That My Life ;DDD *

Thursday, March 31, 2005

bEen fOrce to rewRite thIs enTry 4 thE thIrd tiMe.. this Time i gOing to saVe as i wRite...lATer cOmputer haNg aGain.. aLl my eFfort gOne waSted siA~!

nEver mInd.. bEing sIck fOr dAes sInce sAt... haB a High fEver oF 39 aFter Going oUt sHopping wiF hUbby... thEn fElt sO weAk n haB a baD heaDAcHE.. So toRtuRing.. laSt tiMe sTill aLway HpE i wIll fAll sIck..sO i cAn sLeep thE whOle dAe.. bEcOz baSed on mY mEmoRy.. i sPend my laSt fEver oN bEd.. juSt eAting, wAtching tv n sLeeping... a lifE of pRincEss.. guEss tAt waS hOw fEver iS whEn i wAS pRimary 3.. nOw "it" dOEs Not trEat tHeir vicTims wIf sUch "rOyalty' aNymOre :x .. feLt gUlity thOugh, BEcoz wASted huBby hOildae jUz sPending tiMe nuRsing My hEalth n dDnt gO Out.. knOw hE aSo diSapPointed.. bUt NOw i aM oKay.. cAn gO cHiong le :x

aNyway... haB a baD dAe on mOndae aSo.. bEing a nAughty gEr oF Not liStening to mUm to sTay aT hMe n wEnt to mEet huBby... aCcompaNy hIm go fuNan taKe xBox.. oN thE baCk at mRt.. haB uNcOmfOrtaBle in my tUmmy n dizZyness... vISion gRaduAlly tuRned dArkened.. inStantly, i jUz sIt dOwn...bEcoz i reAli dUn wAn fAint n sCare uNtil hUbby.. i lEan aGainst thE wAll.. n luCkily, i fElt lOts bEtter.. hUbby waS woRry sEeing my pAle fAce n juSt hEld mE oN.. a kiNd lady nOtice my dIScOmfort n oFfer mE hEr sEat, bUt i waS cOmfOrtaBle juZ sItting oN thE fLoor,sO dEcliNed hEr kInd oFfer.. thaNk aNywAy~! bEcoz sHe iS thE oNli One wHo ofFer cOmpAred to thE sO maNy pPle aRound tAt dEfiNately nOtice mE of my sUdden aCtion. :x

thEse dAes i aM bEing cURse with heaDache.. thEre is nOt a sIngle dAe wHIch i cAn gOne bY without it aNd it aFfecting gReatly oN my mOod..sUppoSing iS my insUfficIent sLeep whiCh i kEep wAking uP in thE nIghtz.. hOpe i cAn sLeep bEtter toNight.. eLSe iT goIng bE woRst wHen sChool reoPen in 2 wEeks tiMes..

thiNking Of sChool mAke mE sIanz.. hazi.. nO chOice.. juz haB to tAhan 1 mOnth lIke tAt n i aM oFf 4 aNOther 1 mOnth hOildae in June~ aNyway.. Got baCk my pOints 4 my sChool thIngs aFter thE faciliatOr inVestigAte thE mAtter.. lUcKily~! PhEw

aNyway.. fIrst tiMe officially mEet daNiel Kor todAe..Nice mEeting u~!

n....yAh.. huBby bRought a ExpEnsIve aDdais sKirt-shOrt 4 mE.. wHich i mYsElf dUn sEdE to bUy 4 cOst aBout $50..hEartpaIn 4 hIm,bEcoz hE is saVing hiS allOwaNce thEse wEeks.. n jUz oNe gift to mE maKe hiS sPend 3/4 of hiS saVing le... BUt i aPpreciAte it.. thaNk dAr :)

Memories that fades
8:04 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005

jUz reaCh hme fRom mEeting YilI n yOng to tOk.. oNli chAt wIf yoNg 4 awHile.. mOSt oF thE tiMe iS lI bA.. thEn Pei hEr mEet cHristIan n cAl.. thEn gO hEndeRsOn mArket.. aNd i baCk at hMe.cAlled hUbby tO coMfirm toRomOw tiMing.. goIng to sEe hItch wiTh hIm n hIs bRother n fRieNd.. tOok eXtra sTaff cOm.. sO gIf hIs BrothEr lorZ..

