Wednesday, September 21, 2005
jUz cAme bAck fRom tEkong.. fOr mY sChool tRip. gO thEre can eArn 4nDa pOints, wHy nOt? sEem eaSy la :x wE need to accumlate 40 of tat poInt to gRaduate aNd i oNli haB 20.. sO sTill haB a lOng wAy to cOmplete la.. aNywAy, sAw sPencer.. sHe bEcoMe more sKinny lE sia.. bUt Still thE same cRappEr hEr.. :xaNywAy, haB an enJoyaBle daE yeSterDae wIf hubBy and hiS couSin aNd bOyfRieNd.. wE wEnt to sEe "prEfEct cAtch" toOk sTaff cOm fRom saHa aNd iMa.. thEn scAre until sIa.. bEcoz thOught gOt aLot of sPace, who kNow.. go thEre sEe.. leFt sIngle sEat.. lUckily thE bOxofficE sTaff hElp mE aSk tsHa realeasE hOuse sEats.. eLse, diSappOintment.. dRove thEm hoMe and wE wEnt maKan at lOt 1..thEn wAlk aRound.. huBby bRought mE a health thiNgy.. coSt $70 sia.. i hEart paIn foR him sIa.. bUt thaNk huBby.. muAck :)aNywAy, i dRop my eXtra moDule.. sO i still bE sTudyin 4 dAes onLi.. scAre cAnt tAhan thE preSsure sIa.. thEn aFter haB to rePeat if fAil :xtorOmow goIng sEntoSa wiF li, cAl aNd mEi xi bA.. hOpe eNjoy mY dAe toRomOw..i miZ u
Memories that fades
4:53 AM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
soRry pEople.. bEen laCking aLot.. buSy woRking All tAt.. thEn cUm onlIne aSo qUite sHort will lOg oUt dE.. sO duN reAli haB thE timE to wRite.. Okay oKAy.. aLl eXcusEs oNli :xaNywAy.. bEen woRking in cArtlE fOr aBout 1 moNth le.. gEtting uSed to thE peoPle aRound aNd tHe eNviRonMent..but sTill.. sOmetiMe will haB a dRaggin fEeling to woRk.. mAybe i haB Not found my haPpinEss in wOrking thEre yEt ba..mAybe i sTill nOt coMfoRtable wif thE pEople thEre yEt aLthought thEy aRe fRienDly.. bUt sOme iS juX sImply cAnt clIck lA.. guEss iT nEed mOre tiMe to bReak thE icE ba ")thEse dAes wiF huBby haS lEssEr unHappiNess compaRed to thE eArliEr dAes.. gUess wE aRe bOth tOo ruSh intO thiS rElatiOnsHip tAt wHy bOth sTill doEs not haB thE undErsTaNding to eAch othEr yEt ba.. sO tiNk mOre tiMe iS requIre to sTablize thiS rElatiOnsHip.. i knOw hE iS gOod to mE.. but sOmetimE i juZ cant hElp fEeling tAt hE cAnt unDerstaNd mE..sOme thINgs i duN dAre to saE.. afRaid oF him loSing tEmper eTc.. guEss somEtimE iS bEcoMing a pResSure oN mE.. tO saE oR do wAtevEr aCtion in fRont of hIm.. aNywAy.. i jUz lEarning in thiS paRt of rElatioNship.. in thE sEnse of unDerstAnding him ba..lEft 2 wEeks Of hOildae.. sEem likE going to eNd v sOon le.. saD saD.. still tInking wAnting to tAke the eXtra mOduLe ma.. bEcoz sEem tat tiMe will be alot tiGher haBing to wOrk aSo.. guEss it will bEcoMing aBit mOre tiRing.. bUt huBby saE me tAke.. a paRt of mE wan, bUt a lAzy paRt of mE hoPe foR my oFf dAes in School.. guEss it jUz a 'xiAn ku hOu tiAn" bA.. sO mAybe i jUz tAhan thRough my 5 dAes.. and jUggling wiF woRk aSo ba..bUt tiNk mUm wOnt bE tOo glaD.. bEcoz sHe dUn wAn me tO wOrk till sO tiRed.. but guEss sUpporting oN my eXternal eXpenSes shOuld be wAt i shOuld dO now ba.. sIncE i alReady conSidered bIg le..soMemore go Out or wat.. eArn mOre eXtra buckS aSo mAke my caSh flOw lEss tiGht bA..*hOpe rAinbOw will coMe oUt.. sTop tiNking of the unneSscEssary*i wAn to bE a haPpy gIrl evErydae ")
Memories that fades
9:46 AM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
bAck fRom tHe dEad :x thEse ri zI saMe rOutiE.. woRking, gOing oUt.. huBby bEing rAther bUsy lAtely.. bEcoz hE sTarts plAying mAple sTory.. sO moSt of thE time is plAying tAt le.. thEn mEet hIm aSo wAtch him plAys.. sO mEeting hiM lEss lE.. nEver mIn.i cAn sTill gO shoPping wiF my pEng yOu n sIsters wOr.. aBit xIn kU to connEct thE sEntEnce togEther bUt bO piAn lA.. bEcoz oNe of thE lEtter iN my kEyboAr* sPolit.. thiNk agAr u all cAn guEss whiCh lEtter la.. sO haB to rEplacE with chiNese wOr* At sOme lEtter la.. :xaNywAy, huBby know hE g0ing iN aRmy in 12th moNth(*eC) haB nOt officAlly rEciEve thE lEtter but bEcoz hE cAll thEm uP, sO knOw lOrz.. sO mEanwHile thEse mOnths, iF cAn, will sPen* mOre tiMe wIf hIm loRz..jUz gOt baCk fRom hiS fRiEn* birTh*ae thE chAlet.. gOt 2 of hiS fRiEn* v joKer sIa.. laUgh till i almoSt cRy sIa.. cAn fight wiF kJ le :x at fiRst thOught sHe v li haI le.. nOw got 2 aSo sIao sIao aSo *e :x .. aSo cHange a nEw bankbOok sia.. ah pa bEen naGging mE to chAnge sIncE i aM frEe.. thiNk torOmow gOIng baNk aPplying *ebIt cAr* wIf xiAo gOu.. thiNk gOt sUch cAr* wIf uS, mOre fAng pIan bA.. aT leASt in othEr cOuntRy aSo cAn usE.sIncE sHe g0ing thailan* sOon.. gOt sUch cAr* wif hEr aSo bEtter la.. aT leaSt Not en0ugh, sTill cAn usE maSter ma..luE biRth*ae cElebrAtion thiS fri.. lOoking foRwaR* to it.. bEen wAnting to gO out n eNjoy sIncE i Got mY pAy fRom cAfe cArtlE le.. sTill gOt cAthay n saKae cUming uP.. aLthought seem aLot of plAcE.. But all coMbine aGar onLi $300 sIa.. :x thEn sTill gEtting my moNey fRom xIao gOu thEy all.. at lEast cAn mAke bAck to mY taRgEt la.. elsE huBby aGain saE me sPen* so mUch agaIn :x muSt pRovE to hiM i cAn saVe *e wOr ")toRomow goIng out wiF xiAo gOu n yOng.. sIncE aSo gOt pAy le.. cAn go n enjOy ouRsElves.. kTv sEssIon cuMing uP sOon le.. mEtta u all.. like *isAppeAr liKe tat.. cAn aSk me out If u all aRe fRee.. i aM wAiting :x
Memories that fades
8:10 AM