That My Life ;DDD *

Friday, December 31, 2004

tiRed..haHa.. Not aS i eXpecteD.. aS i reAcheD hMe aT aBout 7+am thIs mrNing.. i wAs sTill sEem paCked oF eNeRgy otHEr thAn thE oNce in aWhiLe yaWning..mM..tErrEnce laMe jOkes maKes mi,wEndy n chEe Hwoe( duN kNOw hOw to sPell ) laugH like cRazy.. maYbe hE tOo tiRed sO stARt laMing aRound.. foRce them to pAInt oNe oF thEir nAil eLSe hE duN sIgn thEir pAtch cArd..tHEy diE dIE aSo dUn wAN.. eVen sHAfiul aso hElp tErrEnce sIA.. dUN wAn hElp them sIgn.. thEn reMemBer wE gOt toNnes Of ruBbish aT coNcess bEing aCculmAted fRom aFternOon..tiLl cLSing (6aM), thEn ask thEm gO thRow rUbbish as aNOthEr wAy..sO oFf we gO.. lAugHing At tErrEnce lamE joKe :x

thE cRowd was wAy tOo sTrong yEstErdae..eVeN tiLl..4+aM..thEre iS StIll aLot oF pEople bUying tIx fOR meet thE fOcKers...haHa.. mEet mY bElovEd thEre~! yIli cUm doWn wiF jasmIne thEy all fiNd me.. Not reAli fiNd me.. But thEn aSo gOt thInk oF mE ma :x sAw yOng aSo..Not bUt uNexpeCted la..sInce sHe alReady aSk me to bOok tiX 4 hEr..haHa.. saw tHem sO haPpi..n gIf thEM qUite aLot oF sTuff :X wASh the pOppEr,wasH wArmeR..uNtil sO tIred..luckIly eVe n eVelyn gO hMe eArly toDae..aNd wE maNage to sLAck..lIke Not mAKing hoTdoGs whEn wE leFt oNli mM.. 3 ? :x naCho leSs thaN halF..hOt sNacks oNli 2 cHix,4 wEdges :x .. aLl aRe reAl tiRed.. sO dDnt reAli maKe tAt eFFort to cAre lAh :x

lAter i gOIng cEin to wAtch loVe devIn At 4.05pM..thiNk goIng to bE a fUll sHow toDae..sInce iTs iS a pUblIc hOlidae..bUt nVm..sInce wE aLready brOugh thE tIx.. :x thEn gOIng to maKan aT rAffleS hOlidae.. wiF dAr n hiS dad.. bEcoZ hIs daD cOusin wEdding lOz.. hPe toDae wiLl bE a hAppi dAe :)

Memories that fades
9:13 PM

Thursday, December 30, 2004

haB aN eNjoyaBle dAe yEsTerdaE wIf mY dArz. 7 moNthS toGethEr :) aNywAy.. sUrpRise mE wIf a gIft.. OnE tAt i dDnt eXpecTed :x aNyway.. thE prEsEnts toGetheR thiNk cOSt aBoUt $200.. V eXpeNsivE sIa.. eVen hOw i bUy thE thiNg ddNt hIt tAt.. aNywAy.. thaNkz lOts.. i lUv it~!

wEnt to fInd hIS gOd ma tO chAt.. hE lOnG tiME dDnt gO thEre lE.. thEn hIs gOd Ma sEe hIm sO haPpi sia.. thEn aSo maNage to sEe sOme hiS yOungEr, baBy pHoto, lOok eXactly dE saMe sIA.. :x jUz tAt sLimmEr aBit.. haHa.. hIS gOd ma sAE hE lOSe WeiGht le :X bUt in faCt.. he saE hE gain lEh.. mAybe she wAS reLAting abit to hIS baBy tAt tiMEs.. reAli qUite cUbby At thE tIMe.

aFter tAt.. wEnt to sIngApore pRess hOlding to dOnate sOme fOod sTuff n doNatioNs.. fElt so hEart wArmIng whEn i sEe sO maNy ppLe cUming iN to dOnate.. aNd thE amOunt oF itEms bEing dOnaTed.. bOttles OF miNeral wAter... bAgs oF rIce... bOx oF bIscuIts.. aND toNnes Of cLtHes.. thEy haB sTopped aCcepted cLthing bEcOz tOO mUch lE.. sO aBit wasted oN thE bagS of cLtheS daR haB brOught.. BUt nVm.. :) doNate to gaNa gUri lOz :X thEre waS quite alot of vOluntEers thEre.. sO toUched uNtil wAn to cRy.. oNli whEn gOt sUch incIdent whEre wE cAn sEe the whOle wORld is mOving to hELp..* oF course i dUn wAn sUch thiNg to haPpen*

wEnt chaNgi to eAt.. recAll thE tiMe whEn the e2 cUm oTher clAss cHalet.. wHEre wE cYcle aLL the wAy to chAngi... thEn sTop at a hAwkeR n drInk sTuff.. thEn saW the "reN yaO" :) NicE mEMorIes..

kuNg fU huStle wAs nICe.. rAther cRappy maN.. But thE eFFect was gReat.. daRz laUgh lIke sIAo iN thE cIneMa.. iTs wAs sO gReat haBing to saW in a fUll hSe hALl whEre lIke thE whOle pPle in the haLl wAS laUghing toGether lIke a cHOir.. :X reCommaNded sHow.. :x wEnt to tAKe sTaff cOm fRom nAzim agaIn.. PaisEi sIa.. evErthing tAke fRom hIm... But hE v leSs wAtch sHow ma.. tAt y wAn tAke froM hIm ma.. lOve deVin.. thIs Sat~!

