Monday, August 30, 2004
yEsterDae haB qUite a eNjoyaBle dAe..wEnt tO wAtch sTanfoRd wiVeS..nIce + fuNny~ wEnt to wAtch wiF hIm aT gV gReat wOrld..b4 thEn wEnt tO eAt at thE fOod court..sInce hE alSo Not eAten hIs lUnch + diNner.. tHen lUckily Ddnt sHow wRong sHow..beCoz thE prEviouS feW sHowS wE wAtch aRe reAli nOt thAt nIce sIA..thEn beCoz lEg paIn waLk V sLow loRz..thEn sLowly lImp baCk hMe with hIm lORz..b4 thEn..gOt toK aBout thE prOBlems aGain lorz..bUt bEtteR thAn sUndae whiCh enDed iN bOth Not fEeling gOod..aT least yeSterdAe we toK,gOt sMile n jOke abIt hEre n thEre..thEn hE thoUght i wAn breAk uP..whIch iS maYbe i gOt thOught oF it..becOz thE wAy i mSg..Seem lIke i V tirEd leH..whIch alsO quIte trUe lorz..bUt siNce aGar kNow the proBlem whEre leh..i hOpe tO fiX it baCk lor..*trYinG* sIncE nOt reAli i dUn lIke hIm or wAt...
juZ fiNish mY Ut teSt..sEem oK bA..althoUght aLot oF thIng dDnt sTudy b4 liKE thAt :P .. bUt thInk cRap aRound abit thiNk cAn aGar paSs lOrz..aNyway...fEelIng aBit eXhaUsted..thUs dEcidE to dE cAN psYcho daBbieS to pOn witH uS "p..thiNk todAe fEw peOple gOt gO tHe thEory leSson sInce aLot oF pEople wEnt hMe ..
Memories that fades
5:11 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
juZ a fEw pHrAse In sOngs thAt i lIke..wi gEt aCcumlAting it De "0]
s0rry laH..aBit "bEiz" laH..bUt juz lIek lOrz
Memories that fades
7:03 PM
Memories that fades
5:42 PM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
haHa..thiNk nOw abit siao siaO laH..jUz bLog aBit thEn nOw wan wRite oNe mOre enTry aGain..thiNk toO relax oR sImply tOo frEe leH..:P aNywAy..juZ wAn to dedicated thiS enTrY tO xiAo gOu~ aLthought she wOnt sEe it..becOz i ddnt lEt hEr kNOw lORz.. sOme of thE thIng..maybe bU faNg piaN lOrz..aLthought dDnt saE hEr wAt or coMplain abOut hEr lORz.. maYbe thE faCt sHE knOw "hIm" aNd sOme otHer reaSoNs lORz..
aNyway..kNow u iN pRimAry 5..tHat y i reCall laH..But thiNk u aLreADy kNow mY eXisteNce b4 thAt laH..beCoz oF yoNg ma..thEn i aLway haNg oUt with yOng..thEn u n Her in saMe cCa aNd alSo gOod fRiend thEn..tHen "heNg hEng" wE saMe cLaSs iN pRi 6 wIth rU,yoNg,fErrEn,zLue..wA..mIss thE fuN thEre wIth mIn hO ,cOlin,bEnjaMin,raYmoNd,hWee li,bEng cHooN... theN aT fiRst sItting wIth rU dE..thEn dUno i n Ru tOo noIsy oR u n yOng tOo noISy thAt whY changE pLace..thEn beCome i n xIao goU,yOng n rU..bUt anyway..chAnge le also V clOSe to oNe anotheR..thEn beCOme with cLose fRiend with jaNz,luE n fErrEn..thEn beCome the "7 jie mEi" plAy n enJoy thE life iN prI 6...evEn duN reMembEr mUch sTudying in pSle..onLi remEmber pLAy~!
tHen sO qiAo..cuM in sEcondaRy sCh alSO saMe sCh..with jaNz + rU.. thEn soMehoW..mAYbe liVe clOse bA..beCome clOSer lOrz..beCoz prI 6..moSt of thE timE wiTh Ru..beCoz clOseR to hEr..thEn in sEc sCh...alWay cRap n rubbIsh aRound.. 4 yeArs in sEcondary liKe gOne iN a flaSh.. nOw graDuate n STRUCK at rP :P thEn shE still bliSsful stUdying in heNdersOn sEc..mIss tHe sCh sia..not mIz the friends xhua..lingz..mhui n jinhui..lavanya..2e2 pple..jocelyn,huiting,yinsing...everyone in 3e3 also..haXi..sO gOod..eVerydae sO lOok foRward to gO to sCh sia..Here siA..sIanz..aNyway..duN toK about my stuff laH..since this entry is dedicated to yili maH.. canot think much to write le lorz...then my hP now oK ok..still thiNking whether later still need to repair ma..haHa..thEn juZ now wOke uP yIli..thInk sHe yeSterdae play netball or wat until V late..then mood not so good lorz..becOz i wake her uP sia..think she also ddt go to sChool...since she was in msn..anyway...about 5 hrs more to meeting them...*cheerS*
Memories that fades
7:32 PM
Memories that fades
6:56 PM
Memories that fades
1:15 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
haXi...eaRly mRning bRing mY pHone gO baThrOom wIth mE..thEn fOrget brIng oUt..thEn my mUm gO n baThe..dUno hOw dE..maKe uNtil V wEt..thEn nOw mY pHone gOt pRobLem..cAll + mSg aLSo cAnot maKe it sIa..thInk laTer gO nOkia cEntrE fIx lE lORz... saD sIa..gOing to paRt wItH my hP fOr theSe feW dAes..bUt poSitivE thINgs iS..:P ...nOonE cAn fInd Me.. i can gO oUt late laTe leH :P gOod fOr thAt..sInce i iNteNd to gO oUt reAl laTe oN fRi..thEn thInk sHe wiLl "ruSh" mE gO hMe le sIa..
aNyway..thInking oF pOn sCh toRomOw ..sInce todAe aLready fiNish tHe las+ teSt fOr torOmow mOdule..thEn cUm sCh also sIanz..thEn heaRd thAt toRomOw gOing to bE haRd sIa..thEn aLSo cAn gO fiX my phOne maH..thEn yili bIrthdaE toRomOw..thEn iF wAit mE faNg xUe..thInk wIll bE qUite thiNk maYbe pOn sChool..*haVent cOmfirm wOR* thEn nOw fEeling stOmaCh paIn..thInk "aUntiE" cUmiNg lE Lorz :P .. sO haVent dEcIde wHethEr later wAn tO pOn gUitaR maH..LoL..sEem aLot OF thIngS wAn tO pOn sIa :P beCome hUa bAo baO lE sIa..
aNywAy..heaRd thAt i sEem tO bE wOrkinG oN sAt bUt i thOught i aLreaDy toLd sHafiul i cant maKe it le Lorz..iF hE plaN..i aLso dUn iNteNd to wOrk..gOing to fiNd rePlacEmeNt :P saE duN wAn wOrk meaN dUn wAn..iF cANot find uNtil..thEn saE lOrz ..bUt hOpe nOt loRz..
nOw..alreADy cOuntIng dOwn to gO hMe..reAli sIanZ todAe..teaMmAteS nOt mOving mUch..eSp sInce i aLSo dUn reAli know hOw to dO..thEN nOoNe dOing iT..wAit lateR laSt mInute dO lOrz...i aLSo dUn reAli wAn cAre mUch leH..siaNZ n tiRed OF it..whEn mOSt oF thEm aSo NOt cAring mUch lORz..
