That My Life ;DDD *

Monday, November 21, 2005

t0dae tEst iS hArd.. tiNk gttEn fluNk sIa.. hA.. hOpe i cAn jUz aT leAst gEt a jUz pASs sia..nExt wEek gtten pOn mOnday n tuEs lEssoN.. aBit duN wiSh.. but nvm la.. pEi aH dArz gO hoildae.. aSo haPpy la.. ")

tiNk pRobably dO sOme DIY pouch or wat f0r aH dArz xMas preSent.. know AbIt eArly nOw to saE but iF reAli i dOIng.. tiNk i nEed toNs of timE ba :x

aNd i tRy sIanz aBout mi hP la.. now the button "9" cAnt press.. then mSg v hArd la.. sOmetimE bO piAn jUz leAve the woRd aS it is. (eCt: hOw = ho) bEcoz cAnt pRess w ma.. whIch iS on thE buttOn 9 ma. aNywAy, tInk i will sEnd mI hP to nOkia cAre b4 gOing to kL,sIncE i aSo Not be needing my hP aRound thEre aSo.. tiNk aSk thEm dUn rEpair fiRst.. aSk thEm cAll mI n tEll mi thE aMount b4 rEpaIring ba.. elSe lAter v eXpenSive, tHen i miGht aS wEll bUy a nEw hP sIa.. :p

nExt wEek thEn cAn gEt thE aMount fRom xiAo gOu tO pAy mY bIll.. tiNk gO kl sHould be gOing to sPend qUite aLot.. sO dEcember mUst chIong bAck aBit..

cAfe cArtel aBit sIAnz siA.. now reAli duN mOod gO thR wOrk lE sia.. n i wRking on diS wEd aS caShiEr.. siAnz mre half siA :p .. iS thR aNy poSsible i bE qUitting sOon? :x haa...

i juz lOoking foRwArd to dIs fRi.. mM.. aNyway, anyonE haB a maP for kl? tinK Need to BRing ba.. in cAse wE be loSt thR~! :p

Memories that fades
4:51 AM

Friday, November 18, 2005

jUz cAme bAck fRom wOrk.. finIsh my bAthe n wAiting for my hAir to dRy, sO i cUm n uPdate aBIt loRz.. jUz nw wOrk saW mOther.. bEing qUite lOng sInce i lASt sAw hEr.. sHe toDae doIng bOxoFfice wIf jEffeRy.. a full tiMer whIch i todAe thEn know thOugh hE bEing wOrking fOr quite sOmetime le :x

aSo sAw mIss kJ wif her "lee" aNd tiNk iS anothEr oPerator cAlled kElvin..tiNk thEy mEet thEn aFter tat gO out ba.. agAr 3am+ whEn thEy cAme.

aSo saw wOng opErator thEre.. hE cAme baCk "viSit" sia.. now he woRking thEre pArt tiMe le.. found aNother pArt tiMe jOb tat iS mre relAXing + hiGher pAy "p gLad fOr hIm thOugh")

g0t a sCare sIa.. clOsing thEn jASper sae mi short $70+ theN i RecOunt the credit cArd.. thEn fOund oUt he cOunted lEss sIa.. :p pHew anyWay~thEn cOunt le.. sTill sHort $10.. tiNk hE cloSe hiS safe then got extra $10+.. tiNk pRobably he skim wRongly cOunt ba.. becoz todae take quite less counter.. and aso v careful wif all my transaction..

after tat.. hab a chat wif jonathan + jaspher.. kinda know afew stuff lorz.. but then after tat nice.. got to know them better.. then todae aso get to know douglas which is a new partimer there and aso one more duno wat name de who is jonathan friend.. v crAppy sia.. but when bored, aso quite entertain sia.. "p

anyway, dAr recieve call from cmpb saeing going in on dec2. so fast sia.. thought he feel like pushing away, but then they sae if he push, he onli can go in next year de june.. so long de difference.. so choose to go in next month.. so both of us are cherishing every moment together.. *swEet* ")

mi going kl next fri to sunday wif my dar.. juz wan hab a hoildae together b4 he go inside.. tink probably kl ba.. genting mostly is within the hotel onli.. maybe going to browsn through the website first b4 deciding which destination lor.. at first sae wan go bangkok.. but mum dun allow + suddenly got the call from army.. then no time to plan tat aso.. so no choice la.. but never mind lor.. 2 years later.. i older de.. mum probably will let mi go + ah dar will be out le :)

so next month probably working alot mre le.. since weekdae aso nth much lor.. other than probably once in a while meeting my buds to catch uP.. tink can chiong work.. save enough money.. for more hoildae "P