hUbby toLd mE aSo.. saE Juz nOw aT hMe.. thEn hE wAnted to pass sOme mAil to hiS bRother.. thEn tOok qUite LOng thEn hE oPen.. thEn hiS brOther iS inSide wiF hiS gF.. thEn he toLd hIs bRother dUn aNyhOw.. :x bUt i thiNk othErwIse le.. AsO can pUrely sLeep insIde ma.. thEn hE saE gUys is likE tAt dE..iSnt? haHa.. i aLReady Got aFew gOod eXaMple to oUtvOte 4 tAt ...

sAw kJ wIf hEr faMily juz nOw whIle woRking... sAw HuimIn.. sHe iS reAl cUte, eSpeciAlly hEr sMall geStureS.. reAli lIghtEned uP my dAe sIa.. tIred fRom sTanding wHole dAe wIthout reSt.. thIs aPply to thE paSt 2 dAes Of wOrkIng Aso.. totAlly eXhuaSted n aChing..

gOt a nEw maNager.. naMed iVan.. sEem yOung lIke 19.. bUt sInce iS a maNaGer dOubt hE will How yOUng la..dDnt tOk mUch to hIm, jUz a gOod bYe.. bUt fiNd hiM v kE liAn Sia.. thE wAy eVelyn sCold hIm.. mAybe aNother oNe jUz sOonEr oR lAter tAt might qUit lIke douglEss..

nOt a gOod dAe.. sHoRt $16.. hAzi.. duNo dO hOw lOng dE fRee laBour.. bUt 4gEt it la.. wIll woRk hArdEr to eArn baCk thE mOney.. huBby hOildae nExt wEek.. sO mUst wAit uNtil aFter nExt wEek thEn cAn chIong.. jUz sPend mOre timE wiF hIm neXt tiMe.. sHould be goIng to mAlAysia foR a dAe oN thUrsDae iF eVerytHIng goEs aS pLanned :) goIng to dO sOme sHopping.. etc..

wOrld is sO sCary.. i thInK reAli thE sEcondAry n PRimAry sChool fRiends aRe sO iNnocEnt n grEat.. thEn i lIve cOntently bEliEve the wOrld iS sO Nice.. tIll i gEt to leArn aBout thOse pPle.. lEt thEm bE in a cIrcLe.. aWay fRom Us.. iS sO sCary How sOmeone u sO clSe to oNe daE, cAn bE uR gReatest eNemy thE neXt dAe.. oNe wHo kNow sO mUch Of uR seCrets...shAre sO mUch laUgher.. cAn wAlk aWay fRom u wIthout aNy sIgn oF lOokIng baCk.. cArry theM oFf fRom My fRiends.. into thEir owN woRld.. hPe thEy will eXperIence thEmsElves.. lIke tAt kNow wAt is the feEling oF thE tRust bEing bEtRayed lIke..

Memories that fades
8:30 AM

Monday, March 14, 2005

bEing sO loNg sInce i laSt wRitten mY eNtries.. dAes bEen sO sWeet wIthoUt aNy uNhaPpiNEss.. fEel like reAli thoSe born oN rAbBit reAli cUrse sIa ( tHiS yEar rAbbit dE pPle doWn oN lUck mA) aLot Of thIngs beIng hAppeNing aRound.. sOmetiMe uNtil i fEel kInda bLissfUl 4 wAteVer i haB..sChOol..hUbby..eTc..

dAes will paSsed v faSt..sOon..hubBy wIll be iN nS.. mM.. haB to cHerisH thE timE nOw and gEt uSed sEeing lEss Of hIs fAce :x thEse dAes tOking qUite oFten aBout hiS nS thiNgy.. like wHethEr hE wAna sIgn On. As a fiRe fIghter bEcOz wIll haB hIgHer sAlaRy.. jUz thInking Of saVing $$ 4 thE fUtuRe.. bRother saE thEre v toUgh.. aSk hIm dUn sIgn aS tat.. mM.. i leAve tHe deCisioN to hIm.. jUz bE saFe... :)