Memories that fades
9:37 PM
Memories that fades
8:07 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
mM..yeSterdAe sOrt Of qUarraL wItH dANieL bA..(to lIng..nOt mE thAt dAnIel..juZ thAt i Got aNother Of mY fRieNd naMe daNieL) duN knOw leH..seE mEtta bLog..duNo wHy mY blOod sOrt Of bOil..duN fEel gUlity oRh..mEtta..beCoz i sEe leH..u sO upSet..thEn i alsO @@ "bu guO" .. hE saE hE wAn tO cLarity tHE mAtter...nOt wAn tO aCcuSe u oR wAt..juZ wAn tO clArity thAt hUitIng nOt sUch pErsOn..mAybE thE wAy hE saE thE "yu Qi" heAvy bA..thAt y.. thEn quArral qUArral lOrz..nOt reAli laH..beCoz hE sEem thE oNly oNe aNgry..i waS liSTening thEn juZ rePly sOme sHort aNswerS.. aNythIng laH..hE wAn upSet wIf mE..bE it..aLso nOt fIrSt tImE leH..hE reAli tHe onLy fRieNd thAt i cAn reAli qUarrAl thE faSteSt aND thE hIgheSt aMount oF tiME sIa..i aNd xIAo gOu thEy aLl sO clSe fRieNd..thiNk aLso haVent quArral b4..thEn eVen nOt hAppy, aLSo nOt mOre thaN 3 tiMEs..hE leH..kNOw lesS thaN a yeAr..duNo soRt oF quArral sO mANy tiMEs leH..aNything loRz..mAybE wAt.. bUt i duNo..thInk hE alSo mUst thInk oF otHer pEople fEeling..nOt juZ hUiting..wEndy n mEtta aLso hiS fRieNd..raTher aLSo MOre cLOse..hE mAy thInk mSg wAt iS nOthing..But hE alSo diD nOt thInk pEople cAn thInk uNtil wAt...mOreover in mSg..tHe toNe u wAN it tO be cAn be diffeRent wAt u eXpeCTeD..tHen alSO UndersTand wHy wEndy will aNgry... u sCare people aNgry..wEndy anGry..u aLso sEem nOthing mUch..hUiting aNgry leH..sO kaN chIong lIke thAt..liKe wAn pleased hEr lIke tAt..u liKe thiS dO..wiLl indIreCtly wAy maKe ppLe uNhappy witH hUiting lOrz..tAt wAt i thInk..wEndy alSo YR FRIEND leh..duN foRget...
aNywAy...yeSterdAe lIng bIrthdAe..nOt eVeryone fOrget wOr..yIli stIll reMeMber :P thEn sOrt of reMind yR bIrThdAe tO mE..paI sEi laH.. :X .. aT leASt tHat sOmEone liKe yIli sTill reMemebEr..Not aLl foRget leH.. dDnt meAnt mE laH..beCoz i aLso bU xI gE tO saE ma :P aNywAy...wiLL mEet uP wiTh yA eIther dAe tO paSs u dE preSent dE :P ..knOw cANot "mI pU" wAt..But juZ wAna gIf u sOmethIng..
aNyway..sOrt Of seE uNtil hUitIng bLog( Not cAthAy hUitiNg) my sEcondAry sCHool fRieNd..sEem thAt sHE gOt a bF leH.. :X haHa..& sEem blIssfuL aTtacheD to hIm..aLthouGht sEem aBit proBlem HerE n thEre...bUt...whIch cOuple cAn haB foRever nO proBlem dE..hElp to maKe oNe anotHer uNderStand eaCh otHer BettEr maH :}
fEelinG aS uSuaL tiRed..theSe fEw dAes sEem nOt enOugh sLeep..aLwAy thAt tiRed..nVm..taHan uNtil saT n sUn tO gIf mySelf a fUll cOmpleTe reSt.. ") Pu baCk mY eNergy~ aNyway..maNage to Get tHe tiX foR jErEmy .. But dignIal cAmerA wiSe..cANot lorz..cOZ wAn bOrrOw fRom Ru bUt shE neEd fOr hEr prOjeCts..
fEelIng siaNz oF todAe lEsSon..becoZ iS vB..thEn i duN knOw hOw tO dO..nOt i duN wAn hElp mY teAm mAteS (kiaN Hua...mY sEc sCh fRieNd alSO~) thiNk..reAli duNo..paI sEi..toOromOw leh (scIEncE)..beCome i nEed braIn draIn leH..beCoz.. my teAm mAteS aLSo dUN reALi cAre dE..leFt mE to dO..siaNz 1/2 ..sO aGar kNow kiaN hua fEelIng.. bUt sOmehOw dIffEreNt..mE n my oTher fRiend is duNo hOw tO dO 4 thiS..bUt sCienCe leH..thEy kNOw dE..sOmehOw bEtter..bUt all dUn wAna dO...uNtil laSt mIn teaCher ask 4 aNswer..thEn oNe will ka chIOng..anOther 2 alSo likE nOthiNg dE..haXi.. iF i KnOw i dO nVm..iF duNo thEn jIa lAt leG..
Memories that fades
5:52 PM
Monday, August 23, 2004
tIrEd..."] thAt all i cAn saE laH..fEel aSleep in Front oF thE laPtoP..becOz tOo bOred..mY teAmmaTes aLso saE teMp. nOthing fOr mE to reSearCh..thAt y V bOred mA...thEn nOthing tO sUrf..thEn beSt iS sLeep lOrz..*reCommaNd tO maKe yRsElf Seem aLive* [tOo bOred..thAt y sTart tO cRap leH "0} ]
wElcOme another meMber tO mY "小猫家族" - lIng~ poSitiOn iN haNd..gOt "aH sEng" , "mEtta" aNd the "greAteSt" of all....mE (PreSident) xiaO maO Mi~! aNyway..tOk to ling yeSterdAe..haHa..foRget hEr bIrthdAE :P pAIsEi..raTher buSy nOwadaE..tHEn tOk aBout laSt tiMe aBit hEre n thEre lORz..aLso quitE a pEriod dDnt mEet uP wiF thEm leH wor.. alSo ddnt mEet mUch with xiAO gOu gRp leH..cAthay gRp ..kAimEiz thEy all aLSo V leSs leH...mEtta thEy all leH..haHa..sTill qUite oFteN laH..beCoz alway gO cHiong moVie maRathOn maH :P
aNyway..iNtend to pOn my thEory leSson laTer...If mY "teACher" cAn mAKe it eArlier tO teaCh mE lOrz..beCoz sTudieS still More ImportaNt than cCa maH..i rAther sPend mOre time oN that...thInk tell mY leaDer heaD..aGar hE cAn uNderStand lOrz..iN nOt jUz sAe i dDnt cUm for sChool toDae lOrz..bUt mY "teaCher" aLso haVent rePly..sO i also dUno wHethEr hE cAn maH..
aNyway..thaNkz tO lIng lOrz.. abit aDvice..thInk i cAnot sAe dO meAn dO..beCoz i duN wAn tO maKe moRe mIStaKes..i hOpe to Try firSt..b4 dEciDing..iF u kNow thE wHole thIngy..mAybe u will uNderStaNd bA..oR mAybe i nOt heArtleSs enOugh..iF nOt..aLso wont sO in thAt sItuAtion leH..alSo dUno wAt i thInk sIa..
tHen xIaO goU bIrthdAe cUming leH..duNo wHere to gO..thE reSt aLso haVent gIf mUch sUggeStiOn..thEn aSk mE i aSo not sUre..mOreoVer..tHey aLSo cANot gO how lAte sIa..sOme neXt daE goIng foR thE z pOp coNcert..thEn alSo neEd thE enErgY..eSpeCially..aH rU siA..nEed thAt tO chASe eNeRgy...eSpeCially --> nIu gE~! :} aNyway..aLso dDnt gAThering witH thEm a lOng time leH..aLway iS mE,xiAo gOu,aH rU,yOng...+ sOmetimE jaNz..duN haB..fErrEn , lUe thEy aLl..maYbe beCoz thEy live fAr..thEn nOt "faNg pian" bA..
aNyway..hOpe i enJoy mY wEek...dId wEll fOr mY teSt..aNd aLSo eXtrA tiMe tO haB fOr mYsElf..sInce i aLSo Not wOrking thIS wEek maH..thEn mOre eXtra tiMe fOr mE~! YA! wAit v LoNg leH..Moreover, neXt wEek wOrk doWnstAir...Got Judy n aSri aLso..mOre peOple = mOre fUnZ..eSp gOt juDy pEi me..aGree to wOrk thE aGar sAmE tImeZ lOrz..
someone values your guidance and advice
someone misses your guidance and advice
someone wants to be near you
someone has faith in you
someone trusts you
someone needs you to have faith in them
someone needs your support
someone needs you to let them be your friend
someone wishes that things didn't have to change
someone hears a song that reminds them of you
someone wants you to know they are there for you
someone is glad that you're their friend
someone wants to be your friend
someone stayed up all night thinking about you
someone is alive because of you
someone is wishing that you would notice them
someone wants to get to know you better
someone believes that you are their soul mate
someone wants to be near you
someone misses your guidance and advice
someone values your guidance and advice
someone has faith in you
someone trusts you
someone needs you to send them this letter
someone needs your support
someone needs you to have faith in them
someone needs you to let them be your friend
someone is glad that you're their friend
someone wants you to know they are there for you
someone wants to laugh with you about old times
someone wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun
someone is celebrating your successes
someone admires your strength
And tHat sOmeoNe iS = Me..
