Tuesday, November 30, 2004
gOt thE jOb at cHEckers.. Mm.. pAy fOr nOw iS lOw..$4... But mM.. Hpe reAli will iNcreaSe aFter 3 mOnths.. elSe.. mM.. sEe how lAh.. iF reAli dUn lIke woRking thEre aFter tat.. tHen quIt lOrz :P bUt thE maNAger thEre sEem fRiendly..althOught gOt a sTern fAce sIa..mM..bUt saE mUst wOrk fRi n sAt.. Mm.. fRi cOmfiRm i No problem..But sAt lEh.. tRying to fInd eXcusEs to duN work sIa.. gOing to Officially start woRk oN nExt mOndae.. with 2 nEw gUys. Got sAw aNOther nEw gUy wHo aSo bE jOining uS foR the oRidentAtion oN moDae.. hAHa...yIli sAe v yaN dAo.. sAe sHe will bE cuMing dOwn tO chEckErs more oFten lEh.. :x
tHree sLot eVerydAe.. mRning timE i Not sUre.. aftErnOon iS 4pM to 11pm..thEn nIghtz iS 11pm to 6aM. Mm.. thEy aSo Got dOUble pAy~! gOoing to cHiong fOr bOth oN chRistmas..haHa..bUt nOw dOUbt gOt mUch tiMe to woRk cAthay lEh.. thiNk will mIz my fRienDs thEre bUt nO woRry.. Once in a whiLe u will sEe mE wORk thEre dE :X
nOw toO wu liaO.. plAying zHong jI mI mA wiF mY fRiEnds.. haHa.. i tHe oNe wHo dEciDe thE nUmbEr.. :x sO gOod sIa.. dUn NEed pUnisHmeNt sia.. thEn sEe thEm kEep puNishing bY dRinking water..sO sHiok :x haHa..paI tAi siA
aNyway..yeSterdae haB a fUll..oR rAther V full dInner wIf daNiel..wEnt to JAck pLace to eat...thE sEving is oH my gOd sia.. So mAny..until i buay taHan.. i oRder a mIx grill..got all sort of meat...thE laMb i eat until buay tahan..bEcoz the smEll V nOt v pLeasant.. thEn got eAt oYster all thOse.. mM.. nOt rEali nt tAste.. aFter eAting then sTArt fEeling sTomachaChe.. dOubt it the fOod fAUlt..Becoz onli i got pRoblem..maybe not used to it ba.. thEn at Nightz.. fEel like drinking tea..went bukit batok prata shOp .. nO choice need order food..becoz v pai sei juz drink tea onli..then eat..my stomach can reali brust sia... feeling so full now althought pass one nightz le :x
juz hear from my friend.. one of my school cleaner pass away.. v unexpected sia..becoz heard that he threw on blood and hab breathing difficulties yesterdae.. hE is mM.. something like mentally more slow the pple tat why some pple in my school will bully him.. iDoit thEm.. tHen heard tat some people kick him tat why.. hOpe they will reali regret about it sia.. regret what they hab done..how he hab treat him.. they should reali regret..eSpecially thoSe gers... whO scold him stupid all tat..make him so depRessed..
christmas meeting for cathay.. i be there la.. doubt anything can do wrong.. if i remember to sumbit my constrait that dae.. :X i aso wana see my friends.. so long ddnt see them..meet them out.. aSo will miz thEm dE mAh.. nO mAtte how.. cAthay still a bIgger fAmily Sia.. cHEcker le.. i sEe v jiA lAt.. onli one staff n a manager one duty on a afternooN... tat reali short of staff sia :x
goIng to sHop for a black skirt and mAybe shoe ba.. needed for nt mondae offically woRk sia.. wiSh me aLl the *peace* insIde.. :x
Memories that fades
7:42 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
haZi..sEem itS cUming bAck aGaIn.. i hPe i will bE nOn-eMtiOnaL.. heArtleSs..cOld..
yeSterdae wEnt oUt wIf xHua..wEnt tO chEckers tO chEck oUt the vAncieS oF thE wAitresS jOb.thEy neEd 4 pPle.. thEn aSk me gO dOwn thEre inTerviEw tOdae.. at 4Pm..pAy iS $4.. bUt if will aDd oN aFter 3 mOnths if pEfoRmance iS gOod.. iNtEnd to wOrk cAthay lE..then gO thEre woRk iF goT iN..sInce it is a 24hR cAfe mA..will bE chIonging mOre in thE hoLidae.. tRying to kEep mYself eVErydae..eVery mOment oCcupied wiF sOmething..
wEnt to wAtch EveryboDy haB a sEcrets.. althought tHe sHow quIte lOng lE..bUt sTill aBout 3/4 hall full at hall 9. quite dRagging..aLmost fEll aSleep..mAybe dUe to thE tiRedness tHat haB bEen grAdually aCcumlating thRough thE dAes..wEnt sHopping thRough herrEn to fAreAst.. bEcoz nEed to kIll tiMe..bUt eIther oF us haB mUch mOod or tArget to fiNd..sO quIte sIanz sHopping yeSterdae..
sae jUnita at cEinleisure aSo.. sO haPPy to sEe hEr.. at fiRst still gUessing wif hUa isNt hEr anOt..bEcoz thOught heArd fRom jaNz sHe going oVerseas to sTudy.. thEn thOught sEe wRong..tHen chAt awHile..sHE will bE gOing nExt mOnth.. wiSh gEr all thE beSt :)
nOw thEn kNow i reAli Not a v gOod dE pErsoN..a goOd ger..dDnt reAli mEant iT..sOrry..bUt dOubt aNy sOrry cAn hElp..aT leASt it sHow tAt i aM reAli S-O-R-R-Y . bEcoz i dDnt haB thE fAintest inTention fOr it..
