That My Life ;DDD *

Thursday, December 29, 2005

jUz to aDd oN, g0t hit on mY bIg toE wIf thE nAcho cheEse.. n0w thEn i kNow how jAnz fElt wHen sHe g0t hIt.. tiNk tAt tiMe sHe g0t blEed, but mI luCkily dUn haB.. jUz a liNe thR.. n0w hEng oKay lE.. elSe juz n0w mY sHopPing will bE a toRture sIa~!

i wAna wAtch kIng kOng.. bUt aH bI dDnt rEply mY mSg.. sO i cAnt dO anythiNg witHOut a cmFirmation in cAse thR iS aNother plAn foR the weEkend "(

tmL still haB to w0rk.. i aM tiRed.. g0t diZzy sPell aT w0rk jUz n0w.. mAybe g0ing to collApse lE "[ ... dYing? h0pe n0t... bEcoz i g0t alot of tinGs haVen dO ")

*prAy for g0od heAlth f0r xmAs wIsh,thOugh it alReady paSs.. bUt sInce i haVen uSe aNyting wiSh foR tat.. jUst "pu" thE wISh fOr tAt cElebRation ba ") *

Memories that fades
6:48 AM

Memories that fades
6:35 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

bEen sLacking fOr qUite afEw dAes le.. rEgrEt gIf sAha 3 wOrking dAes this wEeks.. not rEali aLot of dAes la.. bUt i havEn bEen enJoying my hoiLdae.. thOught mAybe 1 dae oFf,go oUt wIF fRienDs sHopPing sIa.. But cAnt fInd rEplaCemEnt foR diS 2 dAes.. guEss nO choicE i haB to wOrk.. & i rEsTarting my sch nExt wEek.. aRg~

toNight iS cAthay xMas paRty,aIda mRning paSs mI the invitAtion cArd..bUt i wOnt bE g0ing.. jUz n0t int0 cathay pEople nOw la..th0se new one aRe siMply n0t v cloSe lA..sEem likE aNti socIal woR :x hAa.. guEss nOt muCh chAnce to woRk wIF thEm la.. thEse daEs keep wOrking wiF jY.. @@ hiS fAce uNtil sIan le.. hAa.. but thEn, hE is mY cRapping pArtnEr le.. "p

aNywAy, mIt uP wIF my sIsters yEsterdAe to go sEntoSa.. dDnt tAn hOw loNg.. rAin lE.. thEn jAnz n yiLi saE mi rAin g0d.. saD sia :x thEn wEnt haBourfront to mAkan lunCh, & mAke ouR wAy dwn to chInatWn dE kSter.. sIng untIl 9pM+ thEn wEnt oFf..

anywAy, hEng aH bI sUndae b0ok iN dDnt lAte.. okay la.. iS lAte.. buT buS haVen mOve OFf.. sO nOt yEt.. elSe tiNk hE diS wEek mAybe iNside dO guArd duty lE sia.. "P guEss oUr hOnEymo0n ovEr le.. n0w likE sEason lE..n0t sae got quArral or wAt la.. jUz tAt i dO thE tIng, hE likE doeSnt aPpreciAte lE sia.. sHit hiM sia!!! "p nExt timE dUn do foR hIm le,bUrn miDnight oIl thEn he jUz pUt onE sIde.. sad sia "P kou sHi xIn fei..

s0 sWeet to sEe friEnd bF dO sEwing foR thEm..hAa.. nO bOi nOt tat jIa lAt at leaSt hOr, got gif mi "mE to u" bEar ") lIng sae iS tRue lA..oR iSnt yili saE de.. gal do p0rch for guy, hE nOrmally woNt bRing out bEcoz too giRly le..:p gif thEm saE "zhui" le..

duN wAn wRite le lA.. g0 n @@ my sHow le.. tata

Memories that fades
5:22 AM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

aM hEre to bl0g b4 i g0 mEet my aH bI iN 2 and a 1/2 hR timE ") mEeting wIf hiS muMmy At juRong eAst mRt thEn togEther g0 to paSir rIs wAit aH bI..

wAke uP at 8aM to mAke fRuit jUicE 4 aH bI.. hE sOre thoart, sO maKe sTar fRuit n cArrot.. co0ling ma.. hOpe hE will rEcoVer so0n.. tmL wE b0th g0ing sEe chIx littLe at 11.30Pm.. toOk tiX from iMa wHo iS sTill iN hEr bReak.. bUt sHe likE dDnt go hOnEym0od le.. unlEss sHe oN hEr roAming la.. bEcoz yEsteRdae mSg hEr.. sTill goT rEply ")

xiAo goU cuMing baCk oN sUndae.. hOpe sHe aBle to gEt wAt i wAn :x

"excitEd" ")

aNywAy, saE aBit aBout yEsterdAe.. opEning wif jY.. brOugh lOng joHn bReakfaSt uP aLthought i mAkan le.. sCare lAter luNch dUn haB timE go dOwn.. bEcoz thEse dAes oPening.. iS onLi 2 pEople till 6pM (whEn we off wOrk) thEn sO mAny pEople ma,cAnt lEt 1 rUn aLone.. lUckily g0t a tRainEe (dvOn) cum aT 2Pm.. thEn mi n jY tAke tUrn eAt oUr sTuff..

fAzi biRthdae yEsterdae aSo.. eNgene wEnt to tAka bRought a sMall cAke to cElebRate for hEr.. pIty hEr la.. biRthdae sTill haB to woRk.. sOmemre tink iS 2pM to clSing.. dUn haB to go oUt le siA.. woRst ting iS.. sHe foRget hOw olD sHe iS!! Still nId tEll jY hEr yeAr,thEn hE cAlcuAte out foR hEr.. :x sHe is 17,sMalleR than mI oNe yEar oNli.. "P

sIgn Off...

bE baCk pRobably oN sUndae :)