Memories that fades
8:00 PM
Memories that fades
5:40 AM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
iTs a coUntdOwn to mY 1 mOnth hoildae...:P bUt thEn nEed to paSs thRough 5 teSts fIrst sia.. aNyway.. alreAdy toLd "grafiEld" i nOt wOrkiNg thIs wEek..becOz neEd to reSt n StudY 4 my teSt..aLso dun wAn sEe eVe sIa.. leSs to sTep On hEr taIl bEtter sIa.. i alreaDy qUite sIanz oF wOrkinG thEre leH..dUn wAn to fInd aNother faCtor wHich i mAy reSult thAt i wiLl wAn tO quIt..beCoz i doN reAli lIke cHangEs aLso..uNtil eXtreMe oR bO piaN lorz..
haBing a sTomaCh paIn nOw..siaNz..duNo iS juZ nOw hUngry dDnt eAt untIl nOw or wAt..juZ sIt fOr aWhile will bE oK leH..todAe leSson aBit sIaNz..duNo dO whAt mUch sIa..bUt iS abOut cEnsOrsHip..aGar aLso gOt relAteD to mOvie raTiNg sTuFf..thEn sTill Ok laH..kNow abit lOrz..
haB quIte a tAlk witH hIm yeSterdAe..dDnt tOk witH hIm uNtil oN buS..maYBe beCoz hiS faCe sEem dArk..thEn alSO nOt eNoUgh sLeep..thEn siaNz..sO also dDnt toK mUch lOrz..thEn iN bUS..sTart saEinG aGain..sAe sUndae iS hIs mOSt bOring daE..thEn i juZ aSk hIm iSnt with me lOr..thEn he saE dUnO..thEN saE maybe weAther hOt..nO mOod to dO wat bA..reAli uPset to heaRd thAt..thEn sOlve sOme miSundersTanding form yeSterdAe..hE bEtter leH..bUt i dUn..becOz i siaNz...wHy duNo will gEt intO suCh thIngy whEn alSo duNo whEn oR wHy stArt it..tHen saE iF dDnt qUarral,iSnt it wEird..maYbe sO..bUt tOo mUch will hUrt relAtionsHip.. aNd i dUn cOnsider qUarral..becAuse i dUn feEl tHe anger in mE..oNly hE feel..sO i waS liKe liSteNing..while hE saE...*siaNz*
thaNkz mEtta anYway..fOR yA eFfort tO heLp me cOver Up..daNIel thInGy..dUn nEed caRe mUch bA..knoW u Wei hIm gOod..bUt hE alSo lIke dUn wAn liSteN..nO pOint to reAli saE mucH..uNtil hE wAS wiLling tO abSorb wAt we sAe..
Memories that fades
11:01 PM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
fRidAe..~!~ goOd sIa..haPpy..wEekEnd leH...hoIldae reaChing duE 3 wEeks tImeS..wAited 4 2 mOnthS le wOr..tHen fInaLly cOmIng leH..bUt nEed to paSs 5 mOre Ut sIa..sIaNz..hOpe mY sCience Ut wiLl bE aLL Right~!~
laTer gOIng tO wOrk aT l4..haXi..aT fIRst iS l5 dE...But tOo baD..1pM to Start wOrk iS impOsSible dE.. becOz sTill iN sChool..thEn bO piaN..haB to cHange..iF nOt will bE abLe to wOrk with mEtta ,aNgie aNd mAybe kaImeIz ,kaNu, kaI hOe...jEff..jErEmy..aiyaH..jUz cAn wOrk witH l5 ppLe laH... thosAnd oF dAe dDnt wOrk thEre leH..wAit i hOildae..then reqUEst wOrk l5 sIa.. wEekdAes thiNk cAn sTill poSsible pUt mE at l5..wEekeNd thInk cANot leH sIa.. muST sLowly pSycho "grafieLd" to Put mE uP sIa..bUt still will mIz wOrking wiF lYdia,wEndy taN n breNda...
fEEliNg aBit bOred..juZ nOw wEnt to eAt wIf jIayIng ... becOz 2 alSo tOo bOrEd leH..then aLSo aBit hUngry maH..sO eAt aBit loRz :P
Memories that fades
9:59 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
TodAe a nEw daE...fOr sCience lesSon..neW teaCher laH...mY teaCher wEnt re-ServicE..thEn aNother nEw gEr teaCher tAke oVer..sIAnz sIa..sCience leSson reMind oF mY reSults..*bEi* ...bUt hEr wAy oF dOing iS quite reLaxing..lUckily..beCoz mY teAm mAtes aBit laCk laH..thEN moSt iS i dO the wOrk sIA..hEng nOt haRd to dO liaO...
thEn todAe nO gUitar leSson..cAn gO hMe eaRlier..mEeting xiAo gOu laTer.. sHe mIss me maH..sO bO piaN haB to mEet hEr..haHa..kIdding..i alSo mIZ hEr wor.. becOz cAn ruBBish wiF me...relIef sTresS ma..thEn alSO V lOng dDnt cAtch uP le Lorz..thEn goIng to pasa-malam..thiNk gOIng bUy aLot of RubbISh thEn gOrge owNselveS witH it aT mY hoUse..
thEn hE todAe nO sChool..ask me wAn mEet ma..becOz sAe wAn bUy xiAo gUo oNe mOre gift maH..thEn thInking If mEeting hIm..sEe wHere wAna gO lOrz...thEn todAe mY sCHool gOt thE sEarch fOr the "shUai gE" n "mEi nU" mM... sEe thE wEbsIte thEn aLSo sEe thE toP bElle In my sChool..nOt V thE chIo sIa.. bUt thE behInd the fEw iS more cHIo thaN the tOp sIa..fUnny..duNo hOw thEy vOte dE..eiTher iS fRiends vOte fOR her De.. Or pEOple haB diFferent taSte ba..i lIke uNtil lIke V baD hOr..Mm...nO laH..pEople haB thEIr oWn "mEi" loRz..juZ iS fRom dIfferEnt tHing lOrz..
aNyway..tOdae thUrsdAe lEh..sO hAPpy gOing wEekeNd leH..beCoz siAnz of gOIng to sCHool..haB to wAke uP eArly..thEN mY class alSo siAnz sIAnz...mIZ mY oLd cLass sIa..nEver mInd..wE alSO goIng to SPill clAss sOOn leH..sO wiLl be anOther begInnering In mY sChool lIfe..hOpe will bE gOod...
