Sunday, February 27, 2005
bAck..aFter thE wEekEnd...sTill haVnet wEnt 4 thE inTerview eTcsTill haVent gO inTervIew aT cAfe cArtle..inTend to aSk lIng oUt oN wEd.. thEn sEe sHe fRee aNt.. pEi me gO intErvIew..wOrking sO lEss thEse wEeks.. pAY bArely oVer $100 sIA :x.. nEed to Buck uP lE :)bEing mEeting hUbby 4 thEse fEw dAes.. thInk haB bEen mEeting hIm evErydaE 4 the pASt wEek.. bUt nVm.. wE boTh enJoy it.. :) sHopping.. eAting.,. watching mOvie.. bEing rAther pAck uP n usE uP wiSely..At leAst wE cOuld sPend sO mUch nOw, wAit tiLl hE gO nS thEn i be a gOod gEr At hMe lE :)fRidAe haB a gReat tiMe wIf sUlindA n jErEmy.. aLthought V sHort la.. nA de cAn woRk wiF jErEmy sEniOr woR.. kiM hOck hElp me oPen the kitchEn dOor aNd reSUlt iN bRoking thE pLates hE is hOlding As iT sLip doWn :x pAI SeI.. aNd jErEmy gOt a cUt think fROm the bRoken gLass piEcEs wHen wE wEnt to thRow ruBbish.. bLeed uNtil qUite bADly.. hE aSo my saViour sIa.. BEcOz i inTend to tAke tAt piLe oF ruBbish bUt bEcOz tOo hEavy.. thEn hE hElp mE tAke.. thEn gOt cuT .. suLinda woRk until v tiRed, But inSisted oN woRking..bEcOz sHe wAn eArn More mOney.. sO let hEr reSt whIle i sTill thEre...hUbby cuM fEtch mE aFter woRk.. thEn wE gO mAkan wiF hIS fRiend At chIna tOwn thE poRridge.. eAt uNtil quIte fulling bUt dEliCious.. thaNkz huBby to cUm n fEtch mE :) thEn sEnd hiS fRiend hMe b4 gO to wEst cOASt pArk to wAlk.. reAch thEre v tiRed lE.. sO wAlk v sHort thEn wEnt hMe le.. hubBy v tirEd.. sO sLEep doWnsTair in hiS cAr At thE cArpArk..bUt hE sAe sAw aN olD maN vEry fAr.. thEn sColding hIm..aLl tat.. dUno iS the "diRty" sTuff Ma..wEnt to hUbby oPen hSe to pEi hIm oN sAt.. hiS ccA tAt lAser thiNg nOt mUch pEople cuM But iTs a gReat sHow oF the laSer :) wEnt oFf sHortly aAFter finiShing tAt sHort sHow On the laSer.. wEnt hUbby hSe.. hE sLept awhile..n i gOt mOre bIte n sNatch mArk fRom hiS doggy.. mY lEg nOw quite jIA lAt wiTh the lOng rEd liNes ruNning thROugh mY leGs..xiAo mAo gOt bully bY a dog~!wEnt aUnt hSe AFter tAt.. eAt n wEnt oFf wiF mY bRother.. thEn mE n hUbby wEnt cEinlEisUre to wAtch a mOment to rEmEmber... toUcHing sHow it wAS.. But i dDnt cRy.. but aLot Of pEOple in thE cInemA did :x i Ddnt cRy doEs nOt mEan i hEartleSs woR :x hUbby gOt v gaN dOng bY the sHow aSo.. :x wEnt to hiS hsE After sO as to wAit 4 hiS mUmmy cAr thEn hE dRive mE hMe.. sO wAtch tV.. gOt thE toNy chEn n jOey woNg the vErsiOn oF xIao qiAn :x hUbby fell aSleep wHile wAtching.. hE nEeded to gaIn sOme EnErgy to drIve mE hmE..bEcoz nOw inStall sO mAny cAmera, thEn aSo dUno where.. sO cant sPeed siA :x thEn nO choicE haB to dRive sLOwly thEn will tAke in mOre eNergY mA :x bUt he tAt dae v tiRed.. bEcOz wAke uP eArly 4 hiS oPen hSe.. tHen aSo haB to pEi me hEre n thEre..thaNkz huBby :) sMs me lAter theN he fEll aSleep oN whIle dRiving. thEn pEOple Honk hIm 3 timEs sIa.. bEcoZ whIle wAiting 4 the tRaffic lIght to chAnge.. hE sLeep ma :xsUndae wEnt hiS dad hSe to maKan.. hiS aUnt n uNcLe aso thEre wiF hiS child,cArl ( sHould be lIke tat ba) thEn oN the wAy brOough tU-tu kuEh.. n paNcAke... thEIr tu-tu kUeh thEre beSt sIa.. lUv to eAt thEre.. v lOng Ddnt eAt le..sO fEel lIke eAting ma..haB a enJoyabLe dinner...wAS tiRed, n feLl aSleep whIle wAtching Tv sAme as hUbby.. wEnt hUbby hSe to maKan sOme dEsSert b4 hE dRove me hMe at 10+ .. dRove slOwly bUt i liKe it.. bEcOz gOt mre timE toGether mA :X
