBit siaNz sIanZ later iF reAli i aLone clOSing siA..mM..duN thInk thEy sO bO xIn laH..

haB a fUll dINner yeSterdAe aT sWenSen witH daNieL anD HIs faMily...bEcOz hIS yOUngEr bRotHer birThdae...dANiel bRought a paNts.. i wANted tO Buy a wAllet for hiS brOther .. bUt dDnt sEe aNy nIce oNe..sO sAt thEn gO n shop fOr it lOrz... hOpe tAt nO gUitar leSson oN sAt laH.. Ate a breaDed chIx duNo wAt thIngy meAl... fUlliNg sIa

Memories that fades
5:50 PM

Monday, October 11, 2004

quIte sOmetIme fRom mY preVious eNtry leH..baCk in sChool..yeSterdAe aT fIRst wAna uPdate dE..bUt aBit buSy wiTh alL thE wOrk.. thEn todAe gOt aBit oF frEe tiMe nOw..sO dEcidE to uPDate abit wiTh ya pEople oF my liFe..

bEing raTher siaNz wiTh mY sChool wOrk n liFe..wAn tO fInd pEople to gO oUt sOmetIme thEse dAes bUt aLl bEing bUsy liKe tAt..taT iS thE dIffEreNt oF havIng a hOildae pEriod aNd a nOn hOildae pErIod lOR. siaNz oF thE moDulEs..lIfe..eVerytHing...

woRking toRomow..siNce kaNu nOt eNough pEople..duNo iS woRking l4 oR l5..bUt i knOw iS taKing oVer Kj tiMeslOt..bUt dunO wAt tiME i bE oFf fRom sChool..sO iF late hUh...kj duN blame mE wOR..i tRy to ruSh oVer aS faStz aS pOssIble lorz...

sInce aBit drifTing aPart wiTh mY fRienDs..alOt ddNt cAtch up wiTh lE..hOpe reALi can iNteract wiTh tHem lORz..everYone sEem dRifting apart...whIch make my life sO EmPTy...

fOrget mY mUm bIrthdae on sUndae..woRking thEn went oUt wiF mY fRiend After tat... later going to shoP shOp woth danieL sEe got wAt thinG tO bUy lorz..siNce aSo going to shOp a cake n preSent foR hiS bRo..haZi.. sEem abIt siAnz n bOred suddenly :P

Memories that fades
11:07 PM

Thursday, October 07, 2004

tOdae sO haPpy~ Got tHe reSult fRom mY aPPeal fRom trAnsFer~! aPprovE~! haHa..tHink oWn the heAd oF bUSineSs cOmpuTing a tReat.. bEcoz kEep fAn hIm fOr mY reSult oF apPeal..uNtil hE mAybe tHink If hE dUn aPProVe mE..i wiLl fAn hIm mOre :P aNywAy..haPpy oF tAt laG..Still wORry yeSterdae bEcOz thEy sAe tHey wiLl gO bY mErit mA..

aNywAy..wEnt Out with hIm jUz nOw..mM..wEnt jUrong pOint fInd mY sHoe..bUt stiLl cAnt..hOpe tO gEt It By mM..sAt? thEn hiS graNdfAther gOt a sTrokE... sEnd to chAngi hOspital..He n hIs aUnt thiNk wAS aT hOng kOng thEn cUm dOWn tat tIme gEt dE..mAYbe iS thE chANge In tEmperatUre Or wAt lOrz..hOpe hE bE oK..

sTill cAnt gEt anyoNe to do oN sUndae..think haB to wOrk lE lorZ..sIanz..mSg jEremy tWice..dDnt rePly..think hE aLSo cAnt bA..nEvEr mInd lOrz.. iN a Good wAy..cAN eArn mOre mOney maH :P

Memories that fades
8:30 AM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

toDae thUrsDae leH..sO faStz..goIng to reOpen scHool lE nExt mOndae..SaNz jUZ thiNking OF tAt..bEcoZ i sTill pRefEr wORk to sChool :P mOreoVer.. KNow tAt mY cLAss pEople still thE saMe..aBit mOre bOred..bEcOz thOught cAn chAngeD..tHen knOw sOme otHer pEople aROund thE sChool..mAybe mY cLASs aBit bOred bOred dE..wAn to fInd a cLass whIch iS dUper fuN like my laSt tiMe le..aT leASt i woNt haB to DRAG to gO to sChool sIa :P sEem uNtil my cLAss V jIa laT hUH :P oK laH..jUz wAna cHanGed LOrz..

