Wednesday, April 27, 2005
baCk aGain... bLogging aT sChool aGain, bEcOz i aGain tOo bOred.. chAlet thiNgy kInda sEttle dOwn lE.. lEft $60 fRom mIne n rU sHare.. bUt i bE pAying 4 hEr fiRst since She nO $$ .. aIyah.. If sHe dUn kEep cHasing sLy.. wIll haB dE la.. tOo mUch invEstmEnt in hIm le :x
aNywAy.. fEeling mY liFe kInda nO aIm lA.. lIke mY sTudIes aSo.. sEem lIke rEali cAnt mAke it sIa.. sTudiEs thEse dAes aRe sO toNg kU.. wIth nO clue n unDerStanding oF wAt i lEarnIng.. MoreovEr iTs gOIng to bE 2 yEars Of tHIs.. How cAn i sUrviVe tAt.. sInce i aLready cOmplaIning oF the 2nd wEek lE :P sOlutIons to iT aSo lIke No sOlution.. oNli haB to mAKe mysElf bE intErested in it.. bEcOz i cAnt qUit sChool.. maYbe i aso dUn wAn la.. sEem lIke a waste Of tiMe.. hOpe thIs 2 yeArs will pass v fast la.. eLse.. i goIng to haB a haRd tiMe..nOw cAn oNli cOunt doWn to prE-cOming hOildae... At leAst tat a MotivAtion :)
yEsterDae mAke mY hUbby aBit ANgry sIa :P beCoz hE hElp me rub my BluE-bLack.. But bEcOz too pAin.. thEn wAn to sTrUggle awAy.. thEn bU xIAo xIn kIck hIm.. saE sOrry.. hE aSo likE nOt mUch aCknOwlEdgmEnt siA.. thEn sOmemOre hE lOsE HIs tHumbdRive whIch coNtaiNs thE pOwerpOint wHich iS needEd to bE preSented toROmow.. thEn hE gOt reAl aNgry sIa.. sCary sIa.. sO i jUz kEep qUiet.. lUckIly hiS frIend gOt a cOpy in hIS coMputer. But hE uPsEt iS loSe thE thUmbdrIve, bEcoz it is oNe oF the latEst dE.. iNteNd to bUy 4 hIm, bUt hE saE hE nOt uSing it aNymOre aFter toRomow pResEntation.. lUckily thiNgs goEs bEtter aFter they reAch hiS frieNd hSe.. aNd stArt to gEt thIng dOne.. "pHew" :P aNyway, iTs a haPpy eNding fOr tAt eNd :)
reAd tHrough oNe of my fRiend bLog.. mM.. sEem thIng kInda gOt baD..wIf hEr bF n hEr.. gUess hEr bF maYbe aBit toO insEntivIte BA.. dDnt thInk uNtil hEr fEelIng.. hOpe eVerything wiLl pASs Out sOon..
tOromow wIll bE fRidAe lE.. juz tAhan tORomow lEssOn cAn le :) hOpe it wIll bE oKay la.. dUn lEt mE dRead aLl the lEssOn evEry wEek siA.. v tong kU to sUriviE lIke tAt..
ipOd mIni goT hUng.. dUno How to dO.. thiNk mUSt reFormat lIke wAt wEndy saE ba.. mEan i haB to re-pUt thE sOng iNto mY iPod lE..!! tRoublEsOme.. bEcOz i 4gEt How to Put lE.. thEn bEcOz of it.. mAke sO mAny mA fan to My coMputer files..But guEss aSo bO piaN la.. lAter gO hMe thEn tRy..