wOrking lAter... aT a sUper lOng hRs.. 6pm to 6aM.. hOpe sOme lAte sHow wiLl cAncEl then cAn eArly gO hMe.. :x hPe cHiu tIng woRking clSing tOo.. sInce nAizm iS at l4.. aT leASt cHIu tIng i cAn reLy oN aBle to dO sTuff.. aUto aNd wiLling bEIng aSked.. sOme i asked aLso lIke duN wAN dUn wAn.. sO rAther i dO sIa.. thiNk pOpper cANt wASh How eArly toDae..sInce until 6aM.. haZi.. nEvEr mInd.. i tRy to waSh aS eArly as pOssiBle :x

Memories that fades
9:18 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

mM.. dDnt wEnt 4 thE chRistmaS pArty.. sOrry wEndy n meTta.. oNli aPolgiZe to thEm bEcOz thEy aRe mOre clOse to Me coMpared to thE reSt of thE oRganisErs. thInk aT thIs tiMe of nIghtz..12.50Pm.. theY aLl sHould bE haBing fUn bA.. nO dOubt u aLl will dId a grEat jOb aT thiS yeAr chRistmaS oRganIsIng. no dOubt pPle will pRaiSe it fRom thE mOre fuN aCtiviTies coMpaRed to thE paSt yeaRs.. u gErs eFforts, wE kNow iT.. but sOrry.. dDnt gO foR it..

wAs rAthEr tiRed toDae.. wEnt jOb hUnting fOr awhIle At toWn wIth yOng.. bUt sPend Most oF thE tiMe sHoPping :x haHa.. aS eXpeCted la.. bUt bOth wAs wAn uRgently a jOb.. goIng to bUck uP faSter.. elSe i haB to sTruck aT cAthay tIll mY hOildae At mArcH ~!

haB a qUaRral wiF sOmeOne At mSn iN thE aFteRnOon.. dOes a fRieNd wIll saE sOmEtHing to huRt u? eVen hOw hE/sHe thInks? i dOubt sO.. bUt aLl thE pErsoN aRguE baCk iS eVeRyoNe haB thEir owN thiNking, haB thE rIght to saE. wE cAnt stOp thEm fRom saEing. fIne.. wE cAnt..bUt cAnt u tHInk iN thE pErsOn sHoe? eVen hOw tRue u think iT iS.. thEn.. sOme wOrds sHould rAther kEep to yRself.. stIll sAe me uNreaSonaBle.. fOr sColding bAck.. iN thIs cAse.. i dUn thInk i aM wRong~!

Memories that fades
8:48 AM

Monday, December 27, 2004

toDaE iS thE cHriStmaS pArty.. mM.. duN reAli wAn to gO..hOw lEh..feEl sO sIanz.. gOing to reOpen sChool..gOIng to wOrk..wAn tIme foR my oWn aCtivItieS..yOng fIndiNg jOb lAter.. i gOIng to aCcomPany hEr to fInd aWhIle..tIll sIx pLus. bEcOx mEeting daNiel fOr dInnEr. gOing to meEt mY bEloVed yIli sEe sHow .. thE aNdy lAu oNe maH.. sIncE jAnz thEy all sAe nIcE maH.. thEn aSo tEmpt tO wAtch lEh..

aNywAy,dAnIel bOx is oKAy nOw.. wE aRe frIEnds :) yeStErdAe hE mSg mE in mSn sAe hE Okay bE frIenDs Now.. tAt gOod.. mM.. wHile chAtting wiF hIm in mSn.. hE wAs rEal chEerfUl.. tAt gOod.. mOvE oN..bUt stIll cAnt hElp to diSsoLve thE dISlike of hIm to mY dAnIel..sIanz.. But sInce hE oK aBout bEing fRieNDs.. tHen oK le lOx :)

aLthOughT sAe fRieNd frIEnd lEh.. but saW hIm yeSterdAe whIle clOSing. dDnt tAlk aT all.. bEcOz sTill aWkwArd.. nEed timE to diSsolvE tHe wAll..sInce iT bEing mOnths i last tAlk to hIm sIa.

eNding = i :) fRieNdshIp iS reKindled.

Memories that fades
7:53 PM

Memories that fades
10:29 AM

Saturday, December 25, 2004

JuZ a brIef uPdate oF thEse dAes.. At thEse lEt my FriEnds oUt thEre kNow mY whEreaBout aBit mAh :X

frIdae.. mM.. X eXtreMe tiRed n fRustRating dAe oN fRidae... hAtes iT.. fIrstly.. cOncEss sEem to sHort oF sTaff.. thEn nOt eNouGh sEniOr.. oNli mE..sIaNz..At lEaSt mIchEllE dO a gOod jOb iN tHe opEning aNd aLl tAt.. AfteR sHe leFt.. aBit jIa lAt..aLl nEwbIe.. amlInda.duno IS sCOldEd my evElyn oR wAt..tHen cRy.. thEN dUno diSapPered whEre.. bEcoZ gOt lOng quEnce..sO sAHa,steVen aNd eVElyn cUm oUt to hElp.. sTeven bAck mE, saHa baCk amlIndA..evElyn rUn Own cOuntEr.. duNo hOw cum..eVElyn sCold aMlindA.. i AsO dDnt sEe it..thEn sHE sUddEnly dIsaPpered.. aFter thE cRowd.. saHa hElp me aWhiLe.. thEn leFt mE aLone..hAb to sTock uP..dO thiS dO thAt..sErvE cUstomErs..uNtil i reAli wAn dIE sIa..lUckiLy yASeen bEing tRansFer baCk to l5 to hElp.pOpping pOpcORn.. i duNo whEre i wENt..jUz nOt At cOncEss.. thEn yAsEen duNo hOw to pOp nEver mInd..Got aNother gEr in cOnceSs aLso..coMfirm kNow.. thEn jUz lEt iT pOp..Ddnt dO wAt..Ddnt pOur oIl..dDnt pOur oUt thE pOpcOrn toTally..thEn blAck..BLACk..Real bLAck..duNo whO wAShing thE pOppEr tAt niGhtz sUre sIanz haLf..tErrEncE aSk me eXtend.. i gIf a sTraiGht aNsWer nO.. i aLready mEeting daNiel.. aLready lAtez..aLready hElp me eXtend 4 aN hr.. iF i dUn haB aPpointMent..i dUn mInd..reAli..clOse my coUnter..sHortage..$4.20.. duN reAli cAres lE..jUz wAN out oF tAt pLace..