jUz got hMe not Long fRom cOnsOling oNe Of mY fRiend fRom hEartbReak. Juz eNded a reLatioNShip,wHich aLthought more thaN a mOnth But haB a sWeet pEriod thRough theSe dAes.. rEasOn foR bReakUp iS nOt bEcOz nO more fEeling bUt jUz tAt mAy nOt bE aBle to cOpe wiTh hIs sTudiEs whIch hE priority As fiRst. mY frIend dUn bLame hIm, jUz tAt bRood about thE prOmisEs hE mAde, thE amount of eFforts shE pUt iN, thE nuMber oF "wEi qU" sHe Put Up wiF hiS faMily n fRiends, thE aLot n alot... aNd i jUz sEe hEr kEep cRying n cRying tiLl hErs tEArs rUn dRy.. i duNo wAt eLse i cAn sAe le.. But i jUz cAn sAe, thIs gUy iS a gOod gUy. jUz tat mAybe thEy mEet At thE wRong tiMe. mAybe iF thEy mEet After hE fiNish hIS stUdies,thiNk thEy wiLl be one oF the hAppieSt cOUple wIthin mY aTtaChed frIends. pRomISes oNli laSt tAt Long, wHen the rElationsHip iS sTill tHere. oNce iTs gOne, prOmisEs sEem aLl lIke liEs givEn bY the oTher pArty iN the paSt.. wHo Know wAt wIll hapPen thAt thEy May gEt baCk toGether? 1 thIng 4 sUre, i dOubt my tHis fRiend wIll Be gEtting aTtached wIthin theSe fEw yeaRs bEcOz sHe aLready giVen uP hOpe oF haBing hEr "mR rIght".. its juz a aCcumlAted Of heArtbReak thAt sHe gOt, wHich shE reAli fEel tAt dEsPair in fInding "hIm"..

kiNda sTreSs Up wIf mY oNcoMing sEcOnd yEar pRojEct wHich i dUno 4 wHy.. wEnt 4 the bRiefting toDae in sChool..sEem gOing to bE quite tiMe cOnsUming.. tiNking of intErviEwing mAybe eVelyn? jUz wAna to fiNish mY project oN dOing a pRofEssioNal.. wHIch i tAke sHe cAn hElp to cOntributeS aLot of eXpEriEnces eTc.. haVent sEttle oN aNyOne.. mAybe jUz a maNAger wIll dO.. hEachAche..jUz a pResSure i aDded Onto mE..

wAn to eNjoy a nO-pResSure,sTreSs life.. No school..wOrk... jUz do wAtevEr thiNgs i wAn.. At aNy pace i lIke.. iTs jUz a drEam.. tat wIll be fUlfIll mAybe... whEn i reTired? :x tAt a long wAy doWn the roAd...

Memories that fades
8:43 AM

Monday, March 07, 2005

pEople.. aNyoNe mIz mE ? haHa.. aT leAst gOt onE pErsOn complaIning about my laCk oF eFfectivity :x sO, i jUz cuM n fInisH Up thE woRk wHiCh i laZily kEep puShing bEhind :x aNywAy... tHEse dAes aS uSuAlly bEing mOStly wiF dArling.. dUn cOmplaIn Me bEing wiF hIm sO oFten thEse dAes bEcOz hE gOIng nS sOon lE mA.. thEn i nOw yEar 1 aSo gOt mOre timE.. jUz wAn tO pEi hIm MOre.. sInce oUr reLationsHIp oNli sTArted to sTable.. sO jUz wAna to mAIntAin it. sOrry pEople~!

kNow iTs hArd for u.. sUffEring aLone wiTh thE paIn whIle Ur fRienDs aRe enJoying.. sEriously, i dUn sEe the pOint oF wAnting the fRieNdsHip baCk. i thiNk iS aLriGht to sOlve the mAtter.. bUt thEy sEem quIte sCary. mAybe i thE tYpe oF oNce Bitten, twicE sHy. tHus, uNwilling to pUt thE tRust iN "hEr" ( i onLi mEant dm) bEcOz iS jUz tOo pUzzlIng aNd sUrpRiSing hOw sHe chANges aNd tuRns to aNother chAracter jUz wiThin a dAe.. i dUn kNow hEr wEll.. mAybe sHe iS dUe to ciRcUstmAces, wHich cAusE the drastiC chaNge. aNywAy, jUz sMS me aNytimE u fEel tErrible oR alone in cLass. At leAst u sTill haB lOts Of frIends oUtsIde. tHink u wIll kNow whO i mEant lAh :x tAke cAre.. Once thE thIng bLow oUt, iT bE oKay. nO pOint hOlding on tO a fRiendsHip whIch doEsnt rEtuRn u hOw mUch u chErisH.