mOther dAe cUming.. dUno wAn to Buy wAt 4 mY mUmmy..gUess aBIt Of sHopping iS a gOod wAy to find out Ba :)
Memories that fades
9:13 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Sat wEnt thE cOoking lEsson wiF hUbby n His FriEnds aT a hOtel At buGis.. b4 thEn, haB a bUffet lUncH at thE HotEl wHich iS iNCluded iN the paCkaGe..tHe fOod iS oKay.. dDnt Ate mUch bEcOz eAten mY bReakfaSt Juz aBout 2 hRs aGo.. sO kInda waSted tHe $$.WeNt Up 4 thE leSson aFter tAt.. thE cHef tAugh uS-chawamusHi-thai nOodles wiF duNo wAt thiNg-cHix and wat shark fin sOup-saLmon wRap in tacoaGar is like tat la. 4gEt le :P thEn tAste thE fOod aFter TaT.. nIce.. eSpeciAlly tHe cHIx sOUp.. bEst sIa.. n thE cHEfs aRe bOth v fRiendLy... sEe whEn thEy hoSts wAt lEssOn aGain, thEn cAn go lEarn.. bUt cAnt tOo ofTen sIa.. pEr perSon lIke tAt iS $30 aLthought coNsIdered chEap wIf iNcluded thE lUnch bUffetaFter tAt wEnt sHopping toGether aT pS n wEnt cArefOur 4 abit oF sHopping.. hiS fRiends wEnt OFf aFter tAt.. wHile mE n huBby wEnt wAlking aROund tHe plaCe aImlessly.. fiNally sEttle dOwn At bUrgEr kIng aS wE aRe both eXhausted.. sUrprIsing.. i maNAged to fAll aSlEep sO fASt whIle huBby wAs eAting.. mAKe oUr wAY dOwn to cEinlEisUre to cATch swing gErs.. thE sHow waS Not baD..fuNny.. hUbby laUgh quite aLot But uNtil saE aBout 6/10 :x v hIgh tARget sIa.. Now, oNli mOment to reMemBer gIF hIm thE thUmb uP sIA.. :x.. dEcIde to hEad to hUbby hSe to reSt fIrst whIle wAiting fOr hUbby mUm to cUm hme tHen hE wiLl dRive me hme.. wAs dEad tiRed..(dUe tAt i oNli fEll aSleep at 6am+ dUe to clSing.. n thiNk iS sAha.. plaN the taXi sO lAte.. laSt sHow oNli uNtil 4aM.. But he plaN it at 5.30am.. thEn mE,aYub n aNOther mAlay gUy wEnt to wAtch "guess wHo" oNli maNAge to wAtch the fiRst fEw mIn aNd fEll aSleep..jUz maNAge to cAtch a gliMsph of thE mOvie b4 it eNded :P ) sO wAs fASt asleep.. n ddNt pEi hUbby wATch the "hUng fEi hong" :x was awakeNed uP bY my aLarm cLOck aT 1.30am.. wOke hUbby uP but hE jUz duN wAn :x iNtend to reSt 4 awhIle bUt wHo kNows.. sLeep till 4aM thEn wakE up.. fASter wAke hUbby uP althOught hE kEep fAlling baCk to sLeep.. :xaS eXpected.. gOt sColding fRom mummy.. :x bUt cAnt tHinK mUch bEcOz i was v tiRed sIa...iNteNded to watch "s dIary" neXt sAt.. hEard fRom gLen saE v nIce.. mY mUm gOt paCifiEr dE dvD.. sO cAn saVe oNe tRip dOwn.. cAn wAtch At huBby hSe.. thEn mAybe wIll sTart to tRy thE cOoking tAt wE leArn Ay thE hotEl.. aNd iTs aLso a sPeciAl dAe.. bEcOz iTs oUr 11th mOnth toGether.. chEers.. :)
Memories that fades
11:18 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