Memories that fades
5:10 PM
Thursday, February 24, 2005
dUn sAy tHosE wOrds lE..iTs hUrts..thEse dAes my teaRs kEep fAlling..dOubt u knOw it..sINce whEn i bEcomE fRagile?i tRy n tRy to coNtrOl.. bUt iTs nOt liStening to mY mInd bUt to mY hEart..i lEt my tEars fLow frEely oNto my pIllow..aS i sTAre at The ceiling iN the dark coNtainer..i kNow oF mY chOice, mY dEciSIon n mY heArt...aNd itS gOing oN..oN..mY hEart woNt cHange..i not fIckLe mIndEd..i bEliEve in cOmproMising... tRying.. N tAt 2 dIffErent pPle cAN be toGether..jUz tReat me wEll n dUn kEep mAKing mE saD.. n i wiLl bE tAt hAppy.. iS jUz a sImple wiSh iSnt?i wOnt lEave u.. nO.. juZ beCoz yR lifEstYle iS nOt mY type oF liFesTyle..wE goIng Strong.. toGether.. n wAlk doWn the dArk pAth togEther..prOmisE :)i aM touChed bY yR wORds.. iTs gIf mE the sTrength..thaNk huBby.. :)
Memories that fades
5:48 PM
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
uPdated 4 tuEs... fiNally tOdae iS wEd.. sOon iT will bE thUrs, fRi.. aNd wEekeNd aGain.. fOr tHe nExt 2 wEeks, can starteD tO pOn mY leSsoN le :) fEel sO haPpi gOt eXtra tIme 4 mYsElf n huBby.. :)wEnt hMe yeSterdae eArly..bEcoZ teAchEr maNage to eNd prEtty early as the lEsson iS eAsy.. reaCh hMe a 3.30pm whIch iS v eArly coMpared to the norMal 4+pm.. :) At fIrst wAna go gUitar, But sO early reAch hMe,sIan le.. thEn wAs wAtching sOuthpArk.. thEn duN wAn wAtch haLf wAy.. sO dDnt gO..mEet dArling At hIS sChool buSstOp.. gOn gOn dAr rUn all the wAy fRom hiS clASsroom to the BussTop aFraid uNable to cAtch the bUs i aM iN :) bUt sTill he mAnage to reAch eArly n abLe to cOol down b4 mY bUs cAme aLong.. wEnt nTuc tO bUy fOod as wE bE cOoking in hUbby hSe..haPpi :) .. bRought sOme cAnned sTuff, hOtdOgs,vEgetAbles,fIshbAll,eTc :)mAKan..fOods coOked bY hUbby waS gReat... :) bUt dDnt mAnage fiNish aLl..lEft the sOup,which cOok bY me :( lala.. bUt iS fRom cAnned de la.. jUz tAt too sAlty dE la.. thEn i aSo gOt coOk "dou ke".. Nice 4 tAt..bUt iS huBby aDd in the sAuce All tAt, jUz tAt i waS fRying oNli.. :xhaB aBit of quArral wiF hUbby After tAt..hE sLeep whIle i watch tV..sOme miSundErstAnding..bUt thiNk sHould be oKay lE ba.. mSg to eXplain bEcoZ he nOt in thE mOod to eXplaIn.. sO kEep qUiet..aLone tAlking v jI moU.. dDnt tAlk mUch aSo..bECoz liKe oNe wAy liKe tat..cAnt tAlk mUch.. tHen jUz kEep qUiet..aNyway.. baD sTuff oVer...gOod nEws iS i Got aN A 4 my dAily gRade.. mY teAcher sae i diD a gOod jOb in my sOlo pResEntatiOn :) yIppe... cAn aIm 4 aN A in mY reSult lE :) At least wOnt lOOk too baD wIf aN A aRound :x sCare 4 my sCience reSult bEcOz iTs nOt mUch iMproVement*saD*
