Saturday, April 29, 2006
n0w blogging at ah pun hse.. is already 2.30am in the mrning but i jUz cant sleep.. juz finish bathing and co0king sUpper for ah pun who is now playing dota ar..juz came h0me from cluBbing.. mM.. first time sia.. ddnt reali dance.. is like shy + dun dare ar.. anyway, went with ah pun and his army friends.. + one of their gf.. s0 overrall is like 6 guys and 2 gals.. ah pun like keep encouraging me to dance but i like so pai sei.. tink if went with my own grp of friends, i will be more daring ba.. :x luckily pun ddnt like f0rce me or wat.. tink my face is all written i am nt tat enth into tat but he wan me to try n learn lor..never mind.. tink nt time i go wif my click to brush up my skills first :x went to gallery hotel.. is so empty sia.. reach thr about 10+pm till 1am+ but the place is still empty.. onli went we going home tat time, then g0t more people cuming in sia..anyway, it is a experience la..b4 tat.. went to see the art 0f seducation.. is fuNny ar.. miz abit of the fr0nt coz late again.. duno how cum mst of the time see sh0w wif pun.. will late de sia .. :X sh0w is nice but e ending abit lame and ?? la.. :x overrall nice show.. dun reveal too much.. bec0z janz haven watch ar.. muSt got some suspense :xhab an sort of quarral wif pun yesterdae.. juz tat a small matter..and not reali my fault.. juz tat g0t him scolded by his mum. bec0z i miting yili take ting.. then since he is in the mist of his game, s0 wana ownself go back.. then he can slowly play.. he g0t sae he wana send me back.. but i reject.. then tink his mum nag him.. then as i was about to leave.. he suddenly came out wif a black face.. then sae send me h0me. then i anyting lor.. on e way.. ask him isnt angry wif me all tat.he sae n0pe which doesnt reflect wat is written on his face lor.. reach my hse downstair.. like wan t0k to him about the problem. he like dun care lor.. play wif ph0ne.. touch here n there.. then dun wan reply me.. at tat p0int.. reali v disappointment and upset.juz feel tat he cant wait for me to leave..luckily got yuhua tok wif me abit thr e night.. make me feel better..todae meeting wif him to go makan wif his dad.. still abit s0re.. kana treat him quite cold.. guess e hurt is d0ne.. its hard to forget..0nli manage to tok thr e problem when reach his hse..he apologize ab0ut acting in tat way..and i accept.. but guess e scar is still tat thr..i dun0 whether will we last.. but definately i h0pe to.. is juz tat all dis scars.. add up to quite a big impact on me to him..i alway tinking h0w important of me to him.. especially when we quarral.. he can juz like treat me like s0meone he hate.. is reali tat hurting to see the actions he did.. doubt he w0nt realise it..and i am not sure even though i may tell him about it.. he wont do it.. bec0z when people get angry.. i dun tink he will react in a normal way..althought i knw he treat me as someone who is important to him.. but on certain circustances, i doubt dis even though h0w angry or upset u are, i dun tink u will reali go hurt him/her..i am tired.dis 2 weeks is habing disagreement.. true, his temper is better.. but still.. when he is angry or wat.. is different matter.i will learn to tell h0w my tinking, unhappiness, and i dun wan to be so pushover..maybe then, he will understand and learn...let e future leads our relationship.. meantime.. i will still put in my 100% in dis relationship..and i believe he still will be..