Memories that fades
6:17 PM
Sunday, November 28, 2004
sUddEnly fEel sO paCk uP wiF little tiMe.. goIng doWn to chEcker lAter foR thE wAlk in inteRview. lAter iF oK.. jUz sCan other pLace aSo.. lAter haB to rUsh to mEet xIangHua.. aT fiRst yUhua cuMing.. bUt shE need hElp hEr mum.. fEel aBit baD aBout tat.. BEcoz at first meEting Hua Early.. thEn haB to Wait lAter.. hOpe i cAn chOp cHop gEt thE joBs with yIli n yOng at chEcker
gOd bLEs uS :P
juZ a sImple eNtry
bOred ^-^
Memories that fades
11:10 PM
Memories that fades
4:59 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2004
mM.. tIrEd... bEcoZ yeSterdae wEnt Out nIght lAte.. haHa.. bUt eNjoYaBle dae..
b4 thEn wAS wiF daNIel.. wEnt to hEr aUnt hSe to maKan.. thEn janz cAll mE.. saE wAn to tAlk.. thEn cHong dOng sAe gO dOwn fInD her.. bEcoz gaN juE sHe nEed sOmeonE wIF hEr.. tHen i aSo dun fEel likE goIng hMe.. b4 thEn aLready quIte tired.. dUno how cUm aFter lisTeNing tO hEr tAlk aBit.. fEel sO enErgetiC.. :x
thEn dRive haLf wAy.. duNo How cUm.. daNiel aNd mE arGue.. but iS kiDding dE la.. thEn saE iF dAre.. or wAt.. thEn gO oUt of hiS cAr lOrz.. thEn i saE go lOrz.. dROp mE haLf wAy By the roAd aT orChard.. thEn i tAke mY thIng aND stArt wAlkiNg oFf.. tat mOment .. aSo duN kNw whEre to gO.. juz sEe thE sCenEry aRound V nice..sO kEep wAlking.. cHEck my pHone wHether hE got miZ cAlled mE mA.. haHa.. gOt..sO cAlled baCk.. thEn haVent pIck uP...thEn liNe dEad.. thOught wAt.. cAll baCk.. bUt thE phOne wAs oFf.. thOught hE anGry..(althought i cAnt thInk of wAt reAsons) thEn sTart to wAlk baCk.. thEN hE wAs wAiting in the cAr.. laUghing dUno likE wAt.. :x thEn gOt baCk..aNd dRive to cEinlEisure..
wEnt usHer rOom to fiNd jaNz.. aSk hEr go elSewHere.. sHe dun wAn..aFter bEen proMpt awHile..sHe fiNally aGree..wEnt to bOxoffice to chEck sHow tiMe..saW jeSs,azri aNd kj at bOx oFfice..aNd kJ maKe a fuNny fAce 4 me :X sAw aNgeline at cOncess wIf danIel.. dOubt angEline sAw uS..
wEnt to maRine sOuth to wAlk wAlk.. duNo how cUm go tHere le sO hIgh..kEep oN laUghing n laUghing.. liKe sUddEnly sO "xiaO" sIA.. aT leASt maKe jaNz laUgh aBit heRe n thEre.. thEn tOk aBout chAlet.. thEn thE plaN aLL tat.. laUghing all the wAy... bUt i toTally enJoy it :) thEn sAe aBout wEndy H thE thIng.. sUddenly daNiel bEcome upSet.. i knOw iS sOmethIng i saE .. thEN aFter tat.. diD not talk.. tALk to hIm...juz igNore mE.. aSk hiM wat the problem.. hE ddnt saE aNything.. aBit aNgry at tat tIme.. But i kNOw mY fAult..sO dDnt reAli dO wAt..
aFter hE reAch hMe.. hE juZ mSg mE a sOrry foR bEhaving lIke tat..thEn aSk me iSnt tiRed oF thiS reLAtionShip..mM.. rePly hIm iN thE mrNing..bEcoz i aLready felt aSleep wHen hE msG me.. fRAnkly, laSt time i reAli tirEd.. bEcoz quIte often we are arguement about something.. or rather.. he often feel upset and angry at me..now.. bEtter le..maybe he ddnt wan care so much thing..wHIch iS gOod iN thE senSe tat hE aSo reDuce cHAnces oF us aRguring. i reAli aPpreciate nOw.. jUz wAn hIm to leaRn to cONtrol hIs tEmper.. iS jUz gOod 4 hIm.. 4 nOt bEing outblaSt sO easily..
aNyway.. mSging wiF hIm juz nOw.. evErything iS fiNe nOw.. But i dUno..wHen wiLl iT aPpear such sItuAtion aGain..
Memories that fades
10:26 PM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
yEstErdae wEnt fOr MovIe wiF jaNz.. b4 thEn.. bEcoz xhUa siCk.. thEn yuHua sUddenly nEed go baCk woRk, sO cAnt maKe it oUt as planned. nEver mInd.. i unDerstanD gers..sO nO woRry. wE'll mEet agaIn~ sO sTArt mSg peOple.. aT fiRst jaNz mSg mE the prEvious time aSking mE wHether wAna go oUt ma.. thE mRning rePLy hEr.. mSg heR twIce.. But dDnt rePly.. eXpected that shE is sTill sLeeping.. dOubt shE cAn sLeep wEll thEse dAes.. sO thInk maYbe sHe laTer waKe up.. mAybe duN wAn gO out oR wAt.. sO sTart mSg pEople.. sEe thEy fRee mA.. mSg ..lIng...yOng..cAll rU..eTc.. lIng wOrking.. yOng foR pRom nIght.. rU wAs abOut to gO oUt wHen i cAlled hEr.. fEel like aSking jUdy, mEtta thEy aLl.. But saW on mEtta bLog tat shE gOIng out sEe sHow.. sO ddNt aSk.. thiNk jUdy will bE woRking..sO dDnt ask..
wAited.. rOt at hMe.. liSten to radio.. wAs aBout tO mSg jEff wHEn jaNz rePly.. sO dEciDe to sEe incRedibLes.. aT fIRst wAna sNeak iN dE :x thEn.. lastly aSo bUy laH.. bRought at kJ cOunter.. sEem liKe nt mUch fAmiliaR pEople wOrking.. saW kaNu,rAy aT cOnceSs. bOy aNd sHeryl aT usHer.. thE reSt Not v sUre of..dDnt gO l4.. oNli wEnt down fOR awHile whEn i gO to toIlet..
aNyway.. aFter sHow bOth aSo dUno whEre tO rOt.. siaNz.. wEnt to tAka.. sHop sHop..find fErreN..thEn wEnt to bUy dInner foR dANiel lOrz... usEd uP sOme tiMe aT theRe.. aT fiRst intEnd to wAit fErreN oFf wOrk.. tHen sEnd hEr to mRt.. But thEn.. dDnt laSt mIn sOmethIng haB to eXtend.. bEcoz shE haB to wAIted uNtil all thE cUstomErs gO off fRom the sHop thEn cAn faNg goNg. mEet uP wiF dAniel aNd wEnt hMe toGether wiF jaNz..
chAtted wIF jaNz in bEtwEen evErything.. aT leASt wHile wAtching iNcredible.. sHe gOt laUgh aBit hEre n thEre..gOod in thE sEnse cAn tAke hEr mInd away fRom hEr miSery..laUgher maKe th beSt meDicine oVerrall. aT leASt tiMe.. oNli *sHe* cAn be thE medIciNe 4 hEr lEh..
anyway.. dUn wAn saE sO mUch laH.. prOBlem beTween thEy 2, aS saId, wE duN bOrther mUch lORz.. mEssAge gEt diStorEd in paSsagE wAys.. sO beSt iS.. lEt oNli 2 cOmmunicAtion dIrectly.