aS eXpected..hE wAs rEali Not haPpi..whO cAn blaMe hIm.. i saE woRked uNtil 6pm..thEn bEcOme 7pm..thEn bY thEn i mEet hIm..iS 8pm+ lEh..tat nIght wAS nOt v gOod..wEnt hMe eArly.. bEcoz eithEr hE oR i waS in thE mOod.. i eXhauSted to saE wAt lE..sIAnz

sTill aBit of "cOld" whEn i mEet hIm on sAt mrNing..bUt thIngs tuRn oUt fiNe fASt...wENt indOor sTadiUm..4 thE cIty hArvEst cElebrAtion 4 xMas..iTs wAS nIce..nOt reAli Like bOring..evEn gOt breAk dAnce sIa :) cOol and sUrprIsing iteMs giVen frOm a fAct iT is fRom a chUrch.. wHich i thOught will be aLot of prEachIng.. wAs "hE yAo sHaN",heR tuMmy wAs bIg. sHe wAS sTAnding At thE baCk of sTAge whIle hEr hUbby wAs tAlking.oncE thE sHow haS fiNished.. sHE n hEr huBby wAS quIckly uShered oFf.

wEnt to gElyang to eAt sTuff wIf daNiel "chUrch" frIends.. nOt reAli chUrch fRiend.. bEcoz hE aSo Not IntO chUrch..jUz fRieNds At chUrch..reAlise thAt chRistiaN pPle sEem aLl sO fRieNdly :) mAKe mE coMfoRtaBle aT eaSe.. reAlise tAt duNo iSnt bIble sAe oNe oR wAt.. tHE chRistiaN ppLe duN sHow their lOvE out dE.. rEaliSe thEre quIte aFew couplEs withIn thE gRp..bUt thEy dun sEem lIke..nOt hOlding hANds oR wAt.. bEcoZ thE fAct tAt thEy sTick to One aNothEr tAt why i aSsuME thEy aRe toGether..elSe..aSo cAnt bE sEen. mAyBe jUz awkwaRd aBout iT bA..

wEnt oUt wiF daNiel aLOne AfteR tAt.. wEnt maKan At wHamPo mArkEt :x dUn kNow wHere to gO..thEn juZ nIce dRive paSt thEre..sO..mM..sTop n makan thEre..thEir "ou jIAn" Not v Nice..i lIke thE hOkkiEn MEe~! :xaNywAy.. wEnt sHopPIng .. bRought tuMmytRim :x haha..bROught foR daniel mUm..bEcoz sHe wAn it,bUt finD it eXpeNseive to bUy..sO wE brOUght it.. haHa.. gOt a sudDenly uRge gO bUy eXtrIm aSo :x

haB a enJoyaBle dAe tAt dAez..was toTally eXhAuSted... lAter mEeting daniel n hIs mUm to gO cAUsEwAy..gOing sHopping..sEem lIke i v leSs stAying at hMe thEse dAes..nVm..wiLl bE baCk to My guAi dauGhter whEn thE sCh sTart..bUt i dUn wAn it to cUm sO fast...

Memories that fades
4:59 PM

Thursday, December 23, 2004

oUtz of mY lifE..thaNkz.i lEaRn it..

Memories that fades
10:59 AM

Memories that fades
10:42 AM

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

i aM tiRed.. reali.. wOrking fRom tEn to eiGht.. l4 opEning dE pErsoN ddNt tuRn uP.. sO mEihUi hElp mE oPen l4 coNCess aBit, lUckiLy i woRking at tEn sIa.. eLSe nOrmAlly iS aNothEr sTaff wiLl cOme at 12Pm.. pRedIcted Or cOincidenCe? :x cAnt bLamE thE pErsoN. hEard tAt sHe dOing clOsing tiLl 12aM+ thEn haB to dO oPening. mAybe tAt wHy dDnt tuRn uP.

luCkily eVe Still rEmeMbEr l4 sHort of sTaff.. thEn aSk uYub dOwn to cOncEss.sHarul wAs iN a fLustereD toDae. BecOz hE fiRst dAe l4 usHer oPening. duNo whEre to oPen thiS n thEre.. rUn hEre n thEre tO wAlkie tSha aBout thE kEys eTc.

aNywAy.. sUrvIve throuGh thE hRs..tRy nOt to gIf aTtituDe to cuStomErs :x wHich i nOrmAlly wiLl whEn i wOrk aNd sTAnd tAt lOng.. toDae.. sUrpRisIng nOpe. mAybe bEcOz.. i mIz sElling tiXs :x

eArse thE mEmOries..eArse thE pResEnsE..eArsE....U...oUt..

aNd.. i thInk i wIll bE gOing to thE pArty lAh.. aT leASt sTill.. iN my GrP.. gOt aFew i cAn cRap n jOke dE.. kaNu..aNgeLine..jUn yIng.. i miZ..jEff..juDy..jaNz..jOaNne..lYdia..aLl the rAther clSe oNe i aM wiF aT cAthay tAt haB aLReady qUit oR nOt gOing.. mEtta thEy all wIll bE bUsy.. nVm.. i jUz bRing soMethIng alOng to eNtErtaIn mYself.. aDditiOnally rEasOn i duN wAn go..bUtz..4gEt it..

