Thursday, March 30, 2006
jUz back fRom woRk :) hAb a v sLow dAe.. chAtted wiF vincEnt thR oUr tiMe.. guess itS e onLi wAy to kIll tiMe.. pPle sEem to haB diSaPpear to duNo whR sia.. tiNk "tHe cAthay" t0ok qUite aLot of oUr cuStomers.. evEn wEekend bEcome sO quiEt it doEsnt sEem like weekeNd :x hOwever.. i liKe it :x hAa.. guEss e rEst aSo sia.. fiNally g0t timE to tAke a brEak aFter e hOildae fRom e sEconDAry sch pEriod..g0t eXact t0dae.. waS still woRry i will gEt shOrtage bEc0z jUz n0w qUite chAos.. coUnters bUsy then long quene..tHen tWice aLmst giF wRong chAngEs.. luCkily i sAw it.. becoz thR e coIn at e wRong coMpartment.. thEn b4 giving cuStomers saw it then fASter chANge :x thEn hEng ar.. oNli those 2 tiMes got coRk up.. else coMfirm shortage.. :)tMl going to hElp my bIbi to sIGn uP mEn'heAlth maG.. thEy haBing a pROmotion near raffles mrt thr.. sign a year or 2 year at a cheaper pRice.. waNa aSk y0ng or li to pEi mi.. but both happen to be buSy.. dun wana ask e rest bec0z onli accompany for a short moment.. after tat nid to chiong down mit jasPer see sh0w.. ar.. fRee de.. :x bEc0z he dM for tat dae.. then jiO mi watch.. after all can take off some time b4 miting pUn in e evenIng ah :x tml will be a movie marthanon again :x so tml nid to go alone to find e r0adshow .. h0pe will successful find it on time ar~!gEtting used to my new phone.. so far haven gif mi any cork uP yet..:) juz nw bu xiao xin gif a small knock to "its head" when i turn around e knock on e door.. heart pain sia :x but luckily not a strong blow sia.. :xsleeping so0n.. tata
Memories that fades
9:36 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
wEnt to eXchaNge wif mY ph0ne at parag0n toDae wiF y0ng.. bE a g0od gIrl n hElp mUm wEnt to aMwAy to bUy hEr tiNgs.. thEn to0k bus down to t0wn.. luckily mAke it insidE bEf0re e rAin g0t heaVier :xth0ught g0tten be a haRd fight to aSk fOr e eXchAnge of ph0ne.. bUt sImply, iT is v eAsy.. e saLes gIrl saE simPly saE mi e pRoblem.. wR0te d0wn n to0k a nEw ph0ne 0ut foR mi.. thEn aSk mI tRy.. & mAke mi v c0mf0rtAble chAtting al0ng :) rEalise tat it is n0t e ph0ne pr0blem.. iS e iNner s0ftwAre.. whIch hAb to go n0kia care to fix.. bec0z e pr0blem aSo in e nEw ph0ne.. bUt sincE it iS n0t a big pRoblem.. d0ubt i be mAking mY wAy dWn :x ( iS jUz e c0pying oVer fRm e ph0ne to sIm cArd) thEn sHop aRound e t0wn.. maKan at dElifrance.. aNd suRprise thR is tAble sErving aSo sia.. guEss it aDd uP e 10% sErvice cHarge.. liKe cAfe cartEl doiNg n0w sia :x buSy for e waItrEess n wAiterS bUt sLAck f0r e cAshiErs :xr0t.. tAlk n mAke a p0int to tRy aSk hEr boi out wiF uS.. bEc0z d0ggy wAna sEe hEr bOi :x guEss sHE wAna "analysA" whEther iS hE e g0od gUy n sUitaBle foR her ma.. guEss bEcoz sHe bEen huRt afEw tiMEs baCk.. thEn nAturAlly.. frIEnds bEc0me gUarded oN e tYpe of gUy who she iS dAting wiF..aFter tat wEnt to aH ma hsE to maKan aNd mIt uP liNg to sEll My ph0ne.. s0ld foR $80.. tiNk iS qUite oKay ba.. bEcoz qUite coRk uP.. inside bEc0me ruSty lE.. bEcoz conTact wif wAter.. thEn # buTton sPolit.. thEn butt0n 3 haRd to pRess. aCtual iS sOld foR $130.. bUt dEduCt $50 foR e fAults n bEcome $80. i tiNK iS still Ok la.. sIncE g0t moNey cAn le.. g0tten saVe uP all e mOney i haB :) bIlls gotten coSts a bOmb.. nID to paY mY nEw plAn.. + my prevIouS oNe.. aRg.. luCkily i bEen woRking mRe diS mOnth.. elSe i gTten Eat bRead e nExt mOnth le :xwAna sEll noKia wIreleSs heAdsEt foR aBout $70 (can be dIscuss).. aNyonE?