Memories that fades
8:27 PM
Memories that fades
8:37 AM
Memories that fades
12:05 AM
Monday, August 16, 2004
juZ reAd aH sEng bLog...mM..nOw thEn kNow hE aLSo Very tRoubled beCoz oF hiS reLatiOnsHip thIng..haXi... thEn i nOt thE oNly oNe loRz :P aNyway..jUz reAli dUn uNderStand gUys sIa..i aLso dUn wAn bE sO proCessivE..thEn beCome sEem dUn cAre oF "hIm".. thEn aH sEng cAse iS tOo mUch..becOme hE fEel V "naN sHuo'' .. mM..thEn i aSo duNo How tO kEep iT a baLanCe..sEem qUite chIam sIa..nEed to baLancE in bEtwEen.. mAybe mUst tRy tO unDersTand thE oPpositE vIew..But reAli cAnot xIang tOng siA.. bUt iS fIne ...fOr nOw...
aNyway..juZ gIf sOme sHOrt adVice 4 ah sEng lOrz..i nOt qUite sUre whAt i poSt in yOur bLog cOmfirm Ok..beCoz alSo mUSt dEpend oN iNDividuaL dE...i duN know cAn maKe hEr unDersTand thRough thAt ma..beCoz sHe sEem tO nEed aLot oF aTteNdtion fRom yOu sIa.. iF sHE sTart cRying wHen u saE all thEse.. i thInk sHould cOntinuE... mUst maKe hEr uNdersTand thAt... iF nOt..thEse thIng wOnt solve..aT leAst thiS iS thE onLy prOblem u haB witH hEr..sO tRy JIA YONG de sOlve it.. b4 u 2 cAn gO fUrthEr..oR maYbe dEepEr lORz.. Now jUz thE beGinnering lIke thAt le...iF wAn thInk far..jIa lAt lEh...
If reAli cAnot..maYbe tHrough a lEtter Or a friEnd tell heR alSo cAn lOrz.. mAYbe lEtter bEtter bA.. becOz u sEem aBle to cLearly wRite oUt Yr fRustratiOn aNd yoUr thOught iN youR bLog..maYbe whEN u toK to hEr..u sEe hEr faCe sAD saD oR wAn cRy leH..thEn u dUn wAn hURt hEr thEn dDnt sAe.. hOpe u 2 faster sOrt out lOrz.. knOw u alSo zHEn xI ta de...alSo wAn to laSt...jiA yoU~!~
Memories that fades
9:54 PM
Memories that fades
1:50 AM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
loNg tIme nO uPdAte leH..sO thiS enTry will bE qUite lOng lOrz :X aNyway.. fEelinG qUite laCK oF enErgy lORz..theSe fEw dAes Ddnt sLeep mUch..* chIong movIE *
anyway...fRidaY...sTart wOrk at teN..sO laTe~!~ duN liKE sO late wOrk.beCoz alwAy bY thEn..aLSo Not mUch sPiRit tO wOrk leH...sIanZ 1/2 leH.. at fiRst nOt woRking dE..thEn aSh sAE hE gOing hoIldae..aSK me cAn taKe anot..aFter aLL i aLso nOthing tO dO..sO anYthing lorz...tHen woRking at l5~!~ sO hAPpy cAn wOrk with mEtta n mOther..tHen afTer thAt mEtta aSk me waTch mOvie with weNdy..Colleratal lORz...tHen bOth aFter thAt feel like dOing sMoothieS .. gO cAfe dO... sO fuN.. dO uNtil dUn care cOncEss..:X cUstoMers sTanding thEre waIting..haHa.. thEn kAI hOe also long dDnt sEe hIm le..thEn "he" aFter wOrk cuM dOwn fInd kAi hOe..hE ddNt reAlly eXpect to sEe me ba.. becOz ii wOrk iS laSt mInute thIngy loRz...thEn he chAt with kaI hOe fOr aWhile tHen wEnt hMe wItH aH meiZ (kaImEi)
cLsIng le..thEn wEnt leVel 6 fInd wEndy..aFter thAt sEe thAt wEndy lIke mOod nOt gOod..thEn sae wAna pEi bOy toK..sO leFt mE n mEtta sEe thE sHow..haHa..we 2 sIt cOuple sIt..sHe sOre thoard..thEn tOok 2 hOtdog to eAt..:x i lEh..tOOk pOcky (saMe n uSual) + saLty pOpcOrn..gO in alreaDy haLf oF the shOw leH..gOing eNd le..thEn toGether Went dOwn fInd daNIel..thEn AGAIn see cOllerAtal siA..thEn aFter awhile wEndy cUm in..bUt fOr aWhile oNly..thEn wEnt oUt..daniel aFter thAt aLso wEnt oUt..leFt mE n meTta ..zZz haha...:P..toO tireD leh...
sHow eNded..wEnt oUt sIt aT the soFa..sO cOmfoRtable...cHat wIth brendA...haHa...dEe siaO hEr aBit heRe n tHere..lIke a Big sIster tO me..liSten n taKe cRe oF mI sia..aFTer thAt wEnt to eAt breAkfaSt witH thE 2 wEndy..bOy...mEtta..brenda ..goT oNe More oF her fRiend duNo wAt tiMe..daNiel..thEn shAfiul jOin uS later.. aT cOffee eXpreSs...sTomach paIn..thInk becOz of thE bad mIlo eFfect...mM..wEnt hMe..daniel iNsist wAn sEnd me to bUs sTop..i dUn wAN..juZ wAlk..diD not cAre hIm..bUt hE sTill maNage to cATch uP..thEn chAt AbIt..duN fEel lIke toKing..siLent..wAlk to bUs sTOp..luCKily mY buS cUm quIte fast..gOt a reASon to gO aWay...sLept in BuS..heAD keep kNocking oN thE wIndow planE..*paIn* :P
sLept unTil oNe +..aWake bY my daD vOice.. he aSk my bRother wAna lisTen thE pHone anot..tHen wAKe uP ..b4 i sLept mSg Me fRiend pEi me gO bUy baG..then sInce sO eArly wAke up..thEn meet eaRlier lOrz..thEn meet yOng aT mCdonald thEn gO to bugiS lOrz..sAw aLot of teMptAtion sIa..:P bUt lUckily oNli manAge to gEt JUZ a baG..$17 lOrz..cONsidered chEap compareD to aNother sHop whICh sEll $22...thEn wEnt hMe..eAt diNner..tHen haLf wAY..eVe cAlled..juZ oNe of TheM nOt fEeling wEll..aSK me cuM eArlier oNe hR..thEn gO geT reADy..reAch thEre 9+..saMe as uSual wEnt to kItcHen n gO out fRom thEre..saW mOther n wEndy thEre..bOth faCe sTresS liKe thAt.. thEn sAw lYdia at the cAfe eAting...wEnt tO oFfice...tHEn saW alot iNside..gLen..mEtta oN the fLoor ..tsHa..aFew unfaMilar faCe..eVe...heaRd oNly mEtta greEt mE "gD eVening" thEn oNly rePly her..thEneVe saE sHe alSo gOt..sHe i daO dIdnt gReet baCk..thEn wAN thRow the wATer bOttle aT mE..sO fierce sia :X tHen maDe mY wAy out..saE lyDia.. thEn wEnt dOwn wIth hEr...thEn know iS yAti fAint..thAt y nEed mE cuM eARlier..saW hUiwEn..fAriuz..dO baCKcOunter..thEn becOz yAti leFt...SHort oF one pEople tO dO until oNe aM..thEn aSk lYdia to eXtend..knOw sHe V tiRed lEh...But bO piaN..thEn wEndy afTer thAt MIA again..leFt brendA in cOnceSs..sHe aSk hUiwEn to gO uSHer tAke oVer hEr..thEn sHe cAn hElp to oUt mOre..toK to her aLot aBout hEr sTuff..liKe tOking to her alSo..feel cOmfortaBle..think iN cAthay...maYbe oNly...kaImEiz...mEtta...moTher..kaI hOe..bEe yan(tHe kachAng Ger),lyDia..breNda...wEndy taN..jEff~!~ (daDdy) gOt thing to toK lOrz..thE reSt..toK abit..cANot lEh..haXi..miSs laSt tiMe..sO fUn..gOt yIli..brYan..brendan...zLue..aSh...sAHa..kJ..JEremy..aNd nOt foRgetting jUde cHong~!~ thOSe dAes sO fUn...gOt bRyan n brendaN tO cRap wIth...yilI..janna..lUe aNd pLay...kJ aSh aS enTertaIner :P ..saHa n jEreMy tO keep cOnceSs in oRder n tidNess :X ...aNd jUde chONg fOR taKing all thE blaMe thAt wE iNcuRred.. :P thankz bOss fOr tAt..kNow u "wei xU" aLot.. mIZ u lOts..maYbe u leAve,iS gOod..aT leAst u wont nEed to livE uNder bEing sCold..thaNkz fOr aLway hElp tO taKe thE blaMe whEn wE 4 hObbieS ( jaNna,yiLi,lue n mE) gEt intO the tRouBle..thaNKz fOr nOt sColding uS wHEn thEy sCold u sO haRshly..thaNkz fOr coNsole uS whEn wE gEt sScolded..thaNkz 4 eVeRything n fOr beIng SUch a gOod boSs to uS ..wE miZ u Lots "]
aNyway...mEet hIm oN sUn ...hE wAS aNgry wIth mE...beCoz saE knOw i knOw goiNg oUt witH hIm..tHen sTill gO out..until sO "eaRly"..aNgRy sAe i liKe maKing "qu siaO" oF hIm..duNo wHat thiS meAning... duN wAn tO ask hIm cAse make hIm more aNgry...i dUno hE angry becOz i waS lAte thEn maKe hIm laTe in mEeting witH his daD...oR...aNgry thAt i maKe mysElf sO tiRed when i knOw i aLSo goIng to mEet hIm..i thInk iN that wAy...aT leAst iS beCoz hE dOte mE ..duN wAn mE to Be tiRed.. aT leAst i juZ taKe it aS bEing uNderStaNding..