Memories that fades
5:26 PM
Sunday, February 20, 2005
jUz paSsed a 4 dAes hoIldae.. gOne oFf sO fast.. aS uSual.. mIz mY bEd.. mIz haBing to wAke uP fRom mY sWeet dReams.. jUz uPdate aBit foR the paSt fEw dAes lA..fRidaewEnt oPen hSe.. thEre waS nOt mUch pEople.. oR rAther.. mAybe duN hAb sIa.. thEn wE likE plAy for mY sChool thE pEople to hEar oNli rAther thaN to thE oTher sEcondAry sTudEnts..wEnt to mEet dArling After tAt n gO hEndErsOn pOlice StAtion to make a pOlice rePort aBout hiS coMpany mIsSing iTem..tOok aBout 2 hRs to fiNish siA.. i wAit uNtil i fAll aSleep.. bUay taHan.thOught wiLl bE aBout 30mIn Or sO..iT waS qUite a sHort rePort bUt thE pOlicEmaN toOk sO lOng to fiNish sIa..waS lAte mEeting daRling fRiend-cIndy n aNother oNe i 4get the naMe le :x wEnt wistma tO eAt pIzza.. gOt 2 piZza..bUt i waS nOt v full sIA.. duNo iS Ddnt eAt muCh foR the whole dae Or wHat oR my Appetite gRow le..wEnt to was "a vEry Long enGagemENt" pErsOnally,i dUn reCommond mUch about the show.. quIte dRaggy.. fEll aSleep In the shOw :x sO lUe.. u sEe u wAn a chAnge of show ma :xwEnt to aNgeline chAlet.. nOt mUch pEople thEre.. sAw kJ,thE opErator(4Get the nAMe le) mEtta,jEss,wEndy,jaNz,dEan,jUnwEi,gAry.. n aNgeliNe fAMily mEmber.dArling waS tirEd.. aFter the lOng tRip of dRiving.. sO he wEnt to sLeep..sO pEi jaNz go n bUy thiNgs eTc.. mM.. darling was nOt v haPpy aBout thE faCt i wEnt oFf.. bUt was oKay aFter tAt.. sUppoSing iS he jUz woKe uP n haB moOdswIng (quIte oFten haPpen) wEnt hMe .. reAl tiRed n sLeep..SatwaS eAting the whole dAe..wEnt eAt wiF dArling dAd At thE inDon reSturAnt.. wiTh hiS eMploYees.. waS v fulling aNd the bIll cAme uP to mM.. $100+ ! pEi dArling to tAka to sUmbit hiS pUtch cArd elSe hE wIll Not gEt hiS pAy foR the 3 mOnth le.. :x quIte a ruSh baCk to hiS hSe n Sleep..bOth wAs exHauSted.. woKe uP aNd ruSh oFf to hOugang to mEEt dArling dAd to maKan fOod Still haBent digeSt bUt haB to Eat aGain..sO eAt aLittle.. wEnt baCk to dArling hSe After dinnEr n plAy wiF hiS dOgGie..haB mOre sratch mArks oN my lEgs n hanDs..*paIn paIn* tHen my darLing jUz sAw hiS tV.. :x dDnt cAre mE sia .. *sad sad* :x thEn tOo wu liAO fAll aSleep..whIle he cONtinUe wAtching tHe sHow.. sEnd mE hMe AFter thE sHow..sUndAywEnt to uNcle hSe at dOvEr..dArling cAme dOwn to mEet mE wIF mY bRother..was rAining whEn wE reaCh thEre.. n wE juz dash to thE bLock.. was wEt..( bUt nOt soakeD) UpOn reaChing..*fOrcE bRother to pLay cArd gAMe wIf me n dARling :x bEcOz tOo bOred lE.. BUt pLAy awHile siAnz le.. But thEn..fEel sO sLEepy lA.. thEn duN wAn le..sO mY hElp my mUm gAmbLe oUtsIde..qUite bOring.. thEn wEnt oFf aGain to mEet dArling dAd n hiS brOther 4 dInner At tailand reStuaRant..b4 wEnt aCarade.. plAy wiF daRling bUt kEep dYing sIa :x thE diNner cOSt $200+ siA.. wA.. sO eXpenSive.. thEn ruSh oFf to darling mUmmy cAr, sHe was ruShing oFf to mAlaysIa to gO pRay thEn wE lAte..wEnt baCk to dArling hSe.. thEn plAy wiF hiS doGgie.. n i goT attrAcked aGain..woUnds More sErious thiS tiMe.. gOt blEed sOmemOre,agaIn dArling Ddnt cAre..