Memories that fades
11:31 AM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
juz cAme baCk fRom w0rk.. sLacking dAe as uSual.. eArly in e mRning g0t 2 entertaining cuStomers to pEi me whilE i woRk le :x b0th are waiting for e exmax cOunter(computers) to open at 12pm.. but tink they th0ught as last time.. at 9am.. then pEi me chat about an h0ur..2 guyS which i duN qUite reMember e nAme..onE is billy.. another one duNo wat.. tiNk they quite olD le, tiNk one ab0ut 29 le ba.. :x thEn t0k t0gether about army.. thEn hoildae..etc.. althought g0t lost here n thr.. but thank to them for my mrning entertainment ar :xtRying t0 find e stupid doggy wh0 sEem to vanished int0 air.. mSg me a msg then i reply le.. then no answer le.. try calling to her hP n her hse.. but noone answer sia..w0rking halfway then no electricity.. luckily onli e back counter which mean e hot snacks and p0pcorn.. then jeffery cum uP do.. then change wat plug all tat.. then bec0me the front counters and dispenser aso cant sia :x then adjust e switches all tat.. luckily e front counter, dispenser and popcorn warmer is back.. but hot snacks still d0wn.. then eve sae must make delievery.. pity dion and xue ting who doing clsing.. mean they going be v buSy ar..went to clse counter slightly early.. bec0z meeting exmax,jarma see "take e lead" . clsing found frm tat i sh0rt $9.. :( then juz sign the shortage form..then pass to kanu..sadded arwent to watch e show at l9.t0ok hotdog along to makan :x and i must sae it a nice show~! i am so motivate to learn dancing.. salsa dance,tango,etc.. arh~! so sexy n nicE~ "p muSt watch ar.. juz their dance can captivate u le :x it is also quite a full show.. then tink base on the overrall atm0sphere, guess e other customers will agree same as me :)juz dun0 how cum our cinema e d0or so hard to open meh? todae another time i hab to go in front to help open e do0r.. thr is a quene of customers thr le.. and the guys in front cant seem to open.. they just push the handle down but they ddnt push~! h0w to open sia -_-"" tat time i see show aso like tat.. also go in front help to open e do0r sia :xthr e show, xue ting call me.. and i pick up then she told me a go0d new.. my $9 is f0und :x is a vouncher and $2 off below my cash registar which i ddnt pick up to see :x but since i already sign e shortage form.. so i juz take e cash lorz.. so i got advance $9 pay :)aM so bRoke n0w.. not reali tat br0ke.. but am reaching e limit of my bank a/c. am not going to take out anym0re money.. juz transfer $50 to y0ng.. h0pe she can return me by e end of dis month.. and i wan to take frm doggy 2.. h0pe she reply my mSg to sae she g0t sia.. else.. i g0tten eat air le..s0memre g0tten clubbing wif boi and his army friends dis sat.. tink gtten cost alot.. my first trip thr if comfirm going.. actually aso not tat interest to go.. boi 2.. but his friend jio.. he dun wan wet blanket.. then ask me along lorz.. bec0z i g0t mention i quite curious about how clubbing is like.. then can go together ar ") aM going to see art of seducation dis sat 2 :) s0rry banana ar.. cant steady go wif u all ar :xi aM lo0kin forward to my weekend :)project is killing me.. trying to squeeze out time to complete some part of it.. and i am vexed tinking about my team already lagging behind and we hab to do a whole website like within a month and also hab to submit a full report~!i hate final year project~
Memories that fades
7:01 AM
Friday, April 21, 2006
