Tuesday, January 31, 2006
tiRed... v tiRed sia.. thEse few daes not en0ugh sleep... let mi recall my daes sia..fri: night working at cathay.. at l9.. it is not tiring as expected.. work wif zul and took over sam.. it is a fg0od experience w0rking thr th0ugh.. lotS of cRaps n lAugher.. & "kik" (duNo iSnt spell liKe tat ma) iS a g0od pErs0n to talk 2 ") wAs alOne after zUl cAme baCk.. aBit b0red ar.. but eMax g0t 1 guy duNo the nAme quIte talkative aR.. at least n0t tat bad ar.. once in a while g0t talk to mi.. then glen aso aRound.. talk to him on n off lorz.. & aLex waS aRound 2..aSk hIm cUm out pEi mi.. then n0t tat bad ar.. 1st dae knw him but surprising... can talk wif him becoz........ he is juz an0ther g0od laMer :x cl0Sing kInda sow.. bec0z alot of ting not sure.. luCkily sAm aRound ar.. bec0z he came back wif vincent see show.. then aso celebrate alex birthDae.. then he guiDe mi alonG cloSing.. reAli a bIg thaNk q to hIm, else reali i alot of tings 4get to close sia :x huBBy cAme to fEtch mI "h0me" "P muAckS :) th0ught u jUz b0ok out n v tireD, u still insisst to.. thaNkx bi~sAt: dDnt sLeep enOugh.. g0t wAken uP by bI.. aT 1st wAna g0 eat long joHn de.. b0th aSo lik theIr brEakfaSt.. but then rEali v tiRed.. s0 sleep back.. by the time wake uP.. already 11+am le.. so duN nid go thr eat le.. :x r0t at his h0use n went h0me to eat reuion dinner ") at 1st intend to mit bI after tat go river hongbao walk wif his friend n bro.. but then reali v tired ar.. so ddnt go .. *pig* :xsun: w0ke uP early to bathe.. n pUt my maKeup ") 1st time put tat.. nid more time ma.. then ah bi came over.. & he tinks my effort to draw uP is not bad :) then went ah ma h0use.. saw alot of unfamiliar face.. becoz alot of my cousin broughts their gfs n bf.. then all suddenly come.. so unfamiliar lor.. :x stay for awhile.. then mi n ah bi went to woodland to their ah ma house.. gambling n went suPper wif all their cousins thr tat night setting out on 3 cars :p about 12 pple ma.. then ah bI drove mi h0me after tat.. m0n: aH bEn cAme over to piCk mi uP ") *swEet* theN wEnt to buy loNg john for breakfast for us n his bRos.. then wEnt baCk t0ok a naP.. botH ddnt sleep enough sia.. then wake up about 12pm+ by his dad phone call.. then rush 0ver ar.. bec0z kinda late le :x gamble again :x then ah bi n mi went back his house.. to0k a short nap before he send mi to w0rk..w0rk was tiring.. work wif hadi.. pple keep cuming.. certain point reali like brusting of on customers sia.. dun0 h0w many times i muSt repeat to a cuStomer to make him/her understand onli the light blue are EMPTY~! keep cho0sing the other color EXCEPT light blue sia~! keep repeating myself to reali make them understand it sia.. somemre not juz 1 customer sia.. is quite afew sia.. then w0rk till about 4am then do closing.. wendy, metta n jess came over wif alex n a usher guy which i dun0 his name.. probbaly waiting for sam ba.. then t0ok taxi to bi house.. his mum n auntie uncle are still playing manjong ~ then finish my ting g0 sleep le.. & ah bi was sleeping so soundly he duno i was sleeping beside him ba :xtuEs.. woke up his ah ben & watch him play game.. waiting for his mum to wake up to "lao yu sheng" specially his mum woke up so early sia.. about 12pm+ when she sleep onli at 9am+ after her manjong sessions :x went west mall wif his bro 2 to eat.. then went pray.. went h0me to pack ah ben stuff.. n went to his godmum h0use.. after tat send ah bi to camp le.. he not cuming back dis wEek :( but then i am keep myself v occupy le.. w0rking wed, then g0ing out.. then aso working fri n sat.. g0tten keep saving mre monEy~!