Memories that fades
1:59 PM

Sunday, November 06, 2005

haHa..i think i reali multi-task wor.. now blogging,watching show, and half way listening to my friend presentation..haa.. guess it juz show tat i am not reali a good student wor.. "P

cathay pay haven cum, same for cartel de.. althought it is not v big sum of money, but at least got some can help cover some expenses.. hubBy not v hAppi i keep spending and my bank money keep dropping :P i know la.. so now dun reali dare take money out and try to tahan as long as possible la..

class being boring todae.. especially todae came a part time facilitor which i dun reali like la.. abit sian half la.. then the lesson v draggy aso.. juz hope can off class faster sia.. later probably meeting wif hubBy n his brother.his brother gtten go acuputure ba.. then huBby driving him uP. hoPe hubBy brother todae de O lEvel maths will be oKay.. sAme gOne wIf xIao gOu ba.. more worry for xiao gou le.. becoz she like ddnt study sia.. keep going out sia.. :P

hubBy inTend to go thailand probably next month.mAybe during dec my hoildae becoz she wan go overseas before he go amry, else he cant go oversea for 2 years le.. thought haven recieve letter, but think probably will be in dec... hope we can able to go thailand b4 he go inside least we 2 can enjoy abit of time for now gtten keep saving n saving.. tink gtten costs quite alot ba..

hoildaes counting down to 3 mores weeks. hope it will faster come. i am tired.. keep like not enough sleep sia.. wana faster finish all my projects,points so i can reali carefree go enjoy my hoildae ">

* & pai sei to metta la.. my birthdae put ur there v long le.. will cum meet u somedae or find u when u wrking take from ya de..* "p

Memories that fades
10:36 PM

Friday, November 04, 2005

juz got back from steamboat cum gossiping session wif my sisters.. haa.. todae one man power down becuz lue went to kl.. then left the 5 of us went there makan n jalang.. earlier on rush down to cathay to return uniform for sibao.. duno wat eve is tinking la..becoz she work quite less, then sae wan take her out.. so sibao aso anything la.. then juz help her return.. meanwhile aso meet chris at there, he wan buy tix for harry potter on the 18 nov.. haa.. still got 2 mre weeks sia.. kan jiong sia.. but anyway to those wan to buy tix de..there is still ALOT of spaces sia.. 2 weeks ma.. agar i remember 2 rows is internet booking le.. but still got a lot of space la.. is hall 3,digital hall de..

hab a great time wif the girls, aiya, so far go out aso comfirm steady fun de la "p after makan, went acrade play awhile, then went suntec the starhub there drink coffee.. i drink ice vanilla latta.. wa.. so the not tat nice la.. "x at first is wan @@ the shuai ge ferren is mentioning about, but todae go,he cut hair le.. not tat yan dao le..haa..

then tok lorz.. about relationships mostly la.. then sex thingy..general topics but normally is about guys n relationship.. still is mostly about my friends phobia toward guys becoz of previous experience.. althought hoping to find the right & gd guy, still went meet someone who they like, they will not dare to put their feeling in nor pursue in it..guess it juz more time for them to dare to cross over tat border.. then my friend got one girl friend, hab a time limit for every relationship..longest is 6 mths.. then comfirm will break.. no on e how much she still like him, she still will break. becoz she scare of getting hurt later.. if later the guy is not faithful or turn wrong to her.. is a way to prevent herself from getting hurt..

isnt good guys are getting lesser.. or isnt my friends luck is still not tat good yet to meet them? even marriage seem scary becoz one of my friend brother is like already habing marriage problem when dis is onli their second year. is like his problem sae then dun care his son.. ask my friend help to look after..

juz hope my friend problem will be able to solve soon..coz is like seeing her everydae so dread to go hme..becoz the hme is like so cold..tml meeting janz go chinatown.. sorry tat i cant meet the cathay pple.. thought is like donkey of years since i meet them.. but we surely got some time to meet out right? haa... still.. i be able to meet metta tml ba.. from wat janz sae.. sae she wan pass mi sth.. haa.. duno isnt she meant my birthdae present tat is rotting wif her sia :p

Memories that fades
10:04 AM
Y The Girl

ting or more known as mao,
currently working as HR,
16 may,
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