Memories that fades
8:49 PM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
mM..SeEm tAt fRienDs aRound aRe sTress uP bOut pRoblEm hEre n thEre..lIng..jaNz..kJ..aH sEng itS juZ the pEriod where ppLe bEen blog doWn wiF pRobLem.. bUt thEn.. its juZ paRt of the gRowing pRocess..mAKe uS stronger aNd unDerstand sOme cOncept whIch we neVer reALisE it..mM..caNt dO mUch to hElp..juZ liSten..luCkily still got friEndz oUt there bEen haPpy..rU oBessed witH sLy nOw aFter the *huggie* , lyDia iN haPpineSs nOw wiF hEr nEw lifE aNd ...,pEng wiF hEr gUy..at leAst iT tuRn out gReat iN thEir liFe..iTs jUz tHe haPpy aNd sAd thiNgy tAt we haB to learn to oVercOme.. aNd leArn to aPpreciate, cHErish thiNgs,pEOple aRound Us..
tHings aRe bEyong oUr cOntrol..wE cAnt eXpect pEople to reTurn How mUch wE pUt in..sOme pArt will pUt in more..sOme will tAke it mOre..wE aLway thiNk tat its not going to be same..but then,when the thing is over..everything is back to the usual again..when people are angry,pissed, words juz cum out of their brain without much thoughts,it is not what they meant to be..one does not wan to purposely hurt another one..its juz u in their shoe,when u are angry,words tend to shoot out easily..too easy until u ddnt hab time to hab second thoughts.tHen maybe sometime is juz the ego in pple to put down their pride,and sae : sorry : to another one, when the someone are feeling sorry for what they sae.. hurts,disappointment.. isnt becoz of what u expect pple to be what u expect them? yr expectation too high, of course u will be more upset more often.. why dun ya lower down ya expectation 4 yr return? pple concept may not be the same as ya.. maybe its juz a simple request 4 them to be there 4 u when u are down, there wif u to celebrate yr joys, there 4 ya when u wan them to be.. they will.. if they reali can make it to be wif u when u wan them to be..
why pple will wan to get into something when knowing will be hurt? becoz they juz wan to try..and try to make it turn another way..if u think in a different brighter way, its will onli keep improving relationship between them. when thing occurs, u know how he/she will react.. u juz become more understand to their thoughts and concept.. we cant change pple concept,thoughts, but we can learn to adapt it..
previously, i aso been down.. where i wan my friends to be there, but they seem so busy..then..when people i not so close de cum asking about my things..i then realise then there are pple out there who wan to be there wif me when i am down..its juz tat i ddnt let them much..its juz tat they ddnt ask..but they care..pple in my school.. angeline..wendy hsu..wendy tan..people which i am not formerly close to.. are concern about my things..is juz tat i dun know.. and they ddnt ask..and it surprising of wat type of advice and words it cum out from them..juz a easy take care.. i be there 4 ya.. make a difference then..people who u ddnt raeli stand a strong place in yr heart,are juz as concern wif ya other clse pals..we dun sae..but we care..we dun ask..but we wan to be there wif u if u are down..we will be there when u feel u are alone n need a listening ear.
Memories that fades
7:56 PM
Monday, November 22, 2004
mM.. yeSterdae feEling qUite wOrry BEcoz mEssAge hIm iN thE mRning hE dDnt rEply..daNiel i mEan.. hE wAs habing teSt loRz.. thEn hE b4 thEn mSg mE the nIght b4 Saeing hE haB a baD fEeling oF flaKing hIs eXam.. rePly hIm in thE mRning b4 hIS eXam to wiSh hIm lUck.. hE dId nOt rePly. Mm.. nOt wAt la.. bUt nOrmally hE will saE wAt a thaNkz oR wAt dE.. thOught hE eXam diD nOt dO mUch wEll.. sO nO mOod to repLy... wAitinG 4 hIS mSg fRom MRning till nIghtz.. bUt nO rePly At alL..
kInda wORry bY thEn aT niGhtz.. sO jUz mSg hIm a nIght mSg at 11+.. dDnt rePly lOrz.. sO pLAy oN my coMputer aBit lOnger wHile wAiting ... thEn reAli lAtez lE.. 12+am . .so lAid oN my bEd aNd wAit.. tHought mY hP gOt prOblEm.. sO stARt fOrwArd ppLe meSsages.. fiRst to rePly is breNdon,thEn jEffeRy, thEn jaNz thEn hE fiNAlly rePly. . anyway.. kiNda gOt suRpriSed jaNz rePly .. jUz a sImple : thankz sister: bUt sEem lIke sOmething bOrthering hEr.. bEcoz nOrmally sHe will jUz foRward a nIght mSg baCk .. duN wAn to prObE mUch .. mAybe shE nEed sOme tiMe to hErsElf..
cHAt aBit oN mSg.. thEn hE miSsed cAll mE.. sO i mAke aN exCuse to mY mUm tAt i foRget to do hOmewOrk,thEn aN eXcuse to on the coMputer.sO shE woNt kNow i maKing a cAll at nIght.. cHatted aBit hEre n thEre.. sAe hE wAS toLking to nOrman jUz nOw sO bU fAng piaN repLy. hiS voIce sEem tired.. Mm.. tOk about yili aSking to bOrrow fRom jaNz mOney.. thEn i thOught yIli jUz bOrrow fRom mE. . mM.. hE nOt quite hAppy whEn hE kNow tHe aMount i goiNg to bOrrow.. i unDerstAnd tAt hE duN wAn mE to keep bOrroWing mOney to pEople tat i haB saVe uNtil v xIn kU.. thEn yIli aSo uNable to Repay mOney iN meAntiMe bUt i aM fiNe wiF it.. bEcoz i No hUrry NEed.. hE know i aSo bOrrow to yiLi quIte afEw timEs but haVent gOt baCk.. mAYbe tat whY hE duN wAn mE to bOrrow hEr sO mUch.. bUt sEe my fRIend got difficulties.. aSo Not reAli bEcoz oF her thiNgy.. wHy dUn .. sHe nOw eXams.. lAter bEcoz of thiS cAnt sTudy pROperly.. thEn hE bEcoMe rAther uPset .. thEn eNded oUr cAll. . haXi .. wHy mUst it eNded it sUch aGain .. mOreoVer, it jUz a eXterNal thiNg. aLthought abit sad tat my mOney kEep gOing dOwn :X , but frieNd gOt pRoblem, can hElp will tRy .. HoPe hE uNDerstAnD mY point..