Memories that fades
4:58 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

tiRed.. aS uSual la,wOrking aT cAthay haRdly aNy dAe i Not tiRed.. maYbe frIdae ba.. Bec0z tiNk tIx mRe eXpenSive,sO LesSer pEople bUy ba.. bUt tiNk diS fRidae,aSo v buSy.. Bec0z oF kIng koNg la.. sO thE sO mAny pEople bUying sIa..aNd nW i cOmfiRm iS 3 hr 20 miN sia!! i thOught 2 and a 1/2 hR.. duNo dIs sHow iS lonGer tHan hArrY potTer.. tiNk mAybe i will juz doZe oFf wAtchiNg it.. a lOng movie iS oNe whIch will mAke mI sLeEpy sIa..

tiNk toDae engeNe m0od v g0od.. 1st tiMe aUto cHat wIf mI sia.. nAn dE.. Even jY saE hE toDae 1st time toK to hIm thE mOSt siA..duNo h0w cuM hE sO g0od m0od lA.. bUt tiNk mAybe intEract mRe le.. sHould bE okAy le.. sHort aBout $26 todae.. dUno How cUm sIa.. bEcoz i qUite sUre i will bE exAct sIa.. thEn duNo jY saE duNo eNgene g0t wAt tiX.. hE prEviouSly g0t ruN mY cOunter mA.. thEn nEver mInd lorz.. bEcoz jaSper aSk uS laTer cloSe haLl.. g0 in find anY tix sTub,thEn wE fInd anOther pArt aT l4 uSher,thEn he reFund ") dIs mEthod iS taUght bY jY la.. hE saE laSt tiMe eileEn sHort $100+,hE n glEn do diS wAy hElp hEr sOlve the maTter "P duNo hW cUm i kEep sHorting wHen i aM qUite sUre i cAn exaCt sia.. tmL wOrking will bE eXtra cAreful le..

aFter tAt r0t wiF jY wHile wAiting 4 wEndy, Bec0z sHe n jY sharing cAb ma.. thEn jy haB to wAit till wEndy oFf w0rk at 8pM.. thEn aFter i finiSh fiNding my tix.. aSo aGar 7.30pM le.. sO juz wAit together for hEr to g0 off lOrz..

thEse 2 dAes dDnt sLeep wEll..kEep wAking Up.. yEsteRdae sTraight i g0t 2 nightmaRe.. aNd iS a diFferEnt oNe de.. maKe mI scAre untIl wake uP.. prEviouS nIght iS i juZ sUdDenly wAke uP.. thEn cAnt fEll aSleep.. qUite lOng i dDnt niGhtmare le.. & i duN tink i haB 2 iN 1 niGht.. h0pe i bE able to sLeEp wEll toNight.. gtteN lo0k my bEst oN fRi wHeN i @@ "hIm" ")

Memories that fades
6:11 AM

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

bEen oFf fRom bLogging foR qUite aFew dAes..moStly dUe tat mI bRother oFf diS whole wEek.duN haB to gO baCk cAmp,sO stAying moSt oF hiS nIght aT hMe pLaying coMputer,sO i cAnt plAy lorz.. i aSo aNything la.. thEse dAes wOrking.. cUm baCk aSo v tiRing lE..

toDae kIng koNg gAla.. sO mAny pEople siA.. l4 the uSher pOint lOng quEne sIa.. untIl kbOx thR.. all 3 hAlls kIng kOng.. thEn lEvel 6 aSo all kIng koNg.. sO betWeen 6pM till 10.30pM thR wont bE aNy sHow BeCoz tAt sHow is aBout 2 and 1/2 hR siA~ s0 lonG sIa.. tAt y bO piaN haB to wAIt till 10.30pm thEn otHer sHow thEn cAn plAy iN..

wOrking wiF tanyAna oR wAt dE todAe (tiNk hE is aN indonesIa gUy) But hE iS v nIce gUy ") bUt @@ him likE v kE liAn sIa.. jaSper trEat hiM likE v bAD lorz.. tAlk to hIm likE sO ruDe.bUt toK to uS iN a nicEr t0ne.. buT hE rEali a v haRdw0rking pErson.. g0od tAt concEss haS mRe haRdwOrking pErson lE.. anOthEr oNe is hiS fRiEnd..aSo inDonesiA guY de.. aSo v nicE.. bUt duNo hOw cuM jaSper n eugene tReat thEm so baD,tOk to thEm sO haRsh.. rEali kE liaN thEm.. thEn tAnyaNa todAe sHortage.. bEc0z he kEy wRong.. 2 othEr coMp,but he kEy aS cAsh.. tHEn woRst tiNg iS hE gIf thE cUstomers thE aNother haLf.. thEn i hElp hIM tRy go l6 uSher poInt fInd, thEn thE usher dDnt tAke thEir tiX sTub.. thOught maybe g0t sOme hPe hE will.. bUt hE dDnt.. thEn bO piaN hE haB to pAy.. rEali pIty hiM sia..haXi..

aNywAy, tMl w0rking wiF jY.. sHould bE v sTeady sIa.. bEcoz hE is mY cRapPy pARtnEr ma.. thEn tiMe paSs faSter..mAybe tmL aFter wOrk @@ g0t wAt fRee liSt sHow.. g0 @@ sHow :P

huBby cuMing oUt oN fRidAe~ haPpy sIa.. b0th bEen miSsing eAch othEr diS 2 wEeks.. sO wE kEep uP bY sEnding mMs to Each otHer to lEt oNe aNother aGar @@ how wE lo0ks likE now or wAt.. hAa.. hE g0t chaNge la.. botAk ma.. bUt i dDnt "p mAybe bEcoz thInnEr le ba.. BEcoz nOt bEen eAting Regularly duRing wOrk.. "P