kInda sIanz oF retuRning to sChool toDae. jUz tOtally eNjoy mY lIfe At hOme aLthought haBing to dO the hOusework aLL tat, bUt duNo sInce whEn, i tOtally quIte dEtest gOing to sChool. mAybe dislike will BE a bEtter la.. elSe sEem lIke got hAtred oR wat lIke tat :x AnywAy, hOildae next wEek, wiLl nOt bE goIng sChool toRoomow aNd fRidaE. sO mY hOildae iS mOre lah :x jUz hOpe mY sChool dUn mOve to wOodlanD to eArly first, else i wiLl sUffer More sIa.. haBing to wAke up eArly aSO.. tired sIa.. aNywAY, hOpe yoNg cAn cUm to mY sChool Lorz.. At leAst sHe will PeI mE gO la.. reSult will bE Out eNd of mArch.. :x

gOing hUbby aUnt hSe thEre to eAt lAter.. yEstErdae i BRought thE mOst expEnsIve bReads sia.. sPend a totAl Of $16 sIa. bEcOz bRought fOr 2 fAmily... thEn i bRought lE.. thEn kNow hUbby thE fAmily v lEss eAt thoSe tYpes lE.. lUckily hE hElp me pRomote, sOrt oF "foRce" hIs bRother to tAke more sia.. bEcOz reAli aLot lOrz.. thEn hUbbY onLi tAke oNe sia, hiS 2nd bRother tAke 3,3rd brOther tAke 1, hiS mUm tAke 1. i bRought aBOut 9, sO i still got 4 sIa.. bUt lUckIly huBby hElp mE prOmote sia, elSe cOmfirm gEt sColdIng dE, bEcoz reali aLot lOrz, thEn toLd mUmmy i bRought 4 hiS fAmily tAt y dDnt gEt sColding sia..

Memories that fades
8:33 PM

Thursday, March 03, 2005

rAther bOred nOw, sO i bE "gUai" aNd cuM n uPdate... thiS wEek sEem rAther sLow beCoz hOildaE sTill gOt a WeEk timE aNd sUddeNly i juz hOpe thE nExt dAe i wAke uP, wE bE in hOildae lE :X nEver mInd, baCk to rEaliTy :x

haPpening dAe oF thIs weEk sO fAr iS oN wEd. wEnt out wiF lIng. sO lOng dDnt See hEr lE.. bEcome pRettier lE.. :x bUt mOre mOody lE dUe to pErsonal pRobleM.i hElp By EntertAIning hEr :x wAited 4 hEr aT popUlar whIle sHe tOok a bUS down fRom dOver. aNywAy, dDnt wEnt tAt sChool tAt dAe, But wOke uP eArly aSo to pEi yOng aPpeal fOr DAE aT mY sChool. Hope iT will bE sUccEssFul then i Got oNe mOre sChool mAte, cAn gO hMe toGether le :) *pRay pRay* :x aNyway, jUmp bACk to pOpuLAr whiCh iS At tIong. fEel thE sUdden uRge to cAtcH a mOvie,sAme aPply to Ling :x bRough tiX fOr hOwl mOving cAstle 4 6+ wHile wE gOt aBundEnt tiMe fOr uS to eAt aNd wAlk aRound. wEnt sakae sUsHi, was v fUll, lIng dAd aNd One oF hiS fRiend jOin uS. cAn sEe tAt lIng nOt v haPpi laH :x bEcOz sHe wAn tOk to mE bOut hEr thiNg ma, thEn hEr dAd thEy all thEre, nOt "fAng piaN" to tAlk lOrz .. wEnt oFf sHortly aFter tAt, bEcOz awkwArd iN the Air mA :x aNyway, wEnt to aCarade to pLay to pASs timE :x sPend the lOngeSt dUration At mEtal *sLug* (sPelling eRror) cOuldnt fOund tHe tiX, paNic tHen wEnt baCk to thE bOx oFfice coUnter to aSk, lUckily sOme kInd hEarted PeOple fouNd n pIck it uP :) thaNkz :)

thE sHow waS nIce, thUmb Up :X wAlk to thE reDhIll buSsTop wIF lIng chAtting oN thE way.. tAlk foR quIte sOme tiMe,thEn wEnt baCk lE. After tAt wEnt mEet yIli aGain, bEcOz sHe Asked mE oUt, So wEnt to tAlk sOmeMore till 11+pm. waS exHaUsted, but jUz cOuldnt sLEep stRaight aWay. aS prEdiCted, i woKe uP tirEd thE neXt dAe.. :x

hUbby'Dad bIrthDae on sUnday, prEsent wRapped uP, By huBby :x bEcoZ i sTomach paIn thEn, dUn fEEl lIke mOving. nOw leFt thE cArd haB nOt wRite oNli :X

siAn sIan... yEar 1 cuMing to aN eNd, yeAr 2 sEem sCary AsO.. At leAst PaSs a year le.. 2 mOre yEars, And i aM oFf fRom thiS yUcky sChool :X

Memories that fades
5:44 PM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
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16 may,
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