Memories that fades
8:40 AM

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

nOthIng mUch to uPdatE... tiMe nOw waS 8.50aM.. wAiting to gO to wOrk.. dUn fEel lIke but nO choice.. gOing to woRk ti 8Pm toDae.. tiRing mAn..nO chOice..

tErrEnce aPProve mE to gO usHer.. mM.. kInda will mIz coNceSs lIfE.. reAli aBit siAnz aT usHer.. nOthing mUch to dO.. woRst iS haB to fAcE mOre cUstomErs... I mOre heAdaChE sIA.. hPe to kEep mYself bUsy n bUsy..

wEeks gEtting shorteR.. sChool gOIng rEopen.. gEtting mOre n More sIaNz.. wAt haB to cUm.. will sUrely cUm.. iTs juZ a sOoneR oR latEr..

i gOing to eNjoy lIfe to tHe mAximUm.. nOw.

Memories that fades
4:49 PM

Memories that fades
6:22 AM

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Sat~! mY fAvouriTe dAe oF thE wEek.. AS uSual.. wEnt oUt wIf dAnIel.. hE haB hiS dInner aT mY hOuse oN fRi.. bEcOz mY mUm wAn lEt my dAd sEe.. thEN jUz nIce my BrothEr aSo aT hMe.. sO eVEryonE gEt to sEe Lx

dAd- fACe sTern.. aBit sCary.. duN rEali lIke to sEe hIm :x ( sCary)
bRothEr- toKing lIke aBit aUthoRity... mAybe dUe to pOsition in aRmy.. ( oRder pEople aRound bA)
mOther-sTill lIke hEr beSt~ More fRieNdly

tHe coNcluSion aRe giVen bY daNIel laH.. NOt mE~! But thinK hE will Be v gOod wiF mY bROther.. cAN toK about gaMes n wAtsOeVEr.. gUys aRe gUys.. cAn tOk aBout alOt of rUbbish sIa..

anyway.. watching bOth at one at 2.30pm,another at 10.40pm. wEnt to lEg mAssage At jUrong below His hOuse.. haHa.. daniel wAs awhile in paIn lIke tAt.. thEn laUghing lIke cRazy thE neXt mOment.. hE saE nOrman teAch hIm dE.. laSt tiMe he gOt "blue bLAcK" , nOrman wiLl Rub 4 hIm.. thEn hE alWay hE in paIn.. sO nOrman aSk hIm to laUgh..thInk it As V itcy Or wAt.. thEn wont paIn le.. i iS Ok la.. dDnt sHow anythIng.. aFter tAt.. thE pErson aSk me iSnt v oFten dRink coLd sTuff.. haB iRreguLAr meAls.. suRpRising iTs tRUe.. thEn saE bEcoz my fEet bElow aBIt yEllow.. lIke hiS dauGhters.. Tat y kNOw i oFten dRInk cOld sTuff.. aSo tAt y mY kiDnEy wEak sIA~! TheN sAe nExt tiME mUst eAt reGular.. elSe sTomach will gRow sTone dE.. bEcoz the hYdRochLoric acid inSide nOthing to bUrn oFf.. thEn will tuRn iNto stOne.. hahA.. sO NOw if poSsibLe.. i not dRinking cold wAter le~! duN duN sO young kIdnEy failuRe sIA~

aFter wAtching thE sHow.. wEnt to bUgIs...bRough a riBbon n sTring/ nEed to tIe uP danIel pResEnt. i Juz bLufff sAe nEed to tiE my fRiend pResEnt. thiNk hE dDnt sUsPect much la.. hE tOo tiRed to aNyhow thiNk sIa.. anyway.. sWay dAe yeSterDae.. gOt 2 summonS siA.. kaNasAi.. wAn to pAy 4 hIm.. bUt hE duN wAn.. i rEmebEr i Put thE sUmmon iN my wAllet.. Now fInd cAnt fiNd lE.. Idoit... coMfirm hE tAke le.. lAter cOnfRont hIm :x aBit fEel gUlity sIa.. aLl my iDeas thEn hAi hIm gEt sUmmon.$40 toGether.

WeNt baCk to hIS hOuse.. hE too tiRed.. thEn lIke bEcomE mOod Not gOod.. thEn aBit qUArral oN the wAy. thEn iS oK de.. v fast mAKe up onE. dun fEel lIke sLeeping cOz i bEen sLeeping thE whOle jOurney in his car.. sO i watch tv.. thEn aSo pEi hIS mAo mAO lOrz :x

wEnt to mAkan At hIs hOuse bElow n sEt oFf to oRchard.. thOught cAn mAke it oN time.. bUt oRcHard wAs v jaM sia.. siANz.. thEn lAtez.. But nOt v Long la.. abit..thEn hE was bEing thE "aCtoR" yeSterdae.. kEep pReteNcing to Be angry aLL tAt.. uNtil i aBit sIAnz oF it.. sO juZ kEep qUiet lORz.. whIle hE sAE "saEing".. lUcKily hE reAliSe iT sOon..tHen sTop.. mM.. bEen reAli tiRed.. reaCh hMe about 4+am.. mUm nAgging again sIA.. bUt mM.. shE undersTAnd dE laH :X

Memories that fades
1:09 AM

Friday, December 17, 2004

a fRidae tAt doEs nOt seEm like a frIdae.. tAt wAt haPpen oN fRidae duE to unKnown reAson, tHe crOwd sEem sO leSs.. mAybe unDersTand thE cOncept Of aBle to sEe oN wEekdAes n sAve thE $2 oR sImply.. tAt iSnt AnY atTractIve sHows NowaDaes.. eIther wAy.. thE sTaff bEneFit.. wE aRe aBle to eNjoy eNdless OF bReaks.. sLackIng aNd toKing tiME :X aNyway.. gOt aSo haPpen to wOrk wiTH eFficIent wOrkers lIke sAmatHa n mIchEllE.. woRk dOne fAster.. mOre lEisUre tiMe.. iTs hElps aLot wiTh thE bOth "E" lEss cUming to coNcEss loRz.. At leAst wE dO nOt haB to kEep fiNding thIngz to dO.