-_-" :x bUt nEver mInd la.. :x got fEed mE dEssErt cAn le :x dRove mE hMe wiF hiS dOggiE aSo..bRought dOggiE uP wiF mY mUmmy n dAddy sEe :x.. dArling SAe dOggie wEwe aT my hSe dOwnsTair..inSide hiS cAr n uPon reAching hIs houSe.. sO hE haB eXtra tRouble haB to cLEan uP the cAr :x *nAUghty doGgie... But wE dOte u :X)
Memories that fades
4:46 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
tOdae ddNt wEnt to sChool..tAt gOes oN 4 toRomow.. nOt bEcOz i bEing nAughty, bUt bEcOz oPen hOuse duN nEed go sChool :x oF cOursE i wAs gLad..extrEme bEcOz i duN lIke sChooling :x woRking wAs pRetty oKay yeSterdae with sUlinDa.. sHe sEem tO mIz woRking wiF me aLot :x sHE waS hIgh yeSterdae.. kEep lAughing n laUghing.. bUt iS dEfiNAtely gReat.. mAking tHe AtmOsphEre sO liGht whIle wE wEre pReoCcupieD waShing thIngs..manAge to clOse reAl eArly yeSterdae.. maNAge to cLosE eVerything by 10.10pm (which is rare these dae) bEen qUite slAck on wAShing the thiNgs sInce mAnAgers aRe Not aRound.. sUlinda tReat mE a cAke fRom cAfe whIch iS nice :) thAnkz gEr.. yaH.. n sAw jEss n sHerlyn ( duNo sPell like tat ma) oN the wAy to work..tOok stAff paSs fRom gLen 4 'feNg sHui".. dDnt tAke the tiXs.. jUz bOok.. sInce hE waS thE niGht maNAger aSo.. sO iF sWay sWay eVe ask.. thEn prInt oUt loRz.. sInce its aLready Book UndEr sTaff cOm lE.. duN wAn to wAste the fRee paSs iF bOth "E" iS Not aRound.. :xgOing to mEet mY dARling at sP sOon.. thEn Going to mAkan lAter aT my grAndmUm hsE b4 goIng to cAtch the movie.. feel guLity tAt i sKip gUitar aGain :x n toROmow iS thE opEn hsE.. n i onli knoW how to plAy 1 piece well and the 2 iS jiA lat.. :x dIe sIA.. toRomow go stAge jUz 4 "sHow" liKe tat sIa :xmIz u pPle Out thEre :) cOUnting on to fRidae... mEeting dArz frIend from australian, thEn going to aNgeline chAlet.. sEe u gUys thEre ( mEtta,jaNz,kJ..eTc) :)
Memories that fades
9:38 PM
Memories that fades
9:42 AM
Sunday, February 13, 2005
BeEn qUite " dEad" 4 sOme tiMe Already... i mEan in bLog lAh.. :x rAther lAzy to bLog At hMe bEcOz thEre iS connectivity pRoblem at hMe oR toO lAgging.. sO qUite fRustrAting until duN wAn bLog lE.. sO hAB to WaIt till cUm sChool thEn uPdate..Got aLot mOre hong bAos.. bEcOz gOt gO dArz sIde Ma.. hIs dAd reAli gIf mE lOts sIA.. aBit pAi sEi sIa.. bEcOz mY paRents duN thInk gOt gIf him sO mUch lE..aNyway.. wEnt ruNning oN bOth mY sIde aNd hIs sIde bEtwEen thE cNy pErioD aNd gOt reAli tiRed frOm All thEse.. aLot of mY reLatives cAnt reCongiZe mE.. bRing dAr wIf mE tO pAY visit aNd thEy thOught hE wAs mY couSin whIle i aM hiS Gf.. (they saE he lOok like oNe oF my cOusiN) aNd sAEing i gOt mOre wEsteRn lOok lE.. wA... thoUght i lOok More lIke "chInagEr" :x enJoy lOts.. maNage to bRing aBit of lUck to dArz oN gaMbling tAble wHen he plAy wiF hiS coUsins