Memories that fades
5:35 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
todAe iS fiNally mY off dAe :) bRought mY phone,n6280 oN sUndae.. bEcoz thEy g0t e pRomo of neW lIne f0r $388. bUt e toTal cOst iNcurred iS $500~! bEc0z e pLan iS about $30. thEn thE sD miNi 512mB iS $78. jaNz sAe i kaNa chEat.. bUt mY friEnd saE tAt iS e mArket pRice sia.. h0pe is la.. elSe my heArt paIn sia.. :xbUt thEn.. e ph0ne alreAdy giving mI problem wiF i bRought~ fiRstly iS tiNgs dUno hOw cUm.. mY ph0ne cAnt detEct e sIm cArd.. thEn i cAnt mAke any cAll nor mSgs.. thEn wait till mOn i cAll e cuStomer sErvicE.. theN thEy iS pRobably iS my ph0ne sPolit.. ask mi bRing d0wn to cHange.. thEn i tRy tAking oUt e sIm caRd agAin.. thEn put iN.. thEn oK le -_-"thEn i wAs tRying to mOve mY conTAct whIch i pReviouSly saVe in e phone to mY sIm cArd.. thEn nEar to e enD.. it aUto sHut oFf thEn rEstArt.. & e reSt of e coNtaCt is sTil nOt movE yEt.. & i tRy movIng e reMaining fEw to e sIm cArd bUt to no aVil. saMe pRoblem oCcur.. & i aSo chEck tAt my sIm cArd iS sTill lotS of sPace leFt~tHen fRiend haS sAe tAt cAnt vIew e full tExt of e mSg.. got e " sOme tExt mSg" & i aSo cAnt viEw mY other fRiend e fUll teXt 2!bRo aSk mi to fIght to gEt a nEw ph0ne.. bEc0z fEr saE thEy pRobably aSk Mi go nokiA cAre inStead..thOugh thEy mAy sTill chANge foR mi sInce it iS lEss thaN 7 dAes aH.. bUt i tiNk a nEw ph0ne wiF no cOrk uP betTer. at least there nO pRoblem wiThin e phOne already..ah pUn cAn cum oUt on fRi :) pReviouSly hE gaIn 3 kG whIle hE is oUt e laSt wEekend.. & he iS sO woRry he bE comfine.. bEcoz thEy are Not suPpose to gaIn wEight aH~ bUt luCkily.. they ddnt wEight thEm whEn they g0 baCk.. hE saE Alot of hiS cAmp mAtes aso gaIn wEight.. guEss insIde fo0d rEali tAt baD aH :x thEn tiNk hE aLready sLim dOwn le.. sO no woRry.. sOmeMre alvin ( hiS fRiend) 21st birthDae on Sat.. & we can make it le :)going to sell my n6230 later wif ling.. hope can sell at a not bad price though i hab problem wif a button ah :x wiSh mi luCk to gEt a nEw phone n a good cash :x
Memories that fades
7:35 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
bEen quite long since i last blog.. as usual la.. since i am not a fanatic blogger :x aNyway,w0rking todae at l4.. wif 2 trainee of l4.. helmi n xue ting.. not bad la.. both.. easy to teach.. not reali i teach both.. becoz derrick took after to teach xue ting after tat while i can concentrate on teaching helmi. eArly in e mrning aso went to help cum teach l5 de training manager, desmond and another person, danny do opening for level 5.. luckily alywin cum shortly after tat ar.. else i die la.. so long since i last teach pple.. duno how to start sia.. then like 2 superior sia.. got pressure.. :x later teach wrong.. feel more at ease to eat hemli (traininng supervisor) n xue ting.. maybe i can joke more wif them ar :x anyway.. work was bored todae.. but i manage to slack alot.. :x helmi use my counter. and xue ting open another counter.. and i do back counter :x then walk around.. msg pple aRound :x went break wif jY and physill ( duno how to spell) join us soon after tat.. gossip around about the latest gay in concess :x seem like alot of pple dislike him.. esp e guys la.. becoz he will touch them sia.. haa.. m0st kana "molest" le sia.. :x but i got like interact wif him on his first dae.. wont how sia.. :x