Memories that fades
7:59 AM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
jUz n0w inteNd to d0 the eYebRow tRimmIng.. bUt y0ng saE mIne aSo n0t v mEssy. g0 n d0, waSte mOney sia.. thEn i wAs sEe the pRice how.. g0 bugiS.. total iS $13 lOrz.. bec0z thEy g0t suRchArge of $5 which i aSo duNo h0w cuM muSt pUt sEperAte fRom wAt thEy wRote eyEbrow tRimming $8 "p inTend wAna d0 dE, sEeing qUite okAy.. thEn y0ng wAna do hEr nailS As0.. bUt v lOng loRz.. aLot of pe0ple..thEn n0 ch0ice lorz.. weNt wAtson g0 bUy conceAler.. nId to c0ver my eYe baGs n pImpleS sia "P thEn wEnt saSa bRought an0ther eYe cuRler.. aBit hEart paIn ar.. bUt thEn bEc0z pReviouSly bUy dE n0t g0od.. cAnt curl uP aLot.. v haRd.. sO nO ch0ice ar..haB an intEreSting cHat wiF my fRiends iN sCh0ol.. 1 oF my gaLfriEnd iS a mUmmy lE mA.. thEn duNo h0w cum t0king aBout givIng biRth.. thEn sHe saE giving biRth iS n0t rEali tat paiN.. th0se in thE tV aRe too kua chaNg aR.. thEn she saE paInful iS thEy waSh wAter iNto uR butt siA.. bEc0z thEy saE sCare inSide g0t sHit iN ur intEstine.. latEr will sTRuck oN ur bAby whEn giVing oFf.. aNd mAy rEsult iN cRitical situAtion wHr the sHit sTruck On the bAby n0se prEventing it fRm bReathing oR wAt loRz~! "p intEreSting tiNg to kNw ar.. tat wHy i tat tiMe wEnt to a chineSe doCtor.. th0se hElp to puSh for meDicial..bEc0z i g0t "piaN mI".. (haRd to sHit ar) thEn saE muSt eAt mRe fRuits n dRink mRe wAter.. else nt tiMe if givE biRth.. v danGerous to thE baBy aS the sHit mAy pRevEnt it frOm bReathiNg "P aBit eR xin sIa :xsPend quite aLot todAe.. but todAe iS my eNd of sHoPping.. gttEn sAve n saVe mRe monEy.. intEnd to chAnge pHone since plAn oVer.. but mEan nID to sPend monEy agAin~! bUt phOne aBIt siAo le.. butt0n 1 cAnt pRess.. thEn bAttery haRd to chArge.. tiNk bAttery aso sPolit le.. thEn nId to bUy sPec.. arg.. "p gtten w0rk mRe le "P
Memories that fades
7:33 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
mi n0w during lesson.. nan de todae got time can blog in lesson ar.. todae quite tired.. mentally n physically.. but manage to pull myself out of bed.. mum nagging mi to bring the stuffs (foods) to bi hse...pass to them.. but these daes i quite pack ar.. somemore "auntie" cum visit.. more dun wana go so far sia..
must sae a v big SORRY to mother(kanagah) becoz last week see her not enough people.. so told her to plan me if she not enough people.. but i think i 4get to tell her that i cant work in morning becoz i got school.. then yesterdae night she call mi tell mi my schedule.. and also told mi i working on thurs moring..then bo pian hab to tell her i cant.. hai her hab to replan.. when she already no people to help her in the morning.. h0pe she wont angry.. send her a apologize msg le.. :x soRry ar~ blur mi..