lo0king foRward to thE wEekend,yiPpe~

Memories that fades
6:03 AM

Friday, December 09, 2005

jUz cAme baCk wIf my oUting wif my sIstErs ") mEet uP qUite lAte lOrz..hA.. bEcoz a waS lAte.. at 1st mEet 7pm.. thE luE saE sHe will bE laTe.. whO knoW sHe reaCh thR 7.30pM.. nOne oF the rEst haS aRrived sIa. sOmem0re thEy n0t much tIngS on duRing thE aFtern0on..-_-" mI n fErrEn comFirm lAte bEcoz botH woRking.. thEn after mAkaniNg mY diNner.. jAnz haPpeN to cAll mI,saE thEy n0w tAking cAb dwn,aSk mi wAn mEet thEm ma.. thEn i aNytiNg.. sO wEnt d0wn fiNd thEm.. jUz tAt aH bI aSo cAll mi ") nAn dE hE sO eaRly cAll mI siA.. tiNk todAe iS the lOngEst wE sPEak tO each othEr foR dIS wEek sia.. aNd tiNk iS mRe thaN the aMount of time wE talk 4 thE paSt 6 daes siA.. tAlk tinK agAr haLf aN hoUr :) "bAo gUi dE sHI jIan" wOr :P

mEet uP wif luE n fEr aT kFc.. aFter tAt intEnd to go tCc rOt.. bUt nO sPAce.. wAlk all thE wAy to PS thE tCc aGAin..aSO duN hAb sPace.. sO sEttlE At cArtel..& tHe m0St evIl tiNg i dO iS to sPlaSh tHe wAter oN yili :p At 1st is sHe wAn sAbo mI, while i dRinking wAter sHe puSh my cUp,thEn i puSh to hEr tHr.. sPill out aBit oF wAter tO hEr jeAn.. ha.. eVil.."P paI sei pAi sEi.. aSo duN kNw whY i diD tAt jUz n0w..hA.. bUt kNw sHe wont tAke it to heArt..hA.. bEcoz wE aRe a tAt bIg heaRted~ "P

aNywAy,jUz saW one OF my fRieNd pRofilE in fRienDster.. tiNk hE brOke uP wIf hiS gF lE.. saD sia.. bEc0z he likE sO hard to wAlk oUt Of hiS pReviouS rElatIOnshIp aNd g0t intO diS rElati0nship.. but it dDnt woRk oUt agAin..duNo hOw hE will bE tAking diS tiMe heArt bReak.. But h0pe hE bE fiNe. pRobAbly haB a cHristmAs cElebRation wiF my sEcondAry sCh fRiend.. n0t coMfirm bUt i bE lOoking foRwArd ")

Memories that fades
8:31 AM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

jUz fiNish tAlking oN phOne wif huBby.. likE sEem sO fASt sIa.. agAr likE 5 mIn sia :p hAa.. nEver mind lOrz.. mAn mAn xI guaN :p

aNywAy, toDae wOrk At cArtEl..fiRst tiMe dO wAfflE sIA.. qUite eASy Sia.. But mY bAnanA cUt uNtil nOt v nicE le :p bUt At leaSt my fiRst tRy fOr wAfflE tuRn oUt nicE :) maRd(mAnager) aso saE nOt baD siA "P tOdae dO 3 wAfflE.. laSt oNe iS yuKo(chEf) tOo fREe.. cuM oUt kA jiAo thEn hE dO lORz :P tiMe paSs qUite fASt toDae.. mAybE bEcoZ jUz nOw buSy dOIng thE wAfflEs.. thEn fAx thE orDers.. thEn cAll mI fInd rEplaCemEnt.. cAll pEople aSk thEir bAnk a/c.. hAa.. buSy bUt i likE it lA.. elSe i v tONg ku sIa.. juStin(bAR) sTill saE timE paSs v fASt sIa..

aftEr tAt, y0ng n li cUm dWn fInd mI.. inTend to sIng kbOx dE.. But thEn aFter tAt,dEcidE nOt t0.. saVe $$ aSo ") wEnt mAkan piZza hUt.. thEn aFter tAt gO shop aRound mArine.. wEnt tO thE 1st sh0p, wHich wE g0t qUite iRrated sIa.. 1 oF the sale giRl (got 2) iS sO "fiErcE' iN prOmoting thEir g0ods sIa.. mI sWay la.. 1st onE giF hEr tArget.. wHile hEr aNOther colleAgue Attend to yiLi n y0ng.. kEep puShing clthEs intRo mI.. thEn nEver mInd.. i dUn wAn.. thEn i g0 whR, sHe folLow.. i staRt flIpping thE clothEs to @@,sHe saE wAt nicE oN mI, stRaight aWay aSk mI go tRy.. evEntuAlly fiNd onE nOt baD.. thEn go tRy.. tHen aSk li foR opIniOn.. sHe beSidE kEep saEing nicE nicE.. saE mI find aNother t0p to "pEi" thEn i juSt kiNdly rEjeCt. fASter gO change Out.. duN wAn bUy.. cOz v eXpenSive la.. a skIRt tAt coSt $40+.. aBit t0o sE chI siA.. thEn cUm out.. sTart pRomoting hEr clthEs to Mi agAin.. saE dun wAn thEn faSter g0 fiNd li to "savE mI" siA.. thEn cUm Out.. reAlisE y0ng n li aSo got "bug" by hEr sia.. clthEs oBviouSly duN lo0k nicE on thEm,sHe aSo saE nIcE..1st timE scAre lE. neXt time duN dare go in sia :p

sHopPing aRound thR.. bRought a skIrt at eBass..1st timE i bRought clthEs At thR siA "p bEcoz thE tyPe of clthIng thR dUn quitE sUit mI.. sO noRmally i duN evEn go iN @@.. thEn wHo kn0w.. toDae go iN,thEn @@ thE sKirt nt baD :P kiNda gUlity wHen i buy bEcoz i toLd mI daRz i wAna save mA.. thEn nOw bUy clthEs.. sO dEcidE tAt i bUy diS will bE mY chinEse new yeaR clthEs :) kInda eArly h0r? bUt t0 mI still Okay la.. bEcoz i aLwAy t0ok a lOng timE to fiNd my clthEs..v tiao ti la :p s0 thEn, i saVe onE sEt of chinEse nEw year clthEs le :)

thEn wEnt sUntEc.. bUt dDnt @@ aNything eithEr.. thEn still early.. wEnt to bugiS.. mI n y0ng thE enErgy qUIte loW lE.. But jUz wAlk lOrz.. thEn saW a t0p aT bugiS.. buY agAin :p sO agAr sPend abOut $51 buCks.. heart pAin sO detErmined tAt elSe of thE daes of diS mtH,cAnt buY ting le.. thEn cAnt aNyhow sPend $$ le. dis 2 weEk dOing g0od.. eXcEpt fOr toDae :p jiA u~!