hE saE hE aLway sAe mE hEre fault..thEre fAult..saE hE wOnt Not bE sO perfEct dE...saE gOt wAt..saE oUt..thEn i saE duN haB..beCoz i thInk hiS arGuemEnt iS i aT fAult.Not hIm..thEn hE juZ sAe " thaNkz oRh" ..duNo wAn to fEel uPset oR wAt..sOmetIme thInk i iSnt qUite sTrong fOr hIm le..duN dRop teaRs eASily..wOnt tOo sTiCk tO him..(wHIch i reAlise thAt hE maY wAn) .. nOt V pRocessive oN hIm...iSnt i tOo nOt sUitaBle for hIm leH..iSnt i aLso at fIrst not sUppose tO gEt witH hIm..aLot oF thOughts.. But i dUn wAna thInk thAt wAy.. i hPe eVerytHing will wOke uP..bUt nOw thEn i kNow hE sO uPset..aNd i dDnt reAlise sO mUch pRobleM..sUddenly fEel mI hiS gF V loUsly...*bei*
hE vEry aNgry..saE hOw maNy timEs i auTo mSg hIm...vEry leSs..(faCt) thEn saE lIke goIng out laSt mInutE inForm...or rAther...dDnt infoRm hIm..then hE will mSg oVer...sAe he goiNg whEre all thAt..then i dID nOt..Sae hE lIke aLone in a relAtionShip...hE Very tIred..thEn aSk mE gO n tAke for mYself whAt thE reAson oF thAt...sAe hE mSg mE aT nIght..thEN i Ddnt rePly..saE i faLl aSleep lRz..thEn aSk wAt hiS feeling...saE hE V iRriated By daNiel..whAt HE heArd..thE wOrds He saE hIm...thE naMe hE uSe tO mEntion hIm...(idoit)..saE eVen iF hE saE daNiel..He dDnt uSe sUch worD..juZ leFt oUt thE naMe..
hE V aNgry n UpsEt..thEn saE hE V "fake" aSk me kNow wHat daNiel ma..i duN knOw..hE sAe danIel tolD duNo whO " he will take me baCk" ..sAe wHat will hE thInk whEn hE heaRd hiS.. i thInk iS anGeline tEll hIm dE ba..becOz hE is mOSt clOse to aNgeline ma..tHen danIel alSo will tEll hiS probLem to hEr dE...haXi...gOod oNe dDnt liSten..all thEse liSten aLot..whAt hE wAn to saE...i cAN dO wAt maH...hAte to gEt iNto thiS..thiS oNe cOnsiDer thE fiRst tiMe he sO woke uP ba...thEn i jUz kEep qUiet..tHen aSk iSnt EverythIng i sO caLm..i rATher i cAlm tHen i wOke up..wOke uP cOmfirm quarrAl liaO...thEn daNiel mSg mE..juZ duN wAn to rePly baCk..Mood reAli nOt gOod...mOreoVer iS hIm..i also duN wAn iNnocent sCold hIm..But aFter thAt eat with hiS daD siBling n aUnt..hE mOod bEtter lEh..
sOmething reAli duN kNow whAt i wAn..haXi..i fEel thAt sOmetiMe i More tOng kU thAn thEm..bOth wAn thiS n thAt..thEn i nEed to like aNswer tO othEr pEople..liKe iF i juZ joKe abit wiTh daNiel Or wAt...thE reSt will cUm saE me..saE lAter maKe hIm cArry hOpe oR wAt..sAe shOuld iGnore hIm..sAe thiS n thAt..thEn later tREat hIm cOld...daNiel will sTart to aSk thiS n thAt..wHy hEre n thEre..i alSo dUn waN thAt.. becOz i kNow V toNg kU..tHen nOw hE also UpSet..tHen alSo duN lIke hIm gEtting tOo toUchy..bUt alSo dUn kNow hOw to sAe..V hUrting iF lIke thIs saE..haXi... thEn sTuDies nOw in a mEss..haXi..dUno hOw..anYthing alSo mUst wAit uNtil paSs thiS roUnd oF Ut sIa..*goD bleSs Me*
I aLso tiReD leh...helP mE...i dun know wHat tO dO..i coNSiderate abit..dun wAn diSturb hIm..sO v leSs msG hIm...thEn He saE until liKE that... evErything i dO alSo wrong.. daNiel matter also mu fualt.hE thing i also at fault...siaNz
Memories that fades
7:47 PM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
"yawN" sIaNz.. tOdAe sCieNce eaSy..But uT leH..haXi..sCare wiLl fAil sIa..reALi nO cOnfidEnt.. gOt 2 qNs.. oNe quEstion mUst paSs..(thAt oNe i aGar kNOw) iF nOt..oVerrall faIl leH..wOrry fOr mY reSults sIa..sAe wAn sTudy..alWay nO mOOd tO..haXi..dUn wiSh tO maKe hIm diSapPointed wIth mY reSult..sOmeMore mY Vb alSo..sCare gOne cAse sIa.. sOmeonE hElp mE !~! ..wIth mY sTudiEs...
laTer aT nIght sTill got gUitaR..thInk tiMe wiLl paSs fast laTer la..hPe leSson will eNd b4 thrEe..thEn cAn gO hMe pUt lAptoP fiRst...beCoz at nIght goIng ma-sA-ma-lan..thEn dUn wAn cArry mI laP toP..sO heAvy sIa.. yIli n yOng gOt baCk reSult 4 thEir O level leH..bOth alSo lIke nOt happy..yIli le..thInk sHe not baD le..dDnt sTudy wAt cAn gEt b3..bUt theN sHe lIke eXpect hIgher..aiyaH..eFfort pUt iN hOw mUch..wIll reCieve hOw mUch..yOng lEh..knOw sHe Very haRdworKing..sTill gEt b3..knOw she aIm foR a1 laH..thOught shE aT leAst will gEt a A2..maYbe oraL puLl hEr dOwn loRz..aT leASt bEtter thaN me..B4..haXi..thiNk le.. saD siA..alWay reGret sIa..thInk cAn gEt b3 dE..bUt kNow iS my cOmposiTion gOne wRong..sUan le..paSt iS paSt..
tOromOw fRidAe lE..haXi..finAlly..thInk mUst gO reVisiOn my vB leh..cANot plAY play liaO..If cAn paSs bY thIs uT...cAn reLax bEtter lE..beCz 3 pass lE maH..hOpe sO..