aNyway..toDae alSo wAiting thE reSult for my aPPeal Of trAnsfer tO buSIneSs cOmpuTing.. duNo cAn maH..saE thUrs will inForm uS aBout thE reSult thRough eMail..hOpe cAn ablE tO chANge lOrz.. mY onLi hOpe..

qUite aLot oF thinGs haPpen tHese dAes.. wEnt to thE sTaff paRty oN tuEs..aBit siAnz laH..nOt mUch pEOple gO..i meAn cLOseR oNe laH..oNly mEtta,jAnz... thEn reSt i aLso Not V cLosE..lASt tiMe sTill gOt kaImeIz,lyDia,jEff...nOw all duN haB leH..sO kEep gOIng to kaChang lORz..mOreover..alSo gOt iNcidEnt haPpen lORz..tAt tAke thE oPportunIty tO gO doWnsTaIr lOrz :P thEn wEnt doWnsTair wEnt jaNz tWice..Not iN a gOod mOod..sAw lYn n shIli.. thEy jUz wEnt to sEe sHOw..aNd wAna gET a dRInk bUt nOt eNough mOney..sO i sPonser aBit loRz..thEn toK wiTh thEm..sO lOng dDnt tok to thEm leH..eSp lyN..oNce wAs clOse fRieNd wiF hEr..bUt dRift aPart whEN wE are iN sEperaTe cLaSs.. bUt sTill tHen .. sHE iS sTill tAt tAlkatiVe :P sHili gRow mOre chIo leH :) thEn aFter tAt..wEnt bACk to kaChang to toK to bEe yaN.. thEn daNiel mSg to aSK sEe wHite chIcks lORz..tHen tAt tiMe miSs out tHe fIrst paRt sO oK leH..thEn wEnt to gET sOme dRink aT b1.. lAte agIan...N i miZ oUt thE fRont aGain~

wEnt tO sEe cOol gUy wIth mY daNiel ( tO lIngZ..hIs naMe is daNiEl!) nOt baD laH..aLthought aBIt sIAnz got gOt shUai gE to sEe.."p beCome bEtter leH.. haB a fUll dInneR at a japaNeSe tOtal to $33+ sO eXpeNsiVe sIa..thEn wENt tO tAke tiX frOm wEndy taN.. sHE duN wAn uS pAY.. sO hElp to bUy fOOd fOr hEr n kaNu to rePay iT lOrz.. aFter thE sChool.. cuM oUt ..wEnt breNda..thEy jUz fiNish wAtcHing sEx zEro..thEn wEndy thEy all lOng quEnce.. sO wE all gO iN hElp .. iN oUr hOme cLotHiNgs :P haHa..breNda dO hOt cRispy cHix.. i dO hOtdOg..dANiel hElp tO dO baCk uP fOr tHem...thEn breNda gOne oFf fIrsT..bEcoZ sHe gOt wOrk toMoroW mOrning..thEn dANiel n i hElp tO clOse lORz..

sTill fiNdIng pEople to tAke mY Sun sLot..haXi..dUn fEel lIke wOrking..But aLready prOmiSed sHaf lEh..cAnt find aNyoNe..aSk aLmost EVeryOne leH..duN knOw sTill gOt whO...sIAnz

Memories that fades
9:07 PM

Sunday, October 03, 2004

fEeling aBit bOreD now while wAiting mY sOng - jEt = [lOok wHat yOu've dOne ] to fiNish dOwNloaDiNg..sO cUm n bLOg fiRst lOrz..lAter wOrking at 2pM to cloSing at l4..hOpe wEndy wOrkIng lORz...thEn gOt pEople pEi me chAt chAt loRz .. duNo wHo will bE working lAter lOrz..kaNa reGret liKe work sO mUch dAe sIncE it iS mY laSt weEk oF hOildae leH..thiNk sHouLd sPend mOre tiMe wiTh hIm lOrz.. theSe daeS liKe all of thE sUddEn will maKe hIm uPset..wHIch i duN kNOw whAt i dID..mM..i lEaRn tO bE whAt hE wAn leH..sEem lIKe i Got a lOng wAy tO gO ..sTill...