n bRother aNd wOn quIte afew lOts 4 2 daeS :) aT leAst mAke me fEel bEtter thAt i not brInging baD lUck to hIm :xluckIly wAs Not scHoolin 4 thAt WeEk, aLthought wAs woRking oPening oN fRidae.. whIch got quite aLot of cRop uP.. lIke tiX prInting mAchiNe gOt strUck.. coMputer nEeded wAt sEcuRity aCcess cOde whEn thEre iS aN lOng qUene in fRont oF my cOUnter..sHortage oF $1.50.. aNd a bAd uLcer oN my toNgue..baD dAe 4 mE tAt dAe..bUt dArz cAme to fetCh mE aFter wOrk to gO judE hSe.. wA.. wAiting 4 tAt dAe 4 sO lOng le :)reach thEre qUite lAte lE.. abOut 8Pm.. wEnt to cold sTorage to bUy a cHix ( additioNally foOd 4 diNner) n cHocolate 4 his sOns...haB a sImple diNner wiTh chIx wiNgs,vEgs,mAShed pOtota,hOtdogs n potato iN tomotA sAuce... sImpLe bUt dEliciOus.. of course nOt coOk bY juDe.. but hIs mAid.. :x bUt he diD the chIx wiNgs which is "thumB uP" :) hab a Great tiME uPdating each othEr oVer the diNner aNd laUgh quIte lots..foRget to sAe who wEnt.. mI,dArz,yIli,zLue,janz n jEreMy.. bRyan,brenDan,kJ cAnt mAke it sO lesSer peopLe le..wAtch sEx iN the ciTy whIle sUrfing thRough juDe paSt pHotos. intEnd to wAtch a mOvie but Ddnt wEnt dUe to tiRedness iN moSt of uS..aUnties n Uncles cAme to my hSe yeSterdae... mUm prEpAre lOts oF fOod But i lUv the lEmon fiShes bY mY auntie bEst..wA.. tOo baD cAnt eAt mUch bEcOz nEed go oVer dArz dAd thEre to mAkan AsO... haB a baD haNd yeSterdae bUt mUmmy maNage to wiN baCk 4 mE quIte aLot.. loSt oNli about $4 cOmpared to previOusly $7. haB a sEafOod "feAst" at a reStaurant witH dAr fAmily.. Eat until v fUll..dArz eAt uNtil toO full till hE haB sTomach paIN..bEcOz hE aLready quIte fuLl but haB to finiSH the reSt of the fOod.. sO haB a guEssing gAme wiF hIs bRothers.. wHo whEn loSt, haB to eAt a pOrtiOn of the fOods.. aMazing hOw thEy the sTuff thE foOd down thEir throat wHen thEy aRe oN the vErge oF thEir sTomach bRusting oUt :xcAnt wAit 4 mY hOildae aGain ON thuRs..mAy thiS wEek paSs quIckly :)gOing to gUitar n mEeting my dArz aFter hiS wOrk toDae.. maNage to cAtch up aBit wIf eacH othEr oN thiS sPEcial dAe :) * vAleNtine dAe* sO goIng to toWn eArly lAter..lOok aRound 4 sOme eAting plaCe which iS nOt clSing eArly lAter sO cAn aBle to enjoy a gOod mEal wiTh hIm :)
Memories that fades
7:02 PM
Thursday, February 03, 2005
lAlA..nOt fEeling v thE haPpy aBout sOme cHildiSh gUy whIch cAnt sEem to chAnge hiS cOncEpt oF thiNking.. aNd i sUppoSe hE aPpareNtly bLock Me, wHich iS jUz sImplY fine wiF mE. whEn dId i sTart to thiNk sO littlE about thE fRienDsHip Of hIm n mE? haHa.. whEn hE sTArt cuRsing pPle aLl tAt bA.. fiNding eXcuSes fOr hIs wAtEver reAson to sCold pPle aNd eXcuSes to hAte sOmeoNe.. i tRuely aM nOt imPreSsed or lOok hIghly oF tAt.. iF u wAn to coNtiNue oN thE chIldiSh wAy of dOIng n thiNking, bE it.. duNo whEn i aSo dUn reAli cAre aBout uR fEeling.. jUz saE wAt i wAn..maybe i sHould dO tAt eaRlier.. b4 evErythIng sTart.. kiNda reGret whY dDnt mAnage such sPirit LAst tiMe..