tMl wOrking cAthay siA.. h0pE w0nt tOo mAny pEople :p aFter tAt mEeting my Sisters,sO gttEn ruSh baCk,thEn ruSh dWn agAin..concEssIon uSing fAst "(

Memories that fades
6:27 AM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

todAe wOrk aT cArtEl.. tiMe paSs sO sLow sIa.. sAw tHe nEw chEf.. mM.. thE fAcE aBit bAd bOy lOok.. wEnt Early toDae.. bEcoz pEi yIli gO ma.. mI wORking at 12.30pm,thEn sHe At 12pM.. haLf aN hOur.. gO thErE rOt loRz .. :x rEach thR le.. bEcoz "aH-sam-gEr" loRz.. jeSsica (maNAger) wAna pUt moNey in baNk, i gO hElp hEr dePosit.. thEn thE rEst wAn mAkan.. i gO hElp thEm bUy.. ruN n thR.. hAa.. thEn haI mI lAte lOrz.."P bUt nEvEr mInd la.. i aNythIng dE.. thE m0st sTay aBit lOngEr later to "pAy baCk" lOrz..

toDae mI aLonE aFter 2pM.. till 5.30pM.. bEcoz 2 wEnt oFf at 2pM.. saD sia :x bUt nEver mInd la.. luCkily dDnt cRop uP la.. bEcoz i ruNner aLwAy bLur bluR de.. laSt timE is aLwAy sEnd wRong oRder.. nOw bEtter le :x thEN bEfoRe g0ing hme.. sUddEnly gOt 18 pEople lOr~! thEn likE sudDenly evEryonE sO bUsy loRz.. haA.. bUt quite fun la.. eVeryoNe woRk toGether sEnd the foOd eTc..evEn yiLi(cAShier) cUm out hElp loRz.. luCkily sHe gOt sia.. ElsE i whAck hEr sia.. becoz i aLone ruNner siA.. thEn aLone haB to sEttlE sO maNy thIngy cAn die.. But thEn juStin (bar) + jeSsica aSo g0t cuM n hElp lorz ")

aFter tAt.. maKan wAfflE aT thR wiF yiLi.. thEn weNt wAlk aRound bEfoRe heaDing to liNg hSe.. wEnt thR..maKan aGain~! tink i gEtting fAtter le BA.. sO maNy fo0d iN a dAe sia :x thEn mEihui j0in uS sHortly.. thEn aT hEr hsE.. cHAt.. goSsip.. sCary sTories :x thEn wEnt oFf aBout 11pM.. iF tml duN haB woRk oR sTill eaRlier.. wE cAn chi0ng chAt sia :P bUt nEver mInd.. oUting cUming Out ba.. sO haB another chAnce.. ")

tmL woRking aT 11aM to 6pm wiF jy~ haPpy sIa.. bEcoz mAybe wiF hiM quite stEady.. g0t pe0ple pei mI cRap le :x w0nt sO b0ring le.. aSo cAn sU ku aBit le..hA..tMl will bE a fine dAe :)

Memories that fades
7:53 AM

Monday, December 05, 2005

tiRing dAe woRking At cAthay toDae.. pEople jUz kEep cUming.. lUckily mOther(kaNu) n aNOthEr nEw gUy hElp mI dO opEning.. bEcoz gOt fuNction at 10aM+ bA,thAt y thEy cuM doWn sEt uP,eTc iN cAse thEy nEed bUy tIngs Ba.. thank 2 thEm, elSe tiNk i wiLl probAbly not aBle to fInish mY tiNgs sO fAst 'P

maNage to "sLaCk" aBit bEfOre mY cRowd cuMs.. aNd it jUz kEep cUming n cUming. mY leG pRobably tOo lOng Ddnt sTand lE ba.. sO fReaKing soRe sIa.. :p rOger(maNager) aSk mI wAn gO bReak mA.. bUt tiNk aSo nO poInt lA, i aSo nOt huNgry + uPstair thE pEople i aSo Nt v clOse de.. thEn aSo dUno whO to fInd,s0 dUn wAn gO lorz.. jUz kEep wOrking n wOrking lOrz.. mEtta n wEndy cAme to fiNd mI aBout 5pM+ .. sEeing sOmeOne u kNow aNd aBle to reLax n chAt aBit reAli maKe mi fEel bEtter siA :p aSo sAw chEn haN wEi thR, wIf hiS gUy-fRiend lOrz..g0es pEacEful toDae.. dDnt haB aNy baD cuStomEr ")

bUt thEn, mI sHort $6 sIa.. aBit heArt paIn la.. But rEali cAnt fInd exCess mOney fRom eIthEr whEn.. aNd i sEriouSly dUn lIke thE anotHer nEw maNager,"ujiN" oR wAt dE.. atTituDe not v g0od siA..fOrgEt to wRite thE aMount oN tOp of thE cRedit cArd pAper..tHen saE uNtil wAt.. " thEy dDnt tEach u wRite thE aMount On tOp dE huh" thEn aMounts wRite wRong + gOt cAncEllation.."ni yi hou bu yao gen wo zhe yang hor" thEn my aMount sHort still wAn saE mI whEn i obvIously not iN the bEst mOod.."hE cloSing eXact le..h0w cum u sHort sia" ( thE he rEfer to aNother tiNk box oFficE sTaff at l5 ba.. duNo hOw cum he cuM l4 cloSe la) thEn i saE "i toDae haNdle $3000+ cASh le.. sOmemore todAe sO maNy pEople sia" tink mAybe i cAreless oR wAt.. bUt tiNk i toDAe aLready v cAreful le Sia.. evEry aMount gif oUt g0t coUnt twIce sia..thEn hE saE," hE oNli lEss thaN u bY haLf oNli" -_-" sHit hiM siA.. onLi lEss bY haLf.. is aLot of dIffErent sia..sOmEmOre i sHort sHort lE ma.. nEed hIm to bE so saractic mA.. mAybe i t0o sEnstivE oR wAt.. bUt i sEriouSly tiNk hiS woRds iS nOt v nicE to hEar sia..