yesterdae night went to deposit my money.. finally my bank come to a safe zone.. :P but then..i left onli $8 for my dis whole week expenses.. !! h0pe i wont get shortage or watever emengency stuff which i nid to pay.. then buy bag aso hab to borrow from ling.. "P sadded ar.. g0t $$.. but aso like no money like tat.. tight ar "P
still mourning about the fact that i hab to work during chinese new year.. more sadded ar.. thought reali can look forward to chinese new year.. but now got work.. dun reali looking forward..onli looking forward becoz bi back from field camp~
tml going to mit ling to buy bag at far east.. hope still hab ar.. better.. hope got discount ar.. "P or maybe see a bag which is cheaper "P
seem quite long before i mit my sisters out.. mostly these daes miting yong onli sia..yili seem to be dead..yong aso sae like v long ddnt see her le..
kair n CK wana work aat cafe cartel.. wana tell yili juz now.. but then she ddnt reply my msn msg.. so.. :x hope i will get to her b4 she go works.. then see him thr ar~ think her worst nightmare cuming le.. working wif him sia :ox she n hhim seem got a fate in between sia.. cant pull them apart "P but since she sae she quitting aso le.. so tink wont be a different ba..but then...then i be colleagues wif CK ar~! never mind.. i be spy for yili "P haa..
Memories that fades
10:16 PM
Memories that fades
5:00 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
so long ddnt uPdate le.. slacking for a long time le.. working these daes.. becoz open house for rP, then dun nid go sch.. then can work mRe ")working l4 dis daes.. yesterdae work wif sam..he is another laMer sia.. but v funny de type de..can fight wif jY la.. bRotherS :x sOmemore v sLAck sia.. sO lEss pEople.. rOt till siao sia.. then yesterdae our mIss kJ aNd aNgeliNe cAme over to wAtch sHow.. wIf kj niEce bA.. tiNk iS huImIn bA.. aNd hEr mUmmy.. sAddEd la.. wAn sEe sHow, But nO timE :x
aFter tat wEnt lIng hSe.. sHe hElp mI "mAkeovEr" hElp mI pEI mY nEw yEar clthEs.. dEsIgn hAirsTyle whIch iS nOt v nicE on Mi "( (hAir tOo sHoRt aR..) but i likE the haIrstyle sIa.. tmL go fiNd accessioes fOr my haIr.. sEe cAn pIn uP nicEly mA "x
thEn toDae iNteNd mit liNg to mArIne sEe baG.. bUt kaNu aSk mi eXtEnd.. bEcoz fAtin cant mAke it fOr rEdemptiOn.. thEn aLready cAnt fInd othEr pEople le.. sO okAy lorz, thEn bO piaN haB to chANge to tmL.. paI sei aR, lIng.. aLthought i v baDly wAn go sHopping, but cAn hElp, hElp loRz "x cAn earN $$ aSo sia.. $9 mre "p
tmL woRking lEvEl 9 sIa.. sCaRed arh.. bEcoz 1st timE thR.. sOmemre aLone.. dUn kNow hOw siA.. sOmemRe i nO trAining.. sTraight aWay pUt mi uP thR aLone lE.. hOpe goEs fiNe tMl.. nOt mUch cuStomErs aSo.. bEtter dun nId oRder fRom cOnceSs or cAfe dE food cAn le "x gOd blEss mI :x
saD sia.. aCciDently wASh until my ipOd dE eAr pHone.. oN onE sIde onli.. then now sPoilt.. v sOft sIa.. jY saE cAn go chaNge sincE unDer wArraty.. hOpe cAn la.. elSe haB to foRk oUt moNey foR it le :x