Memories that fades
11:40 PM
Memories that fades
12:34 AM
Monday, August 09, 2004
haXi.. nOthing mUch..jUz thAt sChool reOpen aGaIn..thAt y "beI" :X aNyway.. alOt oF uPdatE laH..sInce fRidAe maH...thEn i sLowly sOrt oUt laH :)
fRi..haHa..pOn sCHool :X thEn wAke uP iN thE moRning..aWakEn bY "hIs" cAll laH..beCoz meEting hIm gO hiS hsE dO "taN yuaN" maH thEn hE b4 tHEn gOing baCk to hiS sEcondAry sChool..thEn aSk me wHether gO ma..bUt i reJect laH.. saE laTer wOrk 8pM to 4aM bUay taHan lOrz..sO reqUest sLeep lOnger :X tHen wOke uP at 9aM..thEn prEpaRe..tHen hE cOme mY hsE thEre mEet mE..tHen wE gO heNDersOn maRket bUy paNdan leaVes & sUgar.. thEn wAlk baCk iNtercHange NTUC tO bUy thE fLour :X aFTer thaT..maKE oUr wAy tO hiS hsE..aBit sIaNz laH..beCoz "aUntie" cOme..tHEn firSt dAE..sO beFore thEn gOt bRing eXtra bOttom In cAse...
tHen reAch hIs hSe..oN thE wAy oN buS.. thInk saW dAnieL aNd 2 gErs.. sO qIao sia.luCkily hE dId nOt sEe uNtil mE..iF nOt...
hIs mUm n small bRother In..hIs bRother aS usUal plAying hiS cOmputer :X .. lIke eVerytiMe i go over.. hE will bE plAying thE cOmputer loRz. thEn hIs mUm iS irOning cLothers..oH mI gOd..sEe thE tOwer Of clOtheS sEem eNdleSs tO irOn fiNisH..thInk sHE wASh aLso V tiRing ..luCkily go+ thE inVentioN of wAShing maChinE :X thEn aFter thAt reAlise thE paNdan leaVe n thE sUgar dUno gO whEre sIa..thInk leFt it oUt theRe sOmewHere.. sO wEnt dOwn agaIn to thE neArby maRket to bUy agaIn.. thEn alSO brOught chIx rIce 4 hiS brOther aNd he eAt "prAwn nOodles" .. At fIrSt iS i oRder fiShball nOodle.. alSO duNo whY tuRn inTo thAt :X thEn wEnt baCk to hiS hse.. i dUn wAna eAt..bUt he saE mUst eAt..thEn i chOose to eAt tHE vEg..aND he prACticAlly gif me eAt ALL... wAn dIscoUnt alSO cANot.. :X thEN wEnt to hIS rOom to dO jigsAw.. wE brOught laSt mOnth oR sO.. tHen fInding sOme fRee dAe to gO n fiNIsh uP..hE finiSH his luNch n joIn mE..thEn gO toiLet..wAn chEck..thEn gOt stRain siA..lUckily gOt eXtra boTtoN..*heNg* :) thEn iN betWeen wE do.. hIs maNager cAll...sAe he todae gOT wOrk..thEn hE duNo .. becOz hIs shEduCle iS sEnd thRough emAil..thEn he dIdnt reCieve..sO he faSTer gO bAThe.. chANge..thEn aSK me hElp hiM wiF the tiE..thEn tRy aLot of tIme..fiNally cAn :) thEn pEi mE tAke bUs uNtil boUna Vista..thEn i maKE my wAY hMe..eAt n wEnt to wOrk :)
sAw mEtta .. mOther..aNd aFew newBies..duN remMeber mUch..sInce my mEmory iS sHort tErm..thEn puTch iN le..maKe my wAy dOwn level 4.. wOrk wIth yAti..thEn V reLax lOrz..bUt sHortaGe laH..thInk iS $8..aFter thAt..mEet jEreMy..mEtta..wEndy n kJ sEe sHow..daNiel sOrt of ba.. beCoz he uSher.. thEn cUm in sEe aLso..*villaGe* nOt nIce dE...nOt sCary at aLl ..oNli scAry iS the Song eFFecT laH :X thEn aFter thAt..wEnt tO sEe hsE of fLying dAggeRs with mEtta n jEreMy.. thEy 2 sO tirEd le..gO insIde nOt sOon n fEll asLeep le..aLso nOt nIce sIA..sHow eNdeD...wEnt oUtsIde aNd sIt oUtsiDe CineMa 2..chAt whIle wAiting fOr dANiel tO lOg oFf fRom wORk..tHEn wEnt to eAt at mCdonald..aLl sEem eXhaUsted..eXcePt Kj aS uSual..Bubbly~ reACh hMe at abOut 9aM..slEpt at bus n kEep kNocking oN the glaSs paNels :X ..
wASh Up anD slEpt uNtil 3+..(sAt) awaKen bY weNdy taN caLl.. aSK my Try to cUm at 6pM..thEn i oK lorZ.. go gEt reaDy.. cAN fEel thE exhAustion fAlliNg InsIde me..nO chOice..haB to wOrk..bUt Still preFerred thAT to sCh :X gEt reAdy n mAke mY wAy dOwn..foRget whAt hAppeN lEh..anYway..thEn jeFf wAn wOrk with mE..sO reqUest chANge with wEndy.. sO wAit uNtil wEndy cUm..thEn hE cUm leVel 4. fUn wOrking with hIm..thAt dAE alSo gOt aLvin aND ya+i.. aLvin laSt dAe lE..*saD* sIA.. sTart tO crAp wIth hIm..hE leAving lE :X thEn jeFf kEep MIA (mIssing iN aCtioN) beCoz mOre thaN enOugh sTaff..thEn keep gOIng out duNo wHere..tHen aFter thAt...wEnt slaCking wIth jEff...tOo bOreD lEh..wEnt wAlking whOle lEvel 1.. fEel liKe gEtting sOmetHing But dUno wAt..thEn fiNally feel lIke dRinking sMoothIes..thEn mAke oUr wAy to cAfe..thEy aLready cLsing lEh..bUt aSK permIssioN fRom kIm hOck n gIbsOn cAn dO..tHEn wE wASh up oUrSelves..thEy agRee.. jEff dO hIS iNventiOn oNe.. - vaNillA + lycee flaVor.. *NicE*wEnt dOwn...tHen gIf aLvin n yati taSte .. thEn wEndy cUm wiTh hEr fRiends wAtch sHows..thEn cOunt flOat..dErriCk V piSsed OR wat..beCoz wEndy taN tAke the 2 smAll cOmbo as my cAsh flOat..thEn dDnt pRint reCeipt..tHen nOt vAlid to uSE..lIke thIs..meAn i wiLl sHort alot..i already got short $9.90 ..thEn hE tAke cover..thEn duNo jEff sAe wAT to hIm..thEn thEy 2 liek aRgue..tHen deRrick sUddeNly sAe i duN neeD pAy..hE heLp mI pAy..thEn saE wAt i haRdwoRking stAff..hE willIng to pAy fOR me..thEn alVin wAS laUghing liKe siaO sia..aSK hIm wat..hE sAE ntH..thEn jeFf sAe thEy 2 aLway liKe thAt..but Joking dE..*pHew* wEnt hMe wiTh alVin,peIfeN n jaNna..jaNna sEem in a mOOdy mOde..sEem sHe gOt alot of tRoubleS theSe dAes.. thEn sHE gOt proBlem aLSo duN fiNd mE de..sO i alSo cAnot hElp mUch.. alSo wAn to liSten..bUt tOo baD loRz.. juZ nOt oNe oF hEr thAt "proBlem cOnfIDe gRps" hPe shE dUn thInk thAt neGativE..wiLl tuRn out riGht fOr hEr.