haB a tiRing dae todae.. but enjoyaBle :) ruSh h0me aFter sCh to gEt reaDy to miT aH puN.. t0ok a bus over which seem forever.. guess i am reali l0oking forward to miting him :x haB a quIte long t0k wif each other which makes us understand sth mre of each better :) aM glaD tat he is trying to c0ntrol tings tat i duN like.. guEss tat is compRomise ba :)haB a v full diNner.. eAt sTingray.. dim sUm and yOu bian.. eat v slowly while enjoying our talks..then went to rent "nanny mcpee" and back t0 pun hse to watch.. nice show :) pUn send mi hme althought he is tired and regardless of hw i argue.. and he is too tired to drive back so is now sleeping at the car downstair my hse :x agar sleep downstair for half an hour since i came up bec0z he "force" me out of car.. :X bec0z nid wake up early tml mit him n his mum for breakfast.. so wan me go hme sleep early..gtten enjoy my rest of e weekend.. yiPee~!hab to start my final project le..sian ar ;x
Memories that fades
9:28 AM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
jUz fiNish t0king 0n ph0ne wiF puN jUz n0w.. hE kInDa flAre uP 0n me bEc0z i duN undErstand whAt he mEant.. & hE keEp rEpeating.. bEc0z he is t0king ab0ut the incident which 1 of his buckmate do which make him angRy.. then tink when he t0k to dis again.. he flare up then i sway sway kana ar.. but never mind la.. g0od ting is he should be w0nt kana comfined.. yesterdae after his sir caught 19 of them not sleeping.. he wake e whole platetoo uP.. then punish them make them run here and there.. then one of his sgt plead for them.. then ask them g0t any unhappiness.. tell sir all tat.. then after they tell le.. todae they treat them better le sia :x still gif them time to sleep.. which is the 1st time i heard tat they actually got time to sleep sia :x becoz most of them time they be out of the buck and until come back at evening.. anyway.. g0od tat he ddnt confined :)todae hab accounting module.. 0k la.. 1st lesson all theory.. abit some ddnt come across.. learning the financial statement which consists of income statement( p & l) balance sheet , cash flow statement and statement of equity which i ddnt heard dis b4. but agar make me understand better.. h0pe i can sc0re in my tests :)tml h0pe sch end earlier.. so i can rush h0me.. to get ready to mit my pun :)nightz out..
Memories that fades
5:58 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
saDdded sia.. aH pUn kaNa confIned~! aNd iS mY faUlt lOr.. bEc0z he is tRying to mSg mE e gd night mSg aR..gulIty sia.. thEn sWay sWay hiS sIr wAlk paSs.. thEn cAught hIm + another 18 pEople wHo aRe still awAke.. thEn haB to confinEd le lOrz.. h0pe hiS sGt g0t eNought tAlking poWer to pUll hIm oUt oF diS ting :(jUz n0w mEet lI n y0ng go hanS Eat.. thEn haPpen kAir w0rking todae.. then treat them free drink + mE 2 :) then jAlan aRound.. then g0 h0me le.. tiRed ar.. haB to sleep early else tml going to be a tiring dae le..i h0pe my prayers will be answered... :(
Memories that fades
6:57 AM
Monday, April 17, 2006
sObs sia.. saVe e ph0to from sat when i go z0o wif pun, his little bro n his friend as draft then now gone le sia.. sadded.. nid wait till sat when go pun sch then can upload sia :xso meanwhile....stay tune....:xanyway, todae 1st dae of school.. tired sia.. went sch wif aixia,then kair join us halfway wif yunjing + another hendersonian. after tat meet fangru, sibao and jennifer to walk over rP like university sia.. e layout all tat.. got big lobby.. then lead to 7 eleven, library. canteen then nid to walk deeper then reach classroom. canteen so small sia.. lunch time so many people. then see the quene aso dun feel like eating le.. brought the mango milk tea.. but okok la.. food thr is very expensive sia.. i mean more ex than my old canteen la.. but variety is alot more.. but canteen so small.. got food, no place to eat sia :xgot a new class.. but luckily but my bud wif me.. fangru :) then kianhua happen to be