That My Life ;DDD *

Sunday, October 16, 2005

bEen quIte lOng le la.. thEse daes more n More lAgging to uPdate mY blog.. lASt tiMe alot of free time.. but now le.. sChool wOrk aSo mOre toUgh.. sO aSo dUn haB mUch timE to uPdate la.. bEcoz i At hMe.. aso dUn wAn fAce computer le..sO noRmally iS duRing lEsson time then will do wAtever neCessAry lo "p

aNywAy, haB aN enJoyaBle dAe wIf huBby.. thOugh sUndae aBit cRop uP la.. bEcoz i FAINTED~! haa.. sCare uNtil aH bEn,hiS mum n hiS brOther.. wAS iN a hOuse to pRay.. thEn stomAch v paIn.. thEn buAy taHan..thEn sOmethiNg liKE faInted la.. jUz fEel wEak.. luCkily huBby beSide me.. thEn aNother pErson fRom the hOUse aso cAme n hoLd me in.. then the pRiest or wHo chAnted duNo wAt pRayer la.. saE wAt i buMp unTil diRty thiNg on the wAy uP.. haa. bUt i knOw iS bEcoz oF my sTomaCh paIn whIch i haB thRough the 2 dAes le..thEn dAr mUmmy dRove uS hme.. thEn i go toiLet..fEel bEtter le..haaa.. :P tiNk iS too "stUffy" in my inteStinE :P

thEn huBby woRry la.. pEi sLeep aSo.. thEn like keEp toUching my bOdy.. scAre will bEcome coLd sia..haa..aH pUn siA~ sCare i jUz suddenly like tat gone "x bUt aNywAy, thaNk aH pUn "P

thEn gOt sHifu cuM to clEanse aH dArz hsE, mAybe hiS hsE nOt "cLean" la.. thEn thEy saE iS iN aH darz rOom.. eXpected la.. bEcoz hE thE onLi one whO ofTen Got "press", heard nOise ma.. thEn thEy saE hE is sitting oN the saNdbag tat huBby haB bEside hiS bEd..tAt why aSo sEe the saNdbAg ownSelf will swing aBit whEn thEre is nO wind..tat y la..*hair stand*
thEn sOmemore on sat, i aLone at the living rOom plAying cOmputer when aH dar go bAThe, thEn sUddenly hiS cAt "meow" sia.. while looking inside ah dar room.. then ah dar sae she onli will meow when she saw someone sia.."eerie" then shifu aso sAe nOt good to haNg thiNg bEside hiS bed.. thEn he saE the "thing" nOt hAppy, but gUai guAi lEave.. saE is a blaCk fiGure, which meAn nOt gOod.. aNd hAI the fAmily dE.. oNli wHite oNe will bless.. thEn tiNk huBby aBle to sLeep wEll le ")

thEn spEnding qUite alot of ktv theSe dAes aso.. wEnt ktv on thurs li..ladies night ma.. b4 tat went back cartle take my cheque,then makan there.. then christoper haPpen to cUm down aso.. so pei us rot.. go acarade all tat while waiitng the rest to off work then they go double O.. wan psycHo us go, but ddnt succeed..haa.. becoz i got sch the next dae aso.. if go, then next dae die in school sia.. then fri aso... chong dong then go k-ster wif yong n li... sing until about 1.30am+ :p then went makan at maxwell.. then see gays around.. aiYo.. haa.. even ah mog aso like tat.. sad sia.. haa.. :p

i am waiting for my activites.. gathering.. ktv.. moviess..hhaa.. happening :P

Memories that fades
10:08 PM

Saturday, October 08, 2005

fEeling qUite lOw nOw.. dDnt wEnt oUt toDae thOugh iT iS a sAt, aLthOugh kInda bOred.. duN feEl liKe goiNg Out.. cArtlE pEople gOIng sEntoSa, aSk mE gO.. bUt i reGret.. aBit gUlity la.. bEcoz prEviouSly dE oUting dDnt gO le.. bEcoz mEeting bEn, tHen toDae iS sCare cAnt mAke it to mEet bEn.. thEn dUn wAn go wIf thEm.. hOwevEr, chAnge oF evEnts.. its oKay.. bUt tHen, thEre iS sTill a mOoDy fEeling bUgging iNsidE of mE.. duN wAn to sEe aNy sMs oR pHone cAll.. sO sWitcH oFf my pHone fOr moSt of thE dAes..bEn tRy to coNtact mE in bEtween thIs tiMe bUt cOUldnt.. at leaSt mAnAge to fInd mE whEn i haPpen to oN my hP.. cHat aBit oN thE phOne thEn haNg uP le..