Memories that fades
6:54 PM
Sunday, November 21, 2004
haHa.. nEed to uPdate mOre aBout pEople aRound mE lE.. nOt juz thE nOrmal sAme pErsOn laH..
mM.. sEem likE bEen lEss mEeting Up wiF my fRieNds... dRifting aWay fRom mY frIends.. All bUsy wiF thEIr lIfe mA..
sUddEnly mIz thEm aLot.. lIke laVanya sIa.. duNo hOw cUm suDdenly thiNk oF her . . mIz hEr cOoking.. mIz hEr hSe.. mIz hEr , xHUa,jInhui aNd mEihui cOoking aT hEr hsE,baKing aT hEr hsE.. haHa.. thOse dAes wEre fUn sIa. .
mIz goSsiping iN sChool wiF rU,lIng,pEijIng,xHua,jInhui,mEihui,bEng chOon,hwEe li eTc. sTanding At thE raIling fACing toWard the baSketbAll cOurt beSide thE gReen duStbIn.
mIz goIng to sChool wIf yIli anD sHiru. bEen sO lOng wE cHattEd toGetHer. aLway thEy haB to wait 4 mE tO cUm. wAiting At yili hSe downStair. sOmetimE gO mArket eAt breAkfASt. botH eAting chIcken shRedded nOodlEs whIle i sIt theRe aNd kA jIao thEm.
mIz tAlking wiF yuHua. remEmber hEr da jIe. aFter sHe tuTion uS, will tEll uS gHost sTories whIle wE huddle tOgether. RemEmber bEing sCare aFter heAring the sTories, will cAll my mUm to tAke mE dOwnsTair. reMember yUhua sEnd mE dOwn, thEn sHe aSo v ScAre thEn fasTer ruN baCk to hEr hsE. haHa.. thoSe dAes . . itS iS mEmorAble.
mIz thE eaRly dAes oF cAthAy lifE. RemEmber i n yIli aSk evElyn whEther thEy nEed pEople aLot wHile shE is arraNging thE pOster sTands. tHen aSk uS to cUm baCk oN mOn bEcoz thEy dUn cOnduCt inTerviEw oN wEekEnd. thEn remeMber eVe inTerviEw uS. sAe aBout thE pAy Etc. reMember bEing in thE prEview lOunge with yiLi + 2 guys - 1 chInese n 1 mAlay. foRget whO tHe maLay le. But thEn i remEmber the chInese Guy, nAMe got oNe "lak" dE. iN bOx offIce.
remEmber judE cuM n tAke uS aRound the fiRst dAe of wOrk. reMemBer dEan jUz gOing uP to l6 thEn judE aSk me fOllow dEan lEarn bEcoz toO maNy pEople in cOncess lEh. thEn reMember yIli bEing poSted to gO l5 coNcess. remEmber bEing rAther sHy aNd quIet woRking at mInibAr. thEn i sErve cuStomeRs until v bLur. sPend half oF the dAe sTanding in fROnt oF the poSter tO reMember thE pRIce of thE foOd. remEmeber wEndy taN cuMing uP anD aSk me toK lOuder eLSe cUStomers will bUlly mE whEn i sEem sO timId. reMember dEan tElling mE tat wEndy whEN fiRst cUm in aSo lIke mE,quIEt dE, But nOw bEcomE sO noiSy :X reMemBer yIli tElling mE aBout kJ, sAe stArting See hEr fAce sO fiErce. haHa..
eNjoyiNg thE dAes wiF judE,sAha,aSh,kJ,jEremy. thEn nEw mEMbers jOin ouR fAmily. jaNz n zHongluE jOin uS duRing thE lOrd oF thE rINg pEriod,wHen wE all aRe sO buSy. thEn Ash 2 aNd roSe aSo jOin uS. thEn grAdually thiNg stArt to chANge.
roSe lEft,yili poSted to l4.judE mAke inTention to leave cAthay. tHen thiNgs grAdually chAnge..yiLi quIt.jaNz tRansfer to l6. zhOnglUe to l4.. in bEtwEen ..aLot of thiNgs hAppen.. haPpy.. sAd.. aLot..
mAke nEw fRiends..kAi mEiz..jOannE,beE yan..lydIa,wAni..rememBer fiRst tiMe angie,mEtta aNd huiwEn bEen worKing at cOnceSs. rEmembEr eithEr oF tHem saE me dDnt sMIle,lOok v fieRce :x foRm bOnds witH thEm aS i kNow thEm lOnger aNd grADually bEing haO PEng you wiF Metta.
traNsfer to l4. thEn,stArt to knOw wEndy tAn,wEndy hsU anD breNda bEtter.. thoSe dAes wAs gReat.. reAli Enjoy thE daes down thEre wORking althought i at firSt wAS uNwilling to chAnge. lOoking More foRward to gOing. BeCoz i cAn reAli cOnfide to pEople liKe thEm After yIli lEft..
till nOw.. pEople haB cUm n leFt tOo mAny tiMEs tAt i cAnt remEmber mUch alreAdy. hOwEver.. a fRienD will aLway bE a fRieNd. nO mAtter wheRe u aRe,wAt u dOIng nOw.. i wIsh thE beSt 4 u gUys :) . . thaNkz 4 bEing in my lifE. .
sAe until so bEi like tat.. haha.. whO Know wAt will hAppen .. i mAy bE dEad thE nExt mOmEnt.. jUz tO lEt u gUys kNow . . u pEople roX ~!