tOk cRaps n sEriouS sTuff wiF sAmAthaNa... haHa.. tOO bO liaO lEh.. tHen nOw aSo bEcoMe mOre fAmiliAr wif thE jaSline oR wAt dE at cAfe.. sEe hEr fAce sO sErioUs.. sO guAi.. whO kNow sIa..inSide aSo quIte ruBbish.. eSpeciAlly sEe uNtil nAzIm sIa.. sUddEnly tOtally chANged siA.. will dEe sIAo hIm dE sIA..

sUddEnly wAna wAtch sHow.. sO toOk 2 sTaff cOm fRom glEn 4 pOlar eXpreSs n xmAs wiF tHe kRanks.. bOth sHow nOt baD sIA.. aT leASt aSo maNage to save $17 aNd aBle to sPend oFf sOme timE oFf oN sAt.. wHo aSk sIngaPore rEali qUite lIke lImiteD oN thIngs.. laSt tIme dDnt thInk tAt.. bEcoz tHEre Alot oF plaCe i haVent go n eXplorE.. bUt rEali.. nOthing mUch.. aLl aRe rAther bLoCk oF fLats.. nOt mUch reCreatiOnal aCtiviteS.. bUt sTill... i Still luv lIving in sIngaPore.. wiThout haBing to wOrry wHeN thundeRsTorm iS cuMing.. whEn flOod is cuMing aLl tAt.. duN reAli hab to sCare mAy i bE dEad thE nExt mOment wHEn a bOmb aCtivAted aNd eXploDe dUe to tErroIst AttrAcks.. dUn rEali haB to scAre wAt uNDernEath thE wAter in thE sEa whEn sWimming.. ( sAw a recEnt rEpoRt aBout a gUy bEen eATen bY gReat whIte~)

aCtually.. i lIke sHArks.. Mm.. iN thE sEnse oF oBsErvating thEm.. i aSo read uP bOoks about thEm whEn i aM yoUng.. iTs reAli sUrpRising oF sOme fActs tAt i rEad uP.. aLthOught lIke.. But sTill iTs is SCARY to cUm fACe to fAce to it~! i sTill prEfer to bE oN sHore n dRy :x

Memories that fades
5:38 PM

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

bEen a tIred dAe todAe.. bUt sUrprIsing.. tHE cRowd toDae wAs not tAt bIg aS yeSterdAe.. mANage to slAck oNce evEry fEw mOment..tHe neWbie chIu tIng wAs reAl gOod.. thUmb uP 4 hEr.. lIke mE like tAt.. aSo tAt hArdwOrking.. whO cAll sAe thE tiNg mA :x haHa.. aNyway.. coMpliment hEr lorz.. aT leAst i dO nOt haB to Ask hEr to dO.. sHe will dO.. mOreover.. sHe aso aNother oNe wHO cAn sTAnd sTill sIa.. aLway neEd to fIll uP Her haNds wiF soMething.. At leAst greAtly hElp leSsen thE burDen Of mE n nAzIm..

Not rEali mY dAe... sHortAge oF $42.80 .. At fIrst thOught dOugleSs jOking wiF me..But thEn nO.. haZi.. hPe tHe mOney wiLl be tAken cAre oF.. Mm.. they sTill sAe i V cAlm.. Mm.. mAyBe bA.. bEcoz i reAli cAnt fInd thE mOney.. No pOint mAking a thIng oF it lEh.. jUz a bIt hEartpAin Of aLot of "frEe laBour" nVm.. wiLl eArn BAck.. mAy gOd bLess me the jOb AT nTuc :x theN i cAn mAke mY "baNk" uP aGain..

dDnt iNtend to gO gUitar thIs hOildae.. wAit rEopen sCh thEn sAe bA.. thEn i cAn wOrk mOre lOrz.. i bAdly nEed tO eArn mOre.. dUe to mY eXtrEme spEndituRe 4 thE pResents sTuff.. dUn wAn my bAnk kEep gOIng dOwn.. i aM gOIng tO sAVe n sAve nOw :)

wIll bE gOing mAlAysIa wif dAniel nExt wEek.. jUz 4 A dAe.. He tOok mOney frOm hIs dAd.. aBit pAi sEi..he wAn pAy All.. but i dUn wAn.. bEcoz i rAther wE spIll aBit.. sInce he Aso now qUite broke.. At leAst tHe reMaining mOney cAn hElp to leSsen his fInanicAl bUrden...
dUn kNow wAt to eXpect At thEre.. duN kNow wAt to bUy.. nO tARgets At mInd.. mAybe gO tHere See gOt wAt.. cAn bUy baCk loRz.. ")

Memories that fades
7:12 AM

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

mM... yeSteRdae lUckily meIhui wAna woRk, tHEn i wAs aBle to rUn aWay frOm woRk :X inTended tO gO oUt wIf xIao zHu aNd xIao sTarz bUt iN thE eNd dDnt. bEcoz bY 4+ , xIao zHu wAs sTill doIng hEr hAir ( rEbon n dYe) tHen i aLready aGree meEt dAniel 4 diNner, sO ddNt gO oUt wiF thEm evEntuAlly.