the same class as mi. he is my primary sch cum secondary sch friend ar ;x then another 2 from my ex class. so generally not tat lonely la..classmates seem generally friendly though haven interact much la.. hope tml can same team wif fangru again todae is hard.. ddnt manage to finish it.. headache sia.. but tink 1st dae.. teacher more relax.. but she v lo so sia.. talk until 4pm.. buay tahan.. last time about 3.30pm latest go off le sia..wan to go hme, but it is raining so heavily.. no choice hab to walk. mi n fangru share sibao umberalla and sibao t0ok mine becoz mine so small sia.. onli allow for one.. got umberalla aso not much different.. drenched aso sia.. wind keep blowing by the side sia -_-"" and my shoes are soaking wif totally exhausted.. hope teacher for tml class will be relaxing, let us go home earlier.. gif grade more generous :x
Memories that fades
3:01 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
A bit late for dis pictures as i only manage to take from ah pun computer on the weekend. about 2 months le. taken on pun POP

nice nice pix i clse my eyes.. wasted sia -_-""
dis is alot better... *sweet*

full house :x except tat his little brother ddnt cum ar.. me, pun, his second brother and his mummy. look v young hor? my bro sae tat 2 :)
i look so stiff sia.. and so mo sheng :p
is been quite some time till now le.. even ah pun has gone more thinner le sia.. me le.. new hair cut.. frige become shorter and hair become thinner le :x
Memories that fades
10:45 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
aNother sh0pping dae sia.. gulity gulity.. :x anywAy, will be the last dae tat i be going shopping since i will be meeting pun the next few daes.. and i kn0w i w0nt go sh0pping le.. bec0z he will c0ntrol me sia :x and i tink i spend enough.. tink i spend total $92 sia~!.. yesterdae spend about $60.then todae $32.. pr0mise myself i w0nt go sh0pping for meantime.. but i tink i will spend maybe m0re one mre skirt :x but tat will definately wait till next month :p
mit yuhua at bugis.. went temple pray 1st.. then went walk around bugis street.. and saw dis slipper.. :) $10. tink is quite okay la.. not tat expensive.. so i brought it la.. juz tat tink i gtten wash dis slipper quite often.. somemre made of cloths.. gtten be v xiao xin when washing else i may accidently wash a big hole out sia.. :x

then went parco bugis and brought dis sia.. considered for quite sometime.. then went edge to l0ok.. then still found dis nice and slighter cheaper.. then go n buy lorz.. $22.. quite expensive la.. considering it is quite less cloths.. but i simply like it ar.. after all, it is the last dae of my spending.. so okay ar :x

hab a eNjoyable dae catching up wif her.. been quite long tat i talk tat much wif her.. most of the stuffs can share wif her 2.. after all.. we been friends since k1.. and thr is a very strong bond between us..
yi han ting is forget take pix wif her ar~! nt time must remember le..
not going make sushi dis week for pun :( at first wana go ling hse tonight to make e rice.. but she sae not enough time.. then stayin over at pun hse on fri n sat.. so dun hab time le..else i nt week try at home make :) gif him a surprise la..sian ar.. hoildae getting shOrter.. i wan a longer hoildae.. never seem to be enough :x
Memories that fades
7:04 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
went shopping wif sibao and fangru todae. it seem quite sometime since i last spend money on clthing le sia. tink e last one is during the chinese new year. so is about 4 months i hab not buy any clthin :x achievement la.. in saving money :P went to marine square firstly to buy the mp3 for kanu. shop aRound but ddnt see any nice clthing or wat. so decide to head to town. t0ok e shuttle bus from there. and is like so fang pian. dun need walk back mrt :x