aNywAy, ling cAll mI whiLe i woRking.. sOrRy gEr, mI worKIng sIa.. cAnt pEi u gO oUt.. othEr dAe oK? bUt u tEll mi eArlier lOrz.. elSe i bE woRking ") bUt u tEll mI lE,iF cAn,i cOmfiRm lEavE my dAe fRee foR ya ")

& thE cAll tAt bRough sMile to mi of c0urSe is My aH bI la.. cAlled mI abOut 4pm+..tiNk iS bEcoz yEsterdAe hE ddNt cAll mi.. aNd hE haBing hiS bReaK juz now ma.. sO cAlled mI lOrz.. bUt i woRking.. "( cAnt cHat lOng sia.. iF kNow siA.. i tAt tiMe go take bReak sia.. thEn aSo cAnt lASt mIn go, bEcoz oNe wEnt maKan ma.. saD sia.. bUt nEver mInd.. bEcoz hE jUz cAlled mi ") haB a sLightly lOngEr tAlk wif hiM c0mpaRed to thE laSt fEw dAes ") & sUrpriSe to recIeve a nIgHt mSg fRom aH bI, thoUght hE cuppeD pHone Le,go oRhz lE.. whO knowS suDdEnly mSg mI.. ") thOught gttEn bE unaBle to @@ hiS nIght mSg fOr qUite sOmetime bEcoz thEse dAes wE tAlk finIsh le.. hE will dIreCtly g0 oRh lE.. thEn juZ finIsh tAlking oN phOne.. mAybe bEcome unnEcesSAry to mSg nIght mSg agAin.. bUt thEn.. i dUn mInd aBit mOre sWeetnEss aRound "P
*aM aSo wAiting fOr neXt fri till i @@ u agAin ") *

aNywAy, kJ,mEtta,wEndy n saM wAit foR mi oFf woRk + aSo wAiting fOr jEss.. thEn wE go mAkan diNner At a jaPanEse oUtlEt at b1.thEn wEnt l9 tAke nEopRint..haA.. fiRst time i tAke wIF thEm sIa :) n saw tErrEnce n tsha uP thR aSo..

theSe weEks woRking EverydAe frOm mOn to fRi.. 3 dAes At cAthAy, 2 dAes at cArtel.. tiRed.. eSpeciAlly wHile aT cAthAy.. mAybe sTAnd a lOngEr timE thR ba..tinK aT thE wEeks toward thE moNth eNd,gTten woRk aBit lEsser.. n reAli gif mySelf sOmetiMe to eNjoy my hoilDae :)

saw kaH cHong,rOger,sHili,lyN aNd faNg lAy oN bUs whEn g0ing hMe.. dDnt gO n tAlk to thEm oR wAt.. thEy wAs sItting aT thE miDdle whIle i am sItting rIght aT baCk..bUt hUh, lYn diStinct dE laUgher rEali sTaNd Out wOr "p kInda mIz th0se dAes i sIt wIf HeR siA.. evEry dae noIsy siA.. bEcoz sHe qUite tAlkativE ma.. bUt thEn i aM 2,thEn aSo fEel coMfortable tAlking to hEr.. i lUb sItting wiF hEr ~ ")

Memories that fades
6:33 AM

Friday, December 02, 2005

1 dae poSt 2 entries.. haa.. being hardworking for mi ba "P

todae mainly is saying about 2 dEc which is aH bI gOing in aMry dE dAes. mRning hE cAme to fetch mI wiF his mUm and his little bRother.. beCoz laCk of timE, we ta-bao mcdonald to eat on our way to the bus interchange..board the buS and is filled with alot of army boys n their parents,friends n of course wif gf ba..thought i ddnt see any la :P

reach the jerry and board the already 3/4 filled wif pple le.. manage to find 2 seat together which mi n ah bi sit together which his little brother and his mum sit behind and in front of us respectively. haB a sMall momEnt wif hIm lying by his seat and hab a firm hug together ") reach thr.. ah bi seperate from us to go duno whr.. then mi n his mum n his little brother continue wif the rest on board of the bus to go tour around the place. then after tat went to the authorium to see them taking vow or wat lorz.. then after tat meet ah bi outside then went makan together in the canteen..chix rice and banana :p is was not bad though ") then ah bi send us to the jetty before going off.. gtten miz him ")

hiS mUm drovE mI baCk hMe..tinK woNt be sEeing thEm till aBout 2 wEeks lAter whEn aH bi bOok out and when i go over their house.. meet out wif my sisters outside..mEet yong n li first go hans makan.. then we walk over to janz house becoz both of them wan burn songs.. thn watch tong xin yuan.. after tat decide to watch chix little.. so pei yong n li back hme take sweater.. on the way back wif li.. saw a canteen auntie last time in henderson secondary de..(she sel drinks n bread etc de) heard from her alot lo.. sae now the sch wat wan healthy food or wat.. alot of tings she cant the chix burger the chix inside cant.. becoz its deep fried of the PE teacher is in charge of her stall and another stall..(got one v musular and quite short de) then he allow some stalls to start western food.. isnt it healthy eating? and isnt tat more unhealthy than the burger? auntie sae is pple like "oppose" her or wat.. so she habing a hard time cracking her brain of selling wat items sia.. then she complain to mr tse about the unfairness.. but duno how the result lorz..