duNo wAt to dO 4 saT.. coMfirm mEeting dArz.. aNd jAnz + li lAter.. juZ tat hE dUn waN to gO hMe lE..bEcOz hE nOt tAking cAr..sO dUn wAn sPend eXpeNses oN tAt.. lIke tAt meAn saT wIll bE quIte a sHort dAe lE.. Luckily pAy dAe at 12am :X ShOulD bE sTill wAndEring OutsIde at tAt tiMe bA.. wiTh jaNz n lI sUppoSing..dOUbt thEy aRe Early bird to go hMe eIther.. wAt aBout dArz? i dUno.. MayBe aS hE saE.. He go hMe pLAy gaMe wiF hIs fRieNds.. i duNo...
sTuPid woRking tiMe lAter..6pM to 4aM..duNo whEn i dUn Like eArn mOney.. lOng hOurs i wIll cOmplAin..mAybe i Juz gEtting sIcker eVErydaE i hab to wOrks.. lUckily iS l4.. aWay fRom thE eAgle eYes oF sUpErior pPle aRound thE cOmpAny.. i wOrk 4 eNjOymEnt.. Not 4 jUz mOney.. laLa..
Memories that fades
8:28 PM
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
lAla.. bEen bLog hOpping b4 i dEciDe to cUm n bLog... mM.. sEem tAt aLot oF thIng haB hapPen.. whIch i jUz hAppEn tAt i dDnt go to thE mEeting n dDnt reAli unDersTand wHat hAppen.. bUt kJ saE uNtil lIke tAt iN hEr bLog..Mm.. thiNk sHe aLready wAlk oFf fRom thE "hOme" oF cAthay.. yeAh!.. i aM cUming sOon tO jOin u pPle :P lAla.. mAybe sHould jOin cOffee bEan wiF jEff..At cLark *kEy* ( sPellIng ErroR) :x oR mAybe sOme jOb nEarBy mY hOuse.. At leASt it wOnt bE tAt tIring 4 mE eIthEr.. aLway KinDa wAna tRy woRk At tIong bEcOz qUite aLot of sTore attrAct mY aTtentIon Of a gOod wOrkpLaCe :) nO woRry to mEtta u aLl la.. aLthought i dUn kNow wAt hAppeN.. BuT sInce wOrk uNtil sO unHAppy.. quIt eArlier.. eLSe it bEcOme a dRag to wOrk.. Like wAt i goIng thRough Now.. sO sIck of haBing to gO woRk.. i lUv mY bOss..jUde~! hE's thE beSt.. eVe thEy all i dUn reAli reGArd.. 4 thE saKe of wOrk... liKe i sEe thEm oUtside.. i aSo woNt cAll thEm dE.. bEcoz thEy duN mAke a gOod sUperIor..