tiNk gAls aRe reAli aN eMtioN aNimaLs.. aLot Of ruBbish aSo cAn tiNk.. aSo duNo i mOody fOR wAt.. shArks.. tiNk i bE oKay aFter a dAe oF sLeep.. i aM g0ing to lEarn.. aNd i not gOing to bE chilDisH aNd bE aFfected By tAt aGain..

nExt wEek will bE qUite a pack wEek.. mEeting my sChOol mAtes tiNk pRobAbly fOr kTv sEssiOn.. lIng fOr mOviE.. pRobAbly woRking 2 dAes..thEn mAybe in bEtween fInd sOme tiMe to mEet hIm..

mY lifE iS sO boRing.. i wAn to mAke it haPpening aGain.. liKe thE paSt..hAa.. miDnight sHow..kTv sEsSion wIf my kAkis..sHopping tIll lEgs achE.. ")

Memories that fades
9:54 AM

Thursday, October 06, 2005

hAhA.. tiNk it bEen mOnkey dAes sIncE i laSt poSt.. sO aGar brieFly update la..

sChool staRted.. bEen buSy dURing lEsson.. sO no tiME bLog in lEsson sIa..mAybe tEam mAtes nOt tAt "zAi".. sO sOmetiMe i haB to plAy thE leaDer rOle.. haB to kEep aSking thEm to dO oR sTArt soMethiNg.. duN rEali likE sUch taSk.. mAybe bEcoz i duN tiNk i aM a gOod LeaDer.. thEn liKe duN sEem aBle to gIf my tEam mAtes moTivAtion sIa.

aNywAy, onLi 1 dAe i will bE more sTress.. tAt iS on tuEs.. wHich mY tEam mAtes aBit tOo qUiet.. thEn i haB to bE moRe invOlved iN thE wHole thiNgy.. elSe.. sO fAr 2 othEr daes bEen gReat.. i haB timE to dO mY sTuffs.. ") hOpe toRomow tEam mAte will bE "zaI" aNd of cOUrse.. mY faCilitOr AsO.. lEss quEstiOning.. lEt uS off sCh eArlier..dUn kEep cAlling pPle to aNswer qNs.. lEt uS be mOre likE a yOung aDult sia.. enoUgh fReedOm :x

sChoOl work nOt tAt toUgh eIthEr.. guEss i aM gLad i dDnt tOok eXtra.. mY cLAssmates nOt likE thE prEviouS oNe i haB.. aLl sO hEart wArming.. aNd mAking onE aNOther liKe a fRiendly.. diS clASs thEre a bOrder aMong uS.. guEss thEre iS nO leaDer tAt wHy ba.. no onE jOke.. nO onE dE siAo tEachEr.. loOk sO lifEless.. i mIz tN 0305 ")

haB bEen mEetin rEguLArly wiF huBby thEse dAes.. timE juz sO sHort aNd sO xiAng nIan oF aBle to spEnd onE whOle dAe wiF hIm aGain.. guEss wE mAke iT uP SOme othEr tiMe.. bUt v haPpy wIf hIm thEse dAes ")

aNd aso.. thE thiEf tAt bRoke iNto thEir hSe aNd stole thEir lAptop, dIgital cAmera. tiMberland sHoes.. nike sHoes.. haS been cAught.. todAe.. hE liKE aBout to bReak inTo aNother fLat in tAt bLock.. thEn iT haPpen tAt sOmeonE is At hmE oF tAt hSe.. thEn hE like tiNk sLid oPen thEir wiNdow.. thEn tiNk saW got pEople thEn gO off bA.. thEn thE oWner cAlled the pOlice.. aNd foLlow hiM.. aNd cAught hiM ") sO haPpi.. hOpe thEy cAn gEt baCk thEir iTems.. At leASt thE laPtop aNd cAmera..

thEn hiS muM wAs so haPpi.. thuS, all gO out maKan.. Eat uNtil sO full.. tat hubBy stoMAch gOIng to bruSt Out lE :x haa.. thEn aFter tat.. huBby sEnd mE hMe.. wAlk aRound to dIsgest.. tHen pLAy a sHort moment oF cAtching At my pLaygRound aSo..

haHa..gEtting my pAy cheQue toRmow.. bUt haB to wAit till moNday theN cAn gEt thE monEy..aFTer tAt.. fIrst tIng iS muSt dO my cOntaCt lEns..thEn thE reSt muSt saVe iNsidE bAnk :) saE to huBby cANt aNyhoW sPend moNey.. muSt do it.. later hE lOok dOwn oN me siA..

muaCk aH bEN~

Memories that fades
8:05 AM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
currently working as HR,
16 may,
Happily being myself

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