then aso heard mr tse is the new HOD for the PE department..jeffery tan went other place le..surprising becoz i thought tim ng will be becoz he been alot longer than mr tse sia.. but never mind.. mr tse aso not bad lorz.. "P

after tat pei li faster go back take sweater.. than meet janz at tiong.. saw kah chong n roger on the bus, and after tat at tiong.. they sae he going meet shili n shuyan go clubbing.. haa.. surprising shuyan aso got go lo.. becoz thought she aso not tat type 0f clubbing person de :x

chix little is cute n nice.. but short.. but i am quite glad though.. becoz tiong de GV SEATS ARE CRAMPED, the other few outlet i gone b4 aso quite the same aso lor. i cant stretch my legs without hitting the person in front & expectly, i been kicking the person in front of mi quite a few times lor.. luckily is juz minor kick.. then the person aso ddnt wat la :x before the show start, ah bi call haPpy la.. becoz thought he too exhausted and felt asleep le.. previously got msg keng tiong abit here n there then he sae he going bed le about 9pm+.. so thought ah bi already sleep le.. then he about 10am+ call mi.. tok abit onli.. but am glad enough la.. juz wan know how he is coping lorz.. then he hab to put down le.. becoz gg 11pm le.. then going light out le.. then he havent brush his teeth etc.. am going to wait his call tonight ")

Memories that fades
8:26 PM

Thursday, December 01, 2005

aM hEre tO uPdate aBit befOre mEeting my aH bI n hiS muMmy to sEnd hiM to tEkong.. toDae iS thE daE hE gg iN ma.. pEi iN gO thR.. thEn gOt 4 hR oF "tOur" aRound tEkong all tAt loRz.. gtteN miSs hiM aLot.. eSpeciAlly tHe 2 wEeks wHich hE cAnt bOok oUt.. bUt nvM.. i paCked my sChedulE full le.. eXcePt on wEekend la.. gg oUt wIf fRiends oN tAt lOrz.. "p mOn to fRi all woRking.. thEn pRobably weEkend mEeting wIf my sChool mAtes go sEe haRry p0tter~ gg to chIong mY wOrk n eArn bIg buCks..haa.. tiNk i aM gg baCk to my laSt tIme "wOrkaCholic" liFe lE.. bUt dIs tiMe bEtter.. aT leaSt wEekend i aM sPare :x

aNywAy, quIck uPdate oN my tRip iN kL


miDnight aBout 3aM+ rEach thR.. hAa.. cAnt fInd hoteL sIa.. wAlk fRom oNe eNd tO aNothEr fAr eNd.. till alOng buKit bintAng.. thEn sTill dUn haB..all fUll hSe.. thEn iS aBout 4am+ lE.. thEn aNyhOw wAlk, thEn iNto a sMall rOad.. thEn tada..fouNd oNe hoTel thR :) aBit eXpenSive la.. to thE fAct wE b0ok in at aBout 5am,thEn neEd to bOok out at 12pm.. thEn aBout $90.. bUt bo piaN la..eXhAuSted fRom all thE wAlking.. thEn aSo all thE othEr stAying outlEts aSo full lE.. sO haa.. juz tAke lorz..

thOught thE oUtsIde v wulu,inSide v NicE sia.. g0t tv,frige,safe,Etc.. gOt tAke pHoto la.. bUt iS inSide aH bI cOmpUter.. mI coMputer cAnt dEtech thE cAmEra still.. :x thEn afTer tat tAke a rAise thEn gO slEep dreAm le.. suRpriSing i mAnage to sLeep wEll..bEc0z noRmally i n0t at hMe slEep n at othEr placE, i coMfirm haB tRouble sleeping.. haa.. tiNk i too tiRed le..


mRning aBout 9am+ wAke uP.. by thE alArm clOck iN aH bI phOne..b0th bU xiAng qi lAi sia.. But bO piaN.. haB to gO sEarch fOr aNother cHeaper iNn.. thEn bAtHe, gEt reADy aNd wE sEt off.. qUite fASt wE fOund aNother oNe.. bEcoz stEp oUt thE mAin roAd.. g0t taxi-drive cum apprOach uS, aSk uS whEther wAn iNn ma.. + iS cHeap, thEn saE cAn go @@ thE rOom, if dUn likE, thEn cAn dUn tAke dE..thEn jUz gO wiF him lorz..he intRo himSelf as jiMmy, thEn aSk uS wHr wE cuM fRom all tat.. yuaN lAi hE aSo got go thr wOrk foR a pEriod.. saE hiS jie-fu iS thE onE whO dO the muSical fOuntain at sEntosa tAt oNe.. duNo tRue aNt la.. bUt tiNk aSo poSsible la.. hE sEem v knOwledGe and aSo sPeak fluEnt engliSh thought hE iS a chIneSe thR..thEn thE iNn [ "sTar town inn", if i ddnt remEmber wRongly..]hE iNtRo iS mUch mre fang pIan lOrz.. At thE sTArting oF thE buKit bInting, oppoSite tiMe sqUare.. Eat,sHopping All tat aSo fAng piAn.. then jUz bOok 4 onE nIght fiRst..if man yi, thEn bOok thE aNother dAe tmL lorz.. jimmY drOve uS baCk to bOok oUt, thEn aSk uS wAn go bUy chOcolAte[cocoa sth de,cant really remember].. thEn we aNything lOrz, sIncE hE saE iS nicE.. gO thR sEe hOw..

thEn aLot of cHoicEs lorz.. thEn iS oNly 4 toUrist onLi.. then aSo dUty fRee oR wAt de.. teSt tHeir saMples.. sO many vaRiety sIa.. but oNli aFew cAn tEst la.. bUt thEir duRain chOcolate iS nicE sia~ g0t win aWard de.. thEn brOught agAr 9 box of chocolate.. 2 strawberry,2 kiwi,1 papaya,1 durian, 1 mix de[ is said to be the best, got a mixture of chocolate,+ the package aso v nice sia.. pix of twin tower n their other attraction de],coconut and mix fruits de.. so far try the durian[at thr], kiwi and the mixture of chocolate de.. mixture one is v nIcE sia..recOmmand.. not bad ddnt buy alot sia.. becoz scare later will not enough money ma.. so dun dare.. then the kiwi one is the chocolate nice lor.. kiwi taste not v strong sia "x bRought tat a total about $100 alot ma? haa..

thEn after tat he fEtch uS back to oUr iNn.. pUt oUr tiNg, batHe then wE wEnt off.. haVen eAten out breAkfast.. thEn heArd fRom jiMmy tAt oNe of the hOtel thR de diAn xIn NIce.. thEn nEarbY onLi, sO wE go thR lOz..