sTomach growling nOw.. lAla..bUt duN haB tAking in sOmething..mAybe mEnsEs cuM siAnz.. haHA.. yah.. mEnsEs cum le..sO hAppi bUt thEn quIte jIA lAt lAh :P todAe iS the thIrd dAe lE.. tHInk iF i cAn coNtrol wAt i iNtake inSide.. thInk By tueS cAn fiNisH bA :P todAe lessOn still tAt bOring .. But slIghtly BEtter iS tAt No pRogRammIng to dO .. gReat.. BECoz i bAd At tAt :P
yeSterdAe wAs a sUper dUper sHopPing spRee n tIring dAe 4 mE sIa.. jIo yOng,ru n li aT fIrst pEi me gO sCott bUy stH.. bUt coNclUsiOn
yIli gOt work
rU laSt tiMe saE wAn chAse sLy.. cAnt go -_-"
yOng lAst tiMe saE got wRk.. cAnt gO
sO sMs jAnz.. whIch sHe lAter agRee :) wEnt tO bUy a bIllabong pAnt 4 daNiel.. thOught iS $40+.. who KnOw gO n pAy tAt tiMe.. thEn KnOw iS $80~! wA... bUt nEver mInd la.. hE wAn tO bUy bUt sE bU de.. sO i jUz dO a gOod dEar dEar to hIm.. bUy 4 hIm :x aLthought heArt aBIt bLeed la.. sO nOw totAlly cUt oUt oN mY sHopping sPree tIll mY pAy dAe thEn sEe How bA :P dArz reAch oRchArd Early.. sO cAme n fiNd mE n jAnz at fAr eAst.. kEep thInking oF plaN to gEt thE sIze oF dArz.. whIch jaNZ finally haB a grEat idEa.. sHe jUz saE shE wAna bUy a rIngs fOr hEr pArents.. thEn saE hEr dAd sIze aBout thE saMe aS daNIel..sO tadada... gOt It :) thaNkz gEr :x maKan aT thE taIwan xIao cHi thEre.. gReat fOod.. dAr acCompAny uS sHopping AwhIle tIll tAka..thEn wEnt to fInd fErrEn..thEn gO mAkan thEn thEy brOught a pResEnt 4 yoNg le.. aRgh~! i N lI haVent gOt oNe yEt.. :x But yoNg saE aNything related to wInnie thE pooH n f4 cAn le.. sO mAybe go mOre thAn wOrds at cEin sEe hOw... :)
tOok a cAbbie wiF jaNz to bUgiS to meEt yoNg.. thEn gO wAlk wAlk n bRought a pAir oF Ring thEre :) cOst another $70.. $150 gOne witHin a daE lE :x thEn wAit fOr thE eNgraving aLL tat..hOpe hE will liKe lA.. laLa.. If dUn lIke.. thEn bO piaN le..sInce iS whAt i n jaNz dEciDe iS nIce dE :P wEnt tO conVerse to bUy thE sLippEr foR fErrEn..laLa.. thEn jaNz wEnt baCk fiRst..aLthought sHe sE bu dE uS :X haHA.. But nO chOice haB to go hme dO hEr sPeecH + sHe aSo v tiRed lE .. sO lEft mE n yoNg.. Went to wRap daNiel prEsent.. bEcOz tHought mEeting hIm..whIch EventuAlly tuRn oUt nO..laLa..sO pEi hEr awhile.. thEn wEnt hMe whIle sHe coNtinuE wAiting hEr fRiEnd..
mY bElovEd xiAo gOu cAlled mE uP jUz nIce..thEn toK wIf hEr oN thE pHone 4 quite lOng..fRom bugiS till mY houSe..thEn kEep pSychOing hEr to cUm Out mEet mE fiRst b4 sHe gO oUt wIF hEr fRiend... thEn sHE paSsed mE mY vAleNtine pResEnt :x a cAt bEing wRap uP abIt .. thaNkz gOu gOU :P lala
jUz eAten my lUnch..vEgertiaN bEe hooN :x sO fuLl wAn bRust lE..nExt tiMe duN wAn Eat lE lA.. mAkan wif xiAo zhU.. whIle wAtchIng xiAo sTarz jaMming.. thiNk iS cAll tAt bA.. plAying wiF tHe dIsc like tAt dE :x.. sO nOw coNtinUe mY vB woRksHeet.. On thE vErge tO clOsing my eyEs.. But thEn.. nO siaNz.. will bE mEetiNg dArz lAter.. sTill iS onE bIg mOtivAtion tAt sEts mE kEep hOping foR sChool to eNd faSter :)
thInking oF quItting gUitar..saMe wiF aManda n aH fU.. sUpposEly oNli daBbies nOw lEft wiF the onLi mOtivAtion to go gUitar bA :P i iS oK bA.. mAybe nOw wAn sPend mOre tiMe wiF dArz.. tAt whY i rAther i usE the tiMe go oUt wiF hIm thaN to gO gUitar..sInce hE aso goIng gUitar SoOn lE.. 2 yeArs..Mm.. tHen wiLl bUsy wORking lE.. But dEfiNately duN hOpe iS cAthAy.. jOb hUnting..aGain :x
Memories that fades
5:49 PM