At fiRst sAe gOing to hIs AUnt tHere tO eAt, bUt bEcoz hIs aUnt wAs not fRee, sO we gO oUt eAt. wEnt bT timAh thE prAta sHop mAKan. tHe pLain n stRawbErry oNe nOt nIce dE.. thE oThers flAvour thAt i eAten b4 thEre, iTs bEtter lAH..

duNo hOw cUm eAt uNtil sO lOng.. alreaDy 10+ wEnt wE eAt finIsh. wEnt to weSt coAst to wAlk. thEn wEnt hMe..

sTill haB Not gO 4 tHe nTuc iNtervIew.. aBit laZy lAh.. hOpe lAter yOng frEe, thEn i aFter worK gO n fIll iN thE ApplicAtion fORm wIf hEr.. HoPe cAn gEt in Sia.. reAli tiRed woRking At cAthAy leH...

Memories that fades
6:03 PM

Monday, December 13, 2004

wA..todAe iS a V dAmM tiriNg dAe..wOrk iS eXhauSting toDae..mAybE mRning oPening wif me is a nEwbie..then need to guide her along how to do opening..becoz she is alone 4 opening on need to ensure.. else.. she will be transfer to box.. later terrence again not enough pple sia.. tinK maybe eVe set the rUle for it or wat sia.. aNyway..haB a lAtez lAtez oPening fOr coNCess with aLot of mess n uNdone..gOt aBit fRustrated aBout iT.. dDnt rEali haB the time to sTock uP b4 the next cUstomer cUm.. siANz.. seRve uNtil lIke aBit AttiTude to thEm :x.. cant blAme siA..rEal tirEd..mOreover.. thE newbIe.. qUIte oFten nEed me tO aSsign tAskk b4 she will woRk..sO eAt uP mOre of my eNergy..sWay tIng ... cUt mY haNd..duNo How cUm n wHeN..bLeed qUite pRofusely.. cUt on bOth haNd..bUt oNli one is bLeeding.. jUz tOuch wAter , 2 aSo pAin.. sO plAster bOth cuTz.. then now tYping abit haRd lA.. cOz one at the tip of my hand.. then type too hard aso pAin sia..

wEnt sHoppIng wif yiLi,jaSmin After wOrk.. sWee haN leFt haLf way, wEi aNn jOin half wAy.. spend aBOMB todae on prEsent.. agAr $100 on 5 preSent onLi.. mAYbe bUy at oRchard,tAt whY so eXpensive.. nExt wEek wEek mUst drInk wAter sUrvive le :X i tOtally brOke siA.. aBit reGret la.. bUt nVm lA.. haPpi cAn le..*heart paIn* :x

cUm to kNOw rAy qUit lEh.. hAxi..saD cAse.. nIce gUy..he cAme to realIse the pAy is aBit bElow aVerage,tAt wAt i heArd frOm nazIm.. aNyway.. wiShes hIm aLl dA beSt in hIs nEw job :)

will be tRying nTuc toRomow ..AgaiN.. aLthought tHey pUt nEed wOrk 6 dAes.. mY mUm sAe cAn lAter reDuce tHe nUmber oF daeS de..bUt the wOrking hrs V sHOrt sia.. 8am to 12pm/12pm to 5pm. :x haha.. then i can work both side le lorZ .. gOod for me.. i need to repleNish the $100 laH :x

wIll bE goIng out wiF xiAo zHu,xIao sTarz And xiAo lu toRomOw.. Mm.. dDnt dEcide wherE be goIng.. tOromow thEn sAe BA.. tiRed nOw.. But duN fEel Like sleepiNg eArly..wAiting 4 my brothEr to reTurn hMe frOm geNting,nOw Already 10.50pm lEh.. dUno wAt timE he Be rEaching. mAybe traffic jAm ba.. hPe hE buY lOts oF gIfts n ruBbishs :x

Memories that fades
6:19 AM

Saturday, December 11, 2004

bEen sO lOng sInce i lASt uPdated..saMe wiF my fRieNds :x qUite a pEriod oF nO nEw entRy fRom sOme oF tHem.

aNyway..bEen woRking qUite mOre theSe dAes.. tRying to eArn aS mUch aS posSible dUring my hOildae.. tRying to gEt iNto nTuc.. mAybe gOIng 4 inTervIew tHere nExt wEek wIf li.. saMathaN sEem InteRested in Tat aSo :x aNd sEem tRying hArd to find lOts oF joBs.. gOIng to tIred hEr oF mAn.. aNyway.. mIcheLle wOrking uNtil thIs wEek.tHen qUit lEh.. sO faSTz sIa.. haB nOt "waRm" uP wIf hEr sHe gO le.. aNyway, uNdersTand hEr wOrklOAd oF sTudieS.. sO lUck tO hEr :)

sUddeNly dUn fEel liKe gOing to thE chRistmas pArty.. beCoz i sUddenly reaLise mOSt of thOse i aM clOse to aRe eIther will Not bE goIng oR qUit lEh..thInk gO lE aSo will fEel v fElt out.. nOt i duN wAn to bE mOre sOcialiSe.. i cAn kNow pEople v eAsy.. But wAn to cLick wiF thEm..sTill dEPend.."frequEncy" diFference,sTill haRd lOez.. aLthOught saE to WeNdy n mEtta saE bE gOing.. But mM.. sEcoNd thoUghts.. mAybe.. jUz dun wAn to fEel sO bOred,aLone At thEre..thEn,i rAther duN gO..At leASt i wIll bE sOmewhEre More comfoRtable.

mY faMily thiNk eVEryoNe kNow aBout daNiel lEh..gOod oR baD? mM.. duNo lEh.. aT leASt i dUn haB to bE sEcRetive wHen i gO oUt wiF hIm.. baD tIng.. sCare evErything i dO, gOod oR bAd will iMply dAniel "wAn"me dO.. whEn thEse dAes,i aLway sTay Out lAtez.. Not dAniel wAn,iS i wAn..sCare leAve a baD iMpreSsion fRom my faMily to danIel.. mM.. anYway.. duN wAn thiNk muCh leH..