Memories that fades
10:54 PM
Memories that fades
4:41 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
rATher bORing daes thEse wEeks.. preOccupied wiF woRk n sTudieS moStly.. aGAr afEw daes iS gO oUt wiF danIel. . sO aSo Not mUch haPpeNing uPdateZ lORz.. sInce nOt muCh thIngy.. i jUz relAte aBit oF aGar wAt iN my liFe nOw..
dEcide to mEet yUhua n xiAnghuA on nExt wEd . . bEen sO long sInce i wEnt oUt wiF thEm. . gReat oF cOUrse . . thInking oF wAnting to wOrking nExt fRidae ma . . haVent dEcide yEt . . bEcoz nOw woRk uNtil aBit sIAnz. . mEeting wif xiaN li to fInd jOb oN mOndae. . hOpe ablE to gEt a flExiBle jOb tiMe thingy bEcoz my sChool tImE reQuire tAt. . thInking oF gOing oUt wiF my fRienDs oN eIther dAes. . bUsy lIfe sEem gReat fOR mE nOw. . i Rather hab sOmethIng to dO , thaN ntH to dO. . cOunting dOwn to hOildae duE 2 wEeks tiMe.. HopE will faster cUm :) inTend to chIong lOts oN hoIldae.. tRying to eaRn aS muCh aS poSsibLe. . bUt aSo will baLance it dE lorz.. mEeting uP wIF fRienDz . . goIng oUt wiF hIM . . tRying to maXimum aLl thE dAes i haB . . naN dE hoIldae cuM lE. . muSt chErisH sIa. rATher bOring in sChool . . quIte a bOring clASs i haB. . nOt mUch haPpening oR fun dE. . bUt At leaSt fRienDs thEre aRe greAt :)
gUitar sEem rAther bOred nOw. . mAybe bEcoz iS a sAt (wEekEnd) anD haLf oF my dae will bE taKen uP by gUitar lOrz.. thEn afTer tAt will BE evEning lEh. . lEsser plaCe, lEsser aCtivitieS lE. . wAiting foR yili thEy all tO fiNish eXams. . thEn goIng to MEet uP wiF thEm . . i wAn to chIong mOvie, chIong kTv , eVerything aGAin. . sO mY dEc hOildae will bE V paCk lE sIA..hAppy n grEat~!
bOring eNtry . . jUz trying to uPdate iT sInce i aM fRee. .
Memories that fades
6:29 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
bEen tRying to bLog yeSterdae in sChool bUt cAnt.. saE wAt eRror Or wAt.. Now fiNally cAn lE sIa.. haHa.. sInc likE i nOt thE onlI nOt bLogging sIa.. jaNz,zHongluE,mEtta,aH rU,lIng,lydIa...eTc aLot aSo nOt uPdatinG liKe mE.. mM..sUppoSing tOo bUsy laH.. oNli kJ n Ee mEi aMong mY fRieNds bEen uPdating mOre ofTen bA..
fEelinG sO tiRed thEse dAes... uNtil sTart to fEel diZzy n heaDaChe..wOrk yeSterdAe...bOring..mAYbe all my fRieNds nOt working.. i sulInda and diyaNa is woRking.. aT firSt dErriCk aSk me eXtend to 12, bUt thiNking cAnt aLthought saE oK.. thEn go n fiNd repLacement..thEn foUnd jUn wEi :X thaNkz laH.. iF woRk.. i todAe go sChool sUrely tiRed dE..
mEet uP wiF daNiel aFter work.. hE sEem sO eXhaUsted.. gOt aLot of pRoblEm haBing nOw.. i meaN in thE sEnse oF hIm.. hill.. tHereIs woRk,faMily,sTudieS... aNd mE.. haZi.. i cOuld dO ntH to hElp hIm,but onLi liSten.. bUt hE aSo hAb pRoblEm wIf mE..
mM.. i aLready tRy to chaNge aBit oF me..jUz tO maKe him haPpy.. bUt sTill thEre iS a liMit tO evEryonE.. wE arE maDe wIf thosE fAults.. i cAnt poSsiblE tRy to eliminAte all my fault.. i sTill caNt bE tat goOd.. i reAli aRe tat fORgotful.. thE moSt.. i cAn pUt alaRm in mY pHone to remind mE evErythIng.. bUt tHEn, tHere aRe still chaNce tAt i will aSo poSsiblE foRget to evEn to pUt alArm.. i aM reAli TAT foRgotfUl..bUt thEse, i wiLl tRy tO maKe it a haBit to remInd.. But i nEed timE to bE tAt.. nO onE cOmplaIn abOut mE bEing tAt laSt tiME.. sO iT bEcomE a haBit.. fOR 17 yeArs.. i aM tat.. 5 mOnths iS nOt lonG eNough to chaNge so faSt.. i jUz nEed mOre timE 4 u to giF mE..sOme sAe.. wHy chAnge foR pEople..jUz bE yoUrself.. pEoplE will lIke u 4 wHo u aRe.. thEn.. itS juZ a efFort hEre to chAnge.. EvEn i dDnt suCceSsful chAnge,iF hE reAlise i tRying,thiNk hE wil aSo bE gLad.
i aM reAli Not tHat zHu donG, i Not thE tYpe tO sAE hOw mUch i cAre aBout u,hOw mUch i duN wAn u to bE sO tiRed all thoSe roNg mA dE words iN my mOuth.. evEn i sAe..iTs lIke v haRd thEn wAt thE pOint iF i aPpear miaN qiAng to u.. u aSo woNt bE haPpy.. i dUn cArry wOrds to mY moUth. But i shOw oUt thRough aCtioN..
Juz sAw his msN meSsges : Juz Nd soMe 1 UnDerStaNdinG,CaRing & Who i LoVe bY my SiDe to Go thRouGh Tis pErioD : sEe lEh.. sEem liKe i nOt reAli tAt undErstaNding all tat to him.. i knOw i cAnt hElp hIm sOlve mUch prOblems .. bUt iS nOt aS if i duN wAn.. i cAnt hElp hIm sTudy,teaCh hIm..eTc.. i onLi leSs gO oUt wiF him, or gO oUt iS sTudy dE . . i cAnt hElp hIm maKe hiS bRother stUdy whEn hE duN wAna tO . . i cAnt maKe hiS dAd hEalth tuRn bEtter. . i cAnt maKe hIm fEel leSs tIred whEn hE bEen woRking mOre ofTen theSe dAes anD haBing nOt eNough slEep thE neXt dAe..i onLi cAn hElp u fEel leSs sTress bY taLking oUt thiNgs, giF yA aDvice oR wAtever.. i nOw i aso dUno wAt u wAn mE to dO.. u alwAy saE uNtil duN wAn saE dE... i nOt tat cLEar.. sOmetimE u haB to teLl mE sTraight thEn i kNow.. haZi . . i aM aSo
t-i-r-e-d . . wHy iS it prOblem keEp oCcuRing.. iSnt reAli i aM tAt a baD gF oR reAli .. iS juZ a hIgh eXpectAtion oF hiS.. thInk iS juZ plaInly mY faUlt.. agaIn..