rEmarkaBle, it nicE sIa..pricE wIse mAybe agAr $30+ ba both eAt uNtil v fUll Lorz.. thEn aFter tat wEnt sHopping.. cAnt rEmember wHr wE go tO lE.. tiNk iS to tiMe sQuaRe ba..thEn after tAt wEnt back inn sLeep :x bOth tiRed le.. thEn aGar 5pm+ woke uP.. wEnt foR bOdy mAssage sia.. agar $50 for both ba.. coMfoRtable lorz.. thEn aT nIght wEnt oUtback tO eAt.. thEir fOod thR v nicE lorz.. sOmemre iS 2 main coUrse (aH bI eAt sTeak, mI eAt chix) thEn gOt annother aPpetizer [which is free, complimentary de.. but all the customer aso hab tat card no special :x] .. thEn oNli aBout $30+.. coNsidered v chEap le.. sUch reSturant in sPore cAn eASily hIt about $80 or mre sIa.. thEn aH bI saE gOt 1 OutlEt in sPore.. bUt iS v exPenSive sIa.. thEn whY nEver tRy in sPore, cUm hEre tRy.. haa :p at fIrst aH bI thought gOt dEer mEat, bUt mAlaysIa thE outlet duN haB le.. sO mAybe nExt timE got chANce gO sPore de Outlet tRy ")

haB aN enJoyaBle dinner thEre.. sErvice waS gOod aSo ") thEn wEnt "ha-chong-kai" wAlk.. iS a palas malam lorz.. bRought moSt of thE tiNgs thR lorz.. all fAke sTuff.. nOt mUch to Our liKing, bUt thEn bRought a wAtch [ah bi],bag [mine], wallet [my bro] and some other stuffs thr lorz.. aH bi bEcoz of tat caught a bad cough thr.. becoz thr v stuffy, then alot of pple smoking.. then he cough until v jia lat.. then after tat we faster walk out lorz.. becoz all the shop like selling the same stuffs ma.. went makan at a roadside food stall thr, about $3 consist of a drink aso la.. food was up to standard thought..after tat walk back to inn.. quite a long way back.. but thE road baCk waS fuN ") reach baCk about 10pm+, thEn bOth of us go n bathe, then waTch tv.. thEn haLfwAy bEcoz v thRisty, then aH bI throat v uncOmfoRtable.. sO wEnt dwn to a neArby 7-11 to bUy 1.5ml de mineral wAter~ "P wEnt baCk.. thEn sLeep.. hE ddnt sLeep wEll thoUgh, bEcoz hiS thRoat v dRy, thEn kEep wAking Up drInk wAter, gO toilEt.. bUt i dDnt kNow tAt lA..,onli 1 timE iN thE eArly mRning oNli..tiNk tOo dEep in my sLeep le :P

mRning wOke uP g0 thE r0adside haWker eAt.. t0o baD aLot of sTalls dDnt oPen.. sO ddnt lEft wif mUch cHoicE.. nEvertheless.. i oRder "yee mEe" n aH bI " bAn miaN" bOth aRe n0t bad, bUt hIs bEtter la..jiMmy toLd uS aB0ut tAt pLace nEar oUr iNn aSo de.. dDnt eXploRe mUch tO tHr pReviouSly bEcoz aT niGht thE allEy to thR v daRk la.. sO nOt v sAfe lOrz.. aFter tAt tOok a v lOng wAlk to thE twIn toWer.. sEe thE maP likE quitE ok.. but wAlk thR le.. sO tiRing sia..qUite a lOng dIStancE.. lucKily thE diStancE nOt v lOng.. "P thEn rEach thR le.. sTill a quite aLot of sTeps tO cLimb.. sO dAmm tiRed n shAg oUt sIa.. aH bI sWeat liKE sIAo aSo :p
gO uP le.. gO thEir "sOvnior" sHop..bRought a "maNgosen" pUdding.. cheaP sia.. $5 oNli.. bUt aFter tAt bUy le.. thEn sEe tAt bEcoz thE eXpiry dAte is tink 15/12/2005 .. sO iS cuming sOon le lOrz.. tAt y sO chEap la :p

bRough tIx to gO uP thE toWer.. tiNk iS $10 pEr alOt of fLOor.. But 0nli 2 flOors,puBlic cAn go onLi.. one iS reStuarAnt bUt oNli thoSe whO bOok cAn go thR.. sO lEft onE onLi la :p bUt tAt oNe is thE obServAnt flOor whICh is 250m uP On thE sKy.. thEn thEY got gIf u oNe plAyer to liSten tO thEir eXplanAtion fOr thEir dIffErent paRts fRom within sIght fRom thE toWer,eTc.. toOk quIte a fEw pHotos thR aSo ")

wEnt oFf sHortly, bEcoz jUz lIke oNe smAll rOund oNli la.. thEn wAlk to klCc.. haLfwAy thR, sAw sEcRet rEcEipt thEn aH bI aBit huNgry, sO wEnt iN maKan, thE duNo wAt sEabRass tHIng nicE sia.. iS a fiSh,thEn vEgetable.. thEn thE sAucE.. v nicE.. muSt go tRy wOR~ thEn i oRder thE pIe inSide thE sOup thiNgy dE or wAt.. thEy sErve bEtter sEabRass thAn othEr oUtlEt bEcoz it iS cRispy.. but thEir sAucE aBit sAlty la :P

wAlk oFf to klcc.. a big sHoppIng cEntre bUt thR dE thIngy v eXpeNsivE.. Not v wOrth it lOrz.. sO ddnt bUy anything At thR lor.. oNli mY mum liPsTick whIch i cAnt find At thE oThEr chEaper sHopping cEntre whIch mY mUm toLd mI duN bUy sO eXpenSivE de.. bUt cAnt finD aFter thE pASt few dAes.. s0 juz hEck cAre lor, jUz bUy :P

wEnt oFf bAck to inN sHortly aFter tAt.. whEn cAme out tAt tiMe.. tAxi dRiver aPproaCh uS.iS wAn tAke tAxi dE. but thEy dUn gO bY mEtre..gO baCk to oUr iNn iS 15 riGgit.. sO aBout $7+ thEn aH bI duN wAn.. saE v eXpeNsivE sia.. thEn tOok anOther "nOrmal" dE taxi dRiver..wHo rUn by mEter dE.. oNli aBout $3+ sIa.. saVe aLot sia.. :) baCk to Inn, thEn wE tOok a naP..