yEsteRdae haB a gReat tIme wiF the 7'S ( 7 sIsters) :x bEen lOng sIncE the laSt tiMe wE wEnt Out toGether.. BecOz aLway sHort oF 1.. wHich aH rU la. aLway sLy,EneRgy.. bUsy wiF iDol sIa.. anyway.. mEet yIli n yOng eArly to Buy fErreN prEsent.. fIRstly wEnt to buGis pEi yOng tAke hEr mEdIcinE.. thEn waLk aRound.. thEn fOund a "tEa-pOt" sEt nOt baD.. shOuld be tEa pOt ba.. 4gEt le.. jUz oNli tOok oNe glAnce b4 thE pErsOn wEnt to wRap uP le..aNyway... rOt aRound thE aRea wAlking aRound aImlessly :x yOng wEnt to mEet hEr bF aFter tAt at lOng joHn whIle mE n lI wEnt sHopping.. i dDnt gEt aNythIng.. dDnt sEe aNy lIking + i oN a sTrict budgEt thEse dAes, sO jUz cOntrol thE bRought a chEap sKirt at $8 thEre.. think coNsidered v reAsonAble.. sOrt oF sAw mY Kor-danIel thEre juz a fEw glaNce sUpposIng iS hIm bEcOz oF tHe sTrong reSemblEnce Of tHe gUy n mY Kor aFter uPon reCieving hIs sMs..aNyway.. wEnt oFf wIthout yOng to cEinlEisUre fiRst lEtting the cOuple spEnd mOre tiMe toGether.yOng maNaged to cAught uS wiF uS b4 we wEnt to aCarde.. aNd as usUal chIong "hOusE of thE dEad 2" sPend aBout mAybe aBout $10 oN tAt.. aNd dEciDe to pLay aNother usUal acArade gAme..cAnt remEmber thE naMe la.. sAw mEtta,aNgeline,aYub,yUemEi n uNcle hAmzah thEre aso.. thEn lUe n fErren jOin uS bEfore mAking our wAy dOwn cAfe cArtle.. lI kEep tArgeting the rOund tAble n aSk the wAiter to reServe the pLace 4 uS once it iS eMpty.. Ru n jaNz aRrive qUite sOme tiMe aFter tat :XyOng foOd cAme thE lateSt.. aBout 1 hR aFter wE ordEr.. maKe hEr aNgry Sia.. aNyway.. sAw a cOuple quArral.. wHere a gAl rePeatly kEep sLApping on hEr bF face siA.. evErybOdy sTunned sia.. thEn sHe juz kEep cRying.. thEn wE all sTarted kPo.. kEep oBsErving thEm.. gUess wAt thE prOblem eTc :x thEn thE gUy kEep mUmble duNo wAt thIng to HEr.. then jUz gIve hEr keep sLapping.. mM.. i mEan eVen thOught hOw.. thiNk the gAl sHould reSpect aBit Of hiS fEeling n pRide, sLap Once oR wAt sUan le.. kEep repEating.. thEn aFter tat coSy wiF hIm le -_-" wEird... :X aNyway.. thEy wEnt oFf sHortly aFter tat,haNd wIf haNd ...wEnt to tAke sTaff cOm fRom dErrick,bOy n saha to wAtch 3 iRon.. aSo tOok sWing gErs 4 mYself to wAtch wIf hUbby oN sAt :x aNyway.. all of uS juz duN uNdersTand wAt thE sHow aBout sIA.. chIam thiNg.. dUn wASte mOney :x wEnt hme aFter tat.. sEnd yOng hme fiRst.. thEn lI.. b4 i oWnself wAlk hme.. cAlled hUbby After tAt to cHAt awhIle b4 i go sLeep..toDae wAke up v tiRed sia.. But bO piaN.. mOdulEs evErdae sO sIAnz.. sUper dRag to cUm to sChool :x
Memories that fades
10:12 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
Been quite awhile since my last blog.. school reopen today.. was rather bored and moody of the fact :x ddnt have anyone from my previous class.. but luckily got 1 good friend from my ex ex class ( i spill class twice) so at least there someone i know well there.. not tat bad.. manage to know 3 other classmates within my groups.. they are friendly.. duNo wat about the rest of my classmates la.. but based on the short time in the class, they seem alright.. guess it needs time b4 time gets warm uP..went bugis wif hubby juz now to change shirt. Brought a shirt 4 him but too small.. is not reali tat small.. juz tight.. so get a bigger one so more comfortable. so went shopping around. then went parkway there eat the "duo hua" Nice becoz v smooth :) duno isnt the food got problem becoz habing a stomach