tml miting ru go kbOx sing in the aftern0on.. nan de e bUsy gal will auto bo0k mi.. at first miting wif yuhua.. but she last min nid go back sch.. then happen then ah ru ask mi go out.. then okay lorz.. then miting ling at night for dinner.. gtten spend quite alot dis week le.. trying to scrimp as much as depleting fast.. joanne msg mi ask mi borrow her money.. sae by fri return.. hope she reali keep her promise.. e $200 i borrow her.. i dun intend to ask from her le.. since she aso hard to support herself.. & it been quite long le.. but dis $100 must get back.. else i nt time reali not intend to borrow her le.. like is e trust i give to her.. if she break le.. doubt i can gif her le.. ah bI kinda busy dis daes.. hard to find time to tok aso.. but nvm la.. i understand.. navy alot of rules.. later bu xiao xin offend.. then kana confine.. i duN wan tat to hapPen ar.. he almost got todae.. but luckily his sgt let him off.. pHew :x will look forward to see him dis fri :) intend to buy n6280 le.. althought quite big ar.. but function all tat not bad.. but tink wait awhile more.. till e price drop more.. $400+ now sia.. since nokia phone drop v fast.. tink i wait more till end of dis mth.. then sign plan wif ah bi..hope will become cheaper ar..hP bill getting v expensive.. nid to sign up a more worth it plan le :x suddenly miss staying over at ah ru hse.. last time stay her hse.. v worry free. every dae wake up full wif energy.. sleep until enough.. then go makan.. shop.. go hme night watch vcd.. play computer.. reali a v worry free.. enjoyable life.. hope nt week can go her hse stay ar :x hope my pay dis month can more than $500 sia.. after cPf.. deduct of the 20% seem alot sia.. heart pain.. :xhab a hair cut at supercut at tiong juz now.. cut my frigde.. now still not v xi guan.. but seem look not bad on mi.. at least my hair not alot le.. wont look like my face been cover up by my thick hair sia :x3 more daes to fri.. muack :)
Memories that fades
6:18 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
t0dae dDnt go w0rk :) haPpi ar.. keep working for the past 3 daes.. kinda tired le sia.. luckily todae off ar.. else go work no motivation ar..
tues work from opening till 8pm.. at first is extend help zhiqiang.. who knw concess long quene.. derrick ask mi use his iD n open counter.. sian half ar..becoz later hab to clse counter again.. but luckily both mine n derrick de exact ar :D then wan go putch out.. cannot.. becoz manager habing meeting.. then the suhami scolding session aso.. sian half.. then rot around.. jasper came back and told us again kana e mystery shopper.. like no eye contact.. no smile.. greeting not loud enough..gif too less tissue.. frankly la.. gif too less tissue i find it stupid la.. it is not at if we wont gif u if they ask.. juz tat happen maybe we grab tat much onli.. then duno how cum they wan dis type of ting aso wan write down sia.. -_-"" like not v relevant to our customer service theme sia.. anyhow de.. tink maybe i try a dae of good customer services.. see i can tahan ma :x tink i been quite long since i provided a full thumb up service sia.. becoz 1 dae got one cork up customer.. spolit ur dae totally sia.. but tml i try :x like wat the gems tat ting is promoting about all playing a part in it inclusive of customer themselves playing their part of being a good customers sia..