wEnt oUt gAThering aT mArine wiF mY pRi sChool fRiend On a thursdAe.. aLthought dDnt reAli iNterAct mUch wIf thEm, i eNjoy cAtching uP witH mY sIstErs~ sPend aLmost thE laSt of mY pEnny On aracadE.. wAs lEft wIf $5 cOmpared to the $56 i brOught oUt.. mAybe bEcoz i hElp yOng n li pAy.. tAt whY sO baD sItuation bA.. :x

bRainsToRming... thiNking oF wAt pReSEnt tO bUy 4 dAniEl.. cAnt thiNk aNy idEa oR cReatIve sTuff sIa.. dOUbt hE will ExpEct mE to gIf hIm a pResEnt...sO iT will bE a sUrpRisE :X

wEnt to sEe naTional trEasUre toDae.. rEMembeR thE wRong tiMing..wHIch maKe uS lAtes fOr thE sHow.. dAniel wAs sImply NOt v haPpy aBout it..becoz he duN sImply lIke to mIz thE sHow.. But dDnt aNgry... bEcoz iTs jUz me..bEing.. fORgettfUl~ :x sHow wAs nicE.. gOod sTory plot..NIce eXcept fOr tHe gUy whO kEep kIcking oN my chAir..sImply bRushing oFf aNy sIgns oF iRratiOn fRom dAnIel fAce as hE kEep turNing baCk to "LOOK" At hIm..haB to cOol hIm doWn aBit..afrAid hE will BruSt Out.. BEcoz tHe gUy reAli wont "zhI dOng" sIa.. aUto gEt thE hInt.. jUz wAn to eNjoy thE sHow.. wIthoUt thE ABruptly kIck at thE baCk of my chAir..

b4 thEn..wEnt tO Eat lOts Of fOod.. Until wE aRe tOtally fIlleD uP.. hE saE hE wAna "jIan fEi" sO wE sTartiNg thE hEalthy wEek nExt wEek oNwaRd.. wiLl SaVe $$ aNd sAve aLot oF fAts aCculmAting iN oUr bOdy wiTh mRe "gReenS and frUits"

tiRed..gOing to lEt my eYes reSt.. till i bLog AGain..

* i Will dO it.. i cAn dO it.. iTs tiRing to KEep mEmOries aNd hOping it..*

Memories that fades
11:12 AM

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

hiYoo pEople..bEen qUite sOme tIme sInce i laSt pOSt my eNtry.. jUz kEep a sHort reView oF wAt i dOing now.. bEing woRking anD woRking oUt thEse dAes..wIf yiLi thEy all n daniel..

tO yong.. knOw u wont bE reAding it.. hOpe u bE sTrong..nO mAtter wAt.. u aRe oNe of the sTrongeSt gaL i sEen.. i dUn wAn sEe u bEcOme weak bEcoz of sOmeone nOt wOrth it.. hE iS jUz a cOmplete idoit..juZ luckily mAnage to sEe thE tRue hIm..

this wOrk woRking 3 dAes oNli.. bUt sEem sO tiRed.. BEcoz mOst aRe newbies uP at l5.. wHile all the senior at l4.. then nazim aSo spRain hIs leg or wat.. aSo not convincent for him to move much.. so trying to do most to let him dun feel so pain.. so feeling rather tired.

cAnt fInd aNother job..but i will keep trying.

janz they all going to malaysia toromow.. feel like going..but cant..becoz working..nEver mInd.. we got other chance :)

*stay away from me please.*

Memories that fades
12:30 AM

Thursday, December 02, 2004

mM..haB a bAD dae yeSterdAe.. haB qUite haLf oF the dAe cOld war wIth daNiel.. mM.. toUched tAt hE cAme to sChool to fEtch mE.. bUt dUno hOw cUm mOody.. mAybe wAt hE saE.. wAt "fRieNd" thiS n thAt. thE "friEnd" reFerRing to mE lOrz.. mAybe aBit mOodsWing.sO dUn wAn tAlk tO hIm mUch. jUz kEpt qUiet. cOld fRom mY hOuse, to quEenwAys thEn to buS to sUntec. talk oUt iN the buS. saE me lIke sCAre to lEt my fRiend sEe mE n hIm likE tat. gOt reSistance. But thEn, mY fRieNd aLready sAw hIm yeSterdae whEn hE aSo cUm n fEtch mE.sO likE ntH le mA. thEn saE mE wAlk sO faSt. i jUz wAn cOol dOwn, b4 i mAy eXplodE oR saE wRong wOrds. mM.. aNyway.. dUn wAn tAlk mUch.. sLept oN the buS bY the wIndow. wOke uP.. mM.. duno How cuM..lIke tAt mAke uP le. :X jOking n lAughIng Again. mAybe dUe to mY aWkward poSition Of my nEck wHile sLeeping,thiNk strAin On it.. V pAinful bY thE sIde oF it.

wEnt to sUntec. At firSt wAna sEe "sAw" But tHere dUn haB. So dEcidE go pS. gOlden vIllaGe mAh..sO wAna tRy sEe tHere haB ma.. gO theRe leh..aSo dUn haB.. thEn jUz rOt aRound lorz..duNo wAt tO dO..thEn sUddenly fEel lIke plAying aCarde. wEnt to dObby gHaut Mrt station bElow. sUrprIse thEre gOt a aCarde. aNd a quite gOod oNe. Not mUch pEoPle.qUite alot of gaMe.. sPEnd aBout onE hR thEre :x lUv aCarde bEcoz i fOund it a leiSure whEre tiMe paSses qUickly insIde :x

wEnt to bUy sOme drInk n sTuff anD tOok a Bus hme.. sLept eArly laSt tiMe. But sUddenly wAke uP. dUno How cUm. thEn reMemBer haVent mSg hIm a NighTz mSg,sO mSg him. jUz tat, hE aSo msG, saE jUz eAt finIsh pRata aLl thoSe, goIng to oRhz lEh.. haHa.. tiMing juZ nIce sIa.. nOw fEeling sO thE tiRed aS usUAl.. lAter woRking at cAthay l5. Mm.. hOpe i dun nEed dO cLsing.. elSe haB to wAIt uNtil 4+am lE.. thEn sat mRning Still got guItar.. How aM i goIng to sUrvive.. wAiting 4 sat.. BeCoz i cAn go Out aGain~!