pain now..was charging my new ipod mini from my brother. He got tat 4 my birthdae present althought my birthdae was still about a month away. He scare later no money, cant buy 4 me... so faster buy. Got engrave so waited about 2-3 daes for the shipping. Still was confused and alien to the ipod mini but guess need some time to explore around. Anyway, thaNk bRo :) however, it cause me to start cracking my brain wat to get 4 him since he got such a expensive gift 4 me.. luckily i got time 4 brainstorming since his birthdae is at oCt :Xmeeting wif li janz yong ru lue n of course the birthdae ger = ferren = on wed. havent got any present 4 her yet so will be going down shopping early on wed with li since i no school on n yong does not have much cash so guess wat we going to spend on wed hab to take into considerations of their limitation.guess i was also fine wif it since i am aso starting on my saving scheme "x per week maximum spend $25gtten sleep le.. hope my team toromow will be effective n i will be same team wif dabbIes :x sChool betta end early n let me take a break from the torturing modules :x
Memories that fades
8:34 AM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
bEen kiNda sLacking oN my bLog n evErything... RottiNg aT hMe bUt i rEalise i kInda lUb thE liFe :x lYing oN the cOach n wAtching dvDs, eAting n juz bArely sTretcHing mY aChing lImbs.. sUch lIfe iS hArd to cUm wIth uR tiMe aT uR haNd.. u gOt thE tiMe to dO wAtever u wAn aT a sUper Low paCe.. :x mAybe kInda iNfluEnce bY lI Rotting lIfe At hmE..aNywAy.. wOrk toDae bUt lUckily jun yIng tRanfErred l4 woRk.. At lEast sOmebOdy i cAn cRap aRound... hEard tAt gLeN teMp tRansfErred to cAusewAy to wOrk.. saD sIa.. thE leAst fEw maNAger nOt wIf eVe aSo weNt oVer.. But hEard fRom dErriCk hE will bE baCk iN oRchArd 4 tHUrs.frI n sAt.. hE aSo v saD sia.. bEcOz lOts oF thINgs hE gOt tEll gLen de, thEn Now hE nOt aRound, dUn haB thOsE NOT oN eVe sIde the maNAgemeNt sTaffs to tAlk le..aT leaSt kNow gLen iS pOpulAr aMong thE pEople, thE sTAffs mIz hIm ma :xdiD a sMall haLl reNtal wiF saHa toDae..tiMe was qUick n ruSh hMe to eAt dinNer wiF huBby.. sHort tiMe bUt eNjoy thE sHort timE in bEtween :) sTill haB Not dEcIde wAt sHow to wAtch oN sat.cHoiceS=pAcifier,beauty sHop n S diAry... i pErfer s diAry.. tRy psYcho lI n jaNz to wAtch tAt One :xhEard fRom jyIng tAt sHAruL n eVe oN v bAd tErms.. thEn thInk mAybe neXt mEeting thEy will sae oUt.. like evE cAnt sEperAte on pErsOnal n woRk sTuff... v baD on maNaging hEr tEmper...aNyway.. sEe hOw eVerything gOEs oN.. but dEfinAtely nOt sHarul fAult n eVe sEem kInda ..pEtty Sia.. aNyway... wElcOMe baCk yUemEi n auDrey :) hEard fRom sAha saE aNgeliNe mAke the dEciSion to cUm baCk woRk cAthay.. sURpriSing dEciSion bEcOz shE duN sEem thE tyPe tO mOve baCk On hEr dEciSion.. sInce cAthay i ASo duN nEed iS cOnsidEred mUch a eNjOyable pLace to woRk :x mAyber sHE neEded more cAsh bA.. aNyway... rOt n eNjOy n laSt 1 wEek + b4 i reOpen sChool :x
Memories that fades
8:19 AM