guess it is quite hard to provide all round de good service.. remember i just cum in sia.. my attitude tink not bad de sia.. but since working so long.. tat attitude slowly gone sia.. :x tink see so many problemic cases n customers.. till sian half le sia.. i like n afraid of serving the "ah-mo" becoz they will be very friendly.. like smiling alot n saying compliment all tat :) but aso afraid of them becoz when ting goes wrong.. they are e one who will make a ting out of it ar :\ but tink everyting got 2 sides ar.. so no choice ar..
tml miting my sisters out.. mm.. not all la..onli mi, yong n janz.. at 1st todae aso de.. but de mC girl suddenly put aeroplane.. and i juz cant figure out why blogger put ** even on shit ar.. i try putting shit u on her tagbox and end up **** u.. scare she thought i scolding other word becoz happen aso 4 letter word ar :x intend to rot around but doubt be early.. becoz i working till 6pm.. tink tml hab to msg hadi cum earlier ar.. so i can do my clsing early. & aso hope my infection goes away.. else it is such a trouble sia..
juz now went cartel makan wif li.. & saw our mR kelvin came back wif his amry uniform -_-"" duno wan ke lian him or wat.. reservice after tat hab to come back to oversee ordering matter ar.. if he can fang xin let his manager do ar.. tink he wont be so busy le ar :x then tok rubbish his him.. of course more is his beloved cashier (li) la.. suan here n there.. been so long like we lame around becoz i haven work thr for about 2 mths. doubt they will nid me either since they are so many pple there.. so i might as well consider "quit" although offical word is not been made. "x but sadly, he ddnt stay long.. after i came back from the toilet.. he was gone for a meeting ar..
then we walk around.. soon went home.. becoz of my stupid infection come back.. spoilt my dae ar.. becoz i nid to go toilet v often.. becoz nid to drink lots of water.. so bu fang a urine infection ar.. so pple, must drink more water ok? dun like mi ar.. if kana.. it wont be cured.. wil come back de.. tat wat e doc sae last time.. some more got blood. becoz like ddnt drink enough water.. then ur urine system thr like got blood clot.. then when urine got abit pain.. but doc sae no choice.. nid to drink lots of water to wash out all e blood clot.. h0pe is juz urine infection ar.. not of wat other serious cases ar.. although i often joke bout after life tingy.. but if reali nid to go.. i wont se de ar.. though is not up to mi la .. but i haven fufill my accomplishment of life yet~ :x so how le.. got money aso no use.. health more important.. last time chiong at cathay.. not enough rest.. no meal for a dae or so.. onli work.. now regret ar... body now got so many problem.. last time so strong sia.. miz those dae ar :x
been like so long i update so much ar.. :x
sat meeting ling :) going to shop for my jean for my shitter pOp on nt wed.. becoz like no other proper jean ar.. nid to go find.. best is 3/4 de ar.. becoz now dun hab ar :x
then sun shitter coming out le :) thought sun night hab to go in.. but nt week his break block or wat de.. got more time together le.. trying out my cooking on sat.. learn from my mum alot bout soup.. then cooking veg.. now is left meat ar.. tink hab to find more cooking books on tat le.. then aso making my favourite shui jiao~ hope will be a successful one :)
Memories that fades
4:37 AM
Monday, March 06, 2006