nIght timE wEnt wAlking aRound thE sHoppiNg cEntrE le.. aH bI wAn tRy thE "ta-ban-ya-ki", sO wE gO in lOrz.. bUt hE saE not nicE de..thEn i tRy thE "fuji-snOw" iS likE oWn iCe kAchAng l0rz.. aDdition jUz tAt likE gOt peaNuts iNside.. oKay lOrz.. likE eAting icE kAchAng loRz :x thEn wEnt baCk iNn.. bEc0z rAining le.. thEn duN wAn stAy Out.. wEnt baCk..rOt.. sEe tv :p thEn nIght tiME aBit sIanz. sO dEciDe go cAtch a m0vie : haRry pOtter n thE goble of fiRe :x wAtch thE miDnIght dE.. thEn b4 tAt sTill g0t timE.. wEnt to a food outlEt maKan.. thEir fo0d iS nicE.. But quIte fAr lor.. iS aNyhow wAlk thEn saw until tat de,hEng hOr :x g0t dian xIn, deSserts, mEe etc..
then Went baCk wAtch thE m0vie.. nicE sHow :) eFfect iS gReat but thE ciNeMa thE spacE qUite sMall siA.. haB to keep My lEg clSe elSe i will kEep kiCking thE pErson in fRont :x

wAtch fiNish iS agAr 2aM+ .. wEnt to bUy "pi-ba-kao" bEcoz aH bI thoart nOt aNy bEtter. thEn baCk to Inn...


wOke uP aBout 11aM+ mI iS agAr 10+am wAke uP le.. bUt dUn wAn wAke aH bI uP.. sO lEt him sLeep lOngEr.. thEn 11aM+ faSter wAke hIm uP,bAtHe.. thEn wEnt to chEck Out.. thEn wEnt to bukit bitaNg hOtel to chEck in.. bEcoz tiNKing laSt nIght lE,sO dEcidE to sTay a bEtter oNe.. bUt oNli cAn chEck in at 2pM.. sO dEciDe to maKan fiRst,thOugh haB to bRing oUr laGguage aLong, aBit tRoublEsOme, But no choicE.. wEnt to a nEarbY fOod oUtlet.. eAt thEir ba-ku-te anD their diAn xIn.. Not baD lORz.. rOt aBout 1 hr thR sIa.. bEcoz haB to wAit till aBout 2pm ma.. thEn abOut 1pm+ gO 0vEr @@ cAn bOok in ma.. luCkily cAn sIa.. thEn pUt oUr sTuffs.. v coMfortaBle inSidE sia :) tHen fASter tAke taXi to mId-vAlley.. a sUper bIg sHopPing mAll.. wiF aLot of tiNgs to sEe inSide siA.. brOught 1 sHirt thr fOr ah bI 2nd bRo.. thEn brOught eArrings thR aSo :) thR got one pEt sHop v bIg sIa.. thEn thEy gOt aLot of animal aSo.. iguanA,"pocupinE".thEn thE hAmSter iS like a bIg taNk, thEn thE same bReed dE all pUt togEther.. thEn gOt dogs,cAts,fiSh,"ginine pIgs" aSo.. nicE ") sTaY thR aBout 2 hR+.. t0ok a hOtel baCk.. but sWay lorz.. tRaffic jaM. thEn thE policE dUn allow the taXi dRiver to tuRn to our tHr,tiNk bEc0z thr jaM uNtil v jiA lAt.. theN haB to dEtouR tIll sMall roAds.. thEn dRop uS sOme diStancE oFf fRom Our iNn.. But hiS sErvicE is g00d.. aH bi gIf hIm Mre eXtra moNey :) wEnt lEg maSsage sEsSion.. paInfUl siA.. but i kEep "rEn" haa.. phEw dDnt sHout Out siA.. aftEr tAt wAlk tO timE sQuaRe.. intEnd to plAy thE rollAr coAster But likE v wASte 0f monEy, bEc0z inSide liKe onLi g0t tAt gaMe aTtract uS.. then dUn wAn wAste thE monEy.. manAge to find ah BI yoUngest bRo prEsent thR..pHew.. bEcoz laSt dae le.. thEn past fEw daEs unaBle to fiNd onE sUitaBle foR him sia :) sEeing eaRly, wE dEcide to wAtch thEir imaX ciNema.. v wASte of mOney lorz.. bEcoz iS v boRing la. kaNa chEat bY the poster.. thought is simon show becoz is their face thr but turn out, is a cyberspace show.. the title is cyberspace la,but thought simon is the main ting in it.. then decide to watch lor.. then who know..juz cum out one small part.. "p

after the show,wEnt baCk to tHe fOod oUtlEt (diaN xIn thR) Off timE sqUare,afTer maKaning, wEnt baCk to iNn.. dEcidE to tAke a rEst Earlier bEcoz nt time haB to gO baCk le ma..

weNt to thE hotel thr the buffet to eAt bEcoz is within the package ma.. 2 person of free buffet ma.. but food ok ok la.. limited choices..ddnt manage to stay thr long aso.. went to the bus terminal,reach thr the earliest.. but nvm.. board earliest wif ah bi to use their facilities :x they got own tv,then can play game, see movie ma.. all is one seater seats but heng la.. mi n ah bi sitting together.. is the last 2 seats in the bus de ") throughout the journey, the person provides v good service.. still got meal makan sia.. makan their western.. then got tea all include in our bus fare ba.. so dun hab to pay additionally le.. so if ya going thr.. must take first class de wor.. they reali provide v good service to first class bus de.. not v expensive lor.. i pay $70 for 2 person for first class onli.. which i take is okay lorz.. about $30 per person and i get good services sia.. from a person working in a service line.. i can be ashamed of my service sia ;x

Memories that fades
5:04 PM
Y The Girl

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