first st0p: far east. saw dis pant thr and brought it. cost mi $35. tink is okay ba. saw another shorter version but tat make my tight lo0k so big sia.. then try dis one.. and like cover much more of my fats :x then buy lor. and it aso cum wif a belt which i tink nice ar :x smemore i got so few pants, tink it is juz nice add another collection to my pants :)

walk frm thr to pS. went i brought my dis 2 top at thr. it is a combination which i find it not bad. aso can wear seperately la.. is $12 each for the top and total i pay $24. tink is okay least a different type of clthing than my usual tees la.. more mature looking :)

ah pun brought dis for mi last sat when we go wisma to shop for his bro present.saw another white necklace make up wif sea shells. but ah pun sae i look nicer on dis. wait nt month i get my pay, then head back thr to see. if hab then i buy, if dun hab then too bad no fate ar :P

tml meeting up wif yuhua then going bugIs. hope can find cheap top n shorts and probably shoe 2 :) gtten save up after dis month le.. :( hope i can get back most of the cash so i got enough for my hp bill later... *more money pls :x*
lo0king forward to thurs. waiting for ling to ask her mum on how to make sushi rice. wana make for pun but duno can make it on time ma.. else hab to wait next week le lor.. but got lesser time becoz i start sch le.. :(
more hoildae n more money pls ... :x
Memories that fades
6:47 AM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Haa.. i fiNally kn0w h0w to upload ph0to from e phone le.. oKay la.. mI aBout idoit aBout sUch tiNgy.. nOw thEn reAlise iS so eAsy.. bEcoz laSt tiMe conNect, nO sIgnAl.. thEn thought nId to iNstall wAt tiNgy.. jUz nOw got inStall e cD giVen bUt thEn rEalise iS nOt nEeded :x & i bE poSting uP more pHoto nExt timE :)
aM a mOre hAppy giRl nOw bEcoz oF sOme aCcomplishEd.. bUt n0t tat haPpy yEt :

Taken in e cAr dIs mRning when going mAkan wif hiS mUm n brothers :x he lOok sO fieRce sia.. aNd i dReamy :x My haIr sEem likE in a mEss sia :x

jUz luB hiS cAt.. :) saw hEr "tiao cAr" :x sO cute.. thEn fAster go take sia.. sHe look likE stAring At e cAmEra sia.. mAybe sHe dUn likE taKe pHoto :x
pRobably going to zoo nExt fRi wIf sWeet0 aNd hiS fRiend.. goIng tAke aLot of pHoto lE :x
guEss hE aso rEalisE tat oUr rElatiOnsHip haS bEcomE quIetEr.. sO noT jUz mI whO has rEalisE it.. jUz tAt he dDnt saE.. bUt gUess cAnt dO muCh.. bEcoz i aSo kNow hE v tiRed.. aNd oNli can rEst dUring e wEekend..fuRthermRe hE mOre tAlkativE in hiS buNk.. sO wAna to bE a littLe mRe qUiet whEn he cum baCk.. mAybe i cAn sLowly aDjuSt to diS.. *hOpEfully*
tml wOrking 9aM to 6Pm at eMax.. guEss iS aNother bOring dAe.. bOi bOoking oUt oN thuRs bEcoz fRi is a pUblic hoiLdae :) 4 mRe dAes oNli.. buT aFter tat.. sCh rEopen le :( saddEd sia..
pRay mRe hoIldae cum faSter n loNger .. :x
Memories that fades
7:40 AM
Friday, April 07, 2006
bAck fRom oUtside.. thaNk foR e concErn.. i aM alRight.. eSpecially aFter t0king oUt wiF ling yeSterdae..guEss mAybe tiNgs stArt to chAnge.. tAt y i bEc0me sO unhAppy Or wAt..h0pe wE w0nt rEach e exTend of n0thing to tAlk.. iT will bE t0o h0pelEss thEn.. dun kn0w h0w l0ng it will laSts.. but i will be kEeping qUiet diS meantime..guEss mAybe gIrls jUz luB to tiNk aLot to mAke oUr miNd m0re 0ccupy then..but reali h0pe is not tat serious as it is..guess is true tat it is hard to go back to e past mi.. i hab change.. definately.. to s0meone temper is not tat g0od.. ling sae i bec0me more normal.. maybe to her.. anger is in my list of emtions now but last time, not. tat y