(sUn) wOrk leVel 4 aGain..wIth lYdIa..*phEw*.. aT first shAiful aSk Me wOrk levEl 5..becOz nOt eNough ppLe..bUt i alSO nOthing mUch to toK to naZim..anD sIEw Ling..lUckily..aSK me gO hElp lyDia..toK n laUgh n jOke..sO long dDnt toK wIF hEr..coMfortaBle toKing tO heR..feEl aT eASe.. thEn toK qUite aLot oF breNda..beCoz wEndy not enOugh sLeep..thEn alMost thE whOle dAE MIA.. sO wAn hEr heLp to lOok aFter concEss..thEn wEnt breAk wiF hEr..tOk quIte aLot oF her..we 2 duN fEel like eAting..tHen eAt fRuits lOrz..thEn wEnt baCk..sAw fIrewoRks with wEndy taN n breNda...nIce... aFter lOg oFf woRk..wEnt levEl 5 fInd meTta...sEem sO tiRed..bUt kEep saEing dUn haB..undErstaNd la..laSt tiMe alSo lIke thAt.. itS juZ a aCcumlatiOn fRom preVious eXhuStion..duN bE liKe me wOr...heAlth got aLot of prObleMs..taKe cAre wOr..nOt tirEd alSO cAN reSt.. thEn beCoz oF sOme thIng..sHe cRied lOrz..mOther iNtend to scAre her bUt shE tOo sTreSs le..brOke uP..*sTunnEd* duNo wAt to dO..thInk reAli nEed sOme oF us baCk..*oLd biRds* to savE the dAE~!~ :P maYbe thAt wAy she wOnt fEel sO stRess.. kNow iS tiRing to maNage sO many newBies.. unDersTand..jEreMy alSo sO tiRed..haXi..evErythIng the saMe aS laST time..nOt goOd meH..peI her eAt...alSo cAN lEt heR breAk aWay fRom wOrk fOr awHile..maYbe tOo tirEd + sTreSs thAt y cNAot tahaN ba..
*mOn* wOrk with jeFf aNd daNiel... 2 alSo bUlly mE..wAn cOmplaIn..:x nO la..fuN la..laUgh alot sia..maYbe jeFf thEre lOrz..thEn i alSo like ddNt sLeep enOugh..wEar oNe apron liaO ddnt reAlise..thEn taKe aNother oNe n weaR..thEn jeFf sEe me wHy i weAr 2 apRons :X laUgh liKe siaO...thEn danIel wEnt to taKe sOme sTuff..hE tolD hIm wHen he cuM baCk...i becOme thE laUghing sTock.. plAy aRound thE whOle wOrking hRs..thEn aFter jEff wEnt hMe le..becOme mOre quIet le..thEn wEndy take oVer jEff sLot.. thEn moSt of the tIme is danieL n wEndy toKing lot..alSo duN fEel lIke toKing..ntH mUCh to toK lOrz..theN clSe mY coUnter ... deRrick saE oK..nO probLem..but duNo reAli anOt..thInk beCoz jeFf thAt tiMe saE dE thIng..nt tiMe gOt sHortage iF manAgable..duN thInk he wiLL sAe le.. thEn breNda alSO heLp me bUy fRuit...hOneydeW + graVa.. Before leAviNg..gaVe hOneydeW to wEndy aNd sqUeeze thE moNey to breNda..kEep dun wAn to tAke mA..theN wEnt to bUy pOcky n maKe my wAy hMe..wEnt hMe..wAsh uP..doWnloaD tHe noTes nEeded fOR my teSt todAe n sLept...
(tueS) wOke uP...V tirEd...luCkily reMind my mUm i gOt sCh todAe..becOz sHe thOught i alsO hoildAe liKE my coUsins..bathe..dresS..haLF asLeep whIle eAting mI breAkfast (whIpped potato iN the mRning :~) thEn cUm sCh wAn cOnneCt inteRnet cANot.. maKe my wAy dOwn to IT helpdeSk...dO mY UT teSt thEre...thInk cAnot do well..beCoz noteS in laPtop..bUt cAn paSs cAn le :X
Memories that fades
8:56 PM
Thursday, August 05, 2004
juZ fEel lIke wRiting One mOre eNtrY..fEd uP..reAli..wHy? aGAin ...dANiel..fEel tHat..i More eAsy bLust oUt at hIm..dUno wHy.. sUddenly feEl mYself V hOt-teMper wHen tOking tO hIm.eASily gEt irrAtieD n aNger..aNd hE is tHe oNli fRiend thAt i bRust Out sO eAsily sIa..i kNow V unFair tO hIm aNd V upSetting fOr hIm..bUt i reAli bUay taHan.. hE sEem tO oFten uSe thE wRong wOrds or wAt..
liKe juZ nOw.. i pOn sChool beCaUse i owNself wAn dE.. NOT BECOZ I WAN TO GO OUT WITH HIM! i kNOw whAt is gOod fOr mE..
dO i sEem tO be thE tYpe to be uNable to thInk prOperly lE..
dO i sEem tHat iMmature tYpe nOt to aBle to sEperAte botH matter?
dO i sEem thE tyPe thAt dO nOt knOw whIch oNe mOre iMportaNt beTween gOIng oUt wiTh hIm n StuDies ma?
dO i sEem tO be tHe tYpe to be tOo caRry aWay whEn i a rela+ioNship?
dO yOu thInk If i aM sIck,i wiLl sTill gO ouT wiTh hIm ma?
I aM a gRow uP le.. i kNow tHE cOrrect wAy i sHould bE. i knOw whAt iS gOod fOr mE. hE alSo wOnt wAn mE to be sIck aNd sTill gO ouT wIth hIm,wOnt wAn mY reSult tO slaCk,waN mE gO to sCh bUt i owNself dUn wAN de..
juZ wAn to saE.. i aM reAli fEd uP..oF eVerytHing..sOrry aBout thAt..bUt i jUZ wAn to vEnt mY fRustra+ion oUt hEre.
thInk mAybe sHould LEt u sEe thIS eNtry...aLthought wiLl be UpSetting But lEt u know " I KNOW HOW TO THINK FOR MYSELF"
kiDding...wOnt lEt dANiel sEe dE..juZ vEnt oUt frUstrAtion oNli..lEt mE be.
Memories that fades
7:56 AM
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
haHa..gOt thE tiMe tO wRite aNother eNtry..sHould kNow hOw fRee i aM lE bA :X juZ fiNIsh mY wOrk..thEn laTer gO hme mUst reMemBer tO bUrn c-d fOr nIc aNd yilI sIA.. bOth wAn jAy chOu nEw abulm thEn yilI wAn aDditiOnal oU dE yaNg dE cD.. thEn meAn muSt bUrn 3 tImeS lORz..:X nEver mInd..tOdae cAn sLeep laTe..sIncE also Not gOing tO sChOol maH :X
haHa.."he" jUz nOw saE sUddEnly fEel lIke cOoking a+ hMe..tHen aSk me wHen freE.. bUt mAybe lEft toromOw bA..sInce pOn cLass..thEn gOt mrE tiMe ..sInce mY woRk s+arT a+ 8pM lOrz :] thEn saE gOing tO dO "taN yuaN" *lUv it* alSo lIKe to do lOrz
mM...iF nOt wRong..tOromOw clSing witH wEndy "haO" duNo iS thIs wAy oF sPellIng maH..:X jUz kNOw iS "haO" ..miSs cLosing witH wEndy taN sIa.. bEcOz sHE cAn liSten raDio thEn bLAst V lOud..V thE nIce atMosphEre tO wOrk thEn liSten uNtil yR faVouriTe sOngs.. ( sHE uSed mY bUrn cD to lisTen..) :P .. thInk nEed tO re-bUrn sOng lE..foUnd aFew mOre "bEi" sOngs.. cAN aDd oN tO mY coLLectiOn lORz
fEelIng V bLoated iN my sTomACh nOw..dUno wHy.. juZ noW breAkfASt eAt dUmpling mAybe thAt whY lORz.. thInk maYbe cAn taHan uNtil after gUitaR sIA..8Pm ..nOw iS 1.48pm :X .. tHen fEel mOre oF sTomaCh paIn thEn hUngry la.. thInk cUming "aUntie" le sIA.. meAn haVing sCary mOodsWing lOrz.. sO mEtta hUh.. iF sUddEnly.. i beCome tOo qUiet..dUn bE aFraid..thAt iS juZ thE "reAl" mE haha...:P toO nOisy thEn iS mOodswinG lor..beCome aNother pErsOn le [ " 0 p ] .. dUn stArt vOmitiNg aGain wOr..oR saE "SPARE ME" !!