Memories that fades
6:33 PM

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

i aM reAli lethargic.haB bEen sLeepIng lAtez..ruShing thRough hMewoRk..till thE wEes hOurs.. nOt reAli wEe hOurs.. jUz tAt it aCcoUnt oF thE tiRed bRain iN thE mRning.. haB to going out wIF dAniel qUite oFten lAtely. But dDnt haB aNy aRgumEnt thEse dAes. nOt i wAs lOoking foRwArd tO aN aRgumEnt.. jUz tAt bEcOz oF wHat joAnne saE.. tRying to sEe whEther iS it tRue aNot.

Mm.. saE tAt daNiel tYpe iS mEet mOre.. quArral mOre..bUt thEn.. dOEsnt aPpear tRue iN thEse..bEcoz lASt tiMe quArral dE tHIngs.. iS oVer lE..sO NothIng reAli mUch cAn qUarral.. thE moSt iS tHe dAily sTuff. aBout mE foRgotteNing to cAll mE aBout thE ouTing whEn i saE i will aLl tat..iMpreSs mE is jOannE detErmination.. iF sHe reAli duN wAn tAt gUy.. No mAtter wAt he dO.. shE woNt evEn gO n sEe hIm...evEn iF hE tRy cOmmit suCide. mAybe doUbt.. she iS thE onLi oNe i sEen tAt will reAli tAt eXtend. pPle mAy thiNk tAt sHe is hEartless.. But tO mE.. shE is nOt wAnting to dRag thIng oN.. oNe n fOr all.. nOrmally pPle... whEn heArd sOmeonE bEcoz oF u cOmmit sUcide.. No dOubt tat he/sHe will 90% mAybe will AsK aBIt aBout hiS coNdition...aNd nOt aS " he/she wan die, let them die lorz" ... :X

reAli lIke tAlking to joanNe.. shE aLway pRovide the mOst sEnsibLe aNd things thAt i nEver tInk bEfore the thIng. mAybe tAt whY i sEe hEr.. AlwAy teLl Her oN mY wAt-sO-evEr proBlems.cAn tRust oN hEr tO pRovide mE the aDvice tAt i wAn. i meAn thE aNswer tAt i wAn. nOwaDaes aSo v leSs sEe hEr lEh.. eSpecially lAter i sTarting work at cHEckers.. wIll bE more cOnstrAit tiMe lEH..hOpe reAli gOt aFew mOre dAes pEr wEeks. sO i cAn tAke out eXtra time to wOrk iN cAthay aSo. fEeling sO timE coNStrait. chEckers aGar haB to woRk mInimum 3 dAes.. cAthAy nOw lEh.. aso cAnt wOrk tOo lesS.. But reAli.. cAthay..i dUn reAli cAre mUch iF thEy sAck mE oR wAt dUe to woRking lesS. i haB nO mUch fEeling to it sInce ... . mM.. thIngs cHange.. sO iS gaN qiNg to it. sInce EvErything cHanges.. thEre is Not mUch pUll in cAthay whIch mAkes mE wAna sTay. mAybe oNli mEtta,motHer,mAtt,wEndy.. aFew oF thEm.. thE reSt.. sEem liKe jUz a mEre sTraNger to mE. pPle kEep cUming iN and Out.. Until sOmethIng i haVent eVen kNOw thE pErson, they haB aLready gNe. hOw cUm thEy (maNagement) woNt thInk aBout it? iF thE woRking coNdition iS gOod.. tiNk ppLe will wAn to qUit ma.. iTs sUch a haSsle nEeded to fiNd aNother jOb. not to sAe sOme pPle May fiNd it tOugh wORking..sO will qUit.. But itS jUz thE mInority. wAt thE haB more iN mInd iS eArning mOney. How cum thEy duN unDerstAnd thE conCept oF haBing a gOod reLAtionsHip bEtween thE emPolyees aNd emPolyers. I dOubt iT will mAKe the eMpolyees' fEel grEat haVing to dEduct pAy bEcoz hE/sHe aRe sIck aNd unABle to wOrk. unless u wAn uS to wOrk wiF a sIck soUl, sIck lOok aNd a sIck aTtitudE. Getting wAy too out saEing cAthay aBout thEir neGative sTuff. mAybe i aM bIased to it. whIch i aSo dUnO whY i will haB sUch nEgative bIased to it. mAybe sEen thINgs hAppen theSe dAes.. Until all it refLect on it iS nEgative. to fiNish my woRk reAl eArly..lIke nOw..11.33am? whIch i normally finish or still rushing at 1pm+ thEn Now sLacking.. Hope tO gO Hme reAl eArly toDae.. nEed to fInd sHoe,skIrt.. Mm.. hAVent stArt wOrk bUt aLready sIaNz haLf lE..wAn to wOrk bUt nO mOod to wOrk :x hOw aM i gOing to sUrvivE~ i wAn pArty.. i wAn fUn.. i wAN lOts oF aCtion thIs hOildae..

i am a letdown.. u are also a letdown.. i do this.. u also follow do this.. i am wrong.. and so are u..

Memories that fades
5:46 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
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