Memories that fades
6:11 AM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
todAe dDnt g0 sch.. g0t a baD s0re thOart.. qUite haPpi oF thE fact i Ddnt go, bEcoz todAe mOdule iS i dUn liKe dE.. aCtuAlly iS okAy dE.. agAr aBle to cAtch aLong thEse tiMe.. bUt iS thE tEachEr whIch i duN likE.. stArting aSk hEr..i quite foRget hOw to sTart lE.. thEn tEach uNtil v pEk chEy likE tAt..if i kNw, w0nt aSk hEr in thE 1st plAce.. thOugh sHe iS fRiendly.. bUt i jUz tiNk sHe duN haB thE paTiEnt to tEach loRz..s0re th0art iS quite baD in thE mRning.. cough oR sNeezE aSo paIn sIa.. dUn saE sWollen sailva lA.. mRe t0ng ku..bUt dRink lIng yaNg all tAt.. bEc0me bEtter le.. n0w oNli aBit of paIn.. sLeEping thE wh0le dAe aT dAe.. s0ng sia.. mY h0ildae duN haB one dAe iS likE tat.. eItHer iS w0rk oR g0 oUt.. slaCking at hMe iS gReat~ ")aNywAy, w0rk yEstErdae wIf kEn yAp.. hE 1st time bOx 0fficE.. qUite nErv0us siA.. @@ the c0mputer screen uNtil sO near thOugh hE cAn @@ at a comf0rtable n0rmal straight poSiti0n.. bUt tiNk hE t0o scAre laTer wRong oR wAt bA "PsIbao n faNgru cAmE aLong to wAtch kIng k0ng..aFter thE sHow, cAme d0wn n sLack wIf mI till mY bReak at 3+pM.. tHen pEi mI jAlaN jAlan n g0 hmE.. thaNkz gErs~wEndy cAme d0wn aSo.. thEn sHe told mI sHe quIt lE..go0d f0r hEr la.. evEn uncLe hamZah aSo tiNk tat lA..cAn @@ tAt sHe w0rk so haRd f0r cAtHay, thEn iS likE a sImple rEquEst of woRking levEl 4 aSo n0t gRanted.. conSidered tAt sHe is a g0od employEe sia.. sh0uld haB grAnted a sImple rEquEst sia.. mAke until sHe w0rk until so n0t thE haPpi.. quit aso g0od la.. aSo n0t sAe thE w0rk g0od aSo sia..tiRing n sMelly joB + Low pAy.. go oUtside eAsily cAn fiNd a slaCking joB + g0od pAy (pRomoter, m0stly slaCking on n0rmal dae and cAn gEt a rEasonaBle pAy of $6/hr ~!)shE aSk mI quit aSo, hAa.. mi n0w still Okay la.. still h0pping bEtween cArtel n cAthAy.. w0rking until tired on dis siDe, thEn hOp oVer an0ther siDe to w0rk for a pEriod.. bAlancIng la.. aFter all, b0th w0nt bE a l0ng tErm..g0ing to finIsh my 2nd yEar le.. aBout 1 yEar pluS lAter.. g0tten quIt b0th n lo0k foR a full tIme, bEtter pAy jOb lE ma.. sO meanwhIle,jUz jAlan bEtwEen dIs 2 lOrz..aH bI onLi bE cuMing out oN saT nIght, aBout 8pM..bUt hE will bE onLi b0oking oN tuEs nIght ") mOndae to0 bad g0t sCh.. elSe cAn haB a fUll dAe eNjoying oUtsIde..thEn pRobAbly sEeing naRia aSo ba.. & will bE g0ing jB wif hiS buDdieS to mAkan ")fRi nIght will bE w0rking at cathAy fOr cloSing wiF roSe.. thEn sat mRning will bE mEeting y0ng n lI go chiNat0wn sHoppIng..h0pe can aBle to wAKe uP la.. after cHInat0wn, mI n y0ng pr0bably will coNtinUe oUr sHopPing elSewHr le..sincE li g0ing oUt. sTill lo0king foR a sUitaBle dRess sia.mAybe go ebAss tRy fiNd,pRobABly will fiNd oNe.. chAnge a diFfEreNt imAge :P*wiSh mI luCk* ")lo0king foRwArd to wEekend..
Memories that fades
4:50 AM