Memories that fades
4:42 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
mEet uP wIf lIng On fRi.. pEi hEr bOok bBq pIt aT pAsir riS pArk.. sO liKe the pLAce..prefEr it tO eaSt coASt.. seA aLthought mOre diRty..bUt thEn More quIet..tAt wAt pEople arE lOoking foR whEn thEy gO to such bEnch..wAn tO bE toRe aWay fRom tHe bUsty lIfesTyle fOr a Dae oR sO.. seA bReezE iS nT Tat gOod Tat daE..not tAt wiNdy.. wAlk wIF lIng gO n chEck Out thE bbQ Pit.. wAlk aLmost thE eNd oF it thEn sHe reAlise thEn wE oVersOrt.. thEn wAlk baCk aGain..quIte a lOng wAy fRom thE bBq bOoking plaCe.. But nVm.. tAke iT as a sTroll thEn aso Got mOre tiME to tOk maH.. naN dE gOt timE to meEt oUt..
WeNt to eAt aT swEnsOn aT whIte sAnd aFter bOoking thE pIt.. mM..toK mOre Of poLy lIfe now..aBout hEr fRieNds aLl tat.. sMaller clAssRoom.. thEre aRe feWer chaNce oF mEeting sOmeonE whO haB a cOmmOn viEw n cOncEpt wiF u . . wiF thEm . . sEem lIke quIte fuN dE gaN jUe.. But iF u neEd aNyone to tAlk aBout yR prOblEms or nEed sOme aDviCe.. anYtiMe cAn fiNd mE laH :) mY pHonE lIne 24 hRs dE . . hOping to haB a chAlet.. thEn reAli wE cAn sPend thE whOle nIght tAlking lE sIa.. mM.. mAybE juZ a gaThering aSo.. iF u all sTeady.. wE cAn oRganisE loRz . . thEn i aSo haB to woRk mOre lE sIa.. Need $$ lE.. But woRth it laH.. i mIz tAlking tO aH rU, xHua, lIng, mEihui, laVanya. mIz thE fuN oF habing tiRatch thEy all nOnsEnsing aRoung . . mIz haBing to plAy cArd wiF aliSon thEy aLL . . mIz tAlking ruBbish iN the eArly wEe mRning wiF xHua, liJin,mEihui anD yuaN hOng.. mIz thEM dE siAo li Jin & hiS sTead n yuaN hOng & hIs sTead.. mIz rIding bicYcle wiF thE gRoup fRom cHalet to chaNgi n baCK to cHaLet aGaiN.. alOt n aLot :)
haHa... toDae thInk dId a goOd jOb eXplaining toDae.. bEcoz toDae Is p.O.a .. thEn aGAr nEed to exPlain oN depreicatIon.. hOpe to gEt a gOod gRade toDae sia.. bUt toDae quIz haRd siA.. heaDaChe lA.. jUz wAna go hMe eArly n slaCk. i am tiRed .. bUt i duN fEel likE stAying at hmE.. "maO duN" sia.
Memories that fades
10:15 PM
Memories that fades
5:51 PM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
mM..juZ wAna recAll wAt i n li tOk tat dAe..foRget whEn le..oNli reMember.. jaNz cAll mE to tAlk..thEN li wAs wAtching the "long feng mEn" thEn i fell aslEep wHile wAtching :x
wEnt to tiOng baHru pArk to tAlk..niCe AtmoSphere.. :) talk aBit.paSt.fUture.pResent..shE aSk me wHether wE will Be fRiendS aFter 10 yeaRs.. i strAight aWay saE yeS.. mM.. sUre aBout thE frieNship betWeen thE 7 siSters :) fEel tAt evEn aFter 1 yeAr oF leSs cAtchIng uP..wE sTill will manAge to fInd tiMe aFter tat tO cAtch uP..maYbe will dRift bUt thEn..will sTill bE friEnds..will oNce in awHile smS eAch othEr a "gD nIght" meSsagE oR wAt..Once in aWhile will cAll oR msN eaCh othEr to aSk how bOth bEen dOIng.. i aM sUre..tAt wE bE friEnds oF yeArs n yeArs.. mAYbe thE 7 oF uS thInk friEndsHip iS more rAther imPortAnt tAt mUch thiNGs..iTs tHe aMount oF woRth tAt wE thiNk friEnsHip aRe tAT wE clInge oN to eaCh friEndshIp tiGhtly..
taLk about afEw haPpenIng iN hEr lifE..mM..sEem to thiNk bEtter nOw..iTs a gOod thiNg laH..aSk mE aBout bEing sIngle n haVing a staBle relAtionsHip..mM..
sIngLe cAn be goOd in the sEnse u cAn dO wAtever thIng u liKEs..wiThout muCh thoUghts..cArefrEe liFe..fRee tO inteRact n sOcialiSe tO aNyonE..howEver..sOcialiSe tOo mUch..aLso will fEel tirEd..wAn a soMeonE tHere 4 yA..jUz to listen yR whIms, comPlain..sOmEoNe wHo will tReat u spEcial froM inSide tHeM..
sTable relAtionsHip..nEed to thInk twice b4 doIng anYthiNg..beCoz iTs coNcern aBout 2.. haB to gIf thOughts tO aNother oNe fEeling n thoughts..haB to thRow aWay all yr gUy eGo or wAt prIde .. Not totAlly...jUz a nEed to sAe the wOrd : sorry : wHen neCceSsary oR whEn the proBlem iS goinG nOwHere..nOt yR faUlt..aSo cAn sAe tAt..If cAn hElp to sOlve eveRything.. wHy Not..iS juz a cOmprOmise n aCcomdatiOn tAt wE nEed to leaRn.. :) nO maTter hOw thIngs aRe baD..tHere stiLl sOmeonE whO will bE theRe thRough thE timEs wif u..nO mAtter hOw evEryOne haTes u oR wAt..tHere sOmeoNe whO lIke u thE wAy u aRe..
mM..sEem liKe bEing in a reLationsHip oVerrUle a sIngle lifE..But thEn nO hUrry to fiNd..thEre sTill yeArs doWn the rOad..thEre sTill timE foR u tO mEet thE 'sPeciAl pErsOn' aS sAying goeS..thE beSt cOmes whEn u least uneXpected.. wHy "ke yi" gO n find..whEn fAte bRought hIm/hEr to u..