to her is normal.. but i dun like e anger on e list. i rather juz : happy, naive,carefree. i dun wan to tink so much.. so complicated and make life unhappy.. will learnt to control my temper.. heard sth from ah bi which i naturally become pissed off.. guess for dis case. is hard to control. they was habing swimming in the aftern0on. and for duno wat, their sir ask them to shout "quack,quack" like treating them like ducks sia.. then the sir n sgt was like laughing. its like mocking at them lorz.. then g0t some of them still quack until so happy sia.. ah bi ddnt reali follow.. onli when his sir ask him to, then he juz mutter. duno wat e sir has in mind sia.. is like taking them as his own entertainment.. sick0 reali.. ddnt treat them like human like tat.. wan complain about dis sir aso cant sia.. later them g0t more worst stuffs. then jia lat.. haxi..went to see show wif jasper in the aftern00n..hills has eyes n failure to launch.. hills has eyes is so bloody sia.. and e story move v fast sia.. g0od la.. not v draggy.. failure to launch is nice 2.. funny n touching :) then rot around wif jY, jasper.. cynthnia while waiting for sweet0 to b0ok out.. then go makan and try to find present for his 2nd bro birthdae present.. but still cant find.. seeing him so tired.. then suggest go hme lorz.. h0pe tml will be a enjoyable dae. staying over at his hse :)kaNu getting married dis year end.. is so sudden when i heard from her.. she been posted to l4 as a sup doing clsing all tat.. then g0t more clse wif her dis daes.. sae is matchmake frm her parents. then she also like the guy. then the families arrange, for dis year end to marry. so sweet sia :) glad tat she found her man who i hope will treat her his very best..bec0z is her 1st bf, she duno how to be gf. in e sense her bf birthdae.. she juz wish him happi birthdae.. ddnt tink of getting him present or wat.. then go home.. aso wont like call him or wat :x she look like mi in e past sia..everyting aso duno.. tink it juz need time to let her expose, and she will learn to be a sweet gf :) saw her boi todae.. he accompany her to work and back to jB again..s weet sia.. heard tat he dis few daes aso fetch her to work when he work late e previous night.. sweet :)heard tat derrick is going causeway be ATM(assistant thretha manager) sad sia.. all e good manager going away.. hope he will stay sia.. now l4 e managers all v steady le.. jasper.derrick and kanu.. if he go, then one v strict de cum.. surely v sian de sia.. :x
Memories that fades
7:13 AM
Monday, April 03, 2006
dDnt haB a fAnastic wEeKend.. th0ugh spEnd wiF aH bi, fElt tat s0metiNg iS laCking ar.. nO.. wE ddnt haB an qUaRral.. juZ mYself feeling aBit mo0dsWing oF bEing nEgleCted .. tiNk mAybe mEnse tiNg mAke mi m0odsWing aLot.. aH bI kn0w s0metiNg iS wRong.. buT i duN tiNk iS nEccEssary to saE much bEc0z pr0bably jUz an0ther m0odswIng of miNe.. buT i tiNk i gEtting pEtty oVer diS dAes.. unhAppy bOut diS n tAt whicH moSt of iT doUbt hE kn0w la.. h0pe mY menSe fAster end.. aNd mAy mI rEturn t0 n0rmal..rEali h0pe to rEturn to e paSt mI.. e oNe wiF e bEtter tEmper.. 0ne tat can "reN".. onE wh0 w0nt anyh0w fa pI qi.. mY tEmper sEem t0 haB g0ne baD 0vEr e yeArs.. i rAther bE puSh aRound.. qI fu.. thAn to haB a woRst-eR teMper.. guEss wE jUz chANge sO uNexpEcted tAt i dDnt rEalise tat chAnce iN mE oNli till rEcent dAes.. guEss i g0ing to tRy g0 baCk to e olD mI.. maNage mY tEmPer wEll.. mAybe thEn, i will bE m0re haPpier.. bEc0z i w0nt bE uPset oVer sMall tiNgs.. bE sImple mInded.. h0pe mY m0odsWing will paSt fast.. i miZ him th0ugh.. m0mentS bEing sH0rt diS daEs.. aNd i h0pe hE aSo eNjoy th0se short m0ment wif mi though..
Memories that fades
9:07 AM