duNo whY promiSe sHAf to wORk foR hIm on sUndae..thInk i haB to fiNd rePlacEmeNt sInce i baCk oUt nOw..Mm..juZ find a eXcUse lOrz..sIAnZ..theN mAybe taKe tat dAe to dO uP my haIr..sEe my pAy hOw aLSo Lorz..hOpe wont tOo baD lor...woRKing todae 2pm tO 12aM..tueS - 9aM to 4pM aFter tAt Got sTuff pArty..cAnt mEet Him..wEdneSdae - 9aM to 4pM ..mEeting hIm afteR tat..thUrsdae oFf..bUt gUitar uNtil 4pM..sO mEeting hIm afTer tat..frIdae..9am to 5pm..sO sHould be mEeting hIm aLso bA..sAt oFF~! whOle daE oUt..sUndae lEh..hOpe to gEt sOmeonE lOrz..sInce aLway sUndae woRk aLSo sO bOring lEh..thEn alway stRuck woRking wiTh eVe n eVElyn..sIaNz.. later gO wOrk thEN sAe lOEz..

dAniEl mEeting mE lAtEr lorZ.. alReady tRy all meAns to sAe nO whEn hE sAe wAn mEet mE fiRst thEN gO thEre toGetheR..sO mEEt at chEers gO leASt sHorteR tiMe..i duN wAn mOre tRouBle n proBlEms lEh..i sIAnz , sIck n tiReD lEh..alReady fEel likE i inDirectly avoIding hIm leH..bO piaNz.. buT hE gOt thIngs to sAe aBout hiS proBlEm loRz..thEN oK loRz..i AnYthiNg dE lOEz.. juZ liSten oNly..sInce woRking l4 todAe..tHink fReE tiMe aLSo gOt qUite aLot bA..

liSTenIng to jErry yaN chEn xu dE sOngs..nIce sIa..V wEn xIn sIa.. V Bei..juZ tHe tYpe of soNgs i lIke..

Memories that fades
8:54 PM

Memories that fades
8:49 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004

jUz cuM baCk oN weDneSdae fRom mY cAmp..bOring iNSide aNd fAtteNing la~ dDnt haB mUch aCtive gaMes aND sPEnd mOst oF thE tiMe sItting dOwn praCtiSing my gUitar...wA...thE fOod aLso haVent dIgeSt yeT thEn mUst eAt aGain leH..mOreoVer..aLl iS riCe + cHIx wIng... eAt these 2 iteMs uNtil sCare sIa..tHen sPend thE 2 daes practiSing n prActisIng..gEt to kNOw my oTher gUitar mEMberS bEtter le lORz :P

thUrs - 30th .. oUr 4th mOnth toGetheR... mEet dAr aBout 6+ aNd hE cuM dOwn to feTch mE to hiS dad woRkplacE..goIng to eAt toGether..thEN afTer eaTing..wAlk to buGis..aT fiRst wAna sEe mI sHoes..bUt reAch theRe 9+ lE..aLot of shOp aLready closE leH..thEn iNtend to wAtch shOw at buGis..bUt nO haB le..thEn he sAe gO cAThay wAtch..aT fiRst duN wAn de..beCoz hE nt dae got sChooling eArly..thEN the paSt few daes kEep gOing oUt laTe..later hIs mUm nOt haPpy lOez..bUt sInce He wAN to sE..thEn bO piaN lAh..go sEe lorz..reaCh there..decide to watch white chIcks at 12aM..then still got alot of time to there..then wendy allow us to watch sex zero..then we go see see lorz..that show is real in the sex part la..not for me underaGe laH..he also laughing like siAO..then duNo why le...dun feel fuNny..then juz cloSe my eyes and reSt lorz..

we cum oUt.. he not happy..juz kept quiet..sae isnt tired..i sae abit then ask me go hMe lorz..but i dun wan..since it is our "dae" lOrz..then watch white chicks..dun think is ddnt laugh..also maybe is wat happen juz now..dun feel how funny lorz..then he cum face...walk all the way hme..ddnt tok much..haZi...tat dae ended quite bad...

yesterdae meet him and his family go eat dinner..nOrman also got gO ..then eat eat..shOpping..joke joke..all is ok until went we about to reach hme..when i sae " u see when u free then call me lorz " then he not happy le..haxi..duno why these daes he moodswing so fast...and onli happen with me..dun seem he like tat when he is wif his friends..or family..haxi..bEi..but wat can i do..i yesterdae got sms him about this matters..and he juz simply sae..juz some matters making him sad..since he tired..i also dun wan to probe mucH le... see when got chance then sae ba..

Memories that fades
9:09 PM
Y The Girl

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