Memories that fades
7:28 PM
Memories that fades
6:57 PM
Monday, November 08, 2004
yeSterdae jaNz bIrthdaE..mM...fEeling mOody n uPset aSo..jaNz aSk me about the sItuation wiF me n daNiel..mM..juZ saE aFew lOrz..becOz feEling my teArs flOwing insIde mY eYes le..maNage to cHoke baCk the teArs.. i dUn wAn tO sPolit thE haPpy dAe bEcoz i uPset..mM..nOt jUz me..jaNz..mEtta..wEndy H..jEremy.. aLl aSo nOt in a Good mOod..wEndy H dDnt tuRn uP laSt mIn..nVm..cAn undErstand .. iS sHe duN wan tO sPolit the atmOsphere..becoz she happy or sad will show clearly on her face... not unlike some pple..can hidE away uNder their smiling face...
mEet up wif the rest..jeremy..lue..janz..metta..kj..angeline..junwei..went marine to makan..duNo how cUm..angeline notice i wasnt being myself..daniel ddnt told her wat happen..then agar janz fill her up with the detail of wat i n janz talk about at burger kIng.. sHe aSk me go out walk walk..then i agar know wat she wana tok about..mM.. althought its juz a few short min talk.. i appreciate greatly..becoz already wanting to taLk out le..but aso cant..or not convicent..i aso dun waN my parents to start questioning me why my eyes is red all tat.. i wan to tok..but i know..i comfirm will cry out..even yesterdae juz talking awhile with angeline..i almost brust out le..but me still me...able to choke back my tears..at least angeline understand wat n how i feeling..at least she tell daniel..can make a difference than if i sae..
early in the morning..angeline call me..althought in lesson..aso dun care..juz talk .. i urgently wan to know whether did he sae anything to angeline..but ddnt..she juz tell me..he now angry..i aso duno for wat.. juz tell me dun take to heart of wat he sae.. hazi..heard tat.. almost cry...duno how cum..althought is nothing..suddenly feel so weakling.. tok for awhile..then put down the phone le..after tat... she sms me...ask me concentrate on my test..dun think so much le..if i need anyone.. she will be there.. thankz ger.. :) i appreicate tat...
at first intend to meet li to tok yesterdae after the marine steamboat..but cant contact her..then todae mrning sms me..sae put her phone at her sis house.. then aso forget got meet me..mm..nVm la..think she aso busy studying for her exams..but later going to meet her.. after school..hAzi..waiting..hOping..my eyes are tired..
Memories that fades
7:48 PM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
haZi..pRoblEm aFter pRobleMs.. aFter i tEll my dEciSion to jaNz.. bIg prOBlem haPpen stRaight after tat..hE gOt reAl uPSet..tat hE wAna eNd.. mM.. i duN wAn.. bEcoZ nOw.. i kNOw wAt i wAn..anD bEcoz iTs jUz miSunderstAnding aNd itS Not wOrth to End bEcoz of it.. At least iF he totally understand my meaning.. and still insist or wat..then i reali nth to sae
bEcoZ oF my mSn Nick..cAuse sO mUch thIng..hE thOught i duN trUst hIm.. i aT firSt dUn wAN exPlain ..beCoz sAt aFternOon we jUz haB a aRgurement aBout mE bEing lAte .. bEcoz my gUitar eNd laTe..thEN he wAit agar 1 hR.. then juz maKe up..theN he aSk me wat tat mEan.. i sCare he will upset again..when i mention daniel box..bEcoz tat mSn nIck is agar saeing abOut hIm..so ddnt sae..thEn he sae i dun trust him.. bEcoz i dun wan tell him..i eXplain.. but still.. he like still got misunderstand me..when i was confused.. does it mean cheating on him? i dun think so.. but he think so..now.. i know the answer..i will gif him all the time he need..to think..he sae he juz need time..i juz duN wAn to eNd nOw..bEcoz of mIsunderstanding.. its totally wasted and i dun wan... if reali no feeling or wat.. i will gladly let go..but now no... hOpe..reali.. he will think well..
thanKz aH gOu..althought she studying..but then.. sms her..ddnt reali sae much..but ask her can go toromow steamboat ma..she sae probably not..but then..told her wana to toK..about me n him..thiNk she sEnse sOmething wRong..sms awhIle..then stop le..she aso studying her maths paper 2.. she been sleep less than 5 hr every dae .. see todae if she tired.. then duN wan meet her le..but reali.. wan someone to tok.. mAYbe go marine there "san san xin" aso better than at hMe..she toromow no paper..think can make it lorz..maybe will go n meet her after marine todae.. tHen sHe sEnd me a touching Sms.."we might be busy wif our stuff,but no matter wat i'll overcome any waves wif u..Even if the sky drops, there's still us.."thaNkz foR everything..bEing there though juz awhile wif mE..whEn i nEed sOmeone to liSten.. i greatly appreciate..
feelin eyes so heavy n sore.. later go hme rest awhile first b4 going to meet them at 6.30 ba..hazi..whEn will it gEt bEtter..
Memories that fades
5:18 PM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
mM...feel like blogging after my previous entries which i juz update..mM.. afew hours before.. this is the second time writing the same entries becoz write half way.. suddenly refresh or wat..then all GONE!! wa.. almost write finish le sia.. juz tat aBIt sia.. :P
aNyway..todae finish my lesson quite early..doing P.o.A stuff.. thought can help my team do more..but then.. i forget le~! then need to reference to other pple work abit to remember sia.. doing about the balance sheet, statement of cash and profit and loss..thEn..aso forget the dr and cr side of the profit and loss is at where le :X
anyway...went orchard with xian li and peishan after my work..since onli 11+.. went taka to makan..brought a prawn n chix po pian but after eating one...then realise inside got black black de..duno is wat..hope is not wat black sauce or wat.. scare it will invade my moles !!
then wEnt to ceinleisure..because they both wana eat nachOs..call janz on the way..thought she working..then can tok to her..but then NOpe.then juz nice she was reading my blog when i call her..haha..my loyal reader :X
saw wendy H in the life wif her friends..think she juz finish her presentation becoz wear until v formal sia... maybe they watching movie or wat..anyway..saw judy working at l4 todae..so happy..but ddnt manage to tok much to her sia..mIz her sO much..last time got once in awhile call n chat wif me while she is working..now dun hab le.. think busy working around sia..seem tat she got 3 job sia.. meanwhile b4 getting the nachos..went to play the "racing car" [ duno how to spell the name of it :x] wa.. see pple play the advanced one v exciting..then aso follow them play..so fun sia... got turns here n there.. exciting..not like the beginner.. so metta.. prepare ya money...then we go n chiong tat one liao :x
was changing my clthes in the mrning..then realise tat near my neck the mole already cum off..scare becoz i bathe..then wipe too hard..then cum out..if like tat..later will got scar sia.. b4 i dun think ownself drop sia..since it is the biggest among my moles..and aso the rest aso hab not cum out..so dun think it will so ready to cum out now sia..