yestErdae iS oN e misSion to hElp rEtrievE a ph0ne.. bUt thEn.. miSsion fAil bEc0z e pErs0n dDnt tuRn uP.. sO r0t aRound at tElok blAngah.. wAit hEre n tHr.. uNtil aBout 11.30pm.. b0th wAs exhauSted.. sO we dEcidEd to cAll it a dAe.. bUt thEn.. wE will naB iN oN aCtion on thuRs.. no doUbt oF tAt.. bUt aBle to Get baCk e ph0ne.. iS sTill a myStery aR..bUt sTill h0pe will gEt baCk.. thEn h0pe hE will gEt a lifE on hiS owN aFter tAt aR~!yEstErdae w0rkin wiF shaRon aNd a qUite new a fUll tiMErs.. t0k aBit wiF him.. thEn hE saE he wAn jOin rP aFter 2 yEars oF e c0ntrAct finiSh wIF cAthay.. aNd i waS "NO" :x hAa.. but nO oBjectiOn iF hE wAna join Ar.. bEc0z iS nEar hiS houSe at w0odlaNd ma.. thEn daNiel ch0o ca.. aSo aSk mI aBout Rp lifE foR hiS frIEnd.. lIke sO mAny pE0ple intErested in rP oF a sudDen aR.. thEN danIel cAse dE bEc0z hE saE hiS frIend nO ch0ice.. sO i guEss oNli wiSh hiS fRiend g0od luCk aR.. rEali duNo rP sTudeNts will gEt rEcongizE oUtsidE e w0rking w0rld.. bEc0z oUr sTudies aRe s0 diffErent fr0m other p0ly.. onLi cAn wAit e fiRst bAtch oF rP sTudEnts whO jUz gRaduate f0r the rEsult bA..0ne oF mY eAr lIke kaNa blOck.. duNo h0w cUm.. v unC0mfortAble.. sOmem0re hArder to liSten..aR.. siaNz~dun0 h0w saT g0es sIa.. dUn wAna sTay aT h0me.. mM.. duNo xiAo gOu thR de sIde h0w.. iF nOt sTeady.. g0tten ask my othEr frIends aR.. i dUn wAna sTay at h0me oN saT~ :Ph0pe diS oNc0ming daes oF w0rk will bE slaCking ar.. i aM rEali tiRed ar..luCkily yEsterdae dDnt slEpt 2 laTe.. elsE i gTten bE a dEad fiSh todae..8 daEs oF my pUn POP~~!
Memories that fades
5:25 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
t0dae intend to go out de.. at first is mit li rot.. then after tat msg her,she ddnt reply.. then msg ling.. then aso n0t miting le.. but aso abit tired after w0rking todae ar.. t0dae c0nsider busy dae ar.. s0memre g0t pr0blem wif the ticket stubs.. then eve c0me d0wn.. sc0ld dis n tat.. not sc0ld mi la.. sc0ld e manager.. bec0z he do wr0ngly ar.. :x i juz c0ncentrate on clearing my quene sia..after w0rk.. pei jY r0t ar0und.. intend go n catch a sh0w.. wana see rum0ur has it.. but he w0rking at 8pm.. then the sh0w 8.10pm finish.. then like see le.. aso like not see finish sia.. half half.. then bo pian next time then see.. s0memore cl0sing quite long.. about 6.30pm then finish cl0sing.. then go b1 pei him makan.. r0t.. till ab0ut 8pm.. g0 h0me lorz..aH pun b0oking 0ut tml le.. c0unting d0wn to his p0p.. suDdenly seem so fast sia.. about 1 week 5 daEs.. he out from tek0ng le .. :x duNo is reali 0ut ma.. h0pe so la.. if later post back same to tek0ng.. nt time travelling time aso same tat l0ng ar~next week mon, tues, wed and fri chi0ng cathay.. thurs put cartel.. kinda h0pe li ddnt help mi send my constrait.. so thurs i g0t one dae off.. can rest awhile.. probably mit up my friends.. yuHua,ling.. starry.. etc.. all like so long ddnt see.. especially yuhua, my childhood friend.. like about a year since i last saw her ar.. then sat ah pun not cuming out.. so i can go out n enJoy mY lady night again~ i wana see alot of show.. especially.. mY girl and i.. but i waiting to see wif my ah pUn..~~ bec0z tat sh0w tink v t0uching..tiNk see wif him better :xi so kinda shag out these daes.. dizzy spells are back.. h0pe is not a sign of wat so ever big illness ar.. i hab so many tings i haven do ar.. dun0 wana change ph0ne ma.. wana save uP my money but buy the phone.. mean one big half aso g0ne le.. *re-considering...*
Memories that fades
5:48 AM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Too bored ar.. so try janz blog de quiz test... and it is surprising accurate sia :x but must 1st instinct de answer ar..dun tink too much.. then will agar quite accurate la..Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Memories that fades
4:25 AM