Memories that fades
10:32 PM
Memories that fades
9:06 PM
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
haHa..juZ gIve mE bLog to --> mEtta :) weLcOme u tO mY bLog ..nOw gOt 2nd pEople whO kNow leH..aH sEng n u..mEtta :x haHa.. tRust u will kEep it a sEcert laH.. haxI.. duNo iS becOz oF flu thAt whY haBing a heaDache sIa.. duNo wiLL dIe sUddenly maH..haHa..duN wAn gO oFf sO faSt sIa..wiLL gOt aLot oF pEople sE bU dE...thIngZ haVent dOne.. aLot aLot laH :X
aNyway.. juZ haB tO taHan uNtil tOromOw cAn lE... beCoz fRidAe iNteNd to reSt aT hMe.. thiNk a dAe wi+hout In aIr-cOn wiLl hElp mE reCover faster lOrz :p thEn alSO need tO reSt 4 thE baTtle of wOrk fRom fRi tO mOn sIa... bUay taHan sIa.. nEed wOrk sO mAnY dAes iN oNe sORt..haXi... haHa..thEn mOndaE wOrking wIf jEff~!~ lOoking fOrwARd bEcOz sO lOng dDnt wOrk wIth hIm lEh :X
tHen Got baCk mY pRoblEm sOlviNg reSult..haXi.. dDnt gEt a "B" eVen.. saD sIa.. V cOnfIdent iN thIs mOduLe dE.. But thInk i nOt baD le..gOt aFew faiL..tHen aLot oF thEm alSO ddNt gO weLl.. But sTill.. thOught will dO wEll laH :X nVm..tRy aGaIn iN mY neXt tEsT :]
Memories that fades
10:06 PM
Memories that fades
5:23 AM
Sunday, August 01, 2004
yEstErdae wOrk leVel fOur...2pM tO 10pM...ha+e thIs Slot...nOt beCoZ oF thE qUite lOng hRs bUt juZ thAt clSing ..aNd thE faCt i sTudyinG thE neXt dAe whIch gIf tHe reAsoNs wHy nOw i feel liKe zZz lEh...:X *tIreD* aNd mY eYeS aRe gEtting sWolleN..a sIgn sHowS i laCking Of Zzz BADLY~!~
sa+ wOrkuNtil 5aM..thEn sUndaE wOkE uP a+ 9aM plUs ...awAken bY thE phOne rIngIng..tHen sLeep baCk awHile thEn wAKe up 10+ bUy breAkfast fOr my bRotheR anD dAD.. a+ fIrst mY mUm wAN to bUy dE..bEcOz wAN mE tO zZz lOnger maH..bUt alSo feEl liKe eA+ing sOmethIng liGht...*mCdoNalD bReAkfast* kNOw my bRo aLso wAnA eAt..sO aLSo wEnt tO Buy beCoz Of iT .. bRought hOtcaKes foR mE , bIg breAkfaS+ fOR my bRo aNd " mEe pOk" fOr mI dAd lOz :p
tHEn eAt fiNish...sTart tO pLay cOmputer gaMes thEn hE mSg mE.. bEcOz hE wAn mEet mE paSs mI sTH..thEn gET reaDy tO mEet hIm loRz...thEn oN the wAy to the bUs sTop wiTh hIm..saW my unCle aNd coUSins..thEn my unCle wAs sMiling..thINk kNow whAt he iS thInking :X hE gIveS mE a hOmemaKe deSsert maKe bY hiS muM lORz :) *sWeEt*
dDnt tOk mUch..bEing cOld..iN buS..hE fInally sPoke..saE hiS pRoblEm..saE fEeling jeaLous..beCoz eVertimE gO oUt wIth hIm...thEn mSging wIth daNiel lORz..thEn saE duN fEel cOmfOrtaBle loRz...haXi...*uNderstaNd* beCoz hE aCcideNtly sAw my pHone mESsages..tHen sAw Alot oF it iS dANiel..thEn i juZ saE fOrwArd mSg (whIch iS tRue..) thEn saE iS jeALouSy..i uNderStaNd..If i wAS hIm..i aLso wiLl feel thE saMe..iN thE sEnSe dANiel liKe me...thAt y... thEn i juZ kEep qUiet...duN wAn tO saE aNythinG..kNow i a+ faUlt..
jOanNa aNd jaNna alSo gOt tOk tO mE oN sa+ aBout thiS...haXi.. saE nEed tO gIf dANiel cOld shOulder...saE nEed fOr him tO fOrget mE..i aNd him iS beSt duN bE fRieNds nOw...hAXi..bUt i fiNd iT nOt a gOod chOice liKe thAt...V cRuel..
wEndy taN thEn teLl mE gifiNg cOld sHouldEr Not gOod...sHe gIf hEr eXaMple..uNDersTand...knoW iS tOng kU..tHen i nOt reAli Gifing hIm cOld sHoulder..jUz nOt tOo fRieNdly.. wOrk sTuff lOrz...oNli toKing about wOrk lOrz..hE try tO JokE wIth mE..bUt moSt oF tHe tiMe i jUz nOt cOnceNtrAting..thEn dId nOt cAtcH wAt he saE..sO hE fEel liKe a iDoit toKing liKe that...aNd i aPprecIate mOre Of wEndy cOmment..thInk iS wiSer...bU kuI gOne tHrough aLot..saE thE thIng alSo mOre sEnsE :)
tHen dUring woRk toK to lyDia...chAt abOut nIc lOrz..hEr cRush...sEem sHe gEtting dEep maN~!~ gOod for her..aFter afEw heArtbreAk..hOpe nIc iS fOr her~!~ wAitIng u 2 gOod newS ...dUn lEt mE doWn lyDia~!~ :)
thEn aFter wOrk ... hE drIve mE hMe fRom wOrK.. thEn kNow hE wAiting dOwnsTair ...sO aSk wHether cAN leAve lE..thEn daNiel aSK whEther iS it hIm..thEn i saE ya..thEn hE beCome V fIercE... StaRt aSKing mE tO leAve...thEn i wAn to tAke mY dIscmaN b4 leAving...thEn he aSk me tO leaVe aGain..thEn i reALli blaSt out.."i take mY diScmaN aNd go cAN anot" tHen hE juZ kEpt qUiet..wEnt to oFfice..saW hIm oN the wAy..dUn evEn wAN me mu++er a bYez tO hIm..reaLi fEd uP oF hiS a++iduE tO me..
tHen knOw aNgeliNe wOrk fOr the paSt cOnsecTively dAes.. tHen tHat daE alSo clOsing..tHinK alSo tIreD le..thEn aSk "hIm" wAn sEnd hEr hMe ma..He aGreE.. tHen dUno dAniEl wAn tO taLK wIth heR.. sO we juZ prEsuaDe hEr to gO witH us..cAn reaCh hMe faster..aLthoUght sHE kEep saE dUn wAn.. bUt "hE" maNage tO cOnviNce hEr.. tHen daNiel aFter that V uPset.. sAE ddnt tHink oF hiS feeliNg.. sAE wAn pEople tO tOk..tHEn "he" sNatcH hEr aWay..*peNgz* wE dUn kNow ... thEn alsO dUN neEd saE hIm lIke pUrpoSely dE ma.. wE alSo dUn know yOu iNteNd to taKe thE lOng wAy hMe juZ to cHat wiTh aNgeliNe.. paI sEi lorz..
plS gIf mE sOme aDvicE...i fEeling V uPset tO hIm fOr maKing hIm upSet aNd tO daNiel fOr making hIm So dePreSs... i juZ a nOrmal gEr....lImiteD tO powEr tO dO muCh...unDerStand ma..
Memories that fades
7:15 PM