aSo..know janz working wif me on sundae..sO happy sia..at least this sundae wont be a drag to go to work le..becoz dun like to work sundae..v less pple work..luckily got janz..then aso got metta..its going to be a fun dae...aso going to eat wif ru after my work at seoul garden..wa..so busy n pack..so happy :) becoz.. not much happening in my life ma..keep myself busy
Memories that fades
11:14 PM
Memories that fades
5:49 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
mM..yeSterdae wOrk l5 witH adAn oR wAt lorZ...mM...fEel sO buSy..sEem aLot of thIngs to dO..tOo leSs timE to fiNisH loRz..aBit paCk uP wiTh aLl thE thiNgz..thEn thE pOpper sO blaCk..wAsh tOok sOme tiME lorz...luCkily cAme oFf qUite eAsily lOrz ..mAnage to cLear all by 10pm thEn fASter clOSe coUnter...eXact siA..sO lOng dDnt oN the dOt le..
aNyway..wEndy taN not fRee mEet mE toNight..bEcoz sHE foRget sHe wOrking toNight..nvm laH..aT firSt thOught cAn fiNd sOmeone tO tAlk..sEem mOstof mY fRiends are buSy ..thEn nOt mAny of thEm cAn unDerstaNd wAt i fEeling... thiNk sHe mAybe cAn..but nVm..cAn mEet hEr otHer dae bA..
tAlk tO yuHua..mM..sHe aGar kNow aBit hEre n thEre..haZi..shE nOw aSo haBing exAms..thINk hAB to wAit uNtil aFter eXams thEn cAn tOk to hEr..sHe saE i liKe hEr lASt tiMe aSo..duN reALi kNow iS it gOod oR bAD loez..aNyway..i juZ wAna tOk to sOmeone whO unDersTand wAt i nOw are fEeling..
duNo whAt i wAn to wRite..mM..haZi..evEn a bLog..i cAnt saE mY inner fEeling n gaN sHuo..
[i will learn to move away,juz like i did last time,even its took months or year...i will try..wat the point..of alone holding to it...when the another hand is loosening away..]
Memories that fades
10:08 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
mM...reCieve cAll fRom wEndy mM...thInk mOndae..sHe sAe wAna mEet mE oN thUrsdae aLonE..duNo wAt hAppen...mAybe shE got sOme xIn sHi oR wAt laH..bUt thEn sHe sEem uRgent lEh..duNo iSnt bEcOz oF thE mOney thIngy sIa..tAt sAt shE gOt aSk mE gO bOat cLark drInk n cHat chAt wIf kEvin thE oPerater.. But bEcoz i gOt gUitaR..tHen duNo wAt tIme eNd..thEn aSo mEeting danIel tat aFternOon..thEn sHe saE nVm loRz..thInk iS rAther prIvate bA..sInce sHe sEem duN wAn lEt anyoNe kNow loRz..
jUz doNe my teSt..duN thInk will dO wEll siA..jUz nOw gOt meNtal bloCk..cAnt rEmember mY infOrmatiOn thEn aso dDnt haB aNy nOtes inSide my NotebOok..lUckily...laSt tiMe gOt cOpy some nOtes over..thEn aT leAst gOt thIng to pUt iNsIde lOrz.. rAiNing..agaIn..bEing rAining thEse fEw mM.. weEks? sEem rAining endLeSs thEse dAes sIa.. mM..mOod nOt tat goOd eitHer..
lAter mEeting kAimeIz bA..pASsing hEr thE birthDae preSent i bRought witH dAniel..bRought a glASs..bandge..cArd..aLl put inSide a bOx loRz..thEn duNo daniel got bUy ribbon to tiE it uP ma..hOpe sHe lIke lAh.. :)
cHatted witH qUn yi...mM..jaNz u all..duNo agAr reMember hIm mA..sHould bE ba..sInce hE saE gOt aDd u all in mSn.. mM.. saE hE n eriC goIng to orGanize a Outing 4 the hPs pEople..tHen aSk abLe to toN ma..mM..he sAe will bE in the hOildae..bUt thiNk quIte haRd la..sP hOildae stArting oN the 6Nov..thEn will eNd at the stArting of dEc..tP alSo..nYp aSo now hOildae..thiNk agar there aSo reOpen..sEem lIke oNli my sChool..oPposite oF tAt sIa..nOw sCHooling..sTarting oF dEc thEn hOildae..sO aBit haRd to sLot iN a dAe whEre all hOildae siA..but hOpe sO la..sO lOng dDnt sEe thEm..reAl lOng siA..~!
sEe fRom frIendster sEem tat lYdia aSo haBing hEr birthdAe sOon..mM..sO lOng dDnt sEe oR cHat wiF hEr..mIz hEr lotz sIa..mAybe jUz sEnd a sMS or teStiomoNal 4 hEr sInce i v haRd to mEet uP witH hEr..
aNyway..jUz uPdate aBit oF mY mOles :P lOl..haHa..mM..nOt mUch iMprovEment siA..duNo wHen will cUm oUt siA..aLready 2 dAes lEh..thE pErson sAe aGar 2 daes.. afEw will cuM oUt..mM..hOpe bY toRoomow oR wAt..will cuM oUt aFew lORz..bEcoz v lIke bRust the pImple..V nOt thE nIce siA :x latEr torOmow gO wOrk cuStomErs sEe lE aSo will sCare sIa..haHa..mM..duno whO i wOrking wiF toRomOw..heard sOme nEws..mAybe wiF daNiel siA..mM..anYway..wOrk wOrk lOrz..aSo not wAt ma..aFter all..i trEat hIm aS mY haO pEng yOu :)
foRget aBout the paSt..foRget aBout the uNhappiNess..foRget i hOpe i will dO it..fOrget aBout thE haPpenIng..fUn aNd lAugher..iF i wAn to sUcceed..iN oRder tO make bOth hAppy..mAybe..
hAppy i hOpe i bEcoMe..tiMe iS wAt i NEed...evEn it tAke yeArs..thEre iS sTill Hope tAt..*sEcret*
fAtez i bEliEve..iF hE iS the oNe.. evEn aFter sO maNy yeaRs..whEre u gO.. hE n u will sTill mEet aGain..n coNtinuE thE sTory oF u n hIm..hOpe wAt i bEliEve will bE rIghtz...will it bE?
Memories that fades
8:31